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Here we provide program configurations in this project. This project have several kinds of functions in graph representation learning, including static graph embedding, dynamic graph embedding, link prediction, node classification and graph centrality prediction.

Then configurations for each function will be introduced. We also give the detailed parameter usage guide.


The parameters used in the preprocessing task is shown as follows. Note that If the graph embedding model doesn't use the unsupervised negative sampling loss (i.e. DynGEM, dyngraph2vec, TIMERS, etc), then the preprocessing process is unnecessary!

Parameter Type Description
base_path str base path of a data set
origin_folder str graph folder path relative to base_path
core_folder str k-core subgraphs folder path relative to base_path
(optional, value: can be null)
node_file str node file path relative to base_path
walk_pair_folder str random walk node co-occurring pairs file folder path relative to base_path
node_freq_folder str node frequency file folder path relative to base_path
file_sep str file separator for all files (i.e. '\t')
generate_core bool whether to generate k-core subgraph files or not
(optional, value: true or false)
run_walk bool whether to run random walk or not
(optional, value: true or false)
weighted bool weighted graph or not, then this will determine weighted random walk or not
walk_time int random walk times for each node
walk_length int random walk length for each node
worker int CPU multiprocessing thread number
(default: -1, means don't use multiprocessing)

Note that optional parameters can be omitted in the configuration file if this optional parameter is not needed. CGCN-C and CGCN-S share the same core_folder. So when running the preprocessing task for these methods, you only need to generate output files once.

We also provide a bool parameter generate_core to control the generation of k-core subgraphs. K-core subgraphs will be generated only and if only core_file is not null and generate_core is true. If you only want to execute random walk in the preprocessing task, you can set generate_core as false for CGCN-C, CGCN-S, CTGCN-C and CTGCN-S methods (because their core_file is not null), while you can set core_file as null for other methods as they don't need k-core subgraphs.

Graph Embedding

The graph embedding task contains the execution of several graph embedding methods, including static graph embedding end dynamic graph embedding methods. The parameters of all supported graph embedding methods are shown below.

For a DynamicGEM based graph embedding method, its parameter set is the union of Common parameters, DynamicGEM common parameters and its model parameters (i.e. DynGEM parameters).

For a GNN based graph embedding method, its parameter set is the union of Common parameters, GNN common parameters, Learning parameters(optional) and its model parameters (i.e. GCN parameters).

For TIMERS, its parameter set is TIMERS parameters.

Common parameters

Common parameters are input parameters used by all supported graph embedding methods (except TIMERS) in the CTGCN library, including DynGEM related methods(DynGEM and dyngraph2vec) and GNN methods.

Parameter Type Description
base_path str base path of a data set
origin_folder str graph folder path relative to base_path
core_folder str k-core subgraph folder path relative to base_pah
(optional, value: can be null)
embed_folder str embedding folder path relative to base_path
model_folder str graph embedding model folder path relative to base_path
model_file str model file name
(value: can be null, then model won't be saved!)
node_file str node file path relative to base_path
file_sep str file separator for all files (i.e. '\t')
start_idx int start timestamp index of dynamic graphs
end_idx int end timestamp index of dynamic graphs
(default: -1, means the last timestamp, it supports negative values)
duration int The timestamp length of the input
embed_dim int node embedding dimension
use_cuda bool whether or not to use GPU for calculation
thread_num int the thread number for training if CPU is used
epoch int training epoch number of a graph embedding model
lr float learning rate of the optimizer
batch_size int batch size of a data batch
(value: > 0, no other constraints)
load_model bool whether or not to load graph embedding model for training
shuffle bool whether or not to shuffle the data for training
export bool whether or not to save node embedding files for each timestamp
record_time bool whether or not to record the running time

Note that optional parameters can be omitted in the configuration file if this optional parameter is not needed. Moreover, the timestamp range is a closed interval [start_idx, end_idx]. The program will add 1 to end_idx, making the range into a left-closed interval.

