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145 lines (121 loc) · 6.11 KB

Version 2.3-dev

The library has been tested using Agda 2.7.0 and



  • In Algebra.Apartness.Structures, renamed sym from IsApartnessRelation to #-sym in order to avoid overloaded projection. irrefl and cotrans are similarly renamed for the sake of consistency.

Non-backwards compatible changes

  • The implementation of ≤-total in Data.Nat.Properties has been altered to use operations backed by primitives, rather than recursion, making it significantly faster. However, its reduction behaviour on open terms may have changed.

Minor improvements

Deprecated modules

Deprecated names

  • In Algebra.Definitions.RawMagma:

    _∣∣_   ↦  _∥_
    _∤∤_    ↦  _∦_
  • In Algebra.Module.Consequences

    *ₗ-assoc+comm⇒*ᵣ-assoc      ↦  *ₗ-assoc∧comm⇒*ᵣ-assoc
    *ₗ-assoc+comm⇒*ₗ-*ᵣ-assoc   ↦  *ₗ-assoc∧comm⇒*ₗ-*ᵣ-assoc
    *ᵣ-assoc+comm⇒*ₗ-assoc      ↦  *ᵣ-assoc∧comm⇒*ₗ-assoc
    *ₗ-assoc+comm⇒*ₗ-*ᵣ-assoc   ↦  *ₗ-assoc∧comm⇒*ₗ-*ᵣ-assoc
  • In Algebra.Properties.Magma.Divisibility:

    ∣∣-sym       ↦  ∥-sym
    ∣∣-respˡ-≈   ↦  ∥-respˡ-≈
    ∣∣-respʳ-≈   ↦  ∥-respʳ-≈
    ∣∣-resp-≈    ↦  ∥-resp-≈
    ∤∤-sym  -≈    ↦  ∦-sym
    ∤∤-respˡ-≈    ↦  ∦-respˡ-≈
    ∤∤-respʳ-≈    ↦  ∦-respʳ-≈
    ∤∤-resp-≈     ↦  ∦-resp-≈
  • In Algebra.Properties.Monoid.Divisibility:

    ∣∣-refl            ↦  ∥-refl
    ∣∣-reflexive       ↦  ∥-reflexive
    ∣∣-isEquivalence   ↦  ∥-isEquivalence
  • In Algebra.Properties.Semigroup.Divisibility:

    ∣∣-trans   ↦  ∥-trans
  • In Data.List.Base:

    and       ↦  Data.Bool.ListAction.and
    or        ↦  Data.Bool.ListAction.or
    any       ↦  Data.Bool.ListAction.any
    all       ↦  Data.Bool.ListAction.all
    sum       ↦  Data.Nat.ListAction.sum
    product   ↦  Data.Nat.ListAction.product
  • In Data.List.Properties:

    sum-++       ↦  Data.Nat.ListAction.Properties.sum-++
    ∈⇒∣product   ↦  Data.Nat.ListAction.Properties.∈⇒∣product
    product≢0    ↦  Data.Nat.ListAction.Properties.product≢0
    ∈⇒≤product   ↦  Data.Nat.ListAction.Properties.∈⇒≤product
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional.Properties:

    sum-↭       ↦  Data.Nat.ListAction.Properties.sum-↭
    product-↭   ↦  Data.Nat.ListAction.Properties.product-↭

New modules

  • Data.List.Base.{and|or|any|all} have been lifted out into Data.Bool.ListAction.

  • Data.List.Base.{sum|product} and their properties have been lifted out into Data.Nat.ListAction and Data.Nat.ListAction.Properties.

