Releases: jhipster/jhipster-lite
Releases · jhipster/jhipster-lite
Release Notes
💎 Features
- Deploy to GCP - #10585 by @pascalgrimaud
🔧 Enhancements
- define preset json file name at spring boot application config - #10578 by @renanfranca
- Grammar - #10570 by @qmonmert
- Fix: Can be replaced with 'String.join' - #10569 by @qmonmert
- Use Map.forEach - #10568 by @qmonmert
- Add missing package-info file in jqassistant package - #10562 by @NolwennD
- Vue: Type-Only Imports and Export - #10551 by @qmonmert
🐞 Bug Fixes
🖥️ Frontend
- Angular 18.2.0 + Migrate dependency injection - #10574 by @qmonmert
- Cypress && Vue not working - #10566 by @qmonmert
- Vue: Type-Only Imports and Export - #10551 by @qmonmert
📝 Documentation
📦 Dependency updates
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8 (major) - #10501 by @renovate
- Update dependency tailwindcss to v3.4.10 - #10583 by @renovate
- Update dependency lint-staged to v15.2.9 - #10581 by @renovate
- Update dependency @tikui/core to v6.1.1 - #10580 by @renovate
- Update dependency net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy to v1.14.19 - #10582 by @renovate
- Angular 18.2.0 + Migrate dependency injection - #10574 by @qmonmert
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8.1.0 - #10573 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update mariadb docker tag to v11.5.2 - #10572 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to v3.5.0 - #10571 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.10 - #10563 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update junit5 monorepo to v5.11.0 - #10564 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency to v2.0.2 - #10560 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency axios to v1.7.4 [security] - #10559 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency com.approvaltests:approvaltests to v24.4.0 - #10558 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update mariadb docker tag to v11.4.3 - #10557 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v20.14.15 - #10554 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-gpg-plugin to v3.2.5 - #10556 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency cssnano to v7.0.5 - #10555 by @renovate
Release Notes
💎 Features
- display preset options at landscape mode - #10485 by @renanfranca
🔧 Enhancements
- Sonar: This assertion is unnecessary since it does not change the type of the expression - #10550 by @qmonmert
- Fix lint - #10549 by @qmonmert
- Remove unnecessary comment - #10538 by @qmonmert
- Fix: This assertion is unnecessary since it does not change the type of the expression - #10537 by @qmonmert
- Fix: Wildcard type argument '?' explicitly extends 'java.lang.Object' - #10536 by @qmonmert
- Fix: Method declared 'final' in 'final' class - #10535 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: consistency in paths - #10534 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: remove unused rule - #10527 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: consistency in paths - #10526 by @qmonmert
- Update sonar exclusions like vitest exclusions - #10520 by @qmonmert
- Remove useless file extension - #10515 by @PaulMant
- Move locals variables to class constants - #10514 by @PaulMant
- Add tests for Router (improve Sonar) - #10505 by @qmonmert
- TsLoaderModuleFactory source and destination as class contants - #10504 by @richersoon
- added in local_profile package. - #10484 by @richersoon
- rename cucumber authentication package - #10483 by @PaulMant
- rename LocalProfile Package - #10476 by @PaulMant
- Sonar: clean exlusions files - #10475 by @qmonmert
- Modernize typescript module - #10468 by @murdos
- Simplify generated tsconfig for vue and react - #10464 by @murdos
- Sonar: remove exclusions files not present - #10459 by @qmonmert
- Rest pagination module - #10451 by @DamnClin
- Sonar: remove - Ignore duplication for Arguments replacer (rule is deprecated) - #10452 by @qmonmert
- Use piqure for injections - #10429 by @DamnClin
- chore: use vite-tsconfig-paths to simplify generated vite and vitest configuration - #10440 by @murdos
- Sonar: Angular - Optional boolean parameters should have default value - #10439 by @qmonmert
- Typo - #10438 by @qmonmert
- Angular: remove unused tests - #10431 by @qmonmert
- Angular: tests - change detection automatically - #10430 by @qmonmert
- fix(module-api): VersionSource should not be required for removing dependencies from packageJson - #10419 by @murdos
- Angular: remove comments in tests - #10420 by @qmonmert
- Split front shared - #10408 by @DamnClin
- Angular: remove comments in tests - #10417 by @qmonmert
- Refator interceptor - #10409 by @DamnClin
- Angular: functional interceptors - #10415 by @qmonmert
🔨 Refactoring
- Sonar: remove svelte files - #10490 by @qmonmert
- Unify and simplify vue and react vitest config - #10462 by @murdos
- Rename test folders - #10460 by @qmonmert
- refactor(client-common): remove ClientsModulesFactory that was only containing lintstaged configuration - #10450 by @murdos
- refactor: fix typo "bloc" -> "block" - #10418 by @murdos
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Bug: templatize application name in… - #10506 by @richersoon
🖥️ Frontend
- Unify and simplify vue and react vitest config - #10462 by @murdos
- Simplify generated tsconfig for vue and react - #10464 by @murdos
- feat(vue): replace pinia-plugin-persist by pinia-plugin-persistedstate - #10466 by @murdos
- chore: use vite-tsconfig-paths to simplify generated vite and vitest configuration - #10440 by @murdos
- Sonar: Angular - Optional boolean parameters should have default value - #10439 by @qmonmert
- Angular: remove unused tests - #10431 by @qmonmert
- Angular: tests - change detection automatically - #10430 by @qmonmert
- Angular: remove comments in tests - #10420 by @qmonmert
- Cypress tooling - #10406 by @DamnClin
- Angular: remove comments in tests - #10417 by @qmonmert
- Angular: functional interceptors - #10415 by @qmonmert
- TS Loader module - #10404 by @DamnClin
- TS pagination domain - #10405 by @DamnClin
🍃 Spring Boot
- Bug: templatize application name in… - #10506 by @richersoon
📝 Documentation
📦 Dependency updates
- ESLint 9 - #10545 by @qmonmert
- fix(deps): update dependency vue to v3.4.37 - #10547 by @renovate
