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Skeleton for new config file parser.
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jgm committed Jan 27, 2024
1 parent c3ce1ab commit 944a3b9
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Showing 2 changed files with 151 additions and 78 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion gitit.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ Library
base64-bytestring >= 0.1,
xml >= 1.3.5,
hslogger >= 1,
ConfigFile >= 1,
feed >= 1.0 && < 1.4,
xml-types >= 0.3,
xss-sanitize >= 0.3 && < 0.4,
Expand Down
228 changes: 151 additions & 77 deletions src/Network/Gitit/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,11 +31,14 @@ import Network.Gitit.Framework
import Network.Gitit.Authentication (formAuthHandlers, rpxAuthHandlers, httpAuthHandlers, githubAuthHandlers)
import Network.Gitit.Util (parsePageType, readFileUTF8)
import System.Log.Logger (logM, Priority(..))
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.ConfigFile hiding (readfile)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper, isDigit)
import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper, isDigit, isAlphaNum)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Paths_gitit (getDataFileName)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Text.Pandoc hiding (ERROR, WARNING, MathJax, MathML, WebTeX, getDataFileName)
Expand All @@ -46,39 +49,158 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Network.Gitit.Compat.Except
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans

forceEither :: Show e => Either e a -> a
forceEither = either (error . show) id
import Text.Parsec

-- | Get configuration from config file.
getConfigFromFile :: FilePath -> IO Config
getConfigFromFile fname = do
cp <- getDefaultConfigParser
readfile cp fname >>= extractConfig . forceEither
getConfigFromFile fname = getConfigFromFiles [fname]

-- | Get configuration from config files.
-- | Get configuration from config files, or default.
getConfigFromFiles :: [FilePath] -> IO Config
getConfigFromFiles fnames = do
config <- getConfigParserFromFiles fnames
extractConfig config

getConfigParserFromFiles :: [FilePath] ->
IO ConfigParser
getConfigParserFromFiles (fname:fnames) = do
cp <- getConfigParserFromFiles fnames
config <- readfile cp fname
return $ forceEither config
getConfigParserFromFiles [] = getDefaultConfigParser

-- | A version of readfile that treats the file as UTF-8.
readfile :: MonadError CPError m
=> ConfigParser
-> FilePath
-> IO (m ConfigParser)
readfile cp path' = do
contents <- readFileUTF8 path'
return $ readstring cp $ T.unpack contents
defconfig <- getDefaultConfig
foldM getConfigFromFileWithDefaults defconfig fnames

getConfigFromFileWithDefaults :: Config -> FilePath -> IO Config
getConfigFromFileWithDefaults defconfig fname = do
contents <- readFileUTF8 fname
let contents' = "[DEFAULT]\n" <> contents
case parseConfig fname contents' >>= extractConfig defconfig of
Left msg -> do
hPutStrLn stderr ("Error parsing config " <> fname <> ":\n" <> msg)
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
Right conf -> pure conf

-- | Returns the default gitit configuration.
getDefaultConfig :: IO Config
getDefaultConfig = do
cp <- getDataFileName "data/default.conf"
exists <- doesFileExist cp
if exists
then getConfigFromFileWithDefaults defaultConfig cp
else pure defaultConfig

data Section = Section Text [(Text, Text)]
deriving (Show)

parseConfig :: FilePath -> Text -> Either String [Section]
parseConfig fname txt = either (Left . show) Right $ parse (many pSection) fname txt

pSection :: Parsec Text () Section
pSection = do
skipMany (pComment <|> (space *> spaces))
Section <$> pSectionName <*> many pValue

pComment :: Parsec Text () ()
pComment = char '#' *> skipMany (satisfy (/= '\n')) <* newline

pKeyChar :: Parsec Text () Char
pKeyChar = satisfy (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '-')

pSectionName :: Parsec Text () Text
pSectionName = do
char '['
T.pack <$> manyTill letter (char ']')

pValue :: Parsec Text () (Text, Text)
pValue = try $ do
skipMany (pComment <|> (space *> spaces))
k <- T.pack <$> manyTill pKeyChar (char ':')
skipMany (oneOf " \t")
v <- T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar (char '#' <|> newline)
skipMany (pComment <|> (space *> spaces))
vs <- mconcat <$> many pMultiline
pure (k,v <> vs)

