Nori, the Lucene’s Korean analyzer, is built from a specific version of the mecab-ko-dic. This document shows how to create a distribution that uses a custom dictionary. This operation is manual and requires multiple steps so don’t do it if your intent is to add few words to the existing dictionary. This can be done in the Elasticsearch’s plugin itself by providing a user dictionary. However if your domain-specific vocabulary is big (several thousand), rebuilding the original dictionary with your extra rules can:
Lower the memory usage compared to the user-dic approach.
Speed up the creation of the analyzer/tokenizer.
Speed up the analysis.
We’ll need to compile Lucene and Elasticsearch so make sure that you have ant
and java
installed in your system.
First you need to install MeCab, you can download mecab-ko (a fork of MeCab for Korean) here. Extract the compressed archive and install MeCab by running the following command from the directory where the data is extracted:
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
At this point you should be able to run:
$ mecab -v
mecab of 0.996/ko-0.9.2
Download the latest version of the mecab-ko-dic. It’s the dictionary used by Nori by default. Extract the compressed archive and go to the directory containing the source code:
$ tar xvf mecab-ko-dic-2.0.3-20170922.tar.gz
$ cd mecab-ko-dic-2.0.3-20170922
Run the following command to install the dictionary:
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
In this section we’ll see how to add custom words to the original distribution downloaded in the previous steps.
Create a file with a csv
extension (custom-words.csv
for instance) inside
the user-dic
directory of the mecab-ko-dic. The directory should now look
like this:
$ ls
AUTHORS EP.csv IC.csv MM.csv NNBC.csv Person-actor.csv README VX.csv XSV.csv config.log install-sh model.def unk.def
COPYING ETM.csv INSTALL Makefile NNG.csv Person.csv Symbol.csv Wikipedia.csv aclocal.m4 config.status left-id.def pos-id.def unk.dic
ChangeLog ETN.csv Inflect.csv NNP.csv Place-address.csv VA.csv XPN.csv configure matrix.bin rewrite.def user-dic
CoinedWord.csv Foreign.csv J.csv NP.csv Place-station.csv VCN.csv XR.csv char.bin matrix.def right-id.def
EC.csv Group.csv MAG.csv NEWS NR.csv Place.csv VCP.csv XSA.csv char.def dicrc missing sys.dic
EF.csv Hanja.csv MAJ.csv NNB.csv NorthKorea.csv Preanalysis.csv VV.csv XSN.csv clean feature.def model.bin tools
$ ls user-dic custom-words.csv nnp.csv person.csv place.csv
Remove the other files person.csv
, place.csv
and nnp.csv
(they contains example
of custom entries):
$ rm user-dic/person.csv user-dic/place.csv user-dic/nnp.csv
$ ls user-dic custom-words.csv
Removing the extra files is mandatory, place.csv contains an entry
that Nori cannot parse.
Add your custom words in the csv file:
Add a proper noun:
Add a person:
Add place names:
If you need to add other part of speech, you can check the full list here
Run the following command:
$ ./tools/
At this point the mecab-ko-dic directory should look like this:
$ ls
AUTHORS ETN.csv MAG.csv NNBC.csv Place-address.csv VCP.csv XSV.csv configure missing unk.def
COPYING Foreign.csv MAJ.csv NNG.csv Place-station.csv VV.csv aclocal.m4 model.bin unk.dic
ChangeLog Group.csv MM.csv NNP.csv Place.csv VX.csv dicrc model.def user-custom-words.csv
CoinedWord.csv Hanja.csv Makefile NP.csv Preanalysis.csv Wikipedia.csv char.bin feature.def pos-id.def user-dic
EC.csv IC.csv NR.csv README XPN.csv char.def install-sh rewrite.def
EF.csv INSTALL NorthKorea.csv Symbol.csv XR.csv clean left-id.def right-id.def
EP.csv Inflect.csv NEWS Person-actor.csv VA.csv XSA.csv config.log matrix.bin sys.dic
ETM.csv J.csv NNB.csv Person.csv VCN.csv XSN.csv config.status matrix.def tools
Check that the user-custom-words.csv
file is present and that it contains
the expanded version of your custom entries:
$ ls user-custom-words.csv
$ cat user-custom-words.csv
Create an archive of the modified dictionary with the following command:
$ tar cvzf custom-mecab-ko-dic.tar.gz mecab-ko-dic-2.0.3-20170922
We’ll use this archive in the next section to build the Lucene module.