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance - #10548 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency tailwindcss to v3.4.9 - #10546 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update angular monorepo to v18.1.4 - #10539 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.4.0 - #10543 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update angularmaterial monorepo to v18.1.4 - #10542 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency tailwindcss to v3.4.8 - #10541 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update angular-cli monorepo to v18.1.4 - #10540 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency tikuidoc-tikui to v7 - #10533 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency vue-router to v4.4.3 - #10532 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency @pinia/testing to v0.1.5 - #10529 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency vue to v3.4.36 - #10531 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency pinia to v2.2.1 - #10530 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update postgres docker tag to v16.4 - #10524 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency com.buschmais.jqassistant:jqassistant-maven-plugin to v2.4.0 - #10525 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.46.0 - #10523 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency zone.js to v0.14.10 - #10522 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency postcss to v8.4.41 - #10521 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v15.2.8 - #10516 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 to v3.16.0 - [#10519](
Release Notes
💎 Features
- return presets through endpoint - #10367 by @renanfranca
🔧 Enhancements
- feat(archUnit): adding equals/hashcode contract check - #10399 by @Eulbobo
- Prettier config improvements - #10389 by @murdos
- Angular: Remove unused code in test file - #10390 by @qmonmert
- fix(git): allow committing when project folder is a subfolder of a git repository - #10388 by @murdos
- Angular: replace angular-devkit/build-angular by angular/build - #10386 by @qmonmert
- Angular: uses Signal - #10368 by @qmonmert
- fix(git): don't init git repository in existing repository - #10369 by @murdos
- Typo: at day => on day - #10343 by @qmonmert
- feature(protobuf): use ascopes maven protobuf plugin instead of xolstice one - #10264 by @murdos
- Sonar: Incorrect grammar - #10342 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Modifier static is redundant for inner enums - #10341 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Delete unused import - #10340 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Template strings should be used instead of concatenation - #10339 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Fields that are only assigned in the constructor should be readonly - #10338 by @qmonmert
- chore(dependencies): switch to renovate for all dependency types - #10334 by @murdos
- Sonar: Unchanged variables should be marked as const - #10335 by @qmonmert
- Prettier: fix warnings on generated app - #10333 by @qmonmert
🖥️ Frontend
- Angular: Remove unused code in test file - #10390 by @qmonmert
- Angular: replace angular-devkit/build-angular by angular/build - #10386 by @qmonmert
- Angular: uses Signal - #10368 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Template strings should be used instead of concatenation - #10339 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Fields that are only assigned in the constructor should be readonly - #10338 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Unchanged variables should be marked as const - #10335 by @qmonmert
🪶 Maven
📦 Dependency updates
- chore(deps): update dependency vue-tsc to v2.0.28 - #10393 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency org.liquibase:liquibase-core to v4.29.0 - #10397 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency jest-preset-angular to v14.2.0 - #10396 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency @testing-library/dom to v10.4.0 - #10395 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update vitest monorepo to v2.0.4 - #10394 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5.5.4 - #10392 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency @playwright/test to v1.45.3 - #10391 by @renovate
- Angular: replace angular-devkit/build-angular by angular/build - #10386 by @qmonmert
- chore(deps): update dependency jsdom to v24.1.1 - #10387 by @renovate
- Bump Node to 20.16.0 - #10384 by @qmonmert
- chore(deps): update neo4j docker tag to v5.22.0 - #10382 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.35.0 - #10380 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency jasmine-core to v5.2.0 - #10381 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update docker tag to v2022 - #10378 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency npm-run-all2 to v6 - #10377 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update mysql docker tag to v9.0.1 - #10371 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency npm-run-all2 to v5.0.2 - #10370 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency eu.michael-simons.neo4j:neo4j-migrations to v2.10.4 - #10373 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency vue to v3.4.33 - #10374 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency @nextui-org/react to v2.4.6 - #10372 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.17.0 - #10376 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update docker/login-action action to v3.3.0 - #10375 by @renovate
- fix(renovate): restore default ignored paths - #10366 by @murdos
- chore(deps): replace dependency npm-run-all with npm-run-all2 5.0.0 - #10365 by @murdos
- fix(renovate): ignore svelte dependencies - #10364 by @murdos
- Update dependency vitest-sonar-reporter to v0.5.0 - #10361 by @renovate
- Update springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui.version to v2.6.0 - #10362 by @renovate
- Update dependency svelte-check to v3.8.4 - #10358 by @renovate
- Update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin to v3.8.0 - #10356 by @renovate
- Update dependency org.testcontainers:testcontainers-bom to v1.20.0 - #10357 by @renovate
- Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v8.10.0 - #10355 by @renovate
- Update dependency @testing-library/svelte to v4.2.3 - #10353 by @renovate
- Update Docker tag to v25.0.2 - #10349 by @renovate
- Update apachepulsar/pulsar Docker tag to v3.3.0 - #10350 by @renovate
- Update dependency @types/node to v20.14.11 - #10346 by @renovate
- Update dependency tslib to v2.6.3 - #10348 by @renovate
- Update dependency @sveltejs/adapter-static to v2.0.3 - #10345 by @renovate
- Update dependency org.jqassistant.plugin:jqassistant-spring-plugin to v2.2.0 - #10347 by @renovate
