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TPC GUIDE - Auto Translation #1

jetrotal opened this issue Dec 7, 2022 · 2 comments

TPC GUIDE - Auto Translation #1

jetrotal opened this issue Dec 7, 2022 · 2 comments


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jetrotal commented Dec 7, 2022

◇Overview TPC! TPC!
Pass the source file as the first argument and run
Maker 2003 + Maniac Patch event commands and
A tool to generate common events

Grammar is loose and fluffy

◆ Boot option
-en Output error log in suspicious English
-pop Show error log in message box

◆Type of value
Character string Enclose in "" or ""
Numeric Decimal and Hexadecimal (0x***)
Array [element 0, element 1, ...]
block { element 0, element 1, ... } or bl { element 0, element 1, ... }
Constant definitions Non-symbolic characters and numbers (the beginning is not allowed) and _
meta variable $definition name
event command @command name
subcommand .command name
variable v[id] or v:id
Switch s[id] or s:id
String variable t[id] or t:id
Variable Manipulation Expression `Expression

// Line comment
/**/ Range comment

◆Reserved words



◆Common event

Array                 Event ID
Number                 Event ID
.id(a)              Event ID

String               Event name
.name(a)            Event name    

.auto              Start condition Automatic start
.parallel          start condition parallel processing
.beginBattle        Starting condition At the start of the default battle
.battleParallel    Start condition Parallel processing in default battle
.beCalled          Start condition When called (default)
.cond(n)            Event appearance condition switch
Others               Execution details

cev 4, "qwe", .parallel, {      // common event[4] name=qwe  Parallel processing

◆ Map event

.id(n)              Event ID

.name(n)            event name

.map(n)            Map ID to place
.pos(x, y)          Placement position (square)

The last specified map ID and event ID will be remembered
The initial value of the map ID that was memorized when the event was created will be inherited.

◆Map event page

.id(n)              Page ID

Block             Event Command

.mev                Map Event ID

.map                Map ID

.decision          Start condition When the decision key is pressed (default)
.touched            Start condition When touched by the main character
.beTouched          Start condition When touched from an event
.auto              Start condition Automatic start
.parallel          start condition parallel processing

.body(a, b)        Walking graphic a and position in file b
.transparent        Make the walking graphic translucent

.anim(*)            Animation Settings
    .normal        Normal (default)
    .fixDir        Fixed orientation
    .step          (Normal or fixed orientation) with step
    .fix            Graphics completely fixed
    .spin          4 animations
    .noWalk        Disable walking
.priority(*)        Priority type
    .low            Below the normal character (default)
    .middle        Does not overlap with normal characters
    .high          Above normal characters
.disableOverlap    Does not overlap with another event

.dir(*)            Event Orientation
    .down          Down (default)
    .left          Left
.pattern            Graphic pattern
    .middle        (default)

.cond(*)            Appearance condition
    Comparison operation         Variable l is equal to r
    .sw1(n)        Switch n is on
    .sw2(n)        Switch n is on
    .item(n)        Possess item n
    .actor(n)      Hero n is at the party
    .timer1(n)      Remaining seconds of timer 1 is less than or equal to n
    .timer2(n)      Remaining seconds of timer 2 is less than or equal to n
.action(*)          Action
    .freq(n)        Movement frequency
    .speed(n)      Movement speed
    .repeat        Repeat an action
    .skippable      Ignore if not moveable (default)
    .unskippable    Don't ignore regardless of moveability
    .random        Random move
    .vert          Up and down round trip
    .horiz          Left and right round trip
    .approach      Approach the hero
    .away          Run away from the main character
    Block         Designate movement route

[Moving route]
.setBody(file, idx)
.se(file, vol, pitch, balance)

The initial values of the map ID and event ID that were memorized when the page was created will be inherited.

◆ Setting switch/variable names

Array/Number           Current ID
String               Name currently assigned to ID

.expand(a)         Secure the minimum number of elements a
.shrink            Remove trailing blank name elements

.pad(a)            Add an empty character name to a items from the current ID
.pad(a)            Add an empty character name to the specified range a

.wipe              Clear all original names
.append            Do not clear original name (default)

◆ Command notation
@name.subname(arg1, arg2, ...)
@name.subname arg1, arg2, ...
@name.subname arg1 arg2 ...
@name.subname {

Some arguments take additional arguments

@name.subname arg1(subarg1, ...), arg2

As a general rule, command arguments are in no particular order (*there are exceptions),
The order of arguments is fixed
Unnecessary command arguments can be omitted.

Subcommands with a fixed number of arguments return excess arguments.


The command above is interpreted as follows,

@timer(.set(5, .timer2))

The return sets the value as expected

@timer(.set(5), .timer2)

If the argument is an array, the argument can be written between @name and .subname

@pic.erase [10]

The last @name described is remembered and can be omitted when using the same one continuously
Also, arguments written between @name and .subname are inherited

@pic[2].show "qwe"
.move.pos(160, 120).time(6).wait    //@> Move picture: [2]
.erase                              //@> Erase Picture: [2]

Multiple operations on the same item will be overwritten by the last change

@party.item[1].add(5).sub(3)        //@> Increase or decrease item: item[1] -= 3
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jetrotal commented Dec 7, 2022

◇Event command Show text @msg.opt Setting text options @msg.option Set text options @msg.face @msg.choice @msg.input @msg.inputNum @msg.hook

















◆ Text

String                   Text
.br                    Line break
Other                   Convert to string

Multiple arguments are concatenated
In addition, the following description in the source is interpreted as text display

Single string             "txt" or "sentence"

◆ Display Text Options

.opaq                  Normal window (default)
.transparent            Transparent window
.top                    Top placement
.middle                centered
.bottom                Bottom alignment (default)
.varyPos                Change the placement to match the main character
.allowEventMove        Allow moving events while viewing

.size(a, b)            Text window width a and height b 0, no change

.font(a, b)            Text window font name a and size b

◆ Change Faceset

Character string                   File name
String variable               File name

Numeric value                     File index
Variable                     File index
a..b                    Animated index a~b

.left                  Left alignment (default)
.right                  Right placement
.hreverse              Flip horizontally
.force                  Forced change even in situations where movement is suppressed, such as when text is being displayed.

