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File metadata and controls

173 lines (138 loc) · 7.74 KB

Container Insight ECS Prometheus

NOTE: This is doc for developing this feature, for user doc please check user guide.


Quick Start

After building your own image you can use this cfn to launch the collector on ECS EC2 cluster.

export CLUSTER_NAME=aoc-prometheus-dashboard-1

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name AOC-Prometheus-ECS-${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --template-body file://aws-otel-container-insights-prometheus-ec2-deployment-cfn.yaml \
    --parameters ParameterKey=ClusterName,ParameterValue=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
                 ParameterKey=CreateIAMRoles,ParameterValue=${CREATE_IAM_ROLES} \
                 ParameterKey=CollectorImage,ParameterValue=${COLLECTOR_IMAGE} \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

It will create the following resource:

  • SSM parameter
  • IAM roles, AWSOTelRolePrometheusECS and AWSOTelExecutionRolePrometheusECS by default
  • ECS task definition and replica service

If you need to test your image frequently, you need a script to update SSM parameter, push the image, scale service down to 0 and back to 1. The cloudformation stack is a bit slow for iteration. (The script is an exercise for the reader, hint: aws cli can't upload ssm parameter value from file name)


NOTE: some problems (or problematic solutions...) also apply to (are copied from) Container Insights EKS Prometheus.

To understand the codebase, check README in ecsobserver . You can also use cloudwatch-agent as reference.

Label, Relabel and Dimension

Labels are key value pairs e.g. env=prod. They are called Dimension in CloudWatch. There is no direct translation from label to dimension because CloudWatch does not support too many dimensions. Metrics declaration allow picking some labels as dimension. There is also dimension rollup, but we disable it using NoDimensionRollup.

For builtin dashboard to work, specific metric dimensions are required. In ecsobserver, we export labels with __meta_ecs_ prefix (e.g. __meta_ecs_task_definition_family), which is different from cloudwatch-agent. Using __ prefix is more popular in prometheus's builtin discovery implementations, so we followed that instead when porting the discovery logic. For getting a dimension like TaskDefinitionFamily in CloudWatch we go through two steps:

  • prometheus relabel ensures we carry the label down the pipeline, otherwise all __ are dropped. __meta_ecs_task_definition_family=MyTask becomes TaskDefinitionFamily=MyTask
  • emf's metrics declaration picks some label as metric dimension, other labels becomes structured log field. MyTask becomes a dimension value that will show up in dashboard when you slice and dice.
        - job_name: "ecssd"
          relabel_configs:  # Relabel here because label with __ prefix will be dropped by receiver.
            - source_labels: [ __meta_ecs_task_definition_family ] # TaskDefinitionFamily
              action: replace
              target_label: TaskDefinitionFamily
      - dimensions: [ [ ClusterName, TaskDefinitionFamily, ServiceName ] ] # dimension names are same as our relabeled keys.
          - label_names:
              - ServiceName
            regex: '^.*nginx-service$'
          - "^nginx_.*$"

job Label

We allow user to specify different names using job_name in config. They are NOT exported as job and uses the value from job_label_name as exported label key (e.g. prometheus_job). Then in processors we use metricstransform processor to rename promethus_job back to job.

Why don't we just use job directly? Short answer is prometheus receiver does not support specifying job in discovery output. We use file_sd as the actual discovery implementation to bridge our discovery result, all the targets are under the job ecssd in prometheus config. However, prometheus receiver does not behave exactly like prometheus, it relies on job name for detecting metrics type. If we export target with job nginx-prometheus-exporter, receiver will look up metadata cache using nginx-prometheus-exporter while the only job in cache is ecssd, the result is metric type unknown. The comment in this PR gives more detail and links to upstream issue.

  ecs_observer: # extension type is ecs_observer
    # custom name for 'job' so we can rename it back to 'job' using metricstransform processor
    job_label_name: prometheus_job
    result_file: '/etc/ecs_sd_targets.yaml'
      - name_pattern: '^.*nginx-service$' # NGINX
          - 9113
        job_name: nginx-prometheus-exporter

        - job_name: "ecssd"
            - files:
                - '/etc/ecs_sd_targets.yaml' # MUST match the file name in ecs_observer.result_file

      - include: ".*" # Rename customized job label back to job
        match_type: regexp
        action: update
          - label: prometheus_job # must match the value configured in ecs_observer
            new_label: job
            action: update_label

prom_metric_type Label

prom_metric_type is a label only used by CloudWatch builtin dashboards. In order to do that, we changed EMF exporter to look up resource attributes and change output when receiver is prometheus . However, recevier is not a default attribute, and we insert it manually using resource processor. In another word, our solution only works when prometheus receiver is the only metrics receiver sending metrics to CloudWatch EMF exporter in the pipeline.

      - key: receiver # Insert receiver: prometheus for CloudWatch EMF Exporter to add prom_metric_type
        value: "prometheus"
        action: insert

Future Work

Cluster name auto detection

Unlike EKS, ECS has a reliable way to discover current cluster using endpoint provided by ECS agent. We didn't include it in initial release because we already have two components with duplicated code for metadata client.

To implement this feature, just check metadata API if user give empty cluster name. Scraping metrics in cluster A using collector running in cluster B is a valid use case, so we shouldn't override cluster name if user already provide one. In fact, the collector can run anywhere as long as it can connect to AWS API and ECS tasks.


  • 2021-06-23 @pingleig init the doc, ported from #435