- feature(protobuf): use ascopes maven protobuf plugin instead of xolstice one - #10264 by @murdos
- chore(dependencies): switch to renovate for all dependency types - #10334 by @murdos
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-prettier to v5.2.1 - #10337 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency vue to v3.4.32 - #10336 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.3.4 - #10332 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency cypress to v13.13.1 - #10330 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier-plugin-packagejson to v2.5.1 - #10331 by @renovate
Release Notes
💎 Features
- manage landscape preset configuration - #10297 by @renanfranca
🔧 Enhancements
- Prettier: fix warnings on React generated app - #10306 by @qmonmert
- Prettier: fix warnings on Angular generated app - #10299 by @qmonmert
- Prettier: fix warnings on generated app - #10298 by @qmonmert
- Prettier: fix warnings on generated app - #10287 by @qmonmert
- Prettier: fix warnings on generated app - #10279 by @qmonmert
- Angular: improve login form - #10272 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: add a nested comment - #10271 by @pascalgrimaud
🔨 Refactoring
- Refactoring: rename com.jhipster.test to tech.jhipster.jhlitest - #10274 by @pascalgrimaud
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Bug: added check if repository is null in CucumberJpaReset - #10278 by @richersoon
🖥️ Frontend
- Prettier: fix warnings on React generated app - #10306 by @qmonmert
- Prettier: fix warnings on Angular generated app - #10299 by @qmonmert
- Angular: improve login form - #10272 by @qmonmert
🍃 Spring Boot
- Bug: added check if repository is null in CucumberJpaReset - #10278 by @richersoon
📦 Dependency updates
- build(deps-dev): bump ts-jest from 29.2.2 to 29.2.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10320 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump cucumber.version from 7.18.0 to 7.18.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10328 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10329 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump keycloak-js from 25.0.1 to 25.0.2 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular - #10327 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump @nextui-org/react from 2.4.3 to 2.4.5 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #10326 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 - #10325 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update vitest monorepo to v2.0.3 - #10322 by @renovate
- build(deps-dev): bump cucumber.version from 7.18.0 to 7.18.1 - #10324 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 - #10323 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.16.1 - #10321 by @renovate
- Upgrade Husky 9.1.1 on generated app - #10318 by @qmonmert
- Upgrade Husky 9.1.1 - #10319 by @qmonmert
- build(deps): bump com.gradle:develocity-maven-extension from 1.21.5 to 1.21.6 - #10309 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-prettier from 5.1.3 to 5.2.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10316 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump husky from 9.0.11 to 9.1.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10315 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump vue from 3.4.31 to 3.4.32 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/vue - #10314 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 from 3.14.0 to 3.15.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10313 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers-bom from 1.19.8 to 1.20.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10312 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump @nextui-org/react from 2.4.2 to 2.4.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #10311 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump zone.js from 0.14.7 to 0.14.8 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular - #10308 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump the angular group in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular with 6 updates - #10307 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump tailwindcss from 3.4.5 to 3.4.6 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10304 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump @playwright/test from 1.45.1 to 1.45.2 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10305 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10303 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump prettier-plugin-packagejson from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10302 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump cypress from 13.13.0 to 13.13.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10301 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3.3.3 - #10300 by @renovate
- Upgrade Vitest 2.0.3 - #10296 by @qmonmert
- Upgrade prettier-plugin-java 2.6.4 - #10295 by @qmonmert
- build(deps-dev): bump tailwindcss from 3.4.4 to 3.4.5 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10294 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.16.0 to 7.16.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10292 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.16.0 to 7.16.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10291 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump @testing-library/dom from 10.3.1 to 10.3.2 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #10290 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update dependency stylelint to v16.7.0 - #10289 by @renovate
- build(deps): bump org.jmolecules:jmolecules-bom from 2023.1.3 to 2023.1.4 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10285 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10286 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump prettier-plugin-java from 2.6.0 to 2.6.4 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10284 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump prettier from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10283 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-react from 7.34.3 to 7.34.4 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #10282 by @dependabot
- Lock file maintenance - #10281 by @renovate
- Update dependency sass to v1.77.8 - #10280 by @renovate
- Update vitest monorepo to v2.0.2 - #10277 by @renovate
- Update dependency rimraf to v6.0.1 - #10276 by @renovate
Release Notes
🔧 Enhancements
- Sonar configuration: use sonar.test.exclusions properties - #10267 by @pascalgrimaud