[Arguments for animation]
.interval(a, b, c)      Wait time. Base frame a, random number increase/decrease b, flag c to limit random numbers to addition
.fpc(a, b, c)           Display time for one image. Base frame a, random number increase/decrease b, flag c to limit random numbers to addition
.once                  Do not loop animation
.loopback(a)            Loop back after finishing the specified range. Flag a for whether to set an interval by wrapping

◆Show Choices"

.case                  Each choice
.cancel                Cancel behavior

[argument of case]   
String                   Choice text
Others                     Execution details of options

[argument for cancel]
String                   Optional Choice Text
Numeric                     Index of optional choices
.ignore                Ignore (default)
Others                     Execution contents at the time of cancellation

◆ Input Number

.digit(n)         Number of digits
.dst(n)            Variable to receive result

◆ TPC | Control Text Processing

.e                  Watch for \e in sentences
.showing            Monitor window creation
.closing            Observe window destruction
.blit              Monitor character drawing

.cev(a)            Common event a to receive notification

.sys(v[a], t[b])    Head a of variables that receive arguments from the system, head b of string variables
.user(v[a], t[b])  Head a of variables that receive arguments from the user, head b of string variables

◆ Timer Operation

.set(n)            seconds
.start              start
.stop              stop
.show              Show Timer
.continueInBattle  Continue during battle
.timer1            Operate timer 1 (default)
.timer2            Operate timer 2

◆Change Gold

.add(n)            Increase value
.sub(n)            Decrease value

◆ Change Items

Array                 Item ID
.add(n)            Increase value
.sub(n)            Decrease value

◆ Change Party Member

.add(n)            Actor to join
.sub(n)            Leaving actor

◆ Change EXP

Array                 Target actor ID
.all                Target all party members
.add(n)            Increase value
.sub(n)            Decrease value
.notify            Show level up message

◆ Change Level

Array                 Target actor ID
.all                Target all party members
.add(n)            Increase value
.sub(n)            Decrease value
.notify            Show level up message

◆Change Parameters

Array                 Target actor ID
.all                Target all party members
.add(n)            Increase value
.sub(n)            Decrease value
.hp                Change item to max HP
.mp                Increase or decrease items to maximum MP
.atk                Change item to attack power
.def                Change item to defense
.mag                Make the increase/decrease item mental
.spd                Make the increase/decrease item agility

◆ Change Skills

Array                 Target actor ID
.all                Target all party members
.add(n)            Skill ID to learn
.sub(n)            Forgetting Special Skill ID

◆ Change Equipment

Array                 Target actor ID
.all                Target all party members
.add(n)            Item ID to equip
.removeWeapon      Remove Weapon
.removeShield      Remove the shield
.removeHelm        Remove the helmet
.removeArmor        Remove Armor
.removeAccessory    Remove the decoration
.clear              Remove all equipment

◆Change HP

Array                 Target actor ID
.all                Target all party members
.add(n)            Increase value
.sub(n)            Decrease value
.possibleDie         Allow Manipulation Death    

◆Change MP

Array                 Target actor ID
.all                Target all party members
.add(n)            Increase value
.sub(n)            Decrease value

◆ Change State

Array                 Target actor ID
.all                Target all party members
.add(n)            Status to add
.sub(n)            Status to release

◆ Recover All

Array                 Target actor ID
.all                Target all party members

◆ Damage Processing

Array                 Target actor ID
.all                Target all party members
.value(n)          Base damage
.defModifier(n)    Defense Influence
.magModifier(n)    Influence of Mental Strength
.variance(n)         Variance
.dst(n)            Variable to receive damage value

◆ Change Actor Name

Array                 Target actor ID
String               Name

◆ Change Actor Nickname

Array                 Target actor ID
String               Title

◆ Change Actor Graphic

Array                 Target actor ID
Character string               File name
Numeric value                 File index
.trans              Make translucent

◆ Change Actor Faceset

Array                 Target actor ID
Character string               File name
Numeric value                 File index

◆ Change Vehicle Graphic

Character string               File name
Numeric value                 File index
.boat              Targets small boats
.ship              Target large ships
.airship            Target an airship

◆ Change System BGM

Character string               File name
.battle            Target battle BGM
.endBattle          Target the battle end BGM
.inn                Target inn BGM
.boat              Target small ship BGM
.ship              Target large ship BGM
.airship            Target airship BGM
.gameover          Target game over BGM
.opt(a, b, c, d)     Set fade-in time, volume, tempo and balance of BGM    

◆ Change System SE

.cursor            Target Cursor SE
.decision          Target Decision SE
.cancel            Target Cancel SE
.buzzer            Target Buzzer SE
.escape            Target escape SE
.enemyAttack        Target enemy attack SE
.enemyDamage        Target enemy damage SE
.actorDamage        Targets allied damage SE
.avoid              Target avoid SE
.defeat            Target Repel SE
.item              Target item use SE
.opt(a, b, c)       Set SE volume, tempo and balance    

◆ Change System Graphic

Character string               File name
.tiled              Tile
.gothic            MS Gothic
.mincho            MS Mincho

◆ Change Screen Transition

Numeric value                 Switching method
.transfer_hide      Move (delete)
.transfer_show      Move (show)
.beginBattle_hide  Begin battle (delete)
.beginBattle_show  Begin battle (show)
.endBattle_hide    End battle (delete)
.endBattle_show    Battle end (show)

◆ Change location
◆ Transfer Player

Array                 Map ID
.pos(x, y)           coordinates
.retain            Retain the orientation of the player (only when a constant is specified, default)
.up                Looking up (only when a constant is specified)
.right              Turn right (only when a constant is specified)
.down              Looking down (only when a constant is specified)
.left              Turn left (only when a constant is specified)

◆ Get Player Location

Argument 0               Map ID storage variable
Argument 1               x-coordinate storage variable
Argument 2               y-coordinate storage variable

◆ Get On/Off Vehicle

◆Set Vehicle Location "

Array                 Map ID
.pos(x, y)           coordinates
.boat              Small boat
.ship              Large ship
.retain            Retain orientation (default)
.up                Looking up
.right              Turn right
.down              Looking down
.left              Turn left

◆ Set Event Location

Array                 Event ID
.player            Protagonist
.boat              Small boat
.ship              Large ship
.self              This event

.pos(x, y)           coordinates

.retain            Retain orientation (default)
.up                Looking up
.right              Turn right
.down              Looking down
.left              Turn left
.face(x)            Face x (up = 0, right, down, left)

◆ Swap Event Location

Array                 Event ID
Numeric value                 ID to be exchanged
.self              Set the exchange target to this event

◆ Get Terrain ID

.pos(x, y)           coordinates
.dst(n)            Destination

◆ Get Event ID

.pos(x, y)           coordinates
.dst(n)            Destination

◆ Hide Screen

Number                 How to delete
.default            Follow system switching method (default)

◆ Show Screen

Numeric value                 Display method
.default            Follow system switching method (default)

◆ Tint Screen

.rgbs(r, g, b, s)  red, green, blue, saturation
.time(n)            Time to change n * 0.1 sec
.wait              Wait until completion

◆ Flash Screen

.rgbv(r, g, b, v)  red, green, blue, strength
.once(n)            Execute only once Time n * 0.1 sec
.begin(n)          Flash start time n * 0.1 sec
.end                  Flash end
.wait              Wait until completion

◆ Shake Screen

.value(a, b)        Strength, Speed
.once(n)            Execute only once Time n * 0.1 sec
.begin(n)          Shake start time n * 0.1 sec
.end                  Shake end
.wait              Wait until completion

◆ Scroll Map

.fix                  fixed
.unfix              Unfix
.restore            Restore position
.shift(n)          Shift n squares
.pxShift(h, v)      Shift the specified value horizontally and vertically in units of pixels
.set(x, y)          Specify coordinates in pixels
.left              Direction when operation is shift
.speed(n)          When the operation is shift/restore Movement speed 1-6
.time              When the operation is pxShift/set Frame to move
.wait              Wait until completion
.center            When the operation is set Treat the specified value as the center coordinate
.relative          When the operation is set Treat the specified value as relative coordinates from the current position

◆ Weather Effect Settings

.none              None
.snow              snow
.mist              Fog
.weak              Effect Strength Weak
.medium            Effect Strength Medium
.strong            Effect Strength Strong

◆ Show Picture

Array                 Picture ID
Character string               File name
String variable           File name

.pos(x, y)           coordinates
.center            Center coordinates
.topLeft            Top left coordinates
.bottomLeft        Bottom left coordinates
.topRight          Upper right coordinate
.bottomRight        Bottom right coordinate
.top                top coordinate
.bottom            Bottom coordinates
.left              left coordinate
.right              right coordinate

.scrollWithMap      Linked map scroll
.useChromakey      With transparent color
.chromakey(n)      Specify whether to use transparent color

.scale(n)          Scale factor n%
.scale2(a, b)      Horizontal expansion rate a%, Vertical b%

.transparency(n)    Transparency
.rgbs(r, g, b, s)   Hue

.rotate(n)          Rotate effect
.wave(n)            Wave effect
.angle(a, b)        Angle designation effect a / b

.multi              Multiplication
.add                Add
.overlay            overlay

.hreverse          Flip horizontally
.vreverse          Flip vertically
.hvreverse          Flip horizontally/vertically

.repl(a, b)        Replace letter a at the end of file name with variable b

.grid(a, b)       Split by a, b as a sprite sheet
.cell(n)            Display ID of the sprite sheet

.animation(n)      Animate the sprite sheet (display frame n per sheet)
.rangeAnim(a, b, c) Animate with ID[b..c] (display frame a per frame)

.once              Play animation only once
.repeat            Play animation repeatedly

.mapLayer          Layers in fields
.battleLayer        Layer in battle

.eraseWhenTransfer  Erase when moving map
.eraseWhenEndBattle Erase when the battle ends
.affectedByTint    Affected by screen tint
.affectedByFlash    Affected by screen flash
.affectedByShake    Affected by screen shake

◆ Move Picture

Array                 Picture ID

.pos(x, y)           coordinates
.center            Center coordinates
.topLeft            Top left coordinates
.bottomLeft        Bottom left coordinates
.topRight          Upper right coordinate
.bottomRight        Bottom right coordinate
.top                top coordinate
.bottom            Bottom coordinates
.left              left coordinate
.right              right coordinate

.scale(n)          Scale factor n%
.scale2(a, b)      Horizontal expansion rate a%, Vertical b%

.transparency(n)    Transparency
.rgbs(r, g, b, s)  Hue (variables can be used)

.rotate(n)          Rotate effect
.wave(n)            Wave effect
.angle(a, b)        Angle designation effect a / b

.multi              Multiplication
.add                Add
.overlay            overlay

.hreverse          Flip horizontally
.vreverse          Flip vertically
.hvreverse          Flip horizontally/vertically

.time(n)            travel time n * 0.1 sec
.wait              Wait until completion

.relative          Specify coordinates, magnification, and transparency as relative values
.keepRgbs          Do not change tint values
.keepEffect        Do not change special effects
.keepBlend          Do not change blend mode
.keepFlip          Do not change the flip state
.keepTime          Do not change duration

◆ Erase Picture

Array                 Picture ID
.all                Target all pictures

◆ Show Animation

Array                 Battle Anime ID
Numeric value                 Target event ID
Variable                 Target event ID

.target(n)          Target event ID
.player            player
.boat              Small boat
.ship              Large ship    
.self              This event

.picTarget(a)     Follow picture a
.pos(a, b)          Display at specified coordinates (a, b)
.bind(a, b)        Follow the value of variables (a, b)

.buffer(a)         Play in buffer a

.reverse(a)       Whether to reverse a
.wait              Wait until completion
.tiled              Arrange across the screen

* picTarget/pos/bind cannot be used with tiled

◆ Show/Hide Player

Numeric value                 Specify status with numeric value
.on                Transparent
.off                Unlock

◆ Flash Event

Array                 Event ID
.player            player
.boat              Small boat
.ship              Large ship    
.self              This event

.rgbv(r, g, b, v)  red, green, blue, strength
.time(n)            Time taken for action n * 0.1 sec
.wait              Wait until completion

◆ Set Move Route

Array                 Event ID

block             subcommand

.player            player
.boat              Small boat
.ship              Large ship    
.self              This event

.freq(n)            Movement frequency
.repeat            Repeat an action
.skippable          Ignore if not moveable (default)
.unskippable        Do not ignore regardless of moveability

.setBody(file, idx)
.se(file, vol, pitch, balance)

◆ TPC | Add Move Route

.moveForward(n)            Move n steps to each
.move(a, b)               Move b steps to a

.face(a)                    Face a


.jump (a), (b)              Jump a on the x-axis and b on the y-axis from the current position

.setBody(file, idx)
.se(file, vol, pitch, balance)

