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File metadata and controls

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In the following sections an overview of the previous pipeline steps, and the new ones are given as well as a basic example pipeline.

Pipeline Syntax

Existing pipeline jobs can be migrated using the pipeline syntax given in the following table.

Step Name v2.x Step Name v3.x
testFolder ttRunTestFolder
testPackage ttRunPackage
testProject ttRunProject
startET ttStartTool
stopET ttStopTool
publishATX ttUploadReports
publishETLogs ttProvideLogs
publishTRF ttProvideReports

Remaining steps which are available in the current plugin version are in development and will be available in the future.

Example pipelines

The following pipeline examples show the differences between both plugin versions. For plugin version 2.x the following basic example pipeline is valid.

node('windows') {
    stage('Start Tools') {
        // start ecu.test instance
        startET toolName: 'ecu.test', workspaceDir: 'workspace', settingsDir: 'settings'
    stage('Test Execution') {
        // execute ecu.test test folder
        testFolder failFast: false, recursiveScan: true, scanMode: 'PROJECTS_ONLY', testFile: 'S:\\ample\\Path'
        // execute ecu.test project (e.g. multiple test packages)
        testProject testConfig: [constants: [[name: 'sample', value: '123']], tbcFile: 'sample.tbc', tcfFile: 'sample.tcf'], testFile: 'sample.prj'
        // execute single ecu.test package
        testPackage testConfig: [constants: [[name: 'sample', value: '\'samplevalue\'']], forceReload: true, tbcFile: '', tcfFile: ''], testFile: 'sample.pkg'
    stage('Upload Reports') {
        // upload generated report to
        publishATX ''
        publishETLogs failedOnError: true, unstableOnWarning: true
        // or publishTMS credentialsId: 'YourCredentials', toolName: 'ecu.test'
        // or publishUNIT failedThreshold: 2.0, toolName: 'ecu.test', unstableThreshold: 1.0
    stage('Stop Tools') {
        // shutdown ecu.test instance
        stopET 'ecu.test'

With plugin version 3.x the basic example pipeline can be migrated as follows:

node('windows') {
    stage('Start Tools') {
        // start ecu.test instance
        ttStartTool toolName: 'ecu.test', workspaceDir: 'workspace', settingsDir: 'settings'
    stage('Test Execution') {
        // execute ecu.test test folder
        ttRunTestFolder failFast: false, recursiveScan: true, scanMode: 'PROJECTS_ONLY', testCasePath: 'S:\\ample\\Path'
        // execute ecu.test project (e.g. multiple test packages)
        ttRunProject testCasePath: 'sample.prj', testConfig: [tbcPath: 'sample.tbc', tcfPath: 'sample.tcf', constants: [[label: 'sample', value: '123']]]
        // execute single ecu.test package
        ttRunPackage testCasePath: 'sample.pkg', testConfig: [tbcPath: '', tcfPath: '', forceConfigurationReload: true, constants: [[label: 'sample', value: '\'sampleValue\'']]]
    stage('Generate Reports') {
        // generate report (current available formats: ATX, EXCEL, HTML, JSON, OMR, TestSpec, TRF-SPLIT, TXT, UNIT)
        ttGenerateReports 'HTML'
    stage('Upload Reports') {
        // upload generated reports into project (projectId) of
        ttUploadReports credentialsId: 'tgAuthKey', projectId: 1, testGuideUrl: 'http://HOST:Port'
    stage('Stop Tools') {
        // shutdown ecu.test instance
        ttStopTool 'ECU-TEST'