The Nori module uses a binary dictionary that is created from a mecab-ko-dic distribution. In this section we’ll create a binary dictionary for Lucene’s Korean module using the modified distribution. The dictionary is built from the source and packaged inside the jar, so you need to checkout Lucene. We’ll create a custom jar for Lucene 7.4.0 (not released yet, so we use 7x):
$ git clone -b branch_7x
Now open lucene/analysis/nori/ivy.xml
with your favorite editor and replace the line:
<artifact name="mecab-ko-dic" type=".tar.gz" url="" />
<artifact name="mecab-ko-dic" type=".tar.gz" url="file:///change/me/custom-mecab-ko-dic.tar.gz " />
This replaces the original dictionary with the dictionary we modified on the previous steps.
Go to lucene/analysis/nori
and run:
$ ant regenerate
This will create a new binary dictionary from our new dictionary in
Verify that the binary dictionary is present and is different than the
original one:
$ git status .
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: ivy.xml
modified: src/resources/org/apache/lucene/analysis/ko/dict/TokenInfoDictionary$buffer.dat
modified: src/resources/org/apache/lucene/analysis/ko/dict/TokenInfoDictionary$fst.dat
modified: src/resources/org/apache/lucene/analysis/ko/dict/TokenInfoDictionary$targetMap.dat
modified: src/tools/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis/ko/util/
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
We can now create a jar to distribute the module with our custom dictionary:
$ ant jar
The jar for the custom module can be found in lucene/build/analysis/nori/lucene-analyzers-nori-7.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
from the
root of the lucene checkout. Copy this file, we’ll need it in the next steps.
In this section we are going to build a custom version of the Elasticsearch’s plugin for Nori that uses the Lucene’s module jar produced in the previous step. We’ll need to access the source of Elasticsearch so the first operation is to checkout the code of Elasticsearch 6.4.0 (not released yet, so we use 6x):
$ git clone -b 6.x
Now go to elasticsearch/plugins/analysis-nori
and open the file build.gradle
your favorite editor. Change the following line:
compile "org.apache.lucene:lucene-analyzers-nori:${versions.lucene}"
compile files('/change/me/lucene-analyzers-nori-7.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar')
This will tell gradle to build the plugin from the modified jar we built in the previous step.
From the analysis-nori
directory, run the following command to produce the
custom distribution for our plugin:
$ gradle assemble
28 actionable tasks: 28 executed
$ ls build/distributions
analysis-nori-6.4.0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar analysis-nori-6.4.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar analysis-nori-6.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar analysis-nori-6.4.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
If the command succeeded, you’ll find the zip distribution in build/distributions
that you can use inside Elasticsearch. Copy this file, we’ll need it in the next step.
Download the 6.4.0 version of Elasticsearch (not released yet, so we use 6.x).
Extract the distribution and run the following command from the Elasticsearch’s directory:
./bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///change/me/
And we’re done, you can now start Elasticsearch and check if the custom words are recognized:
Try the Nori analyzer with:
POST _analyze
"text": "대우그룹",
"analyzer": "nori",
"explain": true
The answer should look like this:
"detail": {
"custom_analyzer": false,
"analyzer": {
"name": "org.apache.lucene.analysis.ko.KoreanAnalyzer",
"tokens": [
"token": "대우",
"start_offset": 0,
"end_offset": 2,
"type": "word",
"position": 0,
"bytes": "[eb 8c 80 ec 9a b0]",
"leftPOS": "NNP(Proper Noun))",
"morphemes": null,
"posType": "MORPHEME",
"positionLength": 1,
"reading": null,
"rightPOS": "NNP(Proper Noun)",
"termFrequency": 1
"token": "그룹",
"start_offset": 2,
"end_offset": 4,
"type": "word",
"position": 1,
"bytes": "[ea b7 b8 eb a3 b9]",
"leftPOS": "NNG(General Noun)",
"morphemes": null,
"posType": "MORPHEME",
"positionLength": 1,
"reading": null,
"rightPOS": "NNG(General Noun)",
"termFrequency": 1