.speed(n)                  Set movement speed (-3~2)
.freq(n)                    Set movement frequency (0-7)
.switch(id, val)            Switch ID, boolean
.trans(n)                  Transparency setting (0~7)

[Argument a of .move]
00: Move up
11: Forward

[.face argument a]
00: Look up
10: Face opposite the main character

◆ Wait for All Movement

◆ Stop All Movement

◆ Wait

Number                 Time n * 0.1 sec
Variable                 Time n * 0.1 sec
.input              Wait for key input instead of time
.frame              Make time units frames

◆ Play BGM

Character string               File name
String variable           File name
.opt(a, b, c, d)     Fade-in time, volume, tempo, balance    


◆ Fadeout BGM'

Numeric value                 Fade out time

◆ Memorize BGM

◆Play Memorized BGM

◆ Play SE

Character string               File name
String variable           File name
.opt(a, b, c)       Volume, Tempo, Balance    


◆ Play Movie

Character string               File name
.pos(a, b)         Coordinates
.size(a, b)         Display size

◆ Key Input Processing

.dst(n)            Variable to receive result
.wait              wait until pressed
.elapsed            Variable to receive time until pressed



◆ Change Tileset

Numeric                 Tileset ID
Variable                 Tileset ID

◆ Change Parallax Back

Character string               File name
.hloop              Loop horizontally
.vloop              Loop vertically
.hscroll(n)        Auto scroll horizontally
.vscroll(n)        Auto scroll vertically

◆ Change Tile

Array                 Original Chip ID
Number                 Chip ID to replace
.lower              Lower
.upper              Upper

◆ Set Encounter Rate

Number                 Steps

◆ Set Teleportation Point ???????

@raw 11810, "", 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1     

@raw 11810, "", 1, 1, 9, 7, 0, 1

@raw 11810, "", 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1

◆ Teleportation On/Off ???????

@raw 11820, "", 0

@raw 11820, "", 1

◆ Set Escape Location ???????

@raw 11830, "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1

@raw 11830, "", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1

◆Change Escape Access ???????

@raw 11840, "", 0

@raw 11840, "", 1

◆ TPC | Call System Functions

.saveMenu         Save screen
.loadMenu           Load screen    
.partyMenu          Party Menu
.optionMenu        Options window
.licenseMenu         License Window    
.debugMenu         Debug Window    
.toggleScreen      Toggle full screen mode
.f12                GAME RESET

.pause              Pause (debug window only)

◆ TPC | Control System Functions


.saveMenu          Disable save screen
.partyMenu          Ban party menu
.toggleScreen      Disable screen switching (F4)
.optionMenu        Disable option window (F5)
.debugMenu          Disable debug window (F9)
.f12                Disable game reset (F12)

◆ Label

Numeric value                 Label number
Character string               Label name (number automatically assigned)

The following description is also possible

(label name):

◆Jump to Label

Numeric value                 Label number
Character string               Label name (number automatically assigned)

◆ Loop
Infinite loop/number of times


Switch             Loop count
.inf                Infinite loop (default)
.dst                Variable that receives the index (only when specifying the number of times)
Others               Loop content

Count Up/Count Down

@countUp / @countDown

Range                 Range to count
.dst                Variable to receive index
Others               Loop content

Conditional loops

@while / @doWhile

Comparison operations             Conditional expressions (==, >=, <=, >, <, !=)
.dst                Variable to receive index
Others               Loop content

Element enumeration

◆ TPC | foreach

[Arguments for temporary arrays]
Array                 Elements to enumerate (constants, variables, variable numbers)
.dst                element, variable receiving index
Others               Loop content

[Arguments for pointer arrays]
variable                 head of array
.cnt                Number of elements
.dst                element, variable receiving index
Others               Loop content

[Arguments for map events]
.dst                Variable to receive event ID, index
Others               Loop content

◆ Break Loop

Numeric value                 Number of blocks to escape
.level(n)          Number of blocks to exit


Numeric value                 Number of blocks to escape
.level(n)          Number of blocks to exit

◆ End Event Processing

◆ Erase Event

◆ Call Event

.common(n)          Common Event ID
.mev(a, b)
.map(a, b)          map event ID, page

◆ Comment

Character string               Comment content

◆ Game Over

◆ Return to Title Screen

◆ Exit Game

◆ MNC | Get Save Info

Array                 Save number
.datetime(a, b)    Variables that receive date and time
.leader(a, b)      Variable that receives the leader member's level and HP
.level(a)          Variable to receive the level of the first member
.hp(a)              Variable to receive the HP of the first member
.name(a)            A string variable that receives the name of the first member
.face(a, b, c, d)   Picture ID to draw the member's face graphic

◆ MNC | Save


Array                 Save number
.result(n)          Variable to receive save result

◆ MNC | Load


Array                 Save number
.disableFileCheck  Disable file content checking
.disableBlackout    Disable blackout on load

◆ MNC | End Load Processing (Do Nothing) ???????

@raw 3004, ""

◆ MNC | Get/Set Mouse Position

.getPos(a, b)      Variable to receive coordinates
.setPos(a, b)       Coordinates to set

◆ MNC | Show String Picture

Array                 Picture ID
String               Drawing Text

.pos(a, b)          Display position
.center            Center coordinates
.topLeft            Top left coordinates
.bottomLeft        Bottom left coordinates
.topRight          Upper right coordinate
.bottomRight        Bottom right coordinate
.top                top coordinate
.bottom            Bottom coordinates
.left              left coordinate
.right              right coordinate

.scrollWithMap      Linked map scroll
.useChromakey      With transparent color
.chromakey(n)      Set transparent color

.scale(n)          Scale factor n%
.scale2(a, b)      Horizontal expansion rate a%, Vertical b%

.trans(n)           Transparency n%
.rgbs(r, g, b, s)   Hue

.size(a, b)         Picture size
.font(a, b)        Font name, font size
.skin(a)            Graphic filename to use for drawing

.noframe            Disable window borders
.noGradation        Disable character gradation
.noShadow          Disable character shadows
.noPadding          Disable padding outside characters

.nobg              Don't draw window backgrounds
.stretch            Stretch drawing
.tiled              Tile

.charSpacing(n)    Character spacing
.lineSpacing(n)    Line spacing
.spacing(a, b)      Character/line spacing

.rotate(n)          Rotate effect
.wave(n)            Wave effect
.angle(a, b)        Angle designation effect a / b