- Sonar configuration: ignore src test resources projects - #10265 by @pascalgrimaud
- Sonar configuration: ignore src test resources - #10263 by @pascalgrimaud
- Sonar: Function and method names should comply with a naming convention - #10218 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Remove parentheses around the parameter of this arrow function - #10219 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Expected property shorthand - #10217 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Fields that are only assigned in the constructor should be 'readonly' - #10216 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Fields that are only assigned in the constructor should be 'readonly' - #10215 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Fields that are only assigned in the constructor should be 'readonly' - #10214 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Rename this generic name to match the regular expression - #10212 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Loggers should be 'private static final' - #10204 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: String literals should not be duplicated - #10203 by @qmonmert
- safely remove libs version reference - #10191 by @renanfranca
- Sonar: Rename this generic name to match the regular expression - #10167 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Add a nested comment - #10168 by @qmonmert
- chore: remove @Autowired annotations in Cucumber configuration and steps - #10153 by @murdos
🔨 Refactoring
- refactor(VersionsCatalog): move libraryEntriesMatchingDependency meth… - #10238 by @renanfranca
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Bug: removed SpringDoc apiLicenseUrl and apiExternalDocUrl blank value - #10269 by @richersoon
- fix: prevent OutOfMemory while writing pom.xml when using indentation > 2 - #10143 by @murdos
🖥️ Frontend
- Sonar: Function and method names should comply with a naming convention - #10218 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Remove parentheses around the parameter of this arrow function - #10219 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Expected property shorthand - #10217 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Fields that are only assigned in the constructor should be 'readonly' - #10216 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Fields that are only assigned in the constructor should be 'readonly' - #10215 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Fields that are only assigned in the constructor should be 'readonly' - #10214 by @qmonmert
- chore: use a dedicated typescript version for Angular - #10183 by @murdos
🍃 Spring Boot
- Bug: removed SpringDoc apiLicenseUrl and apiExternalDocUrl blank value - #10269 by @richersoon
🪶 Maven
🐘 Gradle
- refactor(VersionsCatalog): move libraryEntriesMatchingDependency meth… - #10238 by @renanfranca
- safely remove libs version reference - #10191 by @renanfranca
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump Node to 20.15.1 and NPM to 10.8.2 - #10268 by @pascalgrimaud
- chore(deps): update vitest monorepo to v2 (major) - #10259 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency sass to v1.77.7 - #10266 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency rimraf to v6 - #10258 by @renovate
- build(deps-dev): bump com.approvaltests:approvaltests from 24.2.0 to 24.3.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10260 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump @babel/cli from 7.24.7 to 7.24.8 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10261 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.16.0 - #10257 by @renovate
- build(deps-dev): bump sass from 1.77.7 to 1.77.8 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #10254 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update dependency rimraf to v5.0.9 - #10255 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.9 - #10256 by @renovate
- build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10245 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump npm from 10.8.1 to 10.8.2 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10251 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump ts-jest from 29.2.0 to 29.2.2 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10249 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10246 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump the angular group in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular with 6 updates - #10253 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump from 2023.0.2 to 2023.0.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10248 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump surefire-plugin.version from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 - #10252 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump vitest and @vitest/coverage-istanbul in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10250 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10247 by @dependabot
- bump Vitest 2.0.1 - #10237 by @qmonmert
- build(deps-dev): bump node and @types/node in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10244 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump neo4j from 5.21.0-community to 5.21.2-community in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10243 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump org.assertj:assertj-core from 3.26.0 to 3.26.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10242 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump sass from 1.77.6 to 1.77.7 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #10240 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update dependency rimraf to v5.0.8 - #10241 by @renovate
- build(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.15.0 to 7.16.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10235 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy from 1.14.17 to 1.14.18 - #10236 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier-plugin-gherkin to v2.4.0 - #10232 by @renovate
- build(deps-dev): bump ts-jest from 29.1.5 to 29.2.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10234 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.15.0 to 7.16.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10233 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump from 0.9.13 to 0.9.14 - #10229 by @dependabot
- Lock file maintenance - #10228 by @renovate
- Update dependency vue-tsc to v2.0.26 - #10227 by @renovate
- Update dependency npm-run-all2...
