Teaching materials on use of vegitable dyes on "natural" (ie. protein, cellulose) fiber
- Dye plants in the kitchen
- How to use vegitable dyes and not to poison your family
- Vegitable dyes and why I hate the term "natural dyes"
This is an on-going project. Materials updated as needed.
Some Acrobat Pdfs, Microsoft doc and LiberOffice format. I do a lot of my own work on a Linux machine so I use LiberOffice since that can read MS Word, MS Excel as well as it's own format. Presentations don't move back and forth between operating systems so I'm moving to replacing all presentations with markdown slides.
In liu of teaching Zenoto at work I set up my own links: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2656765
jamie jamison. (2019, May). jmjamison/DyePlant_Lessons: Useable lesson materials (Version v1). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2656765
If anyone reading this wants to know about Zenoto, ask me.