.multi              Multiplication
.add                Add
.overlay            overlay

.hreverse          Flip horizontally
.vreverse          Flip vertically
.hvreverse          Flip horizontally/vertically

.mapLayer          Layers in fields
.battleLayer        Layer in battle

.eraseWhenTransfer  Erase when moving map
.eraseWhenEndBattle Erase when the battle ends
.affectedByTint    Affected by screen tint
.affectedByFlash    Affected by screen flash
.affectedByShake    Affected by screen shake

◆ MNC | Get Picture Info

[Argument for rectangle]
Array                         Picture ID
.baseRect(a, b, c, d)       Rectangle without scaling
.currentRect(a, b, c, d)    The current rectangle
.goalRect(a, b, c, d)       Rectangle after moving

.xywh                      Let the rectangle be x, y, w, h
.ltrb                      Let the rectangle values ​​be left, top, right, bottom
.cewh                      Let the rectangle values ​​be cx, cy, w, h

[Argument for pixels]
Array                         Picture ID
.pixel(a, b, c, d)           Rectangle to get (xywh)    

.dst(a)                    Result destination
.ignoreA                    Ignore pixel alpha
.dynamic                    Get value with effect
.static                    Get value without effect (default)

◆ TPC | Edit Picture

Array                         Picture ID
.xywh(a, b, c, d)           Rectangle to change    
.src(a)                    Start of variable number where pixel information is stored

.opaq                      Always set pixel A to 0xFF regardless of the specified value.
.skipTransparent            Do not apply transparent pixel data

◆TPC | Edit Picture (Tile)

Array                         Picture ID
.xywh(a, b, c, d)           Rectangle to change    
.src(a)                    Start of variable number where tile ID is stored
.lower                      Draw the lower layer
.upper                      Draw the upper layer

.single (n)               Draw with a single tile n
.range (n)                  Read tile IDs in the specified range from variable n

.disableAutoTile            Disable auto-tiling in underlying drawing
.wipe                      Clear the specified range before drawing

.tilesetId (n)              Tileset to use for drawing
.pattern (n)                Anime pattern

*The tile ID is the same as the "Rewrite map" command.
* Use the current map by specifying 0 for tilesetId
* Use the same pattern as the map by specifying -1 for the pattern    

◆ TPC | Output Image

.screen                    Target the game screen
.pic(a)                    Target pictures

.static                    (Picture) Does not reflect color tone/flash
.dynamic                    (Picture) Reflect color and flash

.opaq                      Make all pixels opaque (for pictures)

.dst(n)                      Output file name

◆ MNC | Key Input Processing EX

.keybd                      Get keyboard status
.keybdWithBind              Get keyboard state with bind
.keyCode(n)                Get key state for code n
.joy                        Get joypad status
.getBind                    Get the joypad binding status
.setBind                    Set joypad binding state

.dst(n)                    Start of variable used to get or set

◆ MNC | Rewrite Map

.pos(a, b)                  Start point of rewriting position
.size(a, b)                Rewriting range
.xywh(a, b, c, d)           Starting point and range of rewrite position
.lower                      Make the target the lower layer
.upper                      Make the target the upper layer
.single(n)                  Rewrite with a single tile n
.range(n)                  Read tile IDs in the specified range from variable n
.disableAutoTile            Disable auto-tile processing when rewriting the lower layer

◆ MNC | Control Variable Array
v[tag1].copy(v[tag2], count)

Swap values
v[tag1].swap(v[tag2], count)

Ascending sort

Descending sort


Enumeration of values
v[tag1].enum(beg, count)

v[tag1].deref(v[tag2], count)

Binary operations


[Sort/Shuffle Options]
.sync(a)                      Head a of the array to be operated in conjunction

◆ MNC | Control Shared Save

Open/Close/Save/Save and Close

Switch/variable/string variable operations
gs[a].***(s[b], count)
gv[a].***(v[b], count)
gt[a].***(t[b], count)

copyTo              Copy from shared save
copy from
copyfrom            copy to shared save

◆ MNC | Set Picture ID

Array                 Picture ID

.move(a, b)         move length b to a
.swap(a, b)         Exchange ID for length b with a
.slide(a, b)        Shift ID by length b

.ignoreError        Do not make an error for an out-of-range ID operation    

◆ MNC | Set Game Option

.pauseWhenInactive      Pause When Inactive
.runWhenInactive        Continue running when inactive    
.fatal(a, b, c)         Set FPS, test play, message skip
.picLimit(n)           Set the picture ID limit
.animLimit(n)         Set the upper limit for the number of battle animations displayed
.fullFrame              No frame skip
.oneFifth              Skip rendering once every 5 frames
.oneThird              Skip rendering once every 3 frames    
.oneHalf                Skip rendering once every two frames

.btlOrigin                Specify the display position of the default battle screen
    .center            center
    .top                Top
    .left              left

.winFaceSize(a, b)      Text window face graphic width a, height b

* Arguments for this command can be properly divided into multiple commands except for items that overlap

◆ MNC | Call Command

Numeric value                 Command code
String               Command string argument
Array                 Each argument when directly specifying a numeric argument
`[(expr), ...]      Arguments when specifying numeric arguments in a formula            
.args(a, b)        Variable head a and number of elements b when specifying numeric arguments in a variable array

◆ Conditional Branch

    .isOn                    Switch is ON (default)
    .isOff                    Switch is OFF

    l (op) r
    Comparison operations                 Variable comparisons (==, >=, <=, >, <, !=)

・String variable (TPC | If stringVar)
    String variable (op) String
    .eq                    l is the same as r
    .neq                      l is not r
    .contains              l contains r
    .notContains            l does not contain r

    .ignoreCase            Ignore Case


    .geq(n)                  Have more than n money
    .leq(n)                  Your money is n or less

・Timers 1 and 2
    .geq(n)                 Remaining seconds is n or more
    .leq(n)                Remaining seconds less than or equal to n

    Array                     Item ID
    .exists                Own item
    .notExists              I don't own the item

・Main character
    Array                     Hero ID
    .isMember              The main character is at the party
    .isNamed(n)            The main character's name is n
    .level.geq(n)          Hero's level is n or higher
    .hp.geq(n)              Hero's HP is n or more
    .hasSkill(n)            Hero can use special skill n
    .isEquip(n)            Hero is equipped with item n
    .hasState(n)            Hero is in state n

