All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Changed project language from JavaScript to TypeScript.
- Made TypeScript type definitions accessible. Thanks to @coyotte508. PR #23
- CSV records are now not limited to an array but can be an iterable object. Thanks to @pineapplemachine. PR #11
- Allow semicolon as a field delimiter as it is commonly used in CSV in some regions. Thanks to @HKskn. PR #8, #6
- Fixed the issue that coverage report badge on README shows question mark. Use Coveralls instead of CodeClimate to get code coverage.
- Support for adding CSV records to already existing files. Thanks to @jonmelcher. PR #4
- Fixed the bug that fields were not always surrounded by double quotes
- Fixed the bug that white space characters on the edge of fields were trimmed
- Fixed the bug that field values were not quoted when they have newline characters
- Initial release of csv-writer