Additions to existing modules

  • In Algebra.Construct.Pointwise:

    isNearSemiring                  : IsNearSemiring _≈_ _+_ _*_ 0# 
                                      IsNearSemiring (liftRel _≈_) (lift₂ _+_) (lift₂ _*_) (lift₀ 0#)
    isSemiringWithoutOne            : IsSemiringWithoutOne _≈_ _+_ _*_ 0# 
                                      IsSemiringWithoutOne (liftRel _≈_) (lift₂ _+_) (lift₂ _*_) (lift₀ 0#)
    isCommutativeSemiringWithoutOne : IsCommutativeSemiringWithoutOne _≈_ _+_ _*_ 0# 
                                      IsCommutativeSemiringWithoutOne (liftRel _≈_) (lift₂ _+_) (lift₂ _*_) (lift₀ 0#)
    isCommutativeSemiring           : IsCommutativeSemiring _≈_ _+_ _*_ 0# 1# 
                                      IsCommutativeSemiring (liftRel _≈_) (lift₂ _+_) (lift₂ _*_) (lift₀ 0#) (lift₀ 1#)
    isIdempotentSemiring            : IsIdempotentSemiring _≈_ _+_ _*_ 0# 1# 
                                      IsIdempotentSemiring (liftRel _≈_) (lift₂ _+_) (lift₂ _*_) (lift₀ 0#) (lift₀ 1#)
    isKleeneAlgebra                 : IsKleeneAlgebra _≈_ _+_ _*_ _⋆ 0# 1# 
                                      IsKleeneAlgebra (liftRel _≈_) (lift₂ _+_) (lift₂ _*_) (lift₁ _⋆) (lift₀ 0#) (lift₀ 1#)
    isQuasiring                     : IsQuasiring _≈_ _+_ _*_ 0# 1# 
                                      IsQuasiring (liftRel _≈_) (lift₂ _+_) (lift₂ _*_) (lift₀ 0#) (lift₀ 1#)
    isCommutativeRing               : IsCommutativeRing _≈_ _+_ _*_ -_ 0# 1# 
                                      IsCommutativeRing (liftRel _≈_) (lift₂ _+_) (lift₂ _*_) (lift₁ -_) (lift₀ 0#) (lift₀ 1#)
    commutativeMonoid               : CommutativeMonoid c ℓ  CommutativeMonoid (a ⊔ c) (a ⊔ ℓ)
    nearSemiring                    : NearSemiring c ℓ  NearSemiring (a ⊔ c) (a ⊔ ℓ)
    semiringWithoutOne              : SemiringWithoutOne c ℓ  SemiringWithoutOne (a ⊔ c) (a ⊔ ℓ)
    commutativeSemiringWithoutOne   : CommutativeSemiringWithoutOne c ℓ  CommutativeSemiringWithoutOne (a ⊔ c) (a ⊔ ℓ)
    commutativeSemiring             : CommutativeSemiring c ℓ  CommutativeSemiring (a ⊔ c) (a ⊔ ℓ)
    idempotentSemiring              : IdempotentSemiring c ℓ  IdempotentSemiring (a ⊔ c) (a ⊔ ℓ)
    kleeneAlgebra                   : KleeneAlgebra c ℓ  KleeneAlgebra (a ⊔ c) (a ⊔ ℓ)
    quasiring                       : Quasiring c ℓ  Quasiring (a ⊔ c) (a ⊔ ℓ)
    commutativeRing                 : CommutativeRing c ℓ  CommutativeRing (a ⊔ c) (a ⊔ ℓ)
  • In Data.List.Properties:

    map-applyUpTo :  (f : A) (g : A  B) n  map g (applyUpTo f n) ≡ applyUpTo (g ∘ f) n
    map-applyDownFrom :  (f : A) (g : A  B) n  map g (applyDownFrom f n) ≡ applyDownFrom (g ∘ f) n
    map-upTo :  (f : A) n  map f (upTo n) ≡ applyUpTo f n
    map-downFrom :  (f : A) n  map f (downFrom n) ≡ applyDownFrom f n
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.PropositionalProperties:

    filter-↭ :  (P? : Pred.Decidable P)  xs ↭ ys  filter P? xs ↭ filter P? ys