    Array                     Character ID
    .self                  Special Events
    [argument for orientation]
    .facingUp              facing up
    .facingRight            .facing right
    .facingDown            facing down
    .facingLeft            facing left
    [Argument for existence check]

    `expr                  any expression
    .triggeredByDecision    Start with decision key
    .bgmHasLooped          BGM goes around
    .saveExists            save exists
    .testPlay              Test play enabled
    .atbWaitMode            ATB wait enabled
    .fullscreen            Full screen state
    .rightAfterLoad        Right after loading
    .enableJoy              Joypad enabled
    .active                Window Active
    .canOutput              File output possible

.elif(...)              Conditional branching in other cases and execution contents when it is satisfied
.else(n)                What to do otherwise

Others                   Execution details when the conditions are met

◆ TPC | If stringVar
(related to @if)
String variable (op) String

    .eq                    l is the same as r
    .neq                      l is not r
    .contains              l contains r
    .notContains            l does not contain r

    .ignoreCase            Ignore Case

◆ Control Switches
s[n] = 1
s[n] = 0

◆ Control Variables

[Operation Details]

v[a] = b                 Assignment    
v[a] += b              Addition    
v[a] -= b               subtract
v[a] *= b              Multiplication
v[a] /= b               Division
v[a] %= b              remainder
v[a] |= b               Or
v[a] &= b               And
v[a] ^= b               Xor
v[a] <<= b               Shl
v[a] >>= b               Shr

[Special Operands]
item[a].count           The number of possessions of item a
item[a].equipCount       Equip count of item a
actor[a].level          Level of hero a
actor[a].exp             Current experience of hero a
actor[a].hp            HP of hero a
actor[a].mp             MP of hero a
actor[a].mhp            Maximum HP of hero a
actor[a].mmp             Maximum MP of hero a
actor[a].atk           Attack power of hero a
actor[a].def            Defense of hero a
actor[a].mag            Mental strength of main character a
actor[a].spd             Agility of hero a
actor[a].weapon         Weapon ID of hero a
actor[a].shield        Shield ID of hero a
actor[a].armor          Armor ID of hero a
actor[a].helm          Helm ID of hero a
actor[a].accessory     Accessory ID of hero a    
actor[a].id           ID of actor a
actor[a].gauge          ATB gauge for hero a
actor[a].reqExp         Exp required for hero a's next level
member[a].***          *** of party member a (same as .actor)
ev[a].mapId            Map ID of event a
ev[a].x               X coordinate of event a
ev[a].y                Y coordinate of event a
ev[a].dir             Orientation of event a
ev[a].scrx               Screen X of event a
ev[a].scry              Screen Y of event a
ev[a].id                ID of event a
enemy[a].hp            HP of enemy character a
enemy[a].mp            MP of enemy character a
enemy[a].mhp            Maximum HP of enemy character a
enemy[a].mmp           Maximum MP of enemy character a
enemy[a].atk            Attack power of enemy character a
enemy[a].def            Defense of enemy character a
enemy[a].mag            Character a's mental strength
enemy[a].spd            Agility of enemy character a
enemy[a].id            ID of enemy character a
enemy[a].gauge          Enemy character a's ATB gauge              Money
sys.timer1               Remaining seconds of timer 1
sys.timer2             Remaining seconds of timer 2
sys.memberCount         Number of party members
sys.saveCount           Number of saves
sys.battleCount         Number of battles
sys.winCount            Number of wins
sys.loseCount           Number of losses    
sys.escapeCount         Number of escapes
sys.tick                 MIDI playing position                Date
sys.time                Time
sys.frame              Elapsed frame
sys.version            Version of Maniacs
rnd(a, b)                
between                Mathematical functions that can be used in variable manipulation expressions
lerp(a, b, t, td)       a + (t / td) * (b - a)
sum(id, cnt)            Total value of v[id]..v[id+cnt-1]      
amin(id, cnt)          Minimum of v[id]..v[id+cnt-1]
amax(id, cnt)          Maximum value of v[id]..v[id+cnt-1]

◆ TPC | Control String Variables

[Operation Details]
.asg                    Assignment
.cat                    Concatenation

[string operand]
String                   Value
.min(n)                Minimum number of characters
.extract                Variable expansion within strings

[numeric operand]
Number                     Value
.min(n)                Minimum number of digits

[Switch Operands]
Switch                 Value
.min(n)                Minimum number of characters

[name operand]
.member[a].name        Data type
.static                Get database value
.dynamic                Get game data value
.extract                Variable expansion within strings

[description operand]
.member[a].desc        Data type
.static                Get database value
.dynamic                Get game data value
.extract                Variable expansion within strings

[operands of concatenation]
.cat(a, b, c)           String
.extract                Variable expansion within strings

[insert operand]
.ins(a, b, c)          base string a, index b, insertion string c
.extract                Variable expansion within strings

[operand for partial deletion]
.remove(a, b, c)         base string a, index b, number of characters c
.extract                Variable expansion within strings

[operand for replacement]
.rep(a, b, c)          base string a, search string b, replacement string c
.extract                Variable expansion within strings

[operand of replacement (regular expression)]
.exrep(a, b, c)      
.exRep(a, b, c)        Base String a, Search Term b, Replacement String c
.first                  Only replace the first matching string
.extract                Variable expansion within strings

[Cut Operand]
.subs(a, b, c)           base string a, index b, number of characters c
.extract                Variable expansion within strings

[array operand]
.join(a, b, c)          delimiter a, first element b, number of elements c
.extract                Variable expansion within strings

[file operands]
.file(a)               File name a
.sjis                  Set encoding to shift-jis
.utf8                  Set encoding to utf-8
.extract                Variable expansion within strings

👆 Character string variable (numericalization)

[Operation Details]
.toNum(a, *)            Numericalize and output to variable a

.extract                Variable expansion within strings
.hex                    Convert as hexadecimal

👆 Character string variable (get length)

[Operation Details]
.getLen(a)             Output length to variable a

👆 Character string variable (search)

[Operation Details]
.inStr(a, b, *)        Output the occurrence position of string a to variable b

.beg(a)                Search start position (number of characters)
.extract                Variable expansion in search strings
.hex                    Convert as hexadecimal numbers when expanding numbers

👆 Character string variable (search by regular expression)

[Operation Details]
.exInStr(a, b, *)      Output the occurrence position of search term a to variable b

.beg(a)                Search start position (number of characters)
.extract                Variable expansion in search strings
.hex                    Convert as hexadecimal numbers when expanding numbers

👆 Character string variable (extracted by regular expression)

[Operation Details]
.exMatch(a, b, c, *)    Output capture of search term a to b, appearance position to c

.beg(a)                Search start position (number of characters)
.extract                Variable expansion in search strings
.hex                    Convert as hexadecimal numbers when expanding numbers

👆 String variable (split)

[Operation Details]
.split(a, b, c, *)      Output the array split by string a to string variable b and the number of splits to variable c.

