Castor is a template engine for PHP, using syntax similar to PHP.
- A simple Api to inject data and to generate content
- A language with a syntax similar to PHP, but a bit simpler to ease learning
- Templates can be a file or a simple string
- Efficient generator: template files are "compiled" to PHP files
- A sandbox mode, to fetch untrusted templates (templates uploaded by a user in a CMS for example). This mode has less capabilities of course.
- A plugin system, similar to Smarty plugins.
- Plugins can be specific to a content type (HTML, XML, text…), so they produced right content.
- a system of “meta”: allow the template to expose data to PHP code. For example, a "meta" can be an url of a stylesheet to use with the generated content.
Castor was formerly known as jTpl and was used in the Jelix Framework since 2006. There was a specific version, "jTpl standalone", existing for years to use jTpl without Jelix, but it was never released as a stable version.
In 2015, jTpl was completely "extracted" from Jelix (starting to Jelix 1.7), and is now available as a standalone component under the name "Castor", with true stable releases.
You can install it from Composer. In your project:
composer require "jelix/castor"
A template file:
{! autoescape !}
{foreach $users as $user}
<li>{$user->name} ({$user->birthday|datetime:'d/m/Y'})
The PHP code:
// directory where compiled templates are stored
$cachePath = realpath(__DIR__.'/temp/') . '/';
// directory where templates can be found
$templatePath = __DIR__.'/';
// create a configuration object. See its definition to learn about all of its options
$config = new \Jelix\Castor\Config($cachePath, $templatePath);
// let's create a template engine
$tpl = new \Jelix\Castor\Castor($config);
// assign some values, so they will be available for the template
$users = array(
// User in an example class...
new User('Tom', '2001-02-01'),
new User('Laurent', '1990-03-01'),
new User('Bob', '1970-05-25')
$tpl->assign('users', $users);
$tpl->assign('titre', 'This is a test !');
// content is generated from the given template file and returned
$content = $tpl->fetch('test.tpl');
// or content is generated from the given template file and sent directly to the browser
To know more, see the docs/ directory.