Release Notes
🔧 Enhancements
- feat: introduce a new ElementReplacer dedicated to insert text at end of file - #10118 by @murdos
- Improve logs when using JHLite - #10128 by @pascalgrimaud
- Sonar: reactivate S2699 rule - #10099 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: reactivate S2699 rule - #10084 by @qmonmert
- Docker compose version is obsolete - #10086 by @qmonmert
- Docker compose version is obsolete - #10085 by @qmonmert
🐞 Bug Fixes
🖥️ Frontend
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump Node to 20.15.0 for generated project - #10133 by @pascalgrimaud
- Bump Node to 20.15.0 - #10132 by @qmonmert
- chore(deps): update dependency cypress to v13.12.0 - #10131 by @renovate
- build(deps): bump keycloak/keycloak from 25.0.0 to 25.0.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10124 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10125 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump keycloak-js from 25.0.0 to 25.0.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular - #10127 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump the angular group in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular with 6 updates - #10126 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update dependency sass to v1.77.6 - #10121 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.13.1 - #10122 by @renovate
- build(deps): bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 - #10120 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 - #10119 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump cssnano from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10115 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump com.gradle:develocity-maven-extension from 1.21.4 to 1.21.5 - #10114 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump jest-preset-angular from 14.1.0 to 14.1.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular - #10113 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump com.buschmais.jqassistant:jqassistant-maven-plugin from 2.3.0-RC1 to 2.3.0-RC2 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10112 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump cypress from 13.11.0 to 13.12.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10110 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-react from 7.34.2 to 7.34.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #10109 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump docker/build-push-action from 5 to 6 in /.github/workflows - #10107 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump docker/build-push-action from 5 to 6 - #10108 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.13.0 to 7.13.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10106 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier-plugin-gherkin to v2.3.0 - #10104 by @renovate
- build(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.13.0 to 7.13.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10105 by @dependabot
- fix(deps): update dependency vue to v3.4.29 - #10103 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.3.1 - #10102 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency maven to v3.9.8 - #10101 by @renovate
- build(deps-dev): bump sass from 1.77.5 to 1.77.6 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #10100 by @dependabot
- Angular 18: bump @angular-builders/jest 18.0.0 - #10098 by @qmonmert
- build(deps): bump react-hook-form from 7.51.5 to 7.52.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #10096 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump @nextui-org/react from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #10095 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump vue from 3.4.27 to 3.4.29 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/vue - #10094 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump ts-jest from 29.1.4 to 29.1.5 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10093 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump prettier-plugin-gherkin from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10092 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.3.0 to 5.3.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #10091 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump com.electronwill.night-config:toml from 3.7.2 to 3.7.3 - #10090 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump surefire-plugin.version from 3.2.5 to 3.3.0 - #10089 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance - #10088 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.3.0 - #10087 by @renovate
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v15.2.7 - #10083 by @renovate
Release Notes
💎 Features
🔧 Enhancements
- UI: hide minimap by default - #10075 by @pascalgrimaud
- OAuth2 module: improve custom name, instead of using jhipster - #10074 by @pascalgrimaud
- chore(eslint): apply eslint on whole sources - #10025 by @murdos
- Use 'a' before a consonant sound - #10069 by @qmonmert
- Unnecessary unboxing - #10070 by @qmonmert
- Variable element initializer null is redundant - #10068 by @qmonmert
- Declaration can have 'final' modifier - #10061 by @qmonmert
- feat(custom-jhlite): generate slug shared kernel with feature and module enum slugs skeleton - #10053 by @murdos
- feat(bean-validation-test): simplify code - #10024 by @murdos