Usually, the duration parameter is greater than 1 for dynamic graph embedding; for static graph embedding, duration is set as 1.

DynamicGEM parameters

DynamicGEM parameters include input parameters for DynGEM and dyngraph2vec(DyAE, DyRNN, DynAERNN) methods.

Common parameters

Here we provide common parameters used by both DynGEM and dyngraph2vec.

Parameter Type Description
beta float reconstruction penalty
nu1 float relative weight hyper-parameter of L1-regularization loss
nu2 float relative weight hyper-parameter of L2-regularization loss
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers

DynGEM parameters

Parameter Type Description
n_units list hidden layer dimension list of its encoder
alpha float relative weight hyper-parameter of its first order proximity loss

DynAE parameters

Parameter Type Description
n_units list hidden layer dimension list of its encoder
look_back int history timestamp length used for capturing time-evolving patterns

DynRNN parameters

Parameter Type Description
n_units list hidden layer dimension list of its LSTM encoder
look_back int history timestamp length used for capturing time-evolving patterns

DynAERNN parameters

Parameter Type Description
ae_units list hidden layer dimension list of its AE encoder
rnn_units list hidden layer dimension list of its LSTM encoder
look_back int history timestamp length used for capturing time-evolving patterns

GNN parameters

Here we provide input parameters of all supported GNN methods.

Common parameters

Parameter Type Description
nfeature_folder str node feature folder path relative to base_path
(optional, value: can be null)
learning_type str learning type of gnns
(value: 'U-neg', 'U-own', 'S-node', 'S-edge', 'S-link-st', 'S-link-dy')
hid_dim int dimension of hidden layers in a graph embedding model
weight_decay int weight decay of the optimizer

Note that learning_type is a parameter for choosing different learning strategies. Moreover, in all configuration files, we don't include nfeature_folder parameter, because all data sets used in this project don't have node features. But if you want to run programs on graph data sets with node features, you can add the nfeature_folder parameter in your configuration file.

Learning parameters

Learning parameters are parameters related to unsupervised learning or supervised learning. These parameters are all optional parameters.

Parameter Type Description Usage
walk_pair_folder str random walk co-occurring node pairs folder path relative to base_path Unsupervised Learning
node_freq_folder str random walk node frequency folder path relative to base_path Unsupervised Learning
neg_num int negative sample number Unsupervised Learning
Q float penalty weight of negative sampling term in negative sampling loss Unsupervised Learning
nlabel_folder str node label folder path relative to base_path Node Classification
elabel_folder str edge label folder path relative to base_path Edge Classification
cls_file str classifier file name
(file saved in model_folder, only file name is needed)
Supervised Classification
cls_hid_dim int dimension of hidden layers in the classifier model Supervised Classification
cls_layer_num int layer number in the classifier model Supervised Classification
cls_bias bool whether or not to enable bias for classifier layers Supervised Classification
cls_activate_type str activation function type in the classifier model
(value: 'L' or 'N', linear or non-linear)
Supervised Classification
train_ratio float the ratio of training nodes(edges) to all nodes(edges) in each graph Supervised Learning
val_ratio float the ratio of validation nodes(edges) to all nodes(edges) in each graph Supervised Learning
test_ratio float the ratio of test nodes(edges) to all nodes(edges) in each graph Supervised Learning

Note that walk_pair_folder, node_freq_folder, neg_num and Q are used for unsupervised negative sampling loss. Parameters from cls_file to cls_activate_type are used for building the node classifier or edge classifier. train_ratio, val_ratio and test_ratio are used for data split in supervised node classification, edge classification and link prediction.

Moreover, the input_dim of a classifier is embed_dim, and the output_dim of a classifier is the unique label number.

Here we introduce how to change different learning strategies.