pMultiline :: Parsec Text () Text
pMultiline = try $ do
char '>'
optional (char ' ')
T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar newline

extractConfig :: Config -> [Section] -> Either String Config
extractConfig = foldM goSec
goSec cf (Section name fields) =
foldM (go name) cf fields
go "DEFAULT" cf ("repository-path", t) =
Right $ cf{ repositoryPath = T.unpack t }
go name _ (k,_) =
Left $ "Unknown config field in [" <> T.unpack name <> "] section: " <> T.unpack k

defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig =
Config {
repositoryPath = "wikidata",
repositoryType = Git,
defaultPageType = Markdown,
defaultExtension = "page",
mathMethod = MathML,
defaultLHS = False,
showLHSBirdTracks = False,
withUser = withUserFromSession,
requireAuthentication = ForModify,
authHandler = msum (formAuthHandlers False),
userFile = "gitit-users",
sessionTimeout = 60,
templatesDir = "templates",
logFile = "gitit.log",
logLevel = WARNING,
staticDir = "static",
pluginModules = [],
tableOfContents = True,
maxUploadSize = 100000,
maxPageSize = 100000,
address = "",
portNumber = 5001,
debugMode = False,
frontPage = "Front Page",
noEdit = ["Help"],
noDelete = ["Front Page", "Help"],
defaultSummary = "",
deleteSummary = "Deleted using web interface",
accessQuestion = Nothing,
disableRegistration = False,
useRecaptcha = False,
recaptchaPublicKey = "",
recaptchaPrivateKey = "",
rpxDomain = "",
rpxKey = "",
compressResponses = True,
useCache = False,
cacheDir = "cache",
mimeMap = M.empty,
mailCommand = "sendmail %s",
resetPasswordMessage = "",
markupHelp = "",
useFeed = False,
baseUrl = "",
useAbsoluteUrls = False,
wikiTitle = "Wiki",
feedDays = 14,
feedRefreshTime = 60,
pandocUserData = Nothing,
xssSanitize = True,
recentActivityDays = 30,
githubAuth = undefined

-- | Read a file associating mime types with extensions, and return a
-- map from extensions to types. Each line of the file consists of a
-- mime type, followed by space, followed by a list of zero or more
-- extensions, separated by spaces. Example: text/plain txt text
readMimeTypesFile :: FilePath -> IO (M.Map String String)
readMimeTypesFile f = E.catch
(liftM (foldr (go . words) M.empty . lines . T.unpack) $ readFileUTF8 f)
where go [] m = m -- skip blank lines
go (x:xs) m = foldr (`M.insert` x) m xs
handleMimeTypesFileNotFound (e :: E.SomeException) = do
logM "gitit" WARNING $ "Could not read mime types file: " ++
f ++ "\n" ++ show e ++ "\n" ++ "Using defaults instead."
return mimeTypes
extractConfig :: ConfigParser -> IO Config
extractConfig cp = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,52 +424,4 @@ lrStrip :: String -> String
lrStrip = reverse . dropWhile isWhitespace . reverse . dropWhile isWhitespace
where isWhitespace = (`elem` [' ','\t','\n'])
getDefaultConfigParser :: IO ConfigParser
getDefaultConfigParser = do
cp <- getDataFileName "data/default.conf" >>= readfile emptyCP
return $ forceEither cp

-- | Returns the default gitit configuration.
getDefaultConfig :: IO Config
getDefaultConfig = getDefaultConfigParser >>= extractConfig

-- | Read a file associating mime types with extensions, and return a
-- map from extensions to types. Each line of the file consists of a
-- mime type, followed by space, followed by a list of zero or more
-- extensions, separated by spaces. Example: text/plain txt text
readMimeTypesFile :: FilePath -> IO (M.Map String String)
readMimeTypesFile f = E.catch
(liftM (foldr (go . words) M.empty . lines . T.unpack) $ readFileUTF8 f)
where go [] m = m -- skip blank lines
go (x:xs) m = foldr (`M.insert` x) m xs
handleMimeTypesFileNotFound (e :: E.SomeException) = do
logM "gitit" WARNING $ "Could not read mime types file: " ++
f ++ "\n" ++ show e ++ "\n" ++ "Using defaults instead."
return mimeTypes

-- | Ready collection of common mime types. (Copied from
-- Happstack.Server.HTTP.FileServe.)
mimeTypes :: M.Map String String
mimeTypes = M.fromList

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