- Sonar: Loggers should be private static final and should share a naming convention - #10035 by @qmonmert
- feat(custom-jhlite): add shell scripts for helping testing generated apps in ci - #10023 by @murdos
- Sonar: Control structures should use curly braces - #10033 by @qmonmert
- React: recommend using act with await and an async function - #10026 by @qmonmert
- Vue: use standart vite/vitest config file extension - #10015 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Remove useless curly braces around statement - #10020 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Use concise character class syntax '\d' instead of '[0-9]' - #10021 by @qmonmert
- chore(deps): use common npm dependencies, and deleted duplicated react dependencies - #10017 by @murdos
- fix: StatisticsCriteria should use the more abstract JHipsterModuleSlug - #10016 by @murdos
- React: remove unused dependency - #10014 by @qmonmert
- Remove unused dependency: stylelint-config-standard - #10013 by @qmonmert
- fix(java-build-tool): remove misleading wrapper mention in the descri… - #9997 by @murdos
- safely remove property version when removing dependency - #9921 by @renanfranca
- enh(spring-properties): use a TreeMap rather than an HashMap to store properties - #9990 by @murdos
- enh: use "release" configuration for setting java version rather than "source" and "target" - #9972 by @murdos
- Logback: improve logs during tests - #9934 by @pascalgrimaud
- CI: improve github actions for Windows to allow ignore [ci ignore] - #9932 by @pascalgrimaud
- Move the ability to start liquibase asynchronously to its own module - #9748 by @murdos
- release script: fix settings.xml [ci skip] - #9920 by @pascalgrimaud
- feat: add string not matching pattern field assertion - #9909 by @murdos
- Sonar: Replace this usage of Stream.collect with Stream.toList - #9906 by @qmonmert
- fix: move gitignore configuration for buildSrc from spring-boot-local-profile module to gradle-java module - #9907 by @murdos
- Sonar: code smells - #9904 by @qmonmert
- feat: generate clients with a .npmrc config for forcing saving exact versions of npm dependencies - #9899 by @murdos
- feat: improve prettier configuration - #9900 by @murdos
- Keycloak: Make realmName and clientScopeName customizable - #9366 by @gzsombor
🔨 Refactoring
- remove banner modules - #10067 by @renanfranca
- feat(bean-validation-test): simplify code - #10024 by @murdos
- chore: simplify code by using Optional::stream - #9971 by @murdos
- Restructuring of generator frontend tests - #9833 by @murdos
🐞 Bug Fixes
- fix(ci): prevent code injection by using the commit message or the pu… - #10046 by @renanfranca
- Springdoc: fix realm name with OAuth2 - #9963 by @pascalgrimaud
🖥️ Frontend
- Sonar: Control structures should use curly braces - #10033 by @qmonmert
- React: recommend using act with await and an async function - #10026 by @qmonmert
- Vue: use standart vite/vitest config file extension - #10015 by @qmonmert
- React: bump @testing-library/react from 15.0.7 to 16.0.0 - #10022 by @qmonmert
- chore(deps): use common npm dependencies, and deleted duplicated react dependencies - #10017 by @murdos
- React: remove unused dependency - #10014 by @qmonmert
- Angular 18 - #9882 by @qmonmert
- feat: generate clients with a .npmrc config for forcing saving exact versions of npm dependencies - #9899 by @murdos
🍃 Spring Boot
- OAuth2 module: improve custom name, instead of using jhipster - #10074 by @pascalgrimaud
- enh(spring-properties): use a TreeMap rather than an HashMap to store properties - #9990 by @murdos
- Springdoc: fix realm name with OAuth2 - #9963 by @pascalgrimaud
- Logback: improve logs during tests - #9934 by @pascalgrimaud
- Keycloak: Make realmName and clientScopeName customizable - #9366 by @gzsombor
🔒 Security
- OAuth2 module: improve custom name, instead of using jhipster - #10074 by @pascalgrimaud
- Springdoc: fix realm name with OAuth2 - #9963 by @pascalgrimaud
- Keycloak: Make realmName and clientScopeName customizable - #9366 by @gzsombor
🪶 Maven
- safely remove property version when removing dependency - #9921 by @renanfranca
- enh: use "release" configuration for setting java version rather than "source" and "target" - #9972 by @murdos
🐘 Gradle
- fix: move gitignore configuration for buildSrc from spring-boot-local-profile module to gradle-java module - #9907 by @murdos
📝 Documentation
📦 Dependency updates
- build(deps): bump org.jmolecules:jmolecules-bom from 2023.1.2 to 2023.1.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10076 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.jqassistant.plugin:jqassistant-spring-plugin from 2.1.0-M1 to 2.2.0-M1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10080 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.2.5 to 3.3.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10079 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.jqassistant.plugin:jqassistant-context-mapper-plugin from 2.1.0-M1 to 2.1.0-M2 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10081 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump com.buschmais.jqassistant:jqassistant-maven-plugin from 2.1.0-RC1 to 2.3.0-RC1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #10082 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.jqassistant.plugin:jqassistant-jmolecules-plugin from 2.1.0-M3 to 2.1.0-M4 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - [#10078](#1007...
