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Jianlin Shi edited this page Aug 22, 2017 · 33 revisions

EasyCIE(GUI) is a rule-based clinical information extraction tool for non-NLP(natural language processing) expert users. It a GUI wrapper on top of EasyCIE, an UIMA-based command line version that allows executing on servers.

Although this GUI component is designed to be easily extensible for adapting different databases and wrapping other pipelines without hard coding, this wiki is mainly written as a user guide for EasyCIE(GUI).

EasyCIE(GUI) functionalities

EasyCIE NLP components

EasyCIE is under active development. The components are expanding rapidly. In the current released version, the built-in NLP pipeline includes the following components:

Configurate your rules

All the components below are configurable through an excel file:


The most recent compiled releases can be found at: