The pic board itself has a width of 2 in. and a length of 4 in.
The center of the pic board is the origin for sensors.
The front-right IR sensor is front-facing, but on the right side of the rover. It is also veritcally oriented and low enough to see both targets and obstacles. The orientation is intended to allow it to determine when the area is clear on the right side of the rover.
- x: 0.75 in
- y: 2.5 in.
The front-left IR sensor is front-facing, but on the left side of the rover. It is horizontally oriented and low enough to see targets and obstacles. Its orientation is designed to ensure the area not covered by the front-right IR is not going to hit any object.
- x: -0.5 in.
- y: 2.5 in.
The left IR sensor is left-facing and is horizontally oriented in the center of the rover. It is mounted high enough so that it does not see targets. The purpose of this is so that targets can be easily differentiated from obstacles.
- x: -1.5 in.
- y: 0 in.