Release Notes
💎 Features
- feature(gradle): remove gradle-java from hidden resources - #9832 by @murdos
- add missing frontend server plugin - #9825 by @renanfranca
- API in ModuleBuilder to declare entries in gitignore - #9719 by @murdos
🔧 Enhancements
- (develocity): always publish build scans, even in case of build failures - #9673 by @murdos
- Simplify lintstaged config - #9885 by @murdos
- Vitest config fix and cleanup - #9884 by @murdos
- use standard vite/vitest configuration file extension - #9883 by @murdos
- remove
- #9875 by @renanfranca - fix and improve code generated by fullapp using gradle and replace gradleapp with fullapp at ci - #9874 by @renanfranca
- Fix typo - #9860 by @qmonmert
- support add instructions at the end of tasks.test in the build.gradle.kts - #9818 by @renanfranca
- Sonar: Rename field which hides the field declared at line - #9820 by @qmonmert
- Run frontend tests by default in watch mode - #9766 by @murdos
- add imports option at gradle plugin and gradle profile plugin API - #9801 by @renanfranca
- feat(maven): replace existing plugin rather than adding a duplicated one - #9792 by @murdos
- support context variables at PackageJson and Content Replacer API - #9758 by @renanfranca
- Sonar: declare properties-maven-plugin configuration in the pluginManagement section - #9779 by @murdos
- Use the official Kafka image with TestContainers - #9778 by @murdos
- React: remove unused dependency types/ws - #9747 by @qmonmert
- React: missing space - #9746 by @qmonmert
- React: remove unused dependency framer-motion - #9745 by @qmonmert
- React: improve generated template - #9733 by @qmonmert
- Init proto.lock file for protobuf-backwards-compatibility-check module - #9727 by @murdos
- Disable develocity remote build cache when building docker images - #9730 by @murdos
- Remove swagger link - #9718 by @murdos
🔨 Refactoring
🐞 Bug Fixes
- adapt native jgit hints for latest jgit releases - #9872 by @atomfrede
- fix(ci): filter additional jar to be able to start gradle app - #9837 by @murdos
- avoid append browser folder at the outputPath directory - #9831 by @renanfranca
🖥️ Frontend
- avoid append browser folder at the outputPath directory - #9831 by @renanfranca
- React: remove unused dependency types/ws - #9747 by @qmonmert
- React: missing space - #9746 by @qmonmert
- React: remove unused dependency framer-motion - #9745 by @qmonmert
- React: improve generated template - #9733 by @qmonmert
🍃 Spring Boot
🪶 Maven
🐘 Gradle
- remove
- #9875 by @renanfranca - fix and improve code generated by fullapp using gradle and replace gradleapp with fullapp at ci - #9874 by @renanfranca
- fix(ci): filter additional jar to be able to start gradle app - #9837 by @murdos
- feature(gradle): remove gradle-java from hidden resources - #9832 by @murdos
- add missing frontend server plugin - #9825 by @renanfranca
- support add instructions at the end of tasks.test in the build.gradle.kts - #9818 by @renanfranca
- add imports option at gradle plugin and gradle profile plugin API - #9801 by @renanfranca
- support context variables at PackageJson and Content Replacer API - #9758 by @renanfranca
📝 Documentation
- add javadoc at
api andpackageJson
api - #9898 by @renanfranca
📦 Dependency updates
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.3.0 - #9897 by @murdos
- build(deps): bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies from 3.2.5 to 3.3.0 - #9895 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump @types/react from 18.3.2 to 18.3.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #9893 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent from 3.2.5 to 3.3.0 - #9894 by @dependabot
- build(deps-dev): bump @playwright/test from 1.44.0 to 1.44.1 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #9892 by @dependabot
- build(deps): bump neo4j from 5.19.0-community to 5.20.0-community in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #9891 by @dependabot
- fix(deps): update dependency axios to v1.7.1 - #9888 by @renovate
- build(deps): bump from 4.26.1 to 4.27.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #9886 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.10.0 - #9889 by @renovate
- Bump com.gradle:develocity-maven-extension from 1.21.3 to 1.21.4 - #9877 by @dependabot
- Bump @vitejs/plugin-react from 4.2.1 to 4.3.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #9880 by @dependabot
- Bump net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy from 1.14.15 to 1.14.16 - #9876 by @dependabot
- fix(deps): update dependency axios to v1.7.0 - #9878 by @renovate
- Bump jest-preset-angular from 14.0.4 to 14.1.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular - #9870 by @dependabot
- Bump ts-jest from 29.1.2 to 29.1.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular - #9871 by @dependabot
- Bump axios from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/vue - #9869 by @dependabot
- Bump cypress from 13.9.0 to 13.10.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #9868 by @dependabot
- Bump lint-staged from 15.2.2 to 15.2.4 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #9867 by @dependabot
- Bump ts-jest from 29.1.2 to 29.1.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #9866 by @dependabot
- Bump react-hook-form from 7.51.4 to 7.51.5 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #9864 by @dependabot
- Bump tchiotludo/akhq from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #9865 by @dependabot
- Bump axios from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #9863 by @dependabot
- Bump org.liquibase:liquibase-core from 4.27.0 to 4.28.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #9862 by @dependabot
- Bump cassandra from 4.1.4 to 4.1.5 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - [#9855](
Release Notes
💎 Features
- Module: Approval testing using ApprovalTests - #9607 by @murdos
- Module: Property-based testing using jqwik - #9606 by @murdos
🔧 Enhancements
- Declare feature (cucumber) files in gitattributes - #9717 by @murdos
- Fix typos - #9708 by @qmonmert
- Angular: add angular-eslint/template/accessibility plugin - #9707 by @qmonmert
