- Fix strings, methods in talk.rb/enum kind
== TODO list
LDAP support for UMCP Directory IDs. Using these is one less barrier to adoption, since people already have a directory ID.
Also see:
- {UMD CAS FAQ}[http://login.umd.edu/developer.html]
- {devise_cas_authenticatable}[https://github.com/nbudin/devise_cas_authenticatable]
Support for tags. The idea would be able to create a "smart" list based on tags indicated by the user. For example, all talks that have tag Foo but not tag Bar. This list is automatically updated whenever new talks are put in the system.
More efficient queries in functions added to models/list.rb, models/user.rb, and models/talk.rb
rss/ical feeds - only include past n talks, e.g., past 1 year
restrict "all" talks to some time period (1-2 years?)
watch implementation
- Send email (only) to new list subscribers if talk is cross-posted to a new list
- Send email on cancellation
- Indicate in email update whether you are subscribed to the talk or not
disable (really) users from cancelling accounts? or enable it fully
what happens to posted talks when a user is deleted?
icon for poster?
what happens if talk cross-posted by another user, then orig user tries to edit the talk?
Also, when I changed my password, it behaved oddly. It immediately said I was not authorized to access the page I was on, because, I think, it kicked me off of the site. I had to log in again, and now things seem to be OK.
Have an option for people to subscribe not only to talks but also to Deptl scheduling (meetings, picnics, and maybe even spring break dates, end of classes, last day to submit grades, etc).
link to it on the dept home page
It'd be nice to have a way to get a list of all talks in the coming week e-mailed to me on Sunday (regardless of my subscriptions). This way I can discover new talks/lists that would be interesting without remembering to check the talks page each week.
The "Watch" button changes to "Unsubscribe" when you click on it, not "Unwatch".
Support email from list organizer to all subscribers.
One anomaly I've noticed in the interface for entering talk data is the deletion of carriage returns in abstracts / bios. One the one hand, this is useful when e.g. one is cutting and pasting from an e-mail message that includes (emacs-inserted) hard carriage returns at the ends of lines. On the other, it also removes paragraph boundaries, leading to awkward-sounding phrasing. How about this as an alternative: one or fewer CRs -> 0 CR. >= 2 CRs -> 2 CRs?
Note when can post a talk to a list?
mobile web site
no email on talk cancellation?
If at some point you feel inspired to create something similar (or even have the very same facility extended) for deptl events more generally (meetings, picnics, etc) that would be even better.
registration email should come from talk organizer, rather than talks@cs.
comma after room number
Room/building flip
add licensing
When receiving an email announcement for a talk, it would be nice to also see why one is getting the announcement (e.g., what group the talk is associated with). Otherwise it can be difficult, for example, to distinguish a department-wide speaker (e.g., faculty candidate) from someone speaking in the privacy seminar.
Clean up this week emails to organize by day of the week
Better error message when bad email address is put into registration information.
Double-check logic for owner of list being able to edit talk:
Sent mail to (15ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 36ms
Net::SMTPSyntaxError (501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax): app/controllers/talks_controller.rb:188:in `external_register'
Fix config/initializers/secret_token.rb to not appear in github at all, in case it misleads someone.
Fix redirect to always go to the right page (e.g., registration).
Some way to privately mark hiring talks (or similar) so that mark is only visible locally.
Ability to archive old lists
Email reminders - send one reminder per talk, rather than a digest
Plain text email option
Fixed delayed jobs stuff so it actually works
Feature to mark certain rooms in buildings as special and then use their names, like
When an event is scheduled for CSIC 1115, it should be listed as Horvitz Lecture Hall (CSIC 1115). When an event is scheduled for CSIC 3117, it should be listed as Dante Consulting Classroom (CSIC 3117)
Remove perm_create_talk from Users
Talk#poster? deprecated?
talk_test.rb, email_watchers?
devise config update when 4.1 comes out
trigger_watch_email shouldn't be a param for a talk
"My list" on user#show includes owned talks, but these are not included in emails or feeds (not in subscribed)
Rails 5, comment out line "config.log_level = :debug" in production.rb (no longer necessary)
Use hash#dig for RDL::Info#get, eventually
Feedback, enforce 5000 char limit with some javascript
Super isn't handled correctly by wrapping straetgy, fixing it will be complex.