- cdnjs - a free and open-source CDN service powered by Cloudflare for faster and easier loading of library files on your websites.
- Codewars - a community of developers, who are called Code Warriors (or just warriors), that train on improving their development skills.
- CSS Diner - a fun game to help you learn and practice CSS selectors.
- Flexbox Froggy - a game where you help Froggy and friends by writing CSS code.
- Flexbox playground - a super cool pen which shows and lets you play with almost everything in flexbox.
- Flexbox Zombies - a brand new training course driven by a storyline where you use Flexbox and a crossbow to hunt zombies.
- Grid Garden - a game for learning CSS grid layout
- Animate.css - a library of ready-to-use, cross-browser animations for use in your web projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and attention-guiding hints.
- Animista - a CSS animation library where you can play with a collection of ready-made CSS animations.
- Easing Functions Cheat Sheet - a collection of easings (timing functions).
- loading.io - loading icons and animation generator
- Keyframes.app - visual tool to help generate CSS with animations for your project.
- Buttons Generator - 100+ buttons you can use in your project.
- Color Hex - an easy to use tool to get the color codes information including color models (RGB,HSL,HSV and CMYK), CSS and html color codes.
- Color Scheme Designer 3 - a designer tool for creating color combinations that work together well.
- Coolors - generate or browse beautiful color combinations for your designs.
- CSS Accordion Slider Generator - create fully responsive, CSS-only accordion sliders.
- CSS Gradient - lets you create a colorful gradient background.
- CSS Grid Generator - you can set the numbers, and units of your columns and rows, and I'll generate a CSS grid for you!
- CSS Stripes Generator - pure CSS stripes generator you can use for backgrounds.
- cubic-bezier - a playground that helps you create your custom cubic bezier functions.
- Fancy Border Radius Generator - build organic shapes with a CSS3 border-radius.
- Get Waves - a free SVG wave generator to make unique SVG waves for your next web design.
- Glass Morphism CSS Generator - create stunning glass effect for your UI designs.
- Gradient Generator by Josh Comeau, build beautiful, lush gradients.
- Hero Patterns - a collection of repeatable SVG background patterns for you to use on your web projects.
- Layout Generator - quickly design web layouts, and get HTML and CSS code. Learn CSS Grid visually.
- Neumorphism - CSS code generator that will help with colors, gradients, and shadows to adopt this new design trend or discover its posibilities.
- Patternify - lets you create background patterns for free
- Shadow Palette Generator - create lush realistic shadows in CSS.
- Milligram - A minimalist CSS framework
- Tailwind Toolbox - Open source starter templates and components, a directory of handy building kits, generators, plugins and useful tools to kick start your Tailwind CSS project
- CSS-Tricks - daily articles about CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and all things related to web design and development.
- Sass - Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world.
- GoogleFonts - Making the web more beautiful, fast, and open through great typography
- Type Scale - A Visual Calculator - Preview and choose the right type scale for your project. Experiment with font size, scale and different webfonts.
- Awesome - awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- free-for.dev - This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings that have free tiers for developers.
- The Valley of Code - Free Handbooks for Web Developers
- Web Skills - A visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer
- cyclic - Fullstack Javascript Apps - Deploy and Host in Seconds
- Railway - Railway is an infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
- render - Cloud Application Hosting for Developers | Render
- Formspree - a form backend, API and email service for HTML forms. It is the simplest way to embed custom contact us forms, order forms, or email capture forms.
- Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator - Easily generate the optimal responsive image dimensions
- Flaticon - free icons in the largest database of free vector icons
- The Noun Project - Noun Project features the most diverse collection of icons and stock photos ever. Download SVG and PNG. Browse over 3 million art-quality icons and photos.
- Pexels - Free stock photos you can use everywhere. ✓ Free for commercial use ✓ No attribution required.
- Unsplash - Beautiful, free images and photos that you can download and use for any project.