  • Unsupervised learning with negative sampling loss (learning_type = 'U-neg')
  • Unsupervised learning with its own loss (learning_type = 'U-own')
  • Supervised learning for node classification (learning_type = 'S-node')
  • Supervised learning for edge classification (learning_type = 'S-edge')
  • Supervised learning for static(or dynamic) link prediction (learning_type = 'S-link-st' or 'S-link-dy')

Note that **the difference between 'S-link-st' and 'S-link-dy' is **:

  • 'S-link-st' is designed for static supervised link prediction based model training, while 'S-link-dy' is designed for dynamic supervised link prediction based model training
  • 'S-link-st' uses the current embedding matrix to predict edge labels of the current timestamp, while 'S-link-dy' uses the previous embedding matrix to predict edge labels of the current timestamp. So 'S-link-dy' needs 'duration' >= 2 and 'end_idx' - 'start_idx' >= 1 for both static and dynamic gnn methods.
  • In files, the only difference between 'S-link-st' and 'S-link-dy' strategies is edge_label_list = edge_label_list[1:] and embedding_list = embedding_list[:-1], which makes the previous embedding matrix match the current edge label matrix.

GCN parameters

Original GCN parameters

Parameter Type Description
dropout float dropout rate (range: [0, 1])
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers

Note that here GCN has two graph convolution layers.

TgGCN parameters

We also provide another GCN version which is implemented by pytorch_geometric library.

Pytorch-Geometric GCN(TgGCN) parameters

Parameter Type Description
feature_pre bool whether or not to add a linear layer before all GCN layers
feature_dim int output dimension of the added linear layer
layer_num int GCN layer num
dropout float dropout rate (range: [0, 1])
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers

GAT parameters

Parameter Type Description
dropout float dropout rate (range: [0, 1])
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers
alpha float negative slope angle of LeakyReLU used in GAT
head_num int number of multi-head attention

Note that here GAT has two graph attention layers, head_num=1, negative_slop=0.2.

TgGAT parameters

We also provide another GAT version which is implemented by pytorch_geometric library.

Pytorch-Geometric GAT(TgGAT) parameters

Parameter Type Description
feature_pre bool whether or not to add a linear layer before all GAT layers
feature_dim int output dimension of the added linear layer
layer_num int GAT layer num
dropout float dropout rate (range: [0, 1])
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers

Note that here GAT uses some default parameters of 'tg.nn.GATConv', So the heads parameter is 1, negative_slope parameter is 0.2.

SAGE parameters

Parameter Type Description
num_sample int the number of sampled neighborhood for all nodes
(value: can be null or positive number)
pooling_type str neighborhood aggregation type
(value: 'sum', 'average', 'max')
dropout float dropout rate (range: [0, 1])
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers

TgSAGE parameters

We also provide another SAGE version which is implemented by pytorch_geometric library.

Pytorch-Geometric SAGE(TgSAGE) parameters

Parameter Type Description
feature_pre bool whether or not to add a linear layer before all SAGE layers
feature_dim int output dimension of the added linear layer
layer_num int SAGE layer num
dropout float dropout rate (range: [0, 1])
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers

Note that here GraphSAGE uses some default parameters of 'tg.nn.SAGEConv', So the pool parameter is 'mean'.

GIN parameters

Parameter Type Description
layer_num int GIN layer num
mlp_layer_num int layer num in each MLP
learn_eps bool whether to learn epsilon to distinguish center nodes from neighboring nodes or not
pooling_type str neighbor aggregation type
(value: 'sum', 'average', 'max')
dropout float dropout rate (range: [0, 1])
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers

TgGIN parameters

We also provide another GIN version which is implemented by pytorch_geometric library.

Pytorch-Geometric GIN(TgGIN) parameters

Parameter Type Description
feature_pre bool whether or not to add a linear layer before all GIN layers
feature_dim int output dimension of the added linear layer
layer_num int GIN layer num
dropout float dropout rate (range: [0, 1])
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers

Note that here GIN uses some default parameters of 'tg.nn.GINCov'. So the eps parameter is 0, and train_eps parameter is False. And both parameters are not included in the above parameter list.

