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1 Software Overview

jgyates edited this page Dec 5, 2023 · 241 revisions (required) is a python program to communicate with the Generac Evolution Controller used in some liquid and air cooled standby generators. The project uses python3. It was originally tested with python 2.7, however python 3.x is the default and testing only occurs with python 3.x. This program will communicate with the Generator Controller over the serial port using the MODBUS protocol. The application will allow the display and monitoring of the generator much like the Generac Mobile Link product.

Once setup the program will send an email when your generator does interesting things (power goes out, alarm on the generator, weekly exercise, etc). The program will also allow emails to be sent to an IMAP email folder. The program monitors the IMAP folder and takes commands from the email subject. The format of the subject of the email should have "generator:" followed by one or more of the following commands:

      status      - display engine and line information
      maint       - display maintenance and service information
      outage      - display current and last outage (since program launched)
                   info, also shows utility min and max values
      monitor     - display communication statistics and monitor health
      logs        - display all alarm, on/off, and maintenance logs
      registers   - display contents of registers being monitored
      settime     - set generator time to system time
      setexercise - set the exercise time of the generator
                      i.e. setexercise=Monday,13:30,Weekly
      setquiet    - enable or disable exercise quiet mode,
                      i.e.  setquiet=on or setquiet=off
      setremote   - issue remote command. format is setremote=command,
                     where command is start, stop, starttransfer,
                     startexercise. i.e. setremote=start
      help        - Display help on commands

Example email subject lines:

generator: status maint

generator: setexercise=Tuesday,23:45,Weekly setquiet=on

A few notes about commands:

The setremote command issues commands directly to the controller. Start and stop commands should be back to back, i.e. is is not recommended to issue start followed by starttransfer, you should have a stop after each start command. Also, when the starttransfer command is used, once a stop command is issued the controller will set the transfer switch back to "utility" but the generator will continue to run in "cool down" mode for few minutes. This is normal and the behavior is controlled by the controller.

Remote commands that start and stop the generator engine will not work if the following conditions are true:

  • Mains power is disconnected, in any mode
  • The generator is in 'off'
  • The generator is running in 'Manual'

The setexercise command can not set an exercise time that is within a few minutes of the current generator time. This is a limitation of the controller.

The settime command will set the generator time to the time of the Raspberry Pi. If you Raspberry Pi is setup to your correct time zone and your Linux distribution (e.i. Raspbian ) uses network time protocol (NTP) then this will set your generator time to the accurate time. Since the register interface to the generator controller does not expose seconds, will wait until the Raspberry Pi time seconds are zero before setting the command. This allow the time to be accurate within a minute and the seconds that are off from the exact time are consistent. For this reason the time may not be update for one minute when this command is used.

The program uses the file genmon.conf for configuration data. Typical use is to install the software and edit the settings vis the web interface. By default the *.conf files used to configure and the other associated programs is located in the /etc/genmon/ directory. uses the following modules so they are external dependencies of the program and they will need to be installed before running the program. These modules are installed via the program.:

  • crcmod - used for MODBUS CRC calculation.
  • pyserial - used for serial communication.
  • pytz - Helper library for timezone parsing, which is used for determining Daylight Savings Time.
  • configparser - used for parsing configuration file
  • python-openssl - Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library

In addition the the external dependencies there are additional python modules and files included in this project that are used by the software. The *.py files must reside in the genmonlib directory below the location of

  • ./genmonlib/ - This module provides support for sending email and monitoring an IMAP email folder for incoming mail. The mail module can be configured by modifying the mymail.conf file and placing it in the /etc directory.
  • ./genmonlib/ - This modules provides logging support to the other modules.
  • ./genmonlib/ - This module provides thread related housekeeping for and
  • ./genmonlib/ - This module provides internal program communications
  • ./genmonlib/ - This module provides common functions for all modules
  • ./genmonlib/ - Provides modbus protocol support
  • ./genmonlib/ - Provides serial communications support
  • ./data/ALARMS.txt - This text file contains generator error codes with descriptions and potential solutions. It is used by the program to supply additional details when error conditions are detected by the generator monitor.

Due to the location of log files and conf files, root privileges are needed to execute the program. Other than these files, there are no requirements of root privileges.

Installation of is simple. You can install the files manually however it is recommended to use the program to install and to start and stop the program.

The program is designed to run in the directory structure that exist in the github repository. All config files (./conf/*.conf) go in /etc/genmon/ (you can change this directory the command line if you want to install multiple instances of genmon). Edit the *.conf files so they are specific to your installation (email user name and password, etc). You can launch the program as a background application if needed, i.e. "python3 &". Also I use crontab to load the application as a background process on boot by launching a bash script via crontab. The script loads the app via the "python3 &" command.

To run as a foreground application:

sudo python3

To run as a background app:

sudo python3 &

To stop as a foreground application type Ctrl+C. The following command will stop the running instance of

sudo pkill -f

Note the above will work if you are running a single instance of genmon. If you are monitoring multiple generators then you should kill the process by the process ID (pid).


The configuration file genmon.conf is used to set options for the program. The will auto-detect your controller type but you can override that in genmon.conf.

Evolution Controller Front Panel

Nexus Controller Front Panel

These options documented here and the file /etc/genmon/genmon.conf can be edited directly, however most settings can be modified via the web interface. The web interface is the recommended method to update the configuration file.

These options are used for configuration and enabling debugging. genmon.conf has the following options:


# name of the site, used in the web interface and email output (required)
sitename = SiteName

# the serial device name of your serial port. Normally  /dev/serial0 or
# /dev/ttyAMA0 for onboard Raspberry Pi Serial ports (required)
port = /dev/serial0

# Set to true to enable Serial over TCP. A hardware serial to TCP converter is
# required and must be setup for 9600,N,8,1 for most controllers. The software 
# will only make a TCP socket connection, it will not setup the port. The 
# software expects the TCP connection to be a passthrough (i.e. not process 
# modbus protocol). The project software will process the modbus protocol.
# If modbus_tcp is enabled the instead of serial passthrough over TCP, the
# modbus TCP protocol will be used.
use_serial_tcp = False

# if use_serial_tcp is enabled, this parameter sets the IP address used.
serial_tcp_address =

# if use_serial_tcp is enabled, this parameter sets the IP port used.
serial_tcp_port = 8899

# enable to use Modbus TCP protocol over TCP/IP. Note serial_tcp_address and
# serial_tcp_port must be set. Typically serial_tcp_port is set to 502 to be
# compliant with modbus tcp standards
modbus_tcp = False

# If this option is set to true, weekly exercise time and remote start / stop
# commands will be handled by the transfer switch and not the generator
# controller. As a result these options will not be supported by the software.
smart_transfer_switch = False

# the name of the folder in the mailbox for searching for incoming email
# commands (required)
incoming_mail_folder = Generator

# once an email command has been processed by the email is moved to
# this mailbox folder (required)
processed_mail_folder = Generator/Processed

# The TCP port used for communicating with the other apps like
# and the web interface (required)
server_port = 9082

# the Modbus slave address. This *should* not need to be changed from 9d
# (required)
address = 9d

# Optional. This floating point value represents the additional seconds to add
# to the modbus timeout value
additional_modbus_timeout = 0.0

# location of log files (required)
loglocation = /var/log/

# This option will display the contents of additional registers that appear to
# be associated with sensors of some type, for example one register outputs
# almost half of the frequency. I assume this is used internally by the
# controller. (optional, default False)
displayunknown = False

# (optional) This option enables (when True) using and alternate method for
# writing the exercise time. Some version of the Evolution firmware only
# support the legacy method of writing the exercise time. The legacy method
# is a bit more convoluted and the current implementation may result in the
# exercise time being off by one or two minutes from the request set value.
# (optional, default False).  Note this option is forced True if a Nexus
# controller is detected or selected. (e.g. use legacy exercise write if
# using a Nexus controller). When using this method the exercise time must
# be at least three minutes or more from the current generator time.
uselegacysetexercise = False

# (optional) Disable the monitoring of the utility line voltage for detecting
# power outages. This will disable the sending of emails and logging to the
# outage log when a power outage is detected by the software. For Evolution
# and Nexus Controllers this option is typically false, unless you have
# a "smart" transfer switch. With "smart" transfer switches, the transfer
# switch (not the generator controller) will monitor the utility voltage
# and signal the generator to start (by 2-wire control). Non-smart transfer
# switches relay on the generator controller to monitor the utility line.
# With non-smart transfer  switches the generator controller will monitor
# the utility line and if an outage is detected the generator controller
# will signal the transfer switch to disconnect the utility line. Once the
# switch is activated the generator controller will start the generator.
# With smart transfer switches it is common for the utility line to not be
# to the generator controller. In this case the software would not be able to
# detect and outage (our detect it incorrectly) since there was no utility
# line connected.
disableoutagecheck = False

# (optional) The software will auto-detect the cooling type. This option
# is not needed unless you want to override to auto-detect feature. The
# auto-detect can be overridden with this setting. True if monitoring a
# liquid cooled generator, False if air cooled.
#liquidcooled = True

# (optional). The software will auto-detect the controller type. This option
# is not needed unless you want to override to auto-detect feature. The
# auto-detect can be overridden with this setting. True for Evolution
# controller, False for Nexus Controller.
#evolutioncontroller = True

# (optional). If you controller has been replaced the serial number is not
# present in replacement controllers. This option allows you to override a
# missing serial number. This is a numeric value that must be ten digits.
# Pad leading zeros if you serial number is less than 10 digits. This
# value must be ten numeric digits (Evolution, Nexus only)
serialnumberifmissing =

# (optional). Nexus controllers do not have the ability to set the run hours.
# If your controller has been replaced you can use this parameter to add hours
# to the Run Hours reported by the controller. Note: The Evolution controller
# has this functionality built into the dealer menu. Note: if this option is
# used it will only modify the run hours displayed in the web interface.
# modifying this value will not affect the controllers internal maintenance
# counters. This value must be a numeric value.
additionalrunhours = 0.0