.extract                Variable expansion within split strings
.hex                    Convert as hexadecimal numbers when expanding numbers

👆 Character string variable (file output)

[Operation Details]
.toFile(a, *)          Output to file name a

.sjis                  Set encoding to shift-jis
.utf8                  Set encoding to utf-8
.extract                Variable expansion of file name strings
.hex                    Convert as hexadecimal numbers when expanding numbers

👆 Character string variable (cut out one line)

[Operation Details]
.popLine(a, *)          Output the extracted line to a

.extract                String variable expansion
.hex                    Convert as hexadecimal numbers when expanding numbers

◆ TPC | Get Game Info

[common arguments]
Variable                     Result destination
.dst                    Result destination

[Map Size]
.mapSize                Get w, h of map    

-> dst[0] ~ dst[1]

[Tile ID]
.tiles(x, y, w, h)       Get the tile ID of the map rectangle xywh
.lower                  Get Lower
.upper                  Get upper

-> dst[0] ~ dst[w*h]

.winSize                Get window w, h

-> dst[0] ~ dst[1]

[Screen pixel data]
.pixel(x, y, w, h)       Get the pixels in the map rectangle xywh
.ignoreA                Ignore pixel alpha

-> dst[0] ~ dst[w*h]

[Event Information]
.interpreter.current(n) Get call hierarchy n* of running event

    0:  Running
    n>0: up the call hierarchy
    n<0: trace from the first event

・Contents of output
    dst[0]                    Event type*
    dst[1]                    Event ID
    dst[2]                   Page ID
    dst[3]                    Start condition*
    dst[4]                  line being executed

・Event type
    01: Map Event
    02: Common Event
    04: Battle Event

・Reason for calling
    00: Enter key
    01: Contact
    02: Touched
    03: Automatic start
    04: Parallel processing
    05: Call
    06: Battle Begins
    07: Parallel processing (in combat)
[Chipset ID]

[Face image]

.actor[n]                  Target actor n
.win                        Target text window settings

.static                    Get project data
.dynamic                    Get running data

.dst (a), (b)              File destination T[a], index V[b]

[Walking graph]

.actor[n]              Target actor n
.ev[n]                  Target map event n

.static                Get project data
.dynamic                Get running data

.dst (a), (b)          File destination T[a], index V[b]

[Camera Position]

.shake                  Screen shake value x, y


.dst (a), (b)          File output destination T[a], fade-in/volume/tempo/balance V[b..b+3]

◆ Change Actor Class

Array                     Actor ID    
Numeric                     Occupation ID
Variable                     Occupation ID

.initLevel              Set level to 1
.keepLevel              Keep Level

.keepSkill              Keep Skills
.initSkill              Learn special skills according to level
.addSkill              Add Skill

.keepParams            Keep stats
.halveParams            Halves stats
.level1Params          Makes stats equivalent to level 1
.initParams            Set ability values ​​according to level

.showMsg                Show level up message

◆ Change Battle Commands

Array                     Actor ID    
Numeric value                     Command ID
Variable                     Command ID

.add                    Add command
.sub                    Delete command
.all                    (When deleting) Specify all commands

◆ Toggle ATB Wait Mode

.toggle                Switch ON/OFF of weight

◆ MNC | Control Battle

.atb                    ATB gauge increase/decrease
.damagePop              Damage Pop
.targeting              Targeting
.addState              Add state
.paramBuff               Targets ability value changes other than HP

.none                  Release control
.cev(a)                Common event used for control
.var(a)                Start of variables used for control

◆ MNC | Control ATB Gauge

Array                     (In the case of a single unit) Target ID
.actor                  Make the target an actor
.member                Make the target a member
.party                  Target the entire party
.enemy                  Make the target an enemy character
.troop                  Target all enemies

.set(a)                Set gauge
.add(a)                Add gauge
.sub(a)                Subtract gauge

.percent                Make a value a percentage    

◆ MNC | Battle Command EX

.change(a)              "change" command
.fight(a)              "fight" command
.auto(a)                The "automatic" command
.escape(a)             Escape command
.win(a)                "Win" command
.lose(a)                Set "Lose" command (disabled with 0)

◆ MNC | Get Battle Info

.actor(a)              Set the target to actor a
.member(a)              Set the target to member a
.party                  Target the entire party
.enemy(a)              Target is enemy character a
.troop                  Target all enemies

.buff                  Status Correction
.state                  State
.element                Attribute
.misc                  Other

.list                  Member List
.alive                  Survivor List
.canMove                Available list

.dst(a)                Start of output variables

◆ BT | Change Enemy HP

Array                     Target ID

.add(a)                Increase
.sub(a)                decrease

.percent                Make a value a percentage
.possibleDie            Allow Manipulation Death

◆ BT | Change Enemy MP

Array                     Target ID

.add(a)                Increase
.sub(a)                decrease

◆ BT | Change Enemy State

Array                     Target ID

.add(a)                grant
.sub(a)                Unlock

◆ BT | Enemy Encounter

Array                     Target ID

◆ BT | Change Battle Background

Character string                   Target file

◆ BT | Show Animation

Array                     Anime ID

.troop                  Targets all enemies
.enemy(a)              Targets a single enemy character a
.party                  Target all allies
.actor(a)              Targets a single ally

.wait                  Wait until completion    

◆ BT | Action Times +

Array                     Hero ID
.cmd(a)                Target command
.times(a)              Repeat times

◆ BT | Force Escape

.party                  Target all allies
.troop                  Targets all enemies
.enemy(a)              Targets a single enemy a

.cancelIfSideAttack    You can't escape with a side attack

◆ BT | Conditional Branch

    .isOn                    Switch is ON (default)
    .isOff                    Switch is OFF

    l (op) r
    Comparison operations                 Variable comparisons (==, >=, <=, >, <, !=)
・Main character
    Array                     Hero ID
    .canMove                ~ can move
    .use(a)                ~ selects a

