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Releases: jlmelville/uwot


21 Oct 18:08
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v0.0.0.9004 Pre-release

New features

  • For supervised UMAP with numeric y, you may pass nearest neighbor data
    directly, in the same format as that supported by X-related nearest neighbor
    data. This may be useful if you don't want to use Euclidean distances for
    the y data, or if you have missing data (and have a way to assign nearest neighbors
    for those cases, obviously). See the Nearest Neighbor Data Format section for details.


22 Sep 23:53
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v0.0.0.9003 Pre-release

New features

  • New parameter ret_nn: when TRUE returns nearest neighbor matrices
    as a nn list: indices in item idx and distances in item dist. Embedded
    coordinates are in embedding. Both ret_nn and ret_model can be TRUE,
    and should not cause any compatibility issues with supervised embeddings.
  • nn_method can now take precomputed nearest neighbor data. Must be a list of
    two matrices: idx, containing integer indexes, and dist containing
    distances. By no coincidence, this is the format return by ret_nn.

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Embedding to n_components = 1 was broken (#6)
  • User-supplied matrices to init parameter were being modified, in defiance of basic R pass-by-copy semantics.


22 Sep 23:37
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v0.0.0.9002 Pre-release

Better late then never, I will start creating releases, this one back-dated to the middle of August.

  • metric = "cosine" is working again for n_threads greater than 0 (#5)