- Awwwards - website awards, best web design trends
- Behance - creative network for showcasing and discovering creative work
- Dribbble - where designers gain inspiration, feedback, community, and jobs
- All JavaScript tips to go from junior to (senior) web developer
- All the JavaScript tutorials by flaviocopes
- Clean Code JavaScript
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- JavaScript blogs by Marko Denic
- JavaScript blogs by Oliver Jumpertz
- Manage HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript
- Use console.log() like a pro!
- codecademy.com
- developer.mozilla.org
- eloquentjavascript.net
- freecodecamp.org
- frontendmentor.io
- javascript.info
- khanacademy.org
- learn-js.org
- w3schools.com
- 6nomads.com
- fiverr.com
- freelancer.com
- guru.com
- hireable.com
- peopleperhour.com
- simplyhired.com
- toptal.com
- upwork.com
- Chartist.js - Simple responsive charts
- FusionCharts - JavaScript charts for web & mobile
- Dygraphs - dygraphs is a fast, flexible open source JavaScript charting library.
- Chart.js - an easy way to include animated, interactive graphs on your website for free.
- Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage
- D3.js - is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data.
- n3-charts - JavaScript library for creating beautiful charts in AngularJS applications and it is built on top of D3.js
- Ember Charts - A charting library built with the Ember.js and d3.js frameworks.
- Sigma.js - a JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing.
- Morris.js - good-looking charts shouldn't be difficult
- Cytoscape.js - allows you to easily display and manipulate rich, interactive graphs.
- Rickshaw - an open-source JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive time-series graphs and charts.
- Plottable.js - a library of chart components for creating flexible, custom charts for websites.
- Canvas.js - JavaScript Charting Library with 10x better performance & a simple API.
- DevOps Roadmap - Community driven, articles, resources, guides, interview questions, quizzes for DevOps. Learn to become a modern DevOps engineer by following the steps, skills, resources and guides listed in this roadmap.
- Escaping tutorial hell and learning how to learn
- CodePen - an online code editor and front end web developer community
- JPEG Optimizer - Compress and Resize Your Digital Photos
- TinyPNG - Compress WebP, PNG and JPEG images intelligently
- PageSpeed Insights - Make your web pages fast on all devices
- WebPageTest - Run a free website speed test from around the globe using real browsers at consumer connection speeds with detailed optimization recommendations.
cto Witczax
Pick one of these:
- 2022 - Ruby On Rails Tutorial - Michael Hartl
- 2019 - The Well-Grounded Rubyist (3rd edition) - David A. Black / Joseph Leo III
- 2014 - Learn Ruby the Hard Way (3rd edition) - Zed A.Shaw
- 2013 - Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 (The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide) - Dave Thomas
Learn Rails:
- 2022 - Agile Web Development with Rails 7 - Sam Ruby with Dave Thomas
- 2020 - Sustainable Web Development with Ruby on Rails - David Bryant Copeland
- 2022 - Modern Front-End Development for Rails (2nd edition) | Hotwire, Stimulus, Turbo, and React - Noel Rapping
Learn Best Practices:
- 2013 - Confident Ruby - Avdi Grimm
- 2011 - Exceptional Ruby - Avdi Grimm
- 2007 - Design Patterns in Ruby - Russ Olsen
- 2021 - 99 Bottles of OOP
- 2009 - Refactoring (Ruby Edition)
- 2009 - Ruby Best Practices
- 2021 - Polished Ruby Programming
- 2018 - Practical Object-Orientted Design - Sandi Metz
- 2014 - Effective Ruby
- 2022 - The Complete Guide to Rails Testing - Json Swett
- 2019 - Rails 5 Test Prescriptions
- 2017 - Effective Testing with RSpec 3
Optional - go deeper:
- 2015 - Text Processing with Ruby
- 2015 - Ruby Performance Optimization
- 2014 - Metaprogramming Ruby 2
- 2013 - Ruby Under a Microscope
- 2013 - Understanding Computation
- 2013 - Kestrels, Quirky Birds, and Hopeless Egocentricity
- 2022 - Deployment from Scratch
- 2019 - Docker for Rails Developers
- 2022 - rubyfu.net
- Awesome Ruby - a collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software
- Long live Ruby - Home for the Ruby programming language and all related topics like Ruby on Rails, Sinatra other Ruby frameworks, and ruby gems
- Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide - a tutorial and reference for the Ruby programming language.