# (optional) - Use fuel level sensor for fuel gauge. This option if for
# Evolution Liquid Cooled Diesel Units only. If enabled this option will use
# the fuel level sensor for the web interface fuel gauge.
# This setting is also used on H and G Panel controllers
usesensorforfuelgauge = True

# (optional). This parameter will specify the full path of a file that will log
# power outages. An outage is defined by the utility voltage dropping below the
# generator's programmed threshold voltage. Typically the generator has a hold
# off period (usually around 5 seconds) before the generator starts. If utility
# power is rises above the threshold voltage before the hold off timer has
# expired the generator will  not start, but the outage will still be logged.
# If this parameter is not present the outage log will be in the same directory
# as To reset the outage log manually delete the outage.txt file.
# (e.g. "sudo rm /etc/genmon/outage.txt" )
# outagelog = /etc/genmon/outage.txt

# (optional) This parameter will sync the generator time to the system time
# if there is a change in Daylight Savings Time. This does not change the system
# time, only the generator time.
syncdst = False

# (optional) This parameter will sync the generator time to the system time
# once every hour. This does not change the system time, only the generator
# time.
synctime = False

# (optional) This parameter will enable the functionality to support biweekly
# and monthly exercise times (weekly is the default). Note, your generator
# controller  must support this functionality before enabling this option.
enhancedexercise = False

# (Optional) This parameter, if true will enable the use of HTTPS
# (secure HTTP) in the Flask web app or user name and password
# authentication, depending on the options below. This option is only
# applicable to the web app. This option requires python-openssl library
# to be installed
usehttps = False

# NOTE: It is possible to have a username/password login but not use SSL
# is you set usehttps true, useselfsignedcert=false, and set keyfile
# and certfile to a file that does not exist. This option is only
# applicable to the web app and is not presented in the settings UI.
# Be sure you understand the risks of utilizing a username and password
# in clear-text and do not use a username and password that you use
# on any other systems.

# (Optional) This parameter is used with usehttps. If
# userhttps is true, then this option will signal the type of certificate
# to use. If this option is true  a self signed certificate (supplied by
# Flask library) will be used. If false, then the a key file (key.pem) and
# a certificate file (cert.pem) must be created and specified in the
# following entries (keyfile, certfile) below.
# For information on how to create your own
# certificate please see this site:
useselfsignedcert = True

# (Optional) These parameters are used if useselfsignedcert is False. They
# specify the path and name of the key file and certificate file.
# example keyfile = /home/pi/genmon/cert.pem
#         certfile = /home/pi/genmon/cert.pem
keyfile =
certfile =

# (Optional) This parameter will allow a simple authentication to be used
# and it sets the username of the simple authentication. usehttps must
# be True to use this feature.
# This option is only applicable to the web app.
http_user =

# (Optional) This parameter will allow a simple authentication to be used
# and it sets the password of the simple authentication. usehttps must
# be True to use this feature.
# This option is only applicable to the web app.
http_pass =

# (Optional) This parameter will allow a simple authentication to be used
# and it sets the username of the simple authentication for a limited rights
# user. usehttps, https_user and https_pass must used before the limited user
# functionality is enabled.
# This option is only applicable to the web app.
http_user_ro =

# (Optional) This parameter will allow a simple authentication to be used
# and it sets the password of the simple authentication for a limited rights
# user. usehttps, https_user and https_pass must used before the limited user
# functionality is enabled.
# This option is only applicable to the web app.
http_pass_ro =

# (Optional) This parameter will allow the HTTP port to be set by the web
# interface. The default is 8000, but this setting will override that
# value. This option is only applicable to the web app.
http_port = 8000

# (optional) This parameter will override the default port for HTTPS, which is
# 443. Uncomment and change this value to use a non-standard port for HTTPS
https_port = 443

# (Optional) This parameter will allow the favicon on the http website to be
# set. Default is favicon.ico included with the project.
# examples   favicon=
#            favicon=
favicon =

# (Optional) This parameter will allow the use of LDAP authentication. All
# of the LDAP options can only be configured manually in genmon.conf. This
# value will look like ldap://
# The ldap_base and either admin or readonly groups must be specified. If
# you do not understand any of these terms then you probably should ignore
# the ldap options.
ldap_server =

# (Optional) This parameter is required to use ldap and will look like
# mydomain
domain_netbios =

# (Optional) This parameter is required to use ldap and will look like
# dc=mydomain,dc=com
ldap_base =

# (Optional) When using LDAP, this parameter specifies the group users
# must belong to for admin rights to genmon. This is a short name
# such as "GenmonAdmins"
ldap_admingroup =

# (Optional) When using LDAP, this parameter specifies the group users
# must belong to for readonly rights to genmon. This is a short name
# such as "GenmonReadOnly"
ldap_readonlygroup =

# A user defined URL link to include in status emails sent from the
# software when the generator status changes
user_url =

# Optional. kwlog. If kW Output is supported for your controller, a log of the
# power is kept by genmon. The default file is named kwlog.txt and resides
# in the same directory as To disable the log uncomment this entry
# and leave the entry blank. To change the path and filename, uncomment and
# provide a full path and filename.
# kwlog=

# Enable to disable the power meter / current readings
disablepowerlog = False

# The maximum size of the kwlog in megabytes. The default value is 15MB.
# Uncomment and modify this value to override the maximum log file size. An
# email notification will be sent when the log file is 80% of the maximum.
# All log entries will be removed once the log limit is reached.
kwlogmax = 15

# This is a value to override the divisor used to calculate the current for
# evolution units. This value is expressed in floating point.
# This parameter is optional. This value must be greater than zero.
currentdivider =

# This is a value to add or subtract from the value used to calculate current
# evolution units. This value is expressed in floating point.
# This value can be positive or negative. This parameter is typically only
# needed if your generator was not calibrated during the install of your
# generator.
currentoffset =

# Set this to True prevent the software from reporting platform
# specific data such as CPU temp.
disableplatformstats = False

# If True, email commands that write to the controller will be disabled
# (settime, setexercise, setremote, etc.). The default is False
readonlyemailcommands = False

# If True, the software will make slight optimizations for slower CPUs.
# This is a design trade off for responsiveness vs CPU utilization
optimizeforslowercpu = False

# Weather information relies on the pyowm (Python Open Weather Map) python
# library. If you installed the Generator Monitor Software before
# version 1.9.6 and are upgrading you must run this command:
# "sudo pip3 install pyowm" from the console before the weather features will
# be functional

# if true, weather functionality will be disabled
disableweather = True

# to enable weather reporting in the UI you must have a weather API key from
# and weatherlocation must be filled in. An API key
# can be obtained here:
weatherkey =

# Weather location. This can be a City, State, Country i.e. (Atlanta,GA,USA
# or London,GB) or this can be a city code from this site:
weatherlocation =

# Display metric units for weather information if True. Default is False
# This also enables other units to be displayed as metric.
metricweather = False

# If set to True, the minimum information regarding the weather will be
# displayed. If set to False the maximum information will be
# displayed. The default is True
minimumweatherinfo = True

# fuel tank size in gallons (default) or liters, if metric units are enabled.
# This is used to estimate the fuel remaining the tank. Zero do disable fuel
# estimate
tanksize = 0

# set to true to use nominallinevolts to set nominal line volts value in
# the UI gauge. Evo and Nexus only.
usenominallinevolts = False

# this value can override the nominal line volts value of 240V. This is so
# countries with 220 or 230 volts is the norm instead of 240.
# Evo and Nexus only.
nominallinevolts = 240

# Set to True for Multiple Instances of Genmon on a single system, for use
# with multiple Generators with one server. If true the genmon and the add on
# programs will not check if and instance is already loaded.
multi_instance = False

#### BEGIN H-100 / G-Panel / PowerZone / Custom Specific Settings  #######
# This section is ignored for Nexus / Evolution
# set this value to h_100 to enable H-100 mode or G-Panel mode.
# set this value to powerzone to enable PowerZone support.
# Blank or omitted the software will default to Evolution / Nexus mode.
# The software will auto detect H-100 vs G-Panel if h_100 mode is selected
# valid options are generac_evo_nexus, h_100, powerzone or custom.
controllertype = generac_evo_nexus

# if custom controller type is used then this entry tells the software
# the JSON filename containing the custom configuration. This file must be in
# the genmon/data/controller folder
import_config_file = Evolution_Liquid_Cooled.json

# Voltage Configuration is only valid for Industrial Controllers. Valid
# settings are :  120/208
#                 120/240
#                 230/400
#                 240/415
#                 277/480
#                 347/600
# The first number represents the Line to Neutral Voltage, the second is the
# Line to Line Voltage. This parameter is ignored for Evolution and Nexus.
voltageconfiguration = 120/240

# Set to either 12 or 24 depending if your generator has 1 or 2 batteries
nominalbattery = 24

# Set to true if you use a HTS/MTS/STS transfer  switch to enable reading
# additional data from the switch
hts_transfer_switch = False

# Must be 'gal' or 'cubic feet'. the units of the next two settings
fuel_units = gal
# the volume of fuel used in one hour at half the rated load. Set to zero
# to  disable fuel estimation
full_rate = 0.0
# the volume of fuel used in one hour at full rated load. Set to zero to
# disable fuel estimation
half_rate = 0.0

#### END H-100 / G-Panel / PowerZone Specific Settings #######

# The following entries are written by based on the generator
# settings, serial number and a one time lookup on the internet of the
# serial number. If you are not connected to the internet default
# settings will be used based values read from the generator. Some
# of these settings are editable via the web interface.
#    fueltype, model, nominalrpm, nominalkw, nominalFreq

# The following entries are written and maintained by genmon some of
# these are editable in via the web interface: version, autofeedback

Note: Weather information relies on the pyowm (Python Open Weather Map) python library. If you installed the Generator Monitor Software before version 1.9.6 and are upgrading you must run this command:

sudo pip3 install pyowm

If you installed version 1.9.6 or later then this library installation is included in install script and instructions.


Gmail IMAP has been tested with this application. It should be easy to test this other email providers. All mail processing is contained in and mymail.conf.

