- libpq-dev
- libpython-dev
- libxslt1-dev
- libxml2-dev
- postgresql
- python-virtualenv
Create a postgresql database for your ZooKeepr instance. The first command creates the database user, the second the database itself, with the zookeepr user as the admin user, and the third assigns a password to the zookeepr user.
sudo -u postgres createuser --no-createdb --no-createrole --no-superuser zookeepr sudo -u postgres createdb -O zookeepr zk sudo -u postgres psql --command "ALTER USER zookeepr with PASSWORD 'zookeepr'"
Create a virtualenv for your ZooKeepr instance. ``` # using only virtualenv virtualenv env --no-site-packages . ./env/bin/activate
\# using virtualenwrapper mkvirtualenv zookeepr # --no-site-packages is default workon zookeepr ```
Configure the virtual environment.
``` cp zkpylons/config/lca_info.py.sample zkpylons/config/lca_info.py cp development.ini.sample development.ini python setup.py develop ```
Edit development.ini to set sqlachemy.url to match your postgresql database. Note: You must set sqlachemy.url in both the [app:main] and [alembic] sections
Now we populate the database. Run alembic to create and populate the initial database.
alembic --config development.ini upgrade head
WARNING: On a vanilla trunk this does not currently work but there is a workaround: * Zookeepr is using alembic in a rather unusual way, which leads to problems. James has a work-around for this, but it is not currently in master and should never be committed to master. The work-around can be cherry-picked, commit daa1702ec4522a991c5f75b17cb27e15375d2631 from the nasty-db-import-fix branch. ``` git cherry-pick daa1702ec4522a991c5f75b17cb27e15375d2631 alembic --config development.ini upgrade head ``` To verify the fix, use the alembic history command and check that the head revision is "This revision is a lie and should always be head". `alembic --config development.ini history` ``` git reset --hard HEAD^ ``` Now, we verify that the revision is no longer present, using the command; `alembic --config development.ini history` The phrase 'This revision is a lie' should *no longer* be present.
Run the development server.
pserve --reload development.ini
The default admin account is:
email: admin@zookeepr.org password: password
You should now have a development instance of ZooKeepr up and running.
Access it at: