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Eclipse Lyo changelog






  • Dependency to deprecated oslc4j-json4j-provider




This release does not contain security updates.


  • Introducing capability to set the servletUri to be used by the OAuthConfiguration
  • OSLC PROMCODE domain model and generated POJOs
  • Support for additional request headers to OslcQuery


  • 🧨 Migrated from Java EE (javax. namespace) to Jakarta packages
  • Upgrade to Jersey 3.1.5
  • JDK 17 is the new baseline for Eclipse Lyo. The SDK and sample code has been tested using JDK 17, 21, 23, and 24-ea.
  • Kotlin 1.9.0 is used; kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 dependency was replaced with kotlin-stdlib due to Kotlin updates.
  • Allow application to reset the OAuth token cached within the server, when it deems that it is no longer valid
  • 🧨 Corrected cardinality and range of the oslc_config:acceptedBy property (from String[0..1] to Resource[0..*])
  • Changed scope of dependencies in oauth-webapp to avoid inclusion multiple times during runtime.


This release does not introduce deprecations.


  • 🧨 Support for JDK 11 (and all versions below 17) is removed.
  • 🧨 Support for Java EE and Jakarta EE 8 is removed.


This release does not contain bug fixes.



  • The OSLC Config domain model was expanded.
  • An OSLC4JUtils::isWellFormed method was added to help check the validity of strings as valid XML literals when the inputs are supposed to be used on properties of the rdf:XMLLiteral type. Warning: this method is quite slow, especially if a resource contains 10s or 100s of such values. We recommend to use this method only in tests.


  • Consistently save Credentials, Connector & admin_session values under session attribute, in the oauth-core AbstractAdapterCredentialsFilter class.
  • Apache Jena depency was updated from 4.5.0 to 4.8.0 due to CVE-2023-22665.
  • OSLC Domains are based on latest LyoDesigner, and for lyoVersion="5.0.1-SNAPSHOT".
  • The oslc4j-core artifact (group org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.core) was refactored, extracting some essential model classes into lyo-core-model and legacy Wink-dependent code into oslc4j-core-wink. This allows to eliminate all dependencies on Wink. Also, applications that don't need oslc4j-core, can eliminate the dependency on JAX-RS by replacing your dependency on oslc4j-core with lyo-core-model. No breaking changes were made.
  • JenaModelHelper was moved to oslc4j-core, while JsonHelper was moved to oslc4j-core-wink. No breaking changes were made, old package names were kept. See #292
  • OSLC4JConstants and OSLC4JUtils were extracted from oslc4j-core to org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.server:lyo-core-settings as they are only useful in the JAX-RS server-side scenarios. No breaking changes were made, because oslc4j-core still depends on the newly introduced artifact.


  • The newly refactored artifact oslc4j-core-wink is deprecated.



  • A regression is fixed where org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.provider.jena.OslcRdfXmlProvider could try to unmarshal an Array or a Collection, which would interfere with the application of the suitable providers when the RDF input is correct.
  • PR 260 fixed the bug in ResourcePackages.getMostConcreteClassOf that could trigger the error "Multiple classes, not in the same inheritance tree, are annotated to map the same RDF:type".

[5.1.0] - YANKED

The release was yanked due to a problem with the publication of release artifacts to Maven Central. Please use 5.1.1.Final instead.



  • LyoStore: Providing a system property OSLC4JUtils.hasLyoStorePagingPreciseLimit() to allow the application to check whether query paging should return an exact number of elements in a paged query, or not (OSLC4JConstants.LYO_STORE_PAGING_PRECISE_LIMIT).
  • SRI hashes for JS libraries.


  • Addresses a security vulnerability (CVE-2021-41042), which could lead to external resource loading using a maliciously crafted RDF/XML input.
  • 🧨 Lyo is now built using JDK 11
  • 🧨 Jena is upgraded to 4.5.0 (addresses CVE-2022-28890)
    • Jena renamed RDFReader/RDFWriter to RDFReaderI/RDFWriterI
  • 🧨 TRS now uses BigInteger instead of 32-bit ints for trs:order properties, in line with the spec.
  • LyoStore: Ordering resources by their subject IDs when doing a query to store. This ordering can be disabled with a call to OSLC4JUtils.setLyoStorePagingUnsafe(true)
  • LyoStore: OSLC4JUtils.hasLyoStorePagingPreciseLimit() will return true by default. Call OSLC4JUtils.setLyoStorePagingPreciseLimit(false) to restore the old behavior.
  • oslc4j-json4j-provider uses wink-json4j version 1.4 instead of 1.2.1-incubating. -oauth - allow for the possibility to set the official servlet URL for all oauth requests being made. This is important to set correctly to compute the digital signature.
  • OslcQueryResult will now rethrow any encountered exceptions wrapped in a LyoModelException instead of throwing a blanked IllegalStateException.