The following is a description of the options contained in mymail.conf, which is used to configure the mail support in


# optionally disable email use by the program. set to true to disable all email functionality
disableemail = false

# optionally disable receiving mail
disableimap = false

# optionally disable sending mail
disablesmtp = false

# The password for the email account used for sending and receiving email
email_pw = mypassword

# the email account email address (sender email address)
email_account = [email protected]

# address that email are sent to
email_recipient = [email protected]

# the email from which the emails are sent (sender email address)
sender_account = [email protected]

# optional, name of the sender, i.e. Genmon or John Doe
sender_name = Genmon

# the SMTP mail server used for sending email, leave empty to disable SMTP, i.e. "smtp_server ="
smtp_server =

# the IMAP server address used for receiving email, leave empty to disable IMAP, i.e. "imap_server ="
imap_server =

# the SMTP port used on the SMTP server for sending email
# Note about ports and email security: typically port 587 is used for
#  TLS and port 465 is used for SSL
smtp_port = 587

# use SSL encryption to send emails
ssl_enabled = false

# do not use TLS encryption if true, the default value is false (use TLS).
# This is parameter ignored if ssl_enable is true. Enabling this and disabling
# SSL encryption will result in no SMTP encryption.
tls_disable = false

# use BCC instead of To for sending mail
usebcc = False

Please note that if you use IMAP to receive email (i.e. allow genmon to receive commands via email) you will need to also set the incoming_mail_folder and processed_mail_folder options in genmon.conf.

A note about email and security: The app monitors folder on an IMAP email account for emails with a subject containing "generator:". If this is found, the remaining characters of the subject filed are parsed for commands for the monitor program. Since commands are sent to via the subject line of an email, is is suggested that some level of email filtering occur on the receiving email account. For example, gmail supports email filters that if emails arrive from specific people with specific words in the subject, move them to specific folders. You could then have monitor the specific folder used in your filter to only allow specific emails to send commands to If this approach is used then can be configured (via to monitor a specific IMAP folder.

For sending email, SMTP is used. The email recipient can be any valid email. Many mobile providers implement email to SMS translations so SMS can be used if your mobile provider supports this feature. A list of email to SMS provides is here.

Most email providers like Google or Microsoft have increased security on email accounts. These security increases dictate that approved and reviewed applications use the higher security protocols and smaller or open source applications are required to use one of the following workarounds to access email:

Use enable "less secure apps". - This method reduces the security of the account by enabling legacy protocols to access email. Google has deprecated this method and I expect other providers to do the same.

Application Specific Passwords. - This method is preferred and requires two factor auth (2FA) to be enabled on the email provider account settings. More info on application specific passwords for gmail is provided here.

See the Tips and Tricks wiki page on how to setup genmon mail with a gmail account.

The program is a test application for communicating with via sockets. this program is designed to be run on the command line and requires some of the modules in the ./genmonlib directory (, and If you want to run on a different machine, you must have python3 installed and it is recommended that you use the directory structure of the github repository. The app takes one command line argument, the IP address of the computer running (the default is localhost). To issues commands to an instance on a system at IP address of you would do the following:

        python3 -a takes two optional command line parameters:

-a IP Address or none for localhost -p TCP port or none for default port

If you are running ClientInterface on the system running genmon then you do not need any command line parameters. If you are only running once instance of genmon then you do not need to specify the TCP port.

Once the app is executed you should be faced with a prompt ">". From this prompt you can send commands to Commands are prefaced with "generator:". For example to issue the command "status" you would enter the "generator: status" at the ">" prompt when running The commands accepted are listed in the section and they match the email based commands. logs errors to client.log in the current directory. (optional)

The program is a console python application that will communicate with and set or reset GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi. The application requires modules in the genmonlib directory. The program takes one command line argument of the IP address of the system that is running (localhost is default).

The following are the default values for the GPIO pin assignment. These values can be modified by editing the /etc/genmon/gengpio.conf file. Set any value to zero in gengpio.conf to have this value ignored (no used) so you can free up GPIO for other uses

  • Generator READY GPIO 23 (pin 16)
  • Generator ALARM GPIO 24 (pin 18)
  • Generator SERVICE DUE GPIO 25 (pin 22)
  • Generator EXERCISING GPIO 8 (pin 24)
  • Generator RUNNING GPIO 7 (pin 26) (Running in Manual or Auto)
  • Generator OFF GPIO 9 (pin 21) (Off with Switch Off or Manual)
  • Genmon Health GPIO 2 (pin3) (Off when system OK)
  • Internet Connection GPIO 3 (pin 5) (Off when internet connection OK)
  • Raspberry PI CPU Temp (see gengpio.conf file for details)

The following GPIO will be activated on Evolution Controllers:

  • Overspeed/Underspeed (alarms 1200-1206, 1600-1603) GPIO 5 (pin 29)
  • Low Oil (alarm 1300) GPIO 6 (pin 31)
  • High Temp (alarm 1400) GPIO 13 (pin 33
  • RPM Sensor (alarm 1500-1521) GPIO 19 (pin 35)
  • Overvoltage/Undervoltage (alarm 1800-1803, 1900-1906) GPIO 26 (pin 37)
  • Overcrank (alarm 1100-1101) GPIO 21 (pin 40)
  • Overload (alarm 2100-2103) GPIO 20 (pin 38)
  • Governor (alarm 2500-2502) GPIO 16 (pin 36)
  • Warning (alarm 0000, Evolution Air Cooled Only) GPIO 12 (pin 32)

All outputs are high when active.

Example of LED circuit connected to Raspberry Pi GPIO. To execute type:

sudo python3 <-a IPAddress, -c PathToConfig>

Where: -a IP Address of your Pi running or omit for localhost -c path to the genmon.conf file (omit for the default of /etc/genmon/)

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (optional)

The program is a console python application that will communicate with and issue remote commands based on Raspberry Pi GPIO input pin. The application requires modules in the genmonlib directory. The program takes one command line argument of the IP address of the system that is running (localhost is default). The program uses the internal pull up resistors in the Broadcom chipset on the Raspberry Pi. The program also uses the python module RPI.GPIO which comes already installed on most raspberry Pi distributions.

  • If GPIO 17 (header pin 11) makes a high to low transition, the remote stop command is issued
  • If GPIO 27 (header pin 13) makes a high to low transition, the remote start command is issued
  • If GPIO 22 (header pin 15) makes a high to low transition, the remote start/transfer command is issued

To execute type:

sudo python3 <-a IPAddress, -c PathToConfig>

Where: -a IP Address of your Pi running or omit for localhost -c path to the genmon.conf file (omit for the default of /etc/genmon/)

The program uses an option configuration file. If the file /etc/gengpioin.conf is present it will use the following to set options:

# Trigger GPIO on rising or falling edge. Valid values are : rising, falling, both

# Pull up/down resistor config for inputs : valid values are : up, down, off

# Use library callbacks if false, use event based thread if true

# software debounce, integer value for length of software debounce in
#  milliseconds
bounce = 200

# Optional . Set to True to use GPIO lib callbacks. Set to False to use
# callbacks.

# These are used to change the GPIO pin used
# STOP GPIO 17, pin 11



Example GPIO input circuit. Note: external pull up resistor is not needed as it is handled by the chipset.

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (optional)

This is a much simplified version of that drives just a single LED to give two possible outputs by controlling the number of ‘fast’ blinks. The program is a console python application that will communicate with and if genmon Monitor Health is OK, it will blink a LED connected to a GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi, 1 long then 5 short blinks if all is OK or 1 long then 3 short blinks if not OK.

The application requires modules in the genmonlib directory. The program optionally takes 1 or 2 command line arguments, the IP address of the system that is running (localhost is default) and/or then path to the gengpioledblink.conf file. The default GPIO is 18 which is pin number 12. This can be changed in the gengpioledblink.conf file once it is copied to the config directory, it is the only parameter in the file and is given as the board pin number not the GPIO number.

Example of LED circuit connected to Raspberry Pi GPIO.

To execute type:

 sudo python3 <-a IPAddress -c PathToConfig>

Where: -a IP Address of your Pi running or omit for localhost -c path to the genmon.conf file (omit for the default of /etc/genmon/)

The file config gengpioledblink.conf file has the following format:

# GPIO pin # that LED is connected to that is to be blinked

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (optional)

This program will log the state of the generator (RUNNING, EXERCISE,READY, ALARM, SERVICE) along with a date/time to a comma delimited text file (.csv). This file can be opened by Excel. The date/time entry can be formated to an Excel date/time data type. This will allow an analysis to be performed on your generator usage. The program has the following command line syntax:

 sudo python3 -a <IP Address or localhost> -f <outputfile> -c <Optional, path to config files>


 sudo python3 -a -f logfile.csv

The application requires modules in the genmonlib directory. This program can be executed remotely (not on the Raspberry Pi) if the IP address of the Raspberry Pi is provided on the command line. If this program is executed as at boot from a crontab job you musty specify the full path of the output file (i.e. /home/pi/out.csv. If you execute this program locally you can use a relative path (i.e. ./out.csv).

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface.


In addition the the above mentioned application, supports communicating via the socket interface so the application and generator can be monitored by network monitoring tools like Nagios. The program can be used with as a Nagios Plugin to monitor See for Nagios details. is the name of the supplied nagios plug-in. (Web Application)(optional) is a python application that uses the Flask library/framework ( This approach allows a quick and simple python socket interface to be translated to a javascript based web interface. The app, when executed, will serve up a simple web page that will display the status of the generator. Both the app and the app can be hosted on a single Raspberry Pi although you should be able to move the program to another system with little modification. The web application provides most of the information supplied by The setup for flask is detailed at I did not used a virtual environment since this is a single purpose and low traffic web app (i.e. I do not expose the web app to the internet, only my local network). If you want expose the web app to the internet I would recommend adding authentication, using virtual environment and possibly a full web server to actually serve up the web pages since security concerns would be heightened on a public web server. To install Flask type:

 pip3 install Flask

The application requires modules in the genmonlib directory. also uses the same configuration files (/etc/genmon/ and /etc/genmon/mymail.conf). The file /var/log/genserv.log is used for logging errors. The program has one optional command line argument of the IP address of the system is hosted. The default value is localhost, so if no command line argument is supplied the program assumes that and are on the same system. The flask library serve up static HTML, CSS and javascript files which are stored in a directory below the app named static.