- React: activate react/jsx-no-target-blank rule - #9706 by @qmonmert
- enh(ci): tests-linux: start local sonar after the linting step - #9681 by @murdos
- Angular: add .mustache extension - #9671 by @qmonmert
- Sonar: Fix tag em with role=img - #9632 by @qmonmert
- Use the same maven cache when building native image as other builds - #9667 by @murdos
- Add missing gitignore for jqwik/property-based testing module - #9668 by @murdos
- Rework FileSystemProjectJavaBuildToolRepository - #9662 by @DamnClin
- develocity: package.json should be an input file for "npm build" and "npm test" executions - #9659 by @murdos
- Improve some toString methods in module domain API - #9372 by @murdos
- Archunit rules for wire packages - #9538 by @murdos
- Use for template rendering - #9624 by @murdos
- develocity: complete maven-frontend-plugin configuration - #9635 by @murdos
- develocity: only publish scans if authenticated - #9634 by @murdos
- Generate a package.json requiring only the recent major node.js version, not the latest patch version - #9630 by @murdos
- Develocity: replace deprecated "GRADLE_ENTERPRISE_ACCESS_KEY" environment variable by "DEVELOCITY_ACCESS_KEY" - #9610 by @murdos
- Format pug files with prettier - #9623 by @murdos
- Simplify HexagonalArchTest: compute rootPackagePath on the fly from root package name constant - #9609 by @murdos
- Handle breaking changes in develocity.xml - #9611 by @murdos
🔨 Refactoring
- Rework YamlFileSpringPropertiesHandler - #9664 by @DamnClin
- (ci): Use new secret DEVELOCITY_ACCESS_KEY instead of GRADLE_ENTERPRiSE - #9670 by @murdos
- Rework JHipsterHiddenResourcesProperties - #9663 by @DamnClin
- [ignore ci] Remove unused codecov configuration - #9657 by @murdos
- fix(lint-staged): fix configuration to avoid task concurrency - #9592 by @murdos
🐞 Bug Fixes
🖥️ Frontend
- Angular: add angular-eslint/template/accessibility plugin - #9707 by @qmonmert
- React: activate react/jsx-no-target-blank rule - #9706 by @qmonmert
- Angular: add .mustache extension - #9671 by @qmonmert
🐘 Gradle
- fix(develocity): git-ignore workspace-id - #9597 by @murdos
- Migration from gradle enterprise to develocity - #9596 by @murdos
📝 Documentation
📦 Dependency updates
- chore(deps): update dependency vue-tsc to v2.0.15 - #9726 by @renovate
- fix(deps): update dependency vue to v3.4.26 - #9721 by @renovate
- chore(deps): bump the angular group in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular with 2 updates - #9725 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump from 0.9.12 to 0.9.13 - #9724 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.2.10 to 5.2.11 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #9723 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.8.0 - #9722 by @renovate
- chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.2.10 to 5.2.11 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/vue - #9720 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump @types/node from 20.12.7 to 20.12.8 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular - #9715 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump the angular group in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular with 2 updates - #9714 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump mysql from 8.3.0 to 8.4.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #9713 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump @types/node from 20.12.7 to 20.12.8 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #9709 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #9712 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump vue-tsc from 2.0.15 to 2.0.16 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/vue - #9711 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump @testing-library/react from 15.0.5 to 15.0.6 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #9710 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump npm from 10.6.0 to 10.7.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #9705 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump sonarqube from 10.5.0-community to 10.5.1-community in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #9703 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): update sonarqube docker tag to v10.5.1 - #9701 by @renovate
- chore(deps): bump zone.js from 0.14.4 to 0.14.5 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/angular - #9704 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump vue-tsc from 2.0.14 to 2.0.15 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/vue - #9700 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump mongo from 7.0.8 to 7.0.9 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies - #9702 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump sass from 1.75.0 to 1.76.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #9699 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump vitest and @vitest/coverage-istanbul in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/vue - #9698 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump vitest and @vitest/coverage-istanbul in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #9697 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.7.1 to 7.8.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #9695 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump @babel/cli from 7.24.1 to 7.24.5 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #9696 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump from 0.9.11 to 0.9.12 - #9693 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.7.1 to 7.8.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/common - #9694 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.7.1 to 7.8.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/vue - #9691 by @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump vue from 3.4.25 to 3.4.26 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/vue - #9692 by @dependabot
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.7.1 to 7.8.0 in /src/main/resources/generator/dependencies/react - #9690 by @dependabot...