diff --git a/jerry-port/win/jerry-port-win-date.c b/jerry-port/win/jerry-port-win-date.c
index 6d82f1514e..91aee32646 100644
--- a/jerry-port/win/jerry-port-win-date.c
+++ b/jerry-port/win/jerry-port-win-date.c
@@ -26,6 +26,18 @@
 #define UNIX_EPOCH_IN_TICKS 116444736000000000ull /* difference between 1970 and 1601 */
 #define TICKS_PER_MS        10000ull /* 1 tick is 100 nanoseconds */
+ * If you take the limit of SYSTEMTIME (last millisecond in 30827) then you end up with
+ * a FILETIME of 0x7fff35f4f06c58f0 by using SystemTimeToFileTime(). However, if you put
+ * 0x7fffffffffffffff into FileTimeToSystemTime() then you will end up in the year 30828,
+ * although this date is invalid for SYSTEMTIME. Any larger value (0x8000000000000000 and above)
+ * causes FileTimeToSystemTime() to fail.
+ * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/minwinbase/ns-minwinbase-systemtime
+ * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/minwinbase/ns-minwinbase-filetime
+ */
+#define UNIX_EPOCH_DATE_1601_01_02  -11644387200000LL /* unit: ms */
+#define UNIX_EPOCH_DATE_30827_12_29 9106702560000000LL /* unit: ms */
  * Convert unix time to a FILETIME value.
@@ -44,7 +56,7 @@ unix_time_to_filetime (double t, LPFILETIME ft_p)
   ft_p->dwLowDateTime = (DWORD) ll;
   ft_p->dwHighDateTime = (DWORD) (ll >> 32);
-} /* unix_time_to_file_time */
+} /* unix_time_to_filetime */
  * Convert a FILETIME to a unix time value.
@@ -58,7 +70,7 @@ filetime_to_unix_time (LPFILETIME ft_p)
   date.HighPart = ft_p->dwHighDateTime;
   date.LowPart = ft_p->dwLowDateTime;
   return (double) (((LONGLONG) date.QuadPart - UNIX_EPOCH_IN_TICKS) / TICKS_PER_MS);
-} /* FileTimeToUnixTimeMs */
+} /* filetime_to_unix_time */
  * Default implementation of jerry_port_local_tza.
@@ -74,6 +86,23 @@ jerry_port_local_tza (double unix_ms)
   SYSTEMTIME utc_sys;
   SYSTEMTIME local_sys;
+  /*
+   * If the time is earlier than the date 1601-01-02, then always using date 1601-01-02 to
+   * query time zone adjustment. This date (1601-01-02) will make sure both UTC and local
+   * time succeed with Win32 API. The date 1601-01-01 may lead to a win32 api failure, as
+   * after converting between local time and utc time, the time may be earlier than 1601-01-01
+   * in UTC time, that exceeds the FILETIME representation range.
+   */
+  if (unix_ms < (double) UNIX_EPOCH_DATE_1601_01_02)
+  {
+    unix_ms = (double) UNIX_EPOCH_DATE_1601_01_02;
+  }
+  /* Like above, do not use the last supported day */
+  if (unix_ms > (double) UNIX_EPOCH_DATE_30827_12_29)
+  {
+    unix_ms = (double) UNIX_EPOCH_DATE_30827_12_29;
+  }
   unix_time_to_filetime (unix_ms, &utc);
   if (FileTimeToSystemTime (&utc, &utc_sys) && SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime (NULL, &utc_sys, &local_sys)
diff --git a/tests/jerry/date-getters.js b/tests/jerry/date-getters.js
index e6b9d84c51..77cd9042b1 100644
--- a/tests/jerry/date-getters.js
+++ b/tests/jerry/date-getters.js
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ assert (isNaN (d.getTimezoneOffset()));
 /* 5. test case */
 assert (new Date(2013, -1).getMonth() === 11);
 assert (new Date(-2, -2).getFullYear() === -3);
+assert (new Date(30888, 2).getFullYear() === 30888);
 assert (new Date(-1, -1).getFullYear() === -2);
 assert (new Date(-1, -1, -1).getMonth() === 10);
 assert (new Date(-1, -1, -1, -1).getDate() === 28);