  • IQueryGenerator is deprecated and will be removed in Lyo 6


  • 🧨 Support for JDK 8 was removed
  • 🧨 oslc-java-client was removed
  • lyo-validation temporarily removed from the build
  • oslc4j-wink was removed
  • oslc4j-registry was removed
  • Store support for direct TDB1 backend was removed. You can still create a SPARQL query executor over an in-mem TDB1 dataset: new DatasetQueryExecutorImpl(TDBFactory.createDataset()).
  • TrsUtil.historyDataToChangeEvent (deprecated since 4.0) was removed and replaced with changeEventToHistoryData. Despite the name, the historyDataToChangeEvent was doing round-tripping between HistoryData and ChangeEvent in both directions.


  • Stack traces are no longer printed from OAuth services.



  • [Core] Add a oslc:name and dcterms:description attributes to the ResourceShape class so that such information can appear in the shape documentation.
  • [Core] Allow a resource shape to have a property to be represented as "inlined".
  • [Domains] Add module with POJOs needed by lyo.oslc-ui.
  • [UI] Support for displaying inlined properties as links.
  • [Store] Add interface support for closing the Store cleanly and releasing underlying connections.
  • [Store] SparqlStoreImpl can now be set up with a custom query executor.


  • [Store] For update requests, avoid creating a String out of the SPARQL query. This is very inefficient for large queries.
  • [Validation] Update SHaclEX from 0.0.87 to 0.1.102 (mainly due to Bintray shutdown; breaking change but should not affect the consumers of Lyo Validation).
    • SHaclEX 0.1.102 depends on Jena 3.16, which requires us to upgrade.
    • Lyo Validation returns more messages in the reports. Make sure your code logic scans all messages the report if you are looking for a specific error.
  • Update Kotlin from 1.4.20 to 1.5.10
  • Update Eclipse Paho from 1.2.1 to 1.2.5 due to a potential security vulnerability.
  • Pin libthrift version to 0.14.1 due to a vulnerability.
  • Pin httpclient version to 4.5.13 due to a vulnerability.
  • Pin embedded Tomcat version (pulled in by Jena) to 8.5.66 due to CVE-2021-25329.




  • All references to HTTP-only repos due to a change in Maven 3.8.1


  • [Client] Support for Configuration Management was first added in 2.4 and was accidentally removed during the monorepo migration and the 4.0 release. PR #205 adds this support back. Thanks to @isccarrasco!
  • [TRS] Fix a few issues around rdf:nil handling in the TRS Client.
  • Make sure every Lyo dependency uses the same version of Guava (30.0).

[4.0.0] - 2020-12-16

See changelog summary under


  • [Core] Support for abstract types by @neormx.
  • [Client] Constants for OSLC version (OSLCConstants#OSLC{2_0,2_1,3_0}) and a ctor argument for the new OslcClient.
  • [TRS/Server] Unit tests are added based on the Jersey test library and Grizzly embedded server.


  • [Core] 🧨 Switch to JAX-RS 2.
  • [Core] Only arrays returned from JAX-RS methods annotated with @OslcQueryCapability will be automatically treated as OSLC Query results unless the returned array type is annotated with the @OslcNotQueryResult (#88).
  • [Core] A checked LyoJenaModelException was replaced with an unchecked LyoModelException.
  • [Server] HTTPConstants is no longer a public class
  • [Server] ServletListener was renamed to OAuthServletListener
  • [TRS/Server] ChangeHistories has been extracted to the PagedTrs interface and the implementing class has been renamed to InmemPagedTrs.
  • [TRS/Server]TrackedResourceSetService is no longer abstract (still extendable).
    • TrackedResourceSetService supports constructor dependency injection of the IChangeHistories instance.
    • You can still extend it and override getChangeHistories() returning an instance of SimpleChangeHistories to get the same behaviour as in the earlier release.
  • [TRS/Server] TrackedResourceSetService always has a @Path("/trs") (because it's hardcoded in other places).


  • [Core] JSON4J has been deprecated in 2.x but is kept to maintain backwards compatibility. Jena provider is recommended together with the JSON-LD to serve JSON to OSLC Clients.
  • [Store] JenaTdbStoreImpl has been lagging behind in functionality and will be deprecated in this release. StoreFactory#inMemory and StoreFactory#onDisk are also deprecated as they rely on this implementation. Use SparqlStoreImpl#SparqlStoreImpl(JenaQueryExecutor) to pass a DatasetQueryExecutorImpl instance instead.


  • [Core] Extra MIME type restrictions on top of the ones enforced by the JAX-RS framework (#22)
  • [Core] Retired Apache Wink components.


  • [Core] regression when pathParameterValues are not used (#66)
  • [Client] JEEFormAuthenticator catches ProcessingException when closing the connection from last redirect

[3.0.0] - SKIPPED

Where is Lyo 3.0? There was a Lyo 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT development effort long time ago (after 2.1.0 but before 2.2.0), which has been since abandoned and merged into Lyo 2.2. Furthermore, next version of OSLC will be OSLC 3 and Lyo 3 might mislead users that it adds OSLC 3 support.


See release notes for further details.


  • Update Apache Jena dependency to v3.6.0



  • 🧨 Update Apache Jena dependency to v3.0.1. Breaking change in Jena package naming com.hp.hpl.jena => org.apache.jena [JENA-192]



  • Update Apache Jena dependency to v2.13.0



  • Java 8 support

[2.1.1] - YANKED

Not all components were released on Maven properly.






Initial release. Used Apache Jena 2.7.1








See for more info.