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The Global Information System (GLIS) on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) is a web-based, BrAPI-compliant global entry point for PGRFA data [@{}]. It allows users and third-party systems to access information and knowledge on scientific, technical, and environmental matters to strengthen PGRFA conservation, management, and utilization activities. The system and its portal also enable recipients of PGRFA to make available all non-confidential information on germplasm according to the provisions of the Treaty and facilitates access to the results of their research and development.

Thanks to the adoption of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors (MCPD) of PGRFA accessions, the GLIS Portal provides access to 1.7 million PGRFA in collections conserved worldwide. Of these, over 1.5 million are accessible for research, training and plant breeding in the food and agriculture domain.

The Scientific Advisory Committee of the ITPGRFA have repeatedly welcomed efforts on interoperability among germplasm information systems. In this context, the GLIS Portal adopted the BrAPI v1.3 in 2022. Integrating BrAPI among the GLIS content negotiators facilitates queries and the exchange of content for data management in plant breeding. The Portal also offers other protocols (XML, DarwinCore, JSON and JSON-LD) to increase data and metadata connectivity. In the near future, depending on the availability of resources, upgrading to BrAPI v2 is planned.