P-GNN parameters

Parameter Type Description
feature_pre bool whether or not to add a linear layer before all P-GNNN layers
feature_dim int output dimension of the added linear layer
layer_num int P-GNN layer num
dropout float dropout rate (range: [0, 1])
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers
approximate int pairwised shortest path cutoff
(default: -1, means exact shortest path calculation)

GCRN parameters

Parameter Type Description
dropout float dropout rate (range: [0, 1])
rnn_type str rnn type to identify different rnns used in GCRN
(value: 'GRU' or 'LSTM')
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers

Note that GCRN uses GCN as its backbone, so the default GCN layer number is 2.

VGRNN parameters

Parameter Type Description
rnn_layer_num int rnn layer number in VGRNN
eps float eps parameter used in its KL component of the VAE loss
conv_type str graph convolution type
(value: 'GCN', 'SAGE', 'GIN')
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers

Note that VGRNN uses GRU to capture temporal features.

EvolveGCN parameters

Parameter Type Description
init_type str degree-based input feature initialization type
(value: 'gaussian', 'one-hot', 'adj', 'combine')
std float std of the gaussian distribution if init_type is 'gaussian'
model_type str EvolveGCN model type
(value: 'EGCNH', 'EGCNO')

Note that in the EvolveGCN paper, it only uses one-hot node features as input.


Parameter Type Description Usage
max_core int number of k-core subgraphs for each dynamic graph
(default: -1, means all k-core subgraphs in each graph are used)
trans_layer_num int feature transformation layer number Common
diffusion_layer_num int core-based diffusion (or CGCN) layer number Common
init_type str degree-based input feature initialization type
(optional, value: 'gaussian', 'one-hot', 'adj', 'combine')
std float std of the gaussian distribution if init_type is 'gaussian'
model_type str model type to identify different versions of the model
(value: 'C' or 'S', means C-version or S-version
rnn_type str rnn type to identify different rnns used in CGCN
(value: 'GRU' or 'LSTM')
trans_activate_type str activation function type of feature transformation layers
(value: 'L' or 'N', means 'linear' or 'non-linear')
bias bool whether or not to enable bias for model layers Common

Note that if max_core is greater than the k-core number of a graph, then all k-core subgraphs are used in CGCN layers.

TIMERS parameters

The parameters used in the TIMERS method is as follows:

Parameter Type Description
base_path str base path of a data set
origin_folder str graph folder path relative to base_path
embed_folder str embedding folder path relative to base_path
node_file str node file path relative to base_path
file_sep str file separator for all files (i.e. '\t')
embed_dim int node embedding dimension
theta float threshold for restarting SVD
(default: 0.17, range: [0, 1])

Link Prediction

The parameters used in the link prediction task is shown as follows:

Parameter Type Description
base_path str base path of a data set
origin_folder str graph folder path relative to base_path
embed_folder str embedding folder path relative to base_path
node_file str node file path relative to base_path
lp_edge_folder str the link prediction edge data folder path relative to base_path
lp_res_folder str the link prediction results folder path relative to base_path
file_sep str file separator for all files (i.e. '\t')
start_idx int The start index of repeating link prediction
rep_num int The repetition time of link prediction
train_ratio float the ratio of training edges to all edges for each graph
val_ratio float the ratio of validation edges to all edges for each graph
test_ratio float the ratio of test edges to all edges for each graph
do_lp bool whether to generate lp data and lp results for rep_num times
generate bool whether to generate the split labeled edge data
aggregate bool whether to aggregate rep_num times of lp results into one file
method_list list a list of graph embedding methods used to make link prediction
c_list list a list of C parameter used in the sklearn LogisticRegression model
measure_list list a list of evaluation metrics
(support 4 edge features: 'avg', 'had', 'l1', 'l2')
max_iter int maximum iteration number in the sklearn LogisticRegression model
worker int CPU multiprocessing thread number
(default: -1, means don't use multiprocessing)

Note that we use for loop to generate rep_num times random link prediction edge data and its corresponding link prediction results. Then after running rep_num times of link prediction, all rep_num times of link prediction results will be aggregated.