・Enemy character
    Array                     Enemy character number
    .canMove                ~ can move
    .isTarget              is the target
    .hasState(a)            Is in state a

.elif(...)                  Otherwise, the conditional branch and what to do if it is met
.else(n)                      What to do otherwise

Others                       Execution contents when the conditions are met

◆ BT | Call Common Event

Variable                         Event ID

◆BT | Abort Battle

◆ Name Input Processing

Array                         Actor ID

.kana                        Katakana is selected by default
.preset                    Put the current name into input mode

◆ Battle Processing

.troop                      Enemy groups spawned

.normal                    Normal battle format
.back_actor                Back attack (enemy ← ally)
.back_enemy                Back attack (ally ← enemy)
.side_actor                Side attack (enemy ← ally)
.side_enemy                Side attack (ally ← enemy)

.backdropFile(a)           Battle background file namea  
.backdropId(a)              Battle background terrain ID a   

.shallow                    Looking down
.deep                      Deep type

.disableEscape              No Escape
.enableEscape              Event interrupted by escape
.enableGameover            Game over on defeat

.disableFlash              Disable Flash

.win                        Branching when winning
.lose                      Branch when defeated
.escape                    Branches when escaping  

◆ Inn Processing

.msg(a)                    Message type (0..2)
.cost(a)                     Price

.stay                      Branch when staying
.leave                      Branch when not staying

◆ Shop Processing

Number                         Item ID

.msg(a)                    Message type (0..2)

.normal                    normal
.buyOnly                    Buy Only
.sellOnly                  Sell Only

.goods(a, b)               Head a of variable storing item ID, number of elements b

.transaction                Branching when trading
.noTransaction              Branch when not trading

◆ Open Load Menu

◆ Open Video Option

◆ Toggle Fullscreen Mode

.toggle                    Toggle (default)

◆ Open Menu Screen

◆ Change Menu Access

.on                          ALLOW
.off                        Prohibit


Argument 0 is the command code
Argument 1 is a string argument
Generate a command considering argument 2 and later as numeric arguments
◇Directive Specifies what operation to perform

◆ Operation
Specify one

Do nothing (default)

Read the files associated with the items mentioned in the source,
Update content
Commands that don't belong anywhere are ignored

Outputs the item described in the source to the clipboard
IDs for common events, map events, and event pages are ignored

Convert game project data into text
The text is in a unique format that follows the blueprint, not tpc
If the tpc source code contains common events, etc., the changes will be applied before output.       
For map data, a 4-digit ID will be added to the end of the specified file name.
*Don't forget to make a backup for troubleshooting.

    [bin2text arguments]
    .db(n)                  Text file n to output the converted database
    .map(n)                Text file n to output converted map data
    .tree(n)                Text file n that outputs the converted map tree
    Array                     Target map ID

Generate game project data from text
The text is in a unique format that follows the blueprint, not tpc
If the tpc source code contains common events, etc., the changes will be applied before output.       
For map data, a 4-digit ID will be added to the end of the specified file name.
*Don't forget to make a backup for troubleshooting.

    [text2bin arguments]
    .db(n)                  File n that outputs the generated database
    .map(n)                File n to output generated map data
    .tree(n)                File n that outputs the generated map tree
    Array                     Target map ID

◆ Loading blueprints

.db(n)                  Load database blueprint file n
.map(n)                Load map data blueprint file n
.tree(n)                Load map tree blueprint file n

Required when updating files or outputting clips other than event commands

◆ Directory specification

String                   Directory to use for input/output

Required when updating files

◆ Operation settings when files are duplicated

.backup                Back up and overwrite (default)
.force                  Overwrite as is

Take the backup in the same place as the 2003 extension editor
(specified directory)/Backup/(date and time).zip

◆ Read source file
#include "src"

String                   File name to read

Add source text at the position you write
If you write other than at the beginning of the line, it will fail.

◆Text option

.none                  None (default)
.instant                Append "\>" to all lines

◆ Optimization

A number                     Specifies the optimization level Default is 0 (none)

*Currently, only distinction between 0 (disabled) and 1 or more (enabled)

◆ Grammar option

.does                  Forms part of the arguments

  .not                  Forms part of the argument

    .represent          Form part of the arguments

      .the              Forms part of the arguments

        .start          Forms part of the arguments

          .of          Forms part of the arguments

            .the        form part of the arguments
                        Do not recognize braces as argument opening symbols
                        Abbreviations for event command names cannot be used when setting
◇ Meta syntax

◆Constant definition

Assign a value to any defined name

If you omit the value, it is assumed to be a number and assigned in order starting with the initial value 0.
If a number is specified, the value after that +1 will be the default value

Some values, such as event command names, do not work well even if defined

def qwe = 33

def {
    a = 6
    b              // b is 7
    c              //c is 8
    e              //e is 9

◆ Switch/variable/character string variable definition
defs / defv / deft

Assign Maker switches/variables/string variables to any defined name
The basics are the same as def, but only numeric values ​​or range values ​​can be placed on the right side, and the default value when omitted is 1.

defv qwe = 10      //qwe is v[10]   

◆ Meta variables
$variable name

◆ meta function

0th is meta function name
Meta variables that receive arguments from the first to number-of-arguments-1
The last argument is what to do


__fn qwe $a $b {
    @comment $b $a

qwe("abcd" "efgh")


[Argument (number of times)]
0th is the number of executions
A meta variable whose first receives the index (optional)
The execution contents after the second

[argument (element enumeration)]
An array containing the elements enumerated by the 0th
A meta variable whose first receives the element (optional)
a meta variable whose second receives the index (optional)
Execution contents after the 3rd


__loop 5 $i {
    @msg.face "Actor1" $i

__loop ["qwe" "rty" "uio"] $e {

__loop ["qwe" "rty" "uio"] $e $i {
    @msg.face $e $i

◆ Conditional branch

0th condition
What to do when the first is true
The second is .elif or .else (optional)

[.elif arguments]
Same as __if

[.else arguments]
0th is the execution content


__if qwe == 2 {

} .elif qwe == 3 {
} .else {

◆ ID acquisition


Maker variables (v, s, t)

◆ String conversion


any value

*Multiple arguments are concatenated in the order they are given.

◆ Definition check

Checks if the given argument is a definition or metavariable with a value

any value

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jetrotal commented Dec 7, 2022

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