The default settings provide for hosting the web app on port 8000 however you can change the port number via the settings. Once and are running, from your internet browser use the following format for the web address:

 Example: http://YourIPAddressGoesHere:8000

Internally, the javascript, calls to the app, which communicates with via private socket calls.

To execute as a background process type:

 sudo python3 &

The highlight colors in the web interface will change color based on the generator status (running, ready, exercise).

To utilize a low bandwidth page append /low to the web address.

Example: http://YourIPAddressGoesHere:8000/low or https://YourIPAddressGoesHere/low

If you are using the secure web interface to and have an admin or limited user password setup (see the web interface Settings page to setup) you can logout of the current session by appending /logout to the web address.

Example: https://YourIPAddressGoesHere/logout

The web interface menu will change colors based on your generators status:

  • Gold / Yellow - Service Due
  • Green - Switch in Auto / Ready
  • Red - Alarm
  • Blue - Exercise
  • Black - Switch Off
  • Gray - Running in Manual
  • Dark Green (Blue / Green ) Running

In normal instances, the genloader program is responsible for loading and unloading the application.

/OtherApps/ (optional)

The program is a simple application that transmits test data out the serial port and attempts to read the same data back (loopback test). This test can be used to test the serial port and cable. The application takes one optional command line argument of the serial port you are testing with. The default is /dev/serial0. To test port /dev/serial0 type:


To test a USB based serial port type:

 python3 /dev/ttyUSB0

The program will output success or failure depending on the results of the serial test.

NOTE - The program uses the serial port and so does the genmon monitor software. To use the program you must stop the genmon monitor software (bash ./ stop).

/OtherApps/ (optional)

The program is an simple loopback test for serial over TCP/IP using TCP sockets. The application transmits test data out to the TCP socket on the serial server and attempts to read the same data back from the socket server (loopback test). This test can be used to test the serial server and cable. The application takes two command line arguments of the serial server IP address and server socket port.


Replace SERIAL_SERVER_IP with and actual IP address and SERIAL_SERVER_PORT with the port number, for example:

python3 -a -p 8899

The program will output success or failure depending on the results of the serial test. is a Linux script that is designed to be called at system boot from a crontab job. This script can also be called to manually start or stop genmon and genserv. The first time you use this script you must change the permissions of the file to make it executable with the following command:

 sudo chmod 775

To start genmon and genserv use the following command (all examples assume you are in the /pi/genmon directory:

 ./ start

To stop genmon and genserv use:

 ./ stop

To restart genmon and genserv use:

 ./ restart

Also, if you do not wish to change the file permissions you can run the program like this:

 bash ./ restart

NOTE - The program was originally written to start and stop the programs directly, however the file is overwritten every time the software is updated. To resolve this issue the script now calls (see below) to start and stop each program.

The second command line parameter is only used if you are running multiple instances of genmon. The second parameter is the full path to the configruation directory.


./ <options> start|stop|restart|hardstop

valid options:
   -h      display help
   -c      path of config files
   -p      Specifiy 2 or 3 for python version. 3 is default (optional)

The program is used to start and stop genmon and the supporting programs. is typically called from the script file when the system boots.

The program uses a configuration file to determine which program to load. The conf file has the following syntax:

module - python module name with no path (assumed to be the same directory as or in the ./addon directory)
enable - True or false, True will load the module, false will ignore the module
hardstop - Use with caution, does not wait for the process to end gracefully before stopping
conffile - config file name with no path (assumed to be /etc/genmon/)
args - command line arguments
priority - load priority, no value is loaded last. Valid range is 0 - 100
postloaddelay - Number of seconds to delay after loading before loading another module

For example:

[genmon] module = enable = True hardstop = False conffile = genmon.conf args = priority = 0 postloaddelay = 4

Multiple sections are allowed so multiple programs can be loaded. Errors for will be logged to /var/log/genloader.log has the following command line arguments:

 -x  Exit all genmon programs
 -r  Restart. Stop and start all genmon programs
 -s  Start. Start all genmon programs
 -z  Force all genmon programs to exit immediately (use with caution)

For example, to restart all programs specified in conf file type:

 python3 -r is a Linux bash script that is designed aid in the maintenance of genmon. This has the following functionality:

  • update - Update the software to the latest version at GitHub
  • install - Install the required libraries needed to run genmon and optionally setup the serial port
  • updatelibs - Update installed libraries to the latest version
  • backup - backup configuration and data files

The web interfacea uses this program to update the software and backup configuration files. Usage:


-i     Install genmon and required libraries
-b     Backup genmon configuration
-r     Refresh (update) required libraries
-u     Update genmon to the latest version
-C     Remove *.pyc files (clean pre-compiled python files)
-n     Do not prompt for Y/N, assume yes
-c     Used to specify the full path to config file directory
-p     Specify 2 to use python 2, 3 is the default
-s     Just copy config files to config directory
-h     Display help

The first time you use this script you must change the permissions of the file to make it executable with the following command:

 sudo chmod 775

To update to the latest version of genmon, from the directory where genmon was downloaded via the "git" command, type:

./ -u

To install the required libraries type:

./ -i

The "install" option will optionally modify your crontab scripts to have genmon run at boot time and optionally copy your configuration files to the /etc/genmon/ directory. Also, if you do not wish to change the file permissions you can run the program like this:

 bash ./ -u (optional)

The program is a program that will send mobile text (SMS) messages when the generator changes state. With, messages are sent via the service Twilio. If you only want simple message notifications from genmon you can use this option and disable email in mymail.conf. takes only one command line option but also has a configuration file that must reside in the /etc/genmon/ directory. The name of the configuration file is gensms.conf. The application requires modules in the genmonlib directory.

The SMS implementation utilizes a Twilio account for sending SMS messages. A free trial account is available and pricing for a non-trial account information is on the Twilio site.

The program will send a short text message when the generator enters the following states: READY, RUNNING, RUNNING in MANUAL Mode, EXERCISING, ALARM, SERVICEDUE, OFF, OFF in MANUAL MODE.

These are the conditions that are notified. These are handled via the /genmon/genmonlib/ module. These short message notices are used with gensms, gensms_modem, genpushover, genslack, gencallmebot, gensms_voip and gensyslog add-ons:

  • Alarm - when alarms or warnings are reported by the controller
  • Software Update - When a software update is available
  • System Health - This is the reported when there is a change in the Monitor - > Generator Monitor Stats -> Monitor Health state. Things like serial communication problems or internal genmon software errors are reported
  • Fuel - If your controller supports fuel consumption calculation low (below 20%) this state is active
  • Outage - If your controller supports utility voltage then this is active if there is a change in the outage state. Outage is reported if the utility voltage drops below the threshold voltage and is normal if the utility voltage is above the pickup voltage
  • Run State - Ready(not running but in Auto mode), Running, Exercise or Running in Manual Mode are the run states. A change in run state is notified
  • Service State - Active is service is due with the controller (Evolution and Nexus only)
  • Pi Hardware Sensor State - OK if all is good, otherwise it will report if CPU Throttling, CPU Undervoltage or CPU Frequency cap conditions have occurred on the pi. These are indicators of overheating or power supply voltage problems and can cause issues with the operation of your pi. These messages will not be sent on non pi platforms.

To install the Twilio support library type:

 apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev
 sudo pip3 install -U pyopenssl
 sudo pip3 install twilio

The following entries must be present in the gensms.conf file:

 # Twilio account SID. This can be obtained from a valid Twilio
 # account

 # Twilio authentication token. This can be obtained from a valid
 #  Twilio account

 # Mobile number to send SMS message to. This can be any mobile
 #  number.
 to_number = +15551234567

 # Number to send SMS message from. This should be a twilio phone
 #  number
 from_number = +1555XXXXXXX

Any errors will be logged to /etc/genmon/gensms.log

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (optional)

The program is a program that will send mobile text (SMS) messages when the generator changes state. With, messages are sent via and attached expansion board with a cellular modem and SIM card. If you only want simple message notifications from genmon you can use this option and disable email in mymail.conf. takes only one command line option but also has a configuration file that must reside in the /etc/genmon/ directory. The name of the configuration file is mymodem.conf, and this file must be copied into the /etc/genmon/ directory. This application requires modules in the genmonlib directory.

The SMS implementation utilizes an expansion board or HAT for the Raspberry Pi to send SMS messages via a cellular modem. The expansion board is the LTE Pi Hat. Please note that there are three versions of this expansion board (European, Verizon, or AT&T). The AT&T version will work on other GSM cellular networks like T-Mobile.

A SIM card is also required to be installed in the expansion board. The SIM card must be programmed and provisioned by a cellular service provider (AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.)

If you are using the expansion card to send SMS messages, the Hat card will use the built in serial port of the pi, therefore you must use a USB serial port for the generator monitor software.

NOTE: To use the modem you must install the rpirtscts program located here. This program source files must be downloaded and built however the process is straightforward and is described on the rpirtscts project page. Starting with version 1.10.3 the command "bash ./ install" will install all required libraries including rpirtscts.

This program sends short notices using the same topics described in the gensms add on.

The program will send a short text message when the generator enters the following states: READY, RUNNING, RUNNING in MANUAL Mode, EXERCISING, ALARM, SERVICEDUE, OFF, OFF in MANUAL MODE. Changes in the utility power status will also be reported vis SMS.

The following entries must be present in the /etc/genmon/mymodem.conf file:

# (required) Mobile number to send SMS message. This can be any mobile
#  number.
recipient = 5551234567

# (Optional) set to true to log at commands to a file
log_at_commands = True

# modem type - select the type of modem used.
# For future use. Presently "LTEPiHat" is the only option
modem_type = LTEPiHat

# port , serial port used. This is the serial device to send AT commands to
# the modem. This *must* be different from the serial port used by the
# generator monitor software.
port = /dev/ttyAMA0

# port baud rate. This is the data rate of the serial port.
rate = 115200

# message level. Currently all SMS messages are the same level. This option
# is not used.
message_level = error

Any errors will be logged to /etc/genmon/gensms_modem.log

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (Optional)

The add on To use this module:

Create an account at

The WAN IP address (not the local IP address) of the system running genmon must be entered into your account at Main Menu - > SOAP and REST/JSON API. You can get your WAN IP address by running this command on the console of your pi:


The application requires modules in the genmonlib directory.

