First clone the project:
git clone
Then, navigate to the project directory:
cd unitxt
First, create a virtual environment:
python -m venv unitxt-venv
Then, activate the virtual environment:
source unitxt-venv/bin/activate
Then, install the project:
pip install -e ".[dev]"
First, install the pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
To run pre-commit before committing:
pre-commit run --all-files
Or simply run:
make pre-commit
This will run the pre-commit hooks on all files.
The pre-commit hooks will:
- Check for any linting errors
- Check for any formatting errors
- Check for any security vulnerabilities
- Check for spelling errors
- Verify you used relative imports inside src/ directory
- Verify you used library imports outside src/ directory
First, install the project with the test dependencies:
pip install -e ".[tests]"
To run a specific test:
python -m unittest tests.test_<module>
To run all the tests:
python -m unittest
Use squash and merge to merge your PR to main.
Always commit with a good commit message and sign off:
git commit -s
Push into a new branch and open a PR.
git push origin main:<my-new-branch-name>
The layout of the repo is src layout