- Fixed issue with plain text
} else {
blocks being interpreted as code rather than as plain text
- Templates now use the classloader of model object (@alkemist)
- Fix incorrect truncating of escaped unicode symbols; disable escaping of unicode in debug comments (jshinobi)
- Fix Java 7 compiler issues
- Maven project builds in either Java 7 or 8
- Project uses TravisCI
- Added support for @break and @continue in loops
- Fixed antlr grammar to allow value names to start with reserved names (e.g. a variable named 'format' used to conflict with 'for' reserved name)
- Added support for calling templates dynamically with list of required arguments
- Fixed output issue of large primitive long values
- Added check of valid file extension on dynamic template paths
- Improved error codes during dynamic template load
- Numerous doc enhancements
- Hot reloading of templates at runtime with two different methods supported.
- Alternative method of creating templates with dynamic loading of templates by path and dynamic properties.
- Major refactoring of working internals to support hot reloading
- Feature rich template compiler that parses templates, generates Java source, and compiles Java source to byte code
- New "rocker.optimize" property for maven plugin which disables all "reloading" code. Useful for production compiles where you'd like to tweak an extra ~3% performance out of your templates.
- New "extendsModelClass" configuration property in maven plugin and in templates to change the superclass a template model inherits from.
- Initial release