I don't know how go packaging and installation works so just install go and run the following commands to build the executable from source. libvore
uses external dependencies other than go
itself so you shouldn't have to worry about making sure anything else is installed.
git clone https://github.com/jmeaster30/vore.git
cd ./vore
go build .
The command line interface was meant to be designed for simplicity so there aren't any esoteric flags that control the things you need. Each flag has a name that describes what the flag is for.
In the command line, run:
./vore -help
Usage of vore:
-com string
Vore command to run on search files
-files string
Files to search
Formatted JSON output file
-formatted-json-file string
Formatted JSON output file
Open source and files in vore ide
JSON output file
-json-file string
JSON output file
-replace-mode value
File mode for replace statements [NEW, NOTHING, OVERWRITE] (default: NEW)
-src string
Vore source file to run on search files
Open a text editor for the file we want to search and add:
Hello, Lilith
Save the file as "HelloLilith.txt"
In the command line, run:
./vore -com "find all 'Hello, ' (at least 1 letter) = name" -files "HelloLilith.txt"
Open a text editor for the file we want to search and add:
Hello, Lilith
Save the file as "HelloLilith.txt"
Open your text editor for the source file that will contain our vore script:
find all
'Hello, '
(at least 1 letter) = name
Save the file as "HelloName.vore"
In the command line, run:
./vore -src "HelloName.vore" -files "HelloLilith.txt"
Follwing the section Hello World Vore Source Script.
In the command line, run:
./vore -src "HelloName.vore" -files "HelloLilith.txt" -json
Follwing the section Hello World Vore Source Script.
In the command line, run:
./vore -src "HelloName.vore" -files "HelloLilith.txt" -formatted-json
Follwing the section Hello World Vore Source Script.
In the command line, run:
./vore -src "HelloName.vore" -files "HelloLilith.txt" -json-file "lilith.output"
Follwing the section Hello World Vore Source Script.
In the command line, run:
./vore -src "HelloName.vore" -files "HelloLilith.txt" -formatted-json-file "lilith.formatted.output"