PIPPA [@https://pippa.psb.ugent.be] is a data management system used for collecting data from the Weighing, Imaging and Watering Machines (WIWAM) [@https://www.wiwam.be], whcih are a range of automated high-throughput phenotyping platforms. These platforms have been deployed by research institutes and commercial breeders across Europe. They can be set up in a variety of configurations with different types of equipment including weighing scales, cameras, and environment sensors. The software features a web interface with functionality for setting up new experiments, planning imaging and irrigation treatments, linking metadata (genotype, growth media, manual treatments) to pots, and importing, exporting, and visualizing data. It also supports the integration of image analysis scripts and connects to a compute cluster for job submission.
To share the phenotypic data from PIPPA experiments linked to publications, an implementation of BrAPI v1.3 was developed which allowed read only access to the data in the BrAPI standardized format. This server was registered on FAIDARE [@https://urgi.versailles.inrae.fr/faidare], allowing the data to be found alongside data from other BrAPI-compatible repositories.
Throughout its development, the PIPPA project has adhered to guidelines set forth by BrAPI and the MIAPPE [@doi:10.1111/nph.16544] scientific standard. Current efforts are focused on delivering a public BrAPI v2.1 endpoint and increasing the availability of public high-throughput datasets via BrAPI.