Copy gensms_voip.conf to /etc/genmon/ and configure as following:

# account username. 
username = 

# API password. This is NOT the account login, but rather then API 
# password
password = 

# DID number for your account to send the SMS. i.e. 5551234567
did = 

# Number to send SMS message to. This can be any mobile number
destination = 

# number of seconds to retry sending a failed message
max_retry_time = 600

# the number of seconds to wait before sending a failed message
default_wait = 120

This program sends short notices using the same topics described in the gensms add on.

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (Optional)

The module, provided by @sjbader, will send push notifications via the Pushover Application Framework to a mobile device with the Pushover Application installed. To use this module:

Create an account at

Install chump on your raspberry pi:

sudo pip3 install chump

The application requires modules in the genmonlib directory.

Copy genpushover.conf to /etc/genmon/ and configure as following:

  • appid - This is generated when you log into and at the bottom next to "Your applications" click on "Create Application/API Token". Once you create your app, you're provided with a long and unique application/API token. Add this token to the appid value in the genpushover.conf file

  • userid - This is your user key and is provided when you log into

  • pushsound - This is the custom sound field. I want my genmon to sound different than other alerts, so I don't choose the default. There is a link to the list of options in the .conf file. These must be lower case and the list of sounds is located here:

This program sends short notices using the same topics described in the gensms add on.

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (Optional)

The module, provided by @buschauer, will send push notifications via the CallMeBot Application Framework to a the messaging service from either WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram or Signal. To use this module:

Follow the instructions at Create an account at

This add, like the other add on programs, requires modules in the genmonlib directory.

When used with the genmon project, the configuration file, gencallmebot.conf will be copied to to /etc/genmon/ by the loader program ( The add on program has the following parameter that can be set via the Add On page in the web interface:

# CallMeBot Notifcation type, must be either WhatsApp, Facebook, Signal, Telegram
notification_type = WhatsApp

# CallMeBot API Key, required for WhatsApp, Facebook and Signal
api_key =

# Username, required for Telegram
username =

# Receipient Phone Number, Must start with a "+" and inclide the country
# code, but not inclduign any spaces, so eg +12121211234
recipient_number =

# number of seconds to retry sending a failed message
max_retry_time = 600

# the number of seconds to wait before sending a failed message
default_wait = 120

NOTE: Facebook and Signal support has not been tested.

This program sends short notices using the same topics described in the gensms add on.

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (Optional)

The module, provided by @naterenbarger, will send notifications via the Slack Application Framework.

The application requires modules in the genmonlib directory.

Copy genslack.conf to /etc and configure as following:

  • webhook_url - Slack Webhook URL, retrieve from Slack custom integration configuration.

  • channel - channel name. Format is #channel-name

  • username - This is your slack user name

*icon_emoji - Emoji that appears as the icon of the user who sent the message i.e. ":red_circle"

*title_link = Use this to make the title of the message a link i.e. link to the genmon web interface.

See /etc/genmon/genslack.conf for additional formatting details.

This program sends short notices using the same topics described in the gensms add on.

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (Optional)

The module will send generator notifications to the system log (syslog). The application requires modules in the genmonlib directory.

This program sends short notices using the same topics described in the gensms add on.

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (optional) is a python program that allow genmon data to be imported into a MQTT broker server. MQTT is a messaging standard frequently used in Home Automation application like Home Assistant and others. The program is configured by copying the file genmqtt.conf into the /etc/genmon/ directory and modifying the file to match your system and MQTT server settings. The genmqtt.conf file has the following parameters.


# Required. Address of MQTT server. This value should be changed to match the
# IP address of your MQTT server.
mqtt_address =

# Optional. This value is used if your MQTT server requires authentication.
# This is the username.
# NOTE: a return code of 5 when connecting to the MQTT server typically means
# than the username / password was not provided or is incorrect.
#username =

# Optional. This value is used if your MQTT server requires authentication.
# This is the password.
#password =

# Optional. This value is the IP address of the system running the generator
# monitor software. If the program is running on the same system as
# genmon, then this parameter is not needed.
#monitor_address =

# Optional. This parameter is the port of the MQTT server in a decimal number.
# If this value is not present then 1883 the default.
# mqtt_port =

# Optional. Poll interval is the time between requesting status from genmon.
# The default value is 2 seconds. You can override the default with a floating
# point number.
# poll_interval =

# Optional.  Flush Interval is the time in seconds where even unchanged values
# will be published to their MQTT topic.  Default is a very large number that
# effectively turns off flushing of unchanged values
#flush_interval = 60

# Optional. This value will be added to the beginning of the MQTT path. The
# default path used is 'generator/' however you could add set root_topic=Home
# to make the path be Home/generator.
# root_topic =

# Optional. This value, if true will return numeric values in the Status
# topic as a JSON string which can be converted to an object with integer
# or float values. This applies to items in on the Status, Maintenance and
# Outage page for Evolution and Nexus models and the Status page for
# Industrial models.
numeric_json = False

# Optional. This value, if true will return a JSON list for any list of strings.
# typically the outage log falls into this category.
strlist_json = False

# Optional. By default the program will attempt to export all text data that
# is exported by genmon (see the web interface for details). The blacklist
# entry is a way to skip some values that are updated frequently that may not
# be useful in your MQTT based system. For example the modbus packet count
# be suppressed from MQTT by adding "Packet Count" in the line below, or
# "Platform Stats" will exclude all data in the Platform Stats section.
# Multiple entries are separated by commas.
blacklist = Monitor,Run Time,Monitor Time,Generator Time,External Data

# Optional. Full path to Certificate Authority file. Leave empty to not
# use SSL/TLS. If used port will be forced to 8883.
cert_authority_path =

# Optional. TLS version. Specify the TLS version used. Default is 1.
# Must be 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2. This is ignored a CA cert file is not used.
tls_version = 1.0

# Optional. Defines the certificate requirements that the client imposes
# on the broker. Used if Certificate Authority file is used. None,Optional,
# and Required are the valid options. Required is the default.
cert_reqs = None

# Optional. If True then spaces will be converted to underscores "_" in the
# topic path
remove_spaces = False

# unique identifier for each instance of genmon running. This can be any value
# if you are running one instance of genmon. Otherwise each instance must be
# unique
client_id = genmon

In addition to publishing genmon data to MQTT topics, the ability to send commands to genmon the MQTT topic "generator/command" (or root_topic/command). The software will subscribe to this topic. Any data published to this topic will be sent to genmon as a command. For example, if the following is published :

        topic: "generator/command"
        payload : "setremote=start"

The above will start an Evolution controller. For more commads see the overview.

The program requires the paho-mqtt python library. To install this library run the following command:

sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt

You can validate settings with the mosquitto_sub program, which is included with mosquitto MQTT server like this (assuming you have not changed the default root topic of 'generator'):

mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t generator/# -u username -P password -F %t:%p

The above command will dump all topics. Each generator type has different set of topics, however you can easily get a feel for the names of the topics by looking at the web interface. The Status, Maintenance, Outage, and Monitor pages of the web interface show data, presented in a structured form. This form is parsed directly into MQTT topics and "generator" is used for the root topic. For example if you look at the Monitor page, the first entry is

    Monitor :
        Generator Monitor Stats :
            Monitor Health : OK

The MQTT topic would be

 /generator/Monitor/Generator Monitor Stats/Monitor Health/"OK"

The MQTT last will and testament topic is "generator/client_status" and the valid states are "Online" and "Offline". The MQTT keep alive value is 60 seconds.

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (optional) is a python program that allow generators with Evolution or Nexus Controllers to have additional exercise functionality. The program is configured by copying the file genexercise.conf into the /etc/genmon/ directory and modifying the file to match your desired settings. will copy the files and the configuration can be set via the web interface Add On page. The genexercise.conf file has the following parameters.


# Optional. This value is the IP address of the system running the generator
# monitor software. If the program is running on the same
# system as genmon, then this parameter is not needed.
monitor_address =

# Exercise Type. Specify the type of exercise to perform.
# Must be one of the following:
#  quiet, normal, transfer
# The default value is normal
exercise_type = normal

# Hour to start the exercise. Must be 0 - 23. Default value is 12
exercise_hour = 12

# Minute to start the exercise. Must be 0 -59. Default value is 0
exercise_minute = 0

# Day of month to start the exercise if monthly. Must be 1 - 28
# Default value is 1
exercise_day_of_month = 1

# Day of the week to start the exercise if weekly or bi-weekly
# The default value is Monday
exercise_day_of_week = Monday

# Exercise duration in minutes. Must be a floating point value between
# 5 and 60 minutes. Note that when using the transfer option, this is
# the time period that the transfer switch is active (does not include
# warmup time). The default value is 12.
exercise_duration = 12

# Warm up duration. If exercise_type is transfer then this is the number
# of minutes to run before the transfer switch is activated. If this value
# is zero, then no warmup period is used. Maximum warmup is 30 minutes.
# This value may be a floating point value.
# The default value is 0, i.e. no warmup
exercise_warmup = 0

# Exercise frequency.  Must be one of the following:
#      Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly
# The default value is Monthly
exercise_frequency = Monthly

# Set to true to use the generator time, otherwise use the system time
use_gen_time = False

The genexercise program will not replace the existing exercise functionality built into the controller, but it will add an additional exercise cycle. The additional exercise cycle can also exercise the transfer switch, have a warm up period and more variation in the exercise duration.

If bi-weekly frequency is selected, the exercise occurs on the next day specified if no bi-weekly exercise initiated by has occurred in the last 14 days. If a bi-weekly exercise initiated by has occurred within the last 14 days then the exercise will occur 14 day after the last bi-weekly exercise that initiated..