We provide flexibility to run link prediction task. If do_lp is true and aggregate is false, then the program will only calculate link prediction results for rep_num times. If do_lp is false andaggregate is true, then only the aggregation function will be executed. Another useful bool parameter is generate. If you want to test the performance of graph embedding methods later, you can set generate=false to used the link prediction data which was generated before.

Node Classification

The parameters used in the node classification task is shown as follows:

Parameter Type Description
base_path str base path of a data set
origin_folder str graph folder path relative to base_path
embed_folder str embedding folder path relative to base_path
node_file str node file path relative to base_path
nlabel_folder str node label folder path relative to base_path
nodecls_data_folder str node data folder path relative to base_path
(train, val and test)
nodecls_res_folder str node classification results data
file_sep str separator of all files
start_idx int The start index of repeating node classification
rep_num int The repetition time of node classification
train_ratio float the ratio of training nodes to all nodes in each graph
val_ratio float the ratio of validation nodes to all nodes in each graph
test_ratio float the ratio of test nodes to all nodes in each graph
do_nodecls bool whether to generate node cls data and node cls results for rep_num times
generate bool whether to generate the split labeled node data
aggregate bool whether to aggregate rep_num times of nodecls results into one file
method_list list a list of graph embedding methods used to make node classification
c_list list a list of C parameter used in the sklearn LogisticRegression model
max_iter int maximum iteration number in the sklearn LogisticRegression model
worker int CPU multiprocessing thread number
(default: -1, means don't use multiprocessing)

Edge Classification

The parameters used in the edge classification task is shown as follows:

Parameter Type Description
base_path str base path of a data set
origin_folder str graph folder path relative to base_path
embed_folder str embedding folder path relative to base_path
node_file str node file path relative to base_path
elabel_folder str edge label folder path relative to base_path
edgecls_data_folder str edge data folder path relative to base_path
(train, val and test)
edgecls_res_folder str edge classification results data
file_sep str separator of all files
start_idx int The start index of repeating edge classification
rep_num int The repetition time of edge classification
train_ratio float the ratio of training edges to all edges in each graph
val_ratio float the ratio of validation edges to all edges in each graph
test_ratio float the ratio of test edges to all edges in each graph
do_edgecls bool whether to generate edge cls data and edge cls results for rep_num times
generate bool whether to generate the split labeled edge data
aggregate bool whether to aggregate rep_num times of edgecls results into one file
method_list list a list of graph embedding methods used to make edge classification
c_list list a list of C parameter used in the sklearn LogisticRegression model
max_iter int maximum iteration number in the sklearn LogisticRegression model
worker int CPU multiprocessing thread number
(default: -1, means don't use multiprocessing)

Graph Centrality Prediction

The parameters used in the graph centrality prediction task is shown as follows:

Parameter Type Description
base_path str base path of a data set
origin_folder str graph folder path relative to base_path
embed_folder str embedding folder path relative to base_path
node_file str node file path relative to base_path
centrality_data_folder str graph centrality data folder path relative to base_path
centrality_res_folder str graph centrality prediction results folder path relative to base_path
file_sep str file separator for all files (i.e. '\t')
generate bool whether to generate centrality data
method_list list a list of graph embedding methods used to make graph centrality prediction
alpha_list list alpha parameter list used in the sklearn RidgeRegression model
split_fold int cross validation fold number
worker int CPU multiprocessing thread number
(default: -1, means don't use multiprocessing)

Note that graph files in the origin folder have already been generated. Each graph file have 3 columns separated by '\t'. The first row of each graph file is its header.