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Agda tutorial at POPL 2019

Running example:

  • type-checker and interpreter for simply typed language
  • FFI binding to parser

Language: WHILE-language

What is Agda?

Agda is...

  • A strongly typed functional programming language in the tradition of Haskell
  • An interactive theorem prover in the tradition of Martin-Löf

Main features of Agda:

  • Dependent types (= families of types indexed over terms of another type)
  • Indexed datatypes and dependent pattern matching
  • Termination checking and productivity checking
  • An infinite universe hierachy, with support for universe polymorphism
  • Record types with copattern matching (= defining programs in terms of possible observations)
  • Coinductive datatypes (= types containing possibly infinite terms, such as streams)
  • Sized types (= a type-directed approach for modular proofs of termination and productivity)
  • Implicit arguments (with a constraint solver filling in implicit arguments automatically when they have a unique solution)
  • Instance arguments for ad-hoc polymorphism (similar to Haskell's typeclasses)
  • A module system with parametrized modules and module application (~ ML functors)
  • A FFI to Haskell

We will use many of these in the course of this tutorial!

Interaction with the Emacs mode. The main way to write Agda code is through the Emacs mode which lets you write and edit code interactively: Programs may contain holes (? or {! !}) and still be typechecked (C-c C-l). The Agda mode gives information about the type of each hole (C-c C-,) and allows you to interactively edit the program, for example by solving a hole (C-c C-space), refining the hole with a certain function applied to new holes (C-c C-r) or by case splitting on a variable (C-c C-c).


Correct-by-construction programming

The main reason to use a dependently typed programming language is to write programs that can statically be verified to satisfy a given correctness property. In contrast to most code verification tools, verification is not done by a separate tool but built into the language itself.

Agda allows two approaches to implement verified programs:

  • Extrinsic approach: first write the program as you would in, say, Haskell and then give a separate proof of correctness
  • Intrinsic approach: first define a specific type that only allows programs that satisfy the correctness properties and then write the program that inhabits this type. The intrinsic approach is also called correct-by-construction programming.

Example: division on natural numbers Nat:

  • Extrinsic approach: first implement functions _/_ : Nat → Nat → Nat and _%_ : Nat → Nat → Nat and then give separate proofs that x ≡ y * (x / y) + x % y and x % y < y.
  • Intrinsic approach: first define a type Quot x y consisting of two numbers p q : Nat together with proofs of x ≡ y * p + q and q < y and then implement a function quotient : (x y : Nat) → Quot x y. _/_ and _%_ can then be defined as the first and second projections from this type.

In this tutorial, we apply correct-by-construction programming to the construction of a typechecker and interpreter for a simple C-like language called WHILE (see src/ for the syntax).

Simple data types and pattern matching


  • A (simple) datatype is defined by zero or more constructors
  • Each constructor is of a function type ending in the datatype
  • Syntax: similar to GADT's in Haskell
  • Examples: ⊥, Nat, Brouwer ordinals
  • Datatypes must be strictly positive: the datatype cannot occur to the left of an arrow in the recursive arguments of a constructor.
  • Functions are defined using pattern matching, i.e. by giving a complete set of clauses (computation rules) that the function should satisfy.

Example code: abstract syntax, untyped interpreter (see files AST.agda & UntypedInterpreter.agda).

Note on termination checking: all functions in Agda are checked to be terminating. Since it is possible to write non-terminating programs in our WHILE language, the evaluator takes an extra argument called the 'fuel' (a natural number), which represents the number of steps before the evaluator gives up. Later we will see a better approach to deal with non-termination in Agda, the Delay monad.

Exercise: add the following language constructions: boolean conjunction ('and'), integer subtraction ('minus'), conditionals ('if/then/else'). (TODO: remove these from the provided code) Also update the functions in

BNFC and the Haskell FFI

Compared to Haskell, the Agda ecosystem is still rather small. However, we can piggyback on the Haskell ecosystem using FFI bindings. For parsing our While language, we use the BNFC parser generator via the Haskell FFI.


  • To use a Haskell file from Agda, we first need to import it using a {-# FOREIGN GHC import #-} pragma.
  • To import a Haskell function in Agda, we first postulate it in Agda and then associate it to the Haskell function using a {-# COMPILE GHC = #-} pragma.
  • To import a Haskell datatype in Agda, we first mirror the definition of the datatype in Agda and then bind it to the Haskell datatype using a {-# COMPILE GHC = data ( | .. | ) #-} pragma

Example code: see, Main.hs, Parser.agda

Exercise: Update the grammar with the features you added in the previous step.

TODO: add a parse-only mode so it is possible to test the program already?

Dependent types and indexed datatypes


  • Indexed datatypes are families of datatypes indexed over some base type(s). Example: Vectors
  • Syntax: similar to GADT's in Haskell
  • When defining functions by pattern matching on an argument of an indexed datatype, some of the other arguments may be specialized. For example, if x : Vec A n is x ∷ xs, then we know that n = suc m where xs : Vec A m. These specialized arguments are written as dot patterns (example: vector concatenation).
  • Sometimes one or more cases of an indexed datatype are ruled out, for example when defining a function taking an argument of type Vec A 0 there is only a case for [] but not for x ∷ xs. If all cases are ruled out we can use the special absurd pattern ().

Example code: see WellTypedSyntax.agda

Exercise: add well-typed syntax for the new additions to the language.

Monads, instance arguments, and do-notation

Theory: Instance arguments are Agda's builtin mechanism for ad-hoc overloading (serving a similar role as type classes in Haskell).

  • First, we define a record type containing a field for each method of the typeclass (as in the dictionary translation of typeclasses)
  • Next, we declare all fields of the record type as being eligible for instance search using the special statement open <TypeClass> {{...}}.
  • We can define new instances of the typeclass by defining elements of the record type (using copatterns) and marking them with the instance keyword.
  • Functions that use methods from the typeclass should take an extra argument of the record type as an instance argument (using {{_ : R}} syntax).
  • When using a function, instance arguments are automatically resolved if there is a unique instance of the appropriate type in scope.

See Library/Print.agda for a simple example, and Library.agda for some example instances. A more elaborate example showcasing multiple methods and superclasses can be found in Library/Monad.agda.

Example code: see TypeChecker.agda

Exercise: update the typechecker to deal with the new additions to the language.

Coinduction and sized types

We saw one crude way to deal with possibly infinite computations in Agda in UntypedInterpreter.agda: use a 'fuel' arguments which encodes the number of steps we can still take. A much better way is to use a coinductive type, i.e. a type which may contain possibly infinite values, such as Streams.

  • A coinductive type is defined as a recursive record type with the special coinductive keyword.
  • To define an element of a coinductive type, we give all of its possible observations (i.e. fields of the record type).
  • By default, recursive calls should be guarded by constructors. Since this is often quite limiting, coinductive types are often defined as sized types.

A simple general-purpose coinductive type is the Delay type: a value of type Delay A is either a value of type A which is produced now, or a value of type Delay A which is produced later, possibly at nauseam (see Delay.agda).

Example code: see Delay.agda, Interpreter.agda

Exercise: update the well-typed evaluator to deal with the new additions to the language.