- Ruby Format String Examples - usage of the format string syntax. See examples for formatting values in many ways and compare performance against string interpolation
- FriendlyId gem adopt standard syntax - shows a diff (file changes).
- Ruby Style Guide - Airbnb's Ruby Style Guide
- Ruby Style Guide - recommends best practices so that real-world Ruby programmers can write code that can be maintained by other real-world Ruby programmers.
- Rubular - A Ruby-based regular expression editor
Blogging on Rails - Everything on Rails!
Boring Rails - Learn about the boring tools and practices used by Basecamp, GitHub, and Shopify to keep you as happy and productive as the day you typed rails new
Colby.so - David Colby writes about product management, web development, and building bootstrapped software companies.
Full-stack Introduction Using Rails, React, Docker and Heroku
Getting started with Tailwind CSS on Rails 6 - Integrate Tailwind CSS in your Ruby on Rails app
How to install TailwindCSS v2.0 using Ruby on Rails - a walk through to the steps to ensure the current versions of Tailwind CSS and Ruby on Rails get along, install Tailwind CSS and configure it as well.
Integrate HTML Bootstrap Theme Into Rails - How to integrate HTML / Bootstrap template into Rails 6
Insert page specific CSS or JS using content_for - an article on how we can use
to insert CSS link files or JS script files. -
Just Another Twitter Clone with Rails 6, CableReady, and Stimulus Reflex
Rails Service Objects: A Comprehensive Guide - This article discuss what is a service object, when to use it and what are pros and cons of using it.
Recurring Subscriptions in One Day with Rails and Stripe - An example of adding recurring Stripe subscriptions into your Rails SaaS app quickly and efficiently.
- Learn Ruby on Rails Testing - learn about Ruby on Rails testing through articles, videos and podcast episodes.
- Test Driven Rails - Learn Test-Driven Rails Development using RSpec and Capybara in this series of tutorials. As part of the course, you can follow along with Josh as he lets his test drive through each of the steps needed to build out an application.
- Lessons - Back-End Engineering Curriculum - Turing School of Software and Design
- Rails Code Along - learn to create Rails app from start to finish
- The Turbo Rails Tutorial - Learn how to create modern, single-page, reactive web applications with Ruby on Rails 7 without writing any custom JavaScript code.
- Secret Key Exchange (Diffie-Hellman) - Computerphile
- Diffie Hellman -the Mathematics bit- Computerphile
- Key Exchange Problems - Computerphile
- Elliptic Curves - Computerphile
- How Secure Shell Works (SSH) - Computerphile - learn a little bit more about how SSH works internally
- C#
- Code Guide - standards for developing consistent, flexible, and sustainable HTML and CSS
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- BrowserStack - app and browser testing
- GitLens - supercharges the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code
- Rubocop for Visual Studio Code - Rubocop extension for Visual Studio Code
- Ruby Test Explorer - a Ruby test adapter extension for the VS Code Test Explorer
- Visual Studio Code Ruby - provides Ruby language and debugging support for Visual Studio Code
- Test Explorer for Visual Studio Code - the VS Code Test Explorer extension
- VS Code Solargraph - a Visual Studio Code extension for Solargraph.
- vscode-icons - icons for Visual Studio Code
gem install solargraph
gem install ruby-debug-ide
gem install rubocop
- Dev.Tube - a free and open-source tech video hub
- freeCodeCamp
- GoRails
- Programming with Mosh
- Railscasts Reloaded
- Traversy Media
- CSS for JS - The all-new interactive learning experience designed to help JavaScript developers become confident with CSS.