NOTE: The exercise functions provided by are implemented via modbus calls hosted on the raspberry pi. If you pi is shutdown properly with the "shutdown" command the exercise cycle will stop. If you pi unexpectedly loses power (i.e. unplugged) you will need to manually stop the exercise cycle if it is currently running.

NOTE: Please note that like the built in exercise cycle, if your generator is in alarm the generator will not start until the alarm is reset.

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (optional) is a python program that will send short messages when the generator status changes. This can be used to send SMS via a carrier supplied email to SMS gateway. Another use of the program is to send generator status via email but with less details than the built in notifications. Note that this program uses the existing mail settings in /etc/genmon/mymail.conf for sending the email. Outbound email must be setup via the Settings page in the web interface or by directly editing the /etc/mymail.conf file. The program is configured by copying the file genemail2sms.conf into the /etc/genmon/ directory and modifying the file to match your desired settings. will copy the files and the configuration can be set via the web interface Add On page. The genemail2sms.conf file has the following parameters.

# email to SMS email recipient. Must be a valid email address
# see this page for your mobile carrier address formats:
# For example :
#      (555) 555-5555 mobile number would send to [email protected]

destination =

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (optional) is a python program that will retrieve tank data from and integrate it with genmon. The program is configured by copying the file gentankutil.conf into the /etc/genmon/ directory and modifying the file to match your desired settings. will copy the files and the configuration can be set via the web interface Add On page. The gentankutil.conf file has the following parameters.

# number of minutes between polls for tank data. Note, if the API is
# called too often and error may occur in an attempt to limit the traffic
# by
poll_frequency = 60

# username
# The username of the online account at
username =

# password
# The password of the online account
password =

# tank name
# This value is used to match the tank name with the on-line tank name
# if multiple tanks are installed. If empty then the first tank found
#  is used.
tank_name =

To support two tanks, add the value "tank_name_2" to the config file. This must match the second tank name associated with your account at

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface.

Note that once the application is started via the Add-Ons page in the web interface, your browser will need to be refreshed before the fuel gauge will be displayed. (optional) is a python program that will retrieve tank data from a custom fuel gauge sensor and integrate it with genmon. The program is configured by copying the file gentankdiy.conf into the /etc/genmon/ directory and modifying the file to match your desired settings. will copy the files and the configuration can be set via the web interface Add On page. The gentankdiy.conf file has the following parameters.


# Must be either 1 or 2. Type 1 and Type 2 are documented here:
gauge_type = 1

# number of minutes between polls for tank data.
poll_frequency = 60

# I2C address of ADC, default is 0x48 or 72 decimal
# this vaue must be a decimal integer
i2c_address = 72

# I2C channel, default is 1. Raspberry pi I2C on GPIO header is channel 1
# This value must be a decimal integer
i2c_channel = 1

# Optionally support two tanks of gauge type 1, the default is 1.
# Only valid data is 1, 2, 3 or 4
# NOTE: This option is only for DIY gauge type 1
nb_tanks = 1

######### Gauge Type 1 Settings ######################
# microvolts per step. Calibration constant for ADC conversion
# This value must be a floating point value
mv_per_step = 187.5

# multiplier to convert volts to percentage, for 5V range this is 20.0
volts_to_percent_multiplier = 20.0

######### Gauge Type 2 Settings ######################
# This is for using the Hall Effect Infineon TLE5501 E0001 TMR-based angle sensor on an R3D propane tank dial
# For more info on this Hall Effect sensor see:
# Either the ADS1015 or ADS1115 can be used for the A/D converter

# ADS1x15 inputs for the COS, SIN and VDD ref (optional), can be 0-4
adc_COS_inp = 0
adc_SIN_inp = 1
adc_VDD_inp = 2

# Table to convert angle to percent full for the tank,
# must have at least two entries, and can have up to 10
# (ang_pct_pnt_1-10)   Since most dials have
# 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and full readings,
# input the angle output from the sensor for each of these readings.
# can be used to easily create this table
#                  Angle  Percent
ang_pct_pnt_1 =   149.02,   5.0
ang_pct_pnt_2 =   109.89,  10.0
ang_pct_pnt_3 =    68.87,  20.0
ang_pct_pnt_4 =    42.23,  30.0
ang_pct_pnt_5 =    19.40,  40.0
ang_pct_pnt_6 =     0.76,  50.0
ang_pct_pnt_7 =   -18.79,  60.0
ang_pct_pnt_8 =   -41.72,  70.0
ang_pct_pnt_9 =  -140.23, 100.0

Currently, the genmon add on only supports Nexus and Evolution controllers.

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface.

More info in the sensor circuits used for each gauge type can be found here.

For Type 2 sensor, see comment above the ‘ang_pct_pnt_x’ on how to create the calibration table for your installation. The program is in the ~/genmon/OtherApps directory and needs to be run from that folder.

  sudo python3

By default this will modify the file /etc/genmon/ however you can specify a different config file location with the -c command line option.

  sudo python3 -c /etc/genmon/

To use the program you need the tank gauge connected to your raspberry pi (not on the tank yet) and DIY2TankSensorCalibrate will ask you (options 3 and 4) to move the tank gauge dial pointer to specific places. This can easily be done by holding a small magnet near the dial and moving it around until you get the tank gauge dial pointer pointing to the desired setting. The program will update the cofig file with the appropriate settings.

Note that once the application is started via the Add-Ons page in the web interface, your browser will need to be refreshed before the fuel gauge will be displayed. (optional) is a python program that will integrate your Amazon Echo Speaker with your genmon and allow for 2 basic voice commands to be sent to your generator to turn your generator on and off. To set up the Alexa Integration, enabled this addon. Then go to your Echo speaker and ask Alexa to discover your device. Say, "Discover my devices," or select Add Device in the Devices section of the Alexa app, then select “Discover Devices” Once Alexa has discovered your generator, you can use the Alexa app to complete the setup.

A physical Amazon speaker device is required to act as a hub for this application to function. Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) must be enabled on your router for Amazon Alex to discover devices properly. UPnP is enabled in most home routers.

To turn on your generator via the Echo speaker, say "Alexa, turn on the generator". And to off the generator again, "Alexa, turn off the generator". If you prefer to state the likes of "Alexa, start my generator" or "Alexa, stop my generator" (rather than using the words ON or OFF), you can set up a Routine with Alexa.

The program is configured by copying the file genalexa.conf into the /etc/genmon/ directory and modifying the file to match your desired settings. Most users however won’t have to modify the config file. will copy the files and the configuration can be set via the web interface Add On page. The genalexa.conf file has the following parameters.

# The name for which the Echo speaker will respond.

# The callback port for the echo speaker. Needs to be available

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface.

Note: Given that the generator takes more than a few seconds to start and stop, it is normal that the Echo speaker responds to a command stating that the "generator is not responding". It really is responding, just a few seconds slower than Echo is willing to wait. You will see on the Alexa app that after about 10 seconds, the status of the generator correctly reflects the command.

Note: Some users have reported that earlier models of Alexa hardware may not discover the genalexa service. (optional) is a python program that allow genmon data to be exported via the SNMP protocol. The program is configured by copying the file gensnmp.conf into the /etc/genmon/ directory and modifying the file to match your desired settings. will copy the files and the configuration can be set via the web interface Add On page. The gensnmp.conf file has the following parameters.

# number of seconds between polls for generator data.
poll_frequency = 1

# This is the genmon enterprise ID.
enterpriseid = 58399

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface.

This project has a registered SNMP enterprise ID of 58399. You have the ability to change this ID if needed by editing the conf file enterpriseid entry. SNMP V1 is supported. The enterprise ID used for Genmon is configurable via the web interface or by editing the conf file. The format for the OID is:


Parameter X is used to split the OID tree between Genmon itself (0), Evolution/Nexus (1), H100(2), and PowerZone (3). Custom defined controllers using the JSON config file method use the value of 4 for this value. Parameter Y and Z further split the OID tree into sections and subsections, ex. Status/Engine (0,0), Status/Controller(0/1) and generally sticks to the UI's representation. For more information, consult the OID tables below.

GenMon MIB

The MIB is located in genmon/data/mib. In order to use the MIB instead of the specific OIDs in numerical format, just copy the files (except the into your NMS's SNMP MIBs directory. For most Linux-based NMSes (like Nagios), the directory is usually /usr/share/snmp/mibs however you may need to consult your distro's documentation and NMS configuration for the specific location.

Be aware that if you change the Enterprise ID from '58399', the MIB will also need to be updated to reflect this change, otherwise the MIB will not identify the OIDs correctly!

NOTE: Not all values are supported across all models. If the values does not show up on the web interface then your model does not support this value. If it shows up but is not in the table below the software does not export this value via SNMP at this time.

Monitoring GenMon

To monitor the health of your Raspberry Pi and the GenMon software, you can use a controller ID of '0' to monitor the relevant OIDs and subtrees as listed in the below table. Unlike the controller specific OIDs, this subtree only uses three layers (58399.0.y.z).

GenMon stats, communication stats, and hardware platform health (X=0)

Ending OID (y.z) MIB OID Definition Sample Output
0 Genmon Subtree
0.1 gmMonHealth Overall Genmon Health STRING: "OK"
0.2 gmUpTime Uptime of GenMon STRING: "Generator Monitor running for 0:34:40."
0.3 gmPwrLogFileSize Power Log Filesize STRING: "0.00 MB of 15.00 MB"
0.4 gmSWVer Software version of GenMon STRING: "V1.18.04"
1 Serial Subtree
1.1 serialPacketCount Serial Packet count STRING: "M:65595, S: 65995"
1.2 serialCRCErrors Serial CRC Error count STRING: "0"
1.3 serialCRCPercentErrors CRC errors as % of packets STRING: "0"
1.4 serialTimeoutErrors Serial Timeout Error count STRING: "0"
1.5 serialTimeoutPercentErrors Timeouts as % of packets STRING: "0"
1.6 serialModbusExceptions Serial Modbus Exceptions STRING: "0"
1.7 serialValidationErrors Count of Validation Errors STRING: "0"
1.8 serialInvalidData Count of Invalid Data Pkts STRING: "0"
1.9 serialDiscardedBytes Bytes discarded STRING: "0"
1.10 serialCommRestarts Count of serial port restarts STRING: "0"
1.11 serialPktsPerSecond Serial Port Packets Per Second STRING: "63.45"
1.12 serialAvgTransactionTime The average transaction time STRING: "0.0310 sec"
2 RasPi subtree
2.1 piCPUTemp The CPU Temperature from the RasPi STRING: "98.60 F"
2.2 piHardwareModel The RasPi hardware version STRING: "Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2"
2.3 piCPUFreqThrottle Is the CPU being throttled? STRING: "OK"
2.4 piARMFreqCap Is the CPU frequency throttling? STRING: "OK"
2.5 piUnderVolt Is the pi Undervolting/ STRING: "OK"
2.6 piCPUUtil The current load average of the CPU STRING: "4.17%"
2.7 piOSName The OS running on the Pi STRING: "Raspbian GNU/Linux"
2.8 piOSVersion The OS version on the Pi STRING: "10 (buster)"
2.9 piSysUptime The OS's system uptime STRING: "10 days, 5:29:36"
2.10 piNICUsed The Active network interface STRING: "eth0"

Controller specific monitoring.

Evolution 1.0 and 2.0/Nexus (X=1)

Ending OID (y.z.a) Evolution / Nexus Data
0.0.1 Switch State
0.0.2 Engine State
0.0.3 Active Relays
0.0.4 Active Sensors
0.0.5 Battery Voltage
0.0.6 Battery Status
0.0.7 RPM
0.0.8 Frequency
0.0.9 Output Voltage
0.0.10 Output Current
0.0.11 Output Power
0.0.12 Rotor Poles
0.1.1 Utility Voltage
0.1.2 Utility Voltage Max
0.1.3 Utility Voltage Min
0.1.4 Utility Threshold Voltage
0.1.5 Utility Pickup Voltage
0.1.6 Set Output Voltage
0.2.1 Last Alarm Log Entry
0.2.2 Last Service Log Entry
0.2.3 Last Run Log Entry
0.3.1 Monitor Time
0.3.2 Generator Time
1.0.1 Model
1.0.2 Generator Serial Number
1.0.3 Controller Detected
1.0.4 Nominal RPM
1.0.5 Rated kW
1.0.6 Nominal Frequency
1.0.7 Fuel Type
1.0.8 Fuel Level Sensor
1.0.9 Estimated Fuel In Tank
1.0.10 Engine Displacement
1.0.11 Ambient Temperature Sensor
1.0.12 kW Hours in last 30 days
1.0.13 Fuel Consumption in last 30 days
1.0.14 Total Power Log Fuel Consumption
1.0.15 Run Hours in last 30 days
1.0.16 Estimated Hours of Fuel Remaining base on fixed load
1.0.17 Estimated Hours of Fuel Remaining based on current load
1.0.18 Fuel In Tank (Sensor)
1.0.19 Fuel Level State
1.0.20 Run Hours in the last year
1.1.1 Calibrate Current 1
1.1.2 Calibrate Current 2
1.1.3 Calibrate Volts
1.1.4 Nominal Line Voltage
1.1.5 Rated Max Power
1.1.6 Param Group
1.1.7 Voltage Code
1.1.8 Phase
1.1.9 Hours of Protection
1.1.10 Volts Per Hertz
1.1.11 Gain
1.1.12 Target Frequency
1.1.13 Target Voltage
1.2.1 Exercise Time
1.2.2 Exercise Duration
1.3.1 Air Filter Service Due
1.3.2 Oil and Oil Filter Service Due
1.3.3 Spark Plug Service Due
1.3.4 Battery Service Due
1.3.5 Service A Due
1.3.6 Service B Due
1.3.7 Battery Check Due
1.3.8 Total Run Hours
1.3.9 Hardware Version
1.3.10 Firmware Version

Values for H-100 and G-Panel controllers (X=2)

Ending OID (y.z.a) H-100 / G-Panel Data
0.0.1 Switch State
0.0.2 Engine Status
0.0.3 Generator Status
0.0.4 Output Power
0.0.5 Output Power Factor
0.0.6 RPM
0.0.7 Frequency
0.0.8 Throttle Position
0.0.9 Coolant Temp
0.0.10 Coolant Level
0.0.11 Oil Pressure
0.0.12 Oil Temp
0.0.13 Fuel Level
0.0.14 Oxygen Sensor
0.0.15 Current Phase A
0.0.16 Current Phase B
0.0.17 Current Phase C
0.0.18 Average Current
0.0.19 Voltage A-B
0.0.20 Voltage B-C
0.0.21 Voltage C-A
0.0.22 Average Voltage
0.0.23 Air Fuel Duty Cycle
0.1.1 Number of Active Alarms
0.1.2 Number of Acknowledged Alarms
0.1.3 Alarm List
0.2.1 Battery Voltage
0.2.2 Battery Charger Current
0.3.1 Monitor Time
0.3.2 Generator Time
0.4.1 Transfer Switch State

Values for PowerZone controllers (X=3)

Ending OID (y.z.a) H-100 / G-Panel Data
0.0.1 Switch State
0.0.2 Engine Status
0.0.3 Generator Status
0.0.4 Output Power
0.0.5 Output Power Factor
0.0.6 RPM
0.0.7 Frequency
0.0.8 Throttle Position
0.0.9 Coolant Temp
0.0.10 Coolant Level
0.0.11 Oil Pressure
0.0.12 Oil Temp
0.0.13 Fuel Level
0.0.14 Oxygen Sensor
0.0.15 Current Phase A
0.0.16 Current Phase B
0.0.17 Current Phase C
0.0.18 Average Current
0.0.19 Voltage A-B
0.0.20 Voltage B-C
0.0.21 Voltage C-A
0.0.22 Average Voltage
0.0.23 Air Fuel Duty Cycle
0.1.1 Alarm List
0.2.1 Battery Voltage
0.2.2 Battery Charger Current
0.3.1 Monitor Time
0.3.2 Generator Time

All SNMP OID values are type STRING.

Examples using snmpget, snmpwalk, and snmptranslate:

This will display all values for a genmon system at IP address, regardless of controller.

snmpwalk -v1 -c public .

If you have the MIB installed, you will see all of the GenMon specific OIDs show up with their names (ex: GenMon-MIB::engineStatus) versus their OID (ex: . ).

If you have the MIB installed, you can query a specific OID by using the OID's name. As an example, the below command will pull the generator's switch state from an Evo/Nexus controlled generator.

snmpget -v1 -c public GenMon-MIB::switchState

The command below pulls the same data, except it uses the explicit OID instead of the OID name.

snmpget -v1 -c public .

If you decide to install the MIB, you can use snmptranslate to look up specific OIDs of interest. For example, to get the OID name for the Raspberry Pi's CPU temperature:

snmptranslate -Td

which will return the OID name of "GenMon-MIB::piCPUTemperature"

You can use snmptranslate to obtain a description about any OID in the MIB, along with what controller the OID pertains to. Once you know the OID (either name or number), you can implement checks in your preferred NMS.

Nagios Integration

Nagios contains a basic plugin called 'check_snmp' which can be used to query GenMon and alert if values change. For a sample check, the below command would alert if Nagios detects that the generator is taken out of 'Auto' state either by a failure or by user input at the control panel.

$./check_snmp -C public -H IP.ADDR.OF.GENMON -o GenMon-MIB::switchState -s "Auto"

The above command uses Nagios' builtin plugin to query GenMon and get the switch state. If GenMon returns any status other than 'Auto', an alert will trigger.

While configuring Nagios is beyond the scope of this document, this is just a simple example of how you can use the SNMP functionality and the MIB to write checks for Nagios for implementation.

Userdefined Data

You can display user defined data in genmon as described on this page. If you want to assign SNMP identifiers to your user defined data you can add a second file named userdefined.json to the ./genmon/data/mib folder. This second file, while named the same as the page linked above, has a different format. This file defines how the data will be displayed in the SNMP schema. See the file for more details. (optional) is a python program that allow data from 1 wire temperature sensors to be imported into genmon. The program is configured by copying the file gentemp.conf into the /etc/genmon/ directory and modifying the file to match your desired settings. will copy the files and the configuration can be set via the web interface Add On page. The gentemp.conf file has the following parameters.


# number of seconds between polls for generator data.
poll_frequency = 2

# command separated list of device names or partial device names to exclude
# when enumerating one wire temperature devices
blacklist =

# include more info in gentemp.log for debugging purposes.
# default to False to save on the SD card life
debug =  False

# command separated list of labels for temperature devices found
# devices excluded by blacklist will not be included.
# NOTE: DS18B20 devices are enumerated first, then type K thermocouples are
# enumerated. Device labels are in that order.
device_labels =

# command separated list of maximum values for each sensor. The order must
# match the device_lables list. This value is used to set the bounds on the 
# gauge. Leave blank to disable the display of the guage
device_max_values =

# command separated list of nominal values for each sensor. The order must
# match the device_lables list. This value is used to set the bounds on the 
# gauge. Leave blank to disable the display of the guage
device_nominal_values = 

# use metric units in diplay
use_metric = False

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface.

NOTE: One wire temperature sensosrs are supported in two varieties, DS18B20 and Type K thermocouples. They are enumerated by Linux in the following file paths:


The name 28-00000bc558d8 above is the device name and will be unique for each device on the system.

Type K thermocouple:

The name 3b-2c880b6ab007 above is the device name and will be unique for each device on the system.

Type K thermocouples are typically wired using a MAX31855 thermocouple amplifier on the SPI bus. The SPI bus must be enabled via raspi-config (Interfacing Options->SPI). DS18B20 temp sensors are also connected to the SPI but and must be enabled with raspi-config under Interfacing Options->1 Wire.

The gentemp app will enumerate the above type 1 wire sensors. If you wish to black list any of the devices in the system (have ignore them) the just put the name (e.g. 3b-2c880b6ab007) in the BlackList parameter above.

The temperature read from the sensor will ve displayed on the Status page of the web interface. Each sensor will be displayed with either the device name (e.g. 3b-2c880b6ab007) or with a name of your choosing from the device_labels setting in the conf file.

This module was tested with the hardware from this project.

The issue thread on this program for this project is located here. (optional) is a python program that allow data from current transformers to be imported into genmon. The program is configured by copying the file gencthat.conf into the /etc/genmon/ directory and modifying the file to match your desired settings. will copy the files and the configuration can be set via the web interface Add On page. The gencthat.conf file has the following parameters.


 # recommended CT sensor is Model: SCT-013-000 100A/1V Output voltage type

 # number of seconds between polls for sensor data.
 poll_frequency = 15

 # set strict to true to only use the CT data if the generator utility line is in
 # and outage. If your CTs are connected after the transfer switch (i.e. utility
 # and generator are monitored) the you will want to enable this setting to keep
 # genmon from using the CT readings when there is not an outage.
 strict = True

The CT sensor HAT used is this item from Note that the sensor hat provided by has an interface for a temperature sensor. Support for the temperature sensor is provided in the gentemp add on.

NOTE: To use the CT sensor hat the SPI interface must be enabled on the raspberry pi. To SPI, run the raspi-config program with root privileges like this:

  sudo raspi-config

Then select interfacing options, then select SPI, then select enable. This program will ask you to reboot your pi for the changes to be enabled. You will also need to add a line to the /boot/config.txt file to enable both SPI buses (SPI0 and SPI1). Your editor must be run with root privileges. Edit the file like this:

 sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Add the following line to the /boot/config.txt file.


Save the file, then reboot your pi.

In earlier raspbian versions you can add this to the bottom of the file. Starting with Bullseye there are sections (i.e. [all], [pi4], [cm4], etc) in the config.txt file. Add the above line to the first (unnamed section).

This add on, along with the sensor HAT, allows monitoring of the two output legs of the transformer. The HAT supports two CT (current transformer) sensors. The readings on these two sensors is input into genmon and used for fuel calculation and displayed as a gauge.

Once enabled, the add on will import the CT reading in amps (current). Genmon will convert amps to power using the generator output voltage. Two additional gauges will show up in the web interface (External Current and External Power).

If you are running a controller that does not support fuel estimation (e.g. Nexus) then you can use this add and HAT to get both the power graph and fuel estimations. To enable fuel estimations you will need to setup the three fuel parameters on the advanced page as described here.

The model SCT-013-000 (100A input per 1V output) current transformer was used for testing however the HAT was designed to facilitate other size CTs. If another size CT is desired, you must use a voltage output model, not a current output model. There is also support in the HAT to change the burden resistor, which may be required depending on the type of CT you use.

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (optional) is a python program that allow data from the Mopeka Pro propane tank sensor into genmon. The program is configured by copying the file genmopeka.conf into the /etc/genmon/ directory and modifying the file to match your desired settings. will copy the files and the configuration can be set via the web interface Add On page. The genmopeka.conf file has the following parameters.

# tank address
# This value is MAC address of the sensor. It must be in a format using 
# hex numbers separated by colons (i.e. 9a:03:2b:67:25:12).
# multiple tank sensors (up to 4) may be used with commas 
# between each address
tank_address =

# specifiy the tank type
# Valid types: 20_LB, 30_LB, 40_LB, 100_LB, 200_LB, 120_GAL, 120_GAL_HORIZ, 
# 250_GAL, 500_GAL, 1000_GAL and Custom
# Custom tank type relies on user defined values of min_mm and max_mm
tank_type = 

# optional - integer - Tank min millimeters - minimum millimeter reading of sensor
# used with Custom Tank type
min_mm = 

# optional - integer - Tank max millimeters - maximium millimeter reading of sensor
max_mm = 

# optional boolean
# this value, if true will send an email notice if the sensor batter is low or if
# no Bluetooth sensors are detected. Outbound email must be setup and working
# with genmon for this feature to work
send_notices = False

To use the mopeka pro sensor with genmon the python bleson library (this is installed with the install script) must be installed and your system must have a compatible Bluetooth controller.

NOTE: The install script will install both the bleson library and the fluids python library. Both are requried and this plug in will not work unless you have them installed.

There are two additional programs that are need to be used before you can successfully use the sensor, /genmon/OtherApps/ and /genmon/OtherApps/

NOTE: To use the mopeka sensor the Bluetooth interface must be enabled on the raspberry pi. Normally, the Bluetooth device on the pi would default to using the onboard serial port, however genmon typically uses the onboard serial port so the serial setup program disables the Bluetooth device. Since Bluetooth is required to communicate with the mopeka sensor the Bluetooth device needs to be enabled, but mapped to the secondary serial port. To do this run the following command in the /genmon/OtherApps folder from the console on your pi:

  sudo python3 -e -b

Once this command is executed the status should be displayed and a reboot of your pi would be required for the changes to take effect. Once the system has rebooted you can log in and check the settings with this command in the /genmon/OtherApps folder:

  sudo python3 -c -b

You can also validate that Bluetooth is enabled with this command:

  sudo bluetoothctl

This should show the MAC address of your controller if Bluetooth is enabled like this:

 Agent registered
 [CHG] Controller E4:5F:01:2E:3D:ac Pairable: yes

To exit, type 'exit'. If a valid controller address does not display, then Bluetooth is not enabled on your pi. You may need to restore your settings then try enabling again with these commands:

 sudo python3 -r
 sudo python3 serialconfig -e -b

Once you reboot after running, try to validate that Bluetooth is enabled agina by running "sudo bluetoothctl" as described above.

NOTE: If you have already configured your serial port with serialconfig but not enabled bluetooth, you will likely need to restore your original settings and then enable bluetooth with serial using as described above.

Once Bluetooth has been setup you will need to find your sensor and obtain the Bluetooth MAC address of the sensor. This address is used as the sensor / tank address in the Mopeka Add On program. To obtain this address run the following command from the /genmon/OtherApps folder while holding down the SYNC button on your modeka pro sensor:

  sudo python3 

If your pi can communicate over Bluetooth with your sensor you will see and output indicating that a sensor was found. The sensor address will be printed to the console output. This address will need to be input as the "Sensor Address" parameter for the genmon Mopeka Pro Add On.

The size your tank must be setup on the Settings Page under "Fuel Tank Size" and "Fuel Type" must also be set to Propane. This allows genmon to calculate the amount of fuel left in your tank.

Multiple sensors / tanks can be used with the Add On. Up to four sensors are supported. There is a caveat that all the tanks must be the same size. To use multiple sensors, add each sensor address to the "Sensor Address" field in the add on web interface (same parameter as tank_address in the conf file) separating each sensor address with commas.

NOTE: The sensor readings take several seconds to complete. As a result it may be around 20 seconds after genmon starts that a gauge reading shows up. If the fuel gauge is not showing up after 20 seconds since genmon was restarted, refresh your browser.

This program, like other add on programs, is enabled and configured via the web interface on the Add On page. If using the Add On interface the setup, configuration and execution is handled by genlaoder via the web interface. (optional) is a python program that allows GPIO state to be displayed on the genmon Monitor page in the web interface. This data can also be sent over MQTT with the genmqtt add on. The program is configured by copying the file gencustomgpio.conf into the /etc/genmon/ directory and modifying the file to match your desired settings. will copy the files however to enable the add on you must manually edit the /etc/genmon/geloader.conf file and set enable = True in the gencustomgpio section of the conf file. The configuration can be set via manually editing the /etc/genmon/gencustomgpio.conf file. The gencustomgpio.conf file has the following parameters.

# The interval to poll the GPIO pin state. The genmon UI only updates every 5 seconds
# the path location the program will write the file userdefined.json
groupname = Custom GPIO Inputs
# only set this to true in a temperary basis as this increases writes to the SD card
debug = False

# NOTE: Each of the following sections will represent one GPIO input. Each input 
# will have the following:
#   [pin number]    - This is the section name and must be the integer pin number
#                      This is not the GPIO number, but the pi header pin number
#                      This entery with brackets marks the section begining
#    title = "GPIO Pin 13" - This entry is the name of the GPIO pin to be displayed
#    activename = "Active" - This entry represents what is desplayed if the GPIO 
#                      pin is active. Must be a quoted string
#    inactivename = "Inactive" - This entry represents what is desplayed if the GPIO 
#                      pin is inactive. Must be a quoted string
#  Add or remove pin sections to add or remove GPIO pins
# NOTE: The GPIO pin values specified must not conflict with any other program 
# using GPIO on the rapsberry pi. The pin numbers are not validated by the 
# software

title = GPIO Pin 13
activename = Active
inactivename = Inactive

title = GPIO Pin 11
activename = On
inactivename = Off

This program, unlike other add on programs, is not configured via the web interfact. It must be manually configured by editing the /etc/genmon/gencustomgpio.conf file abd enabled via the /etc/genmon/genloader.conf file.

For more info in the userdefined.json file see this page

/OtherApps/ (Optional)

This python program will extract the power log (if current output is supported by your controller) and store it as a CSV (comma separated value) format file. CSV format files can be opened with a spread sheet application like Excel. This will allow you to view and graph your kilowatt output in a spreadsheet. The program has the following usage:

 python3 -a <IP Address or localhost> -f <outputfile>


 python3 -a -f Output.csv

Command Line Arguments:

-a  Address of system with genmon (omit for localhost)"
-f  Filename to output the kW log in CSV format"

This program can be executed on the same system running genmon or on a PC system that has python installed. This program does require modules form the genmonlib directory included with the project.

/OtherApps/ (Optional)

The program will check or set the needed serial port setting for a Raspberry Pi. To check your settings type:

 sudo python3 -c

Usage: python3 [-r -e -c]

Command line options

  • -e Enable serial port
  • -r Restore modified files
  • -c Check status of serial port
  • -b Allow bluetooth to be used with genmon (set this with both -c and -e options if enabling or checking)


sudo python3 -e

sudo python3 -c

sudo python3 -e -b

sudo python3 -c -b

This program is intended to supplement the install process. Full details on the serial port setup process can be found in the project wiki. This program must be run with "root" privileges (e.g. sudo).