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HashiCorp Demo Application with Boundary, Consul, & Vault on Kubernetes

This is a demo of using Boundary, Consul, and Vault to secure an application on Kubernetes.

Boundary controls user access to databases and test endpoints. Consul secures service-to-service communication. Vault secures the Consul cluster and issues temporary credentials for an application to access a database


Each folder contains a few different configurations.

  • Terraform Configurations

    • infrastructure/: All the infrastructure to run the system.

      • VPC (3 private subnets, 3 public subnets)
      • HCP Boundary
      • AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster
      • HashiCorp Virtual Network (peered to VPC)
      • HCP Consul
      • HCP Vault
    • vault/setup/: Deploy a Vault cluster via Helm chart and set up Kubernetes auth method

    • boundary/setup: Configures Boundary with two projects, one for operations and the other for development teams. Includes two self-managed workers.

    • argocd/setup/: Deploys an ArgoCD cluster to configure applications.

    • argocd/config/: Deploys an ArgoCD projects.

    • certs/: Sets up offline root CA and signs intermediate CA in Vault for Consul-related certificates.

    • vault/consul/: Set up Consul-related secrets engines.

    • applications/: Set up secrets engines and policies for applications.

    • consul/setup/: Deploys a Consul cluster via Helm chart. For demonstration of Vault as a secrets backend, deploys Consul servers + clients.

  • Other

    • consul/config/: Updates Consul ACL policies for terminating gateways and sets up Argo CD project for Consul configuration

    • argocd/applications/: Describes Argo CD applications to deploy

    • database/: Configures HashiCorp Demo Application database

    • application/: Kubernetes manifests for applications



Be sure to download the CLIs for the following.

  • Terraform 1.5
  • Consul 1.13 (on Kubernetes)
  • Vault 1.10
  • Boundary 0.13
  • Kubernetes 1.26



Bootstrap Terraform Cloud workspaces.

Start by setting up Terraform Cloud workspaces for all infrastructure. We divide the infrastructure provisioning from the deployment of services into separate states. This enforces a unidirectional dependency.

Before you start, make sure you:

Go to the bootstrap directory.

cd bootstrap

Copy tfvars.example to

cp tfvars.example

Update with the required variables and credentials. DO NOT COMMIT THIS FILE AS IT CONTAINS CREDENTIALS.

Note: For the HashiCorp folks, use doormat to push credentials up to the Terraform Cloud workspaces individually and leave AWS credentials blank in The session tokens cannot be loaded into variable sets. Use the command doormat aws --account $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID tf-push --organization hashicorp-stack-demoapp --workspace infrastructure,boundary,consul-config,consul-setup,vault-setup.


Initialize Terraform.

terraform init

Run Terraform and enter "yes" to apply.

terraform apply

If you log into Terraform Cloud and navigate to the hashicorp-stack-demoapp organization, all the workspaces will be set up.

Note: If you are using a different organization name other than hashicorp-stack-demoapp, update all files to use the correct TFC organization.

Deploy infrastructure.

Note: When you run this, you might get the error Provider produced inconsistent final plan. This is because we're using default_tags. Re-run the plan and apply to resolve the error.

Go to the infrastructure workspace in Terraform Cloud.

Update the infrastructure/ file with your chosen region.

Commit it up to your fork.

Start a new plan and apply it. It can take more than 15 minutes to provision!

Configure Vault (Kubernetes Auth Method)

Go to the vault/setup workspace in Terraform Cloud.

Start a new plan and apply it.

Terraform will set up Kubernetes authentication method and deploy the Vault Helm chart to the cluster.

It also sets up a key-value secrets engine to store the Boundary worker token.

Deploy Argo CD and Terraform Cloud Operator

Go to the argocd-setup workspace in Terraform Cloud.

Commit it up to your fork.

This deploys an Argo CD HA cluster. You can get the initial admin password using the Argo CD CLI or from a Kubernetes secret.

It also deploys the Terraform Cloud Operator to the terraform-cloud-operator namespace.

Set up Boundary

Go to the boundary/setup workspace in Terraform Cloud.

Optionally, update the boundary/setup/ file with a list of users and groups you'd like to add.

Commit it up to your fork.

Start a new plan and apply it. This creates an organization with two scopes:

  • core_infra, which allows you to SSH into EKS nodes
  • product_infra, which allows you to access the PostgreSQL database

Only product users will be able to access product_infra. operations users will be able to access both core_infra

Configure Argo CD Projects

Go to the argocd-config workspace in Terraform Cloud.

Commit it up to your fork.

This deploys an Argo CD projects that separate applications.

Configure Offline Root CA for Consul

As a best practice, store root CAs away from Vault. To demonstrate this, we generate a root CA offline. We use three separate root CAs:

  • Cluster Root CA

    • Level 1 Intermediate CA (server root)
    • Level 2 Intermediate CA (server intermediate)
  • Service Mesh Root CA for mTLS: This requires three levels because we will need to reconfigure the CA for the correct SPIFFE URI.

    • Level 1 Intermediate CA
    • Level 2 Intermediate CA (service mesh root)
    • Level 3 Intermediate CA (service mesh intermediate)
  • API Gateway Root CA

    • Level 1 Intermediate CA (gateway root)
    • Level 2 Intermediate CA (gateway intermediate)

NOTE: This is a local Terraform command in order to secure the offline root CA.

Run the command to create a root CA as well as the intermediate CAs, and store the intermediate CAs in Vault. Enter "yes" for Terraform to configure Vault PKI secrets engine and add a passphrase as required.

make configure-certs

Configure Vault for Consul (PKI Secrets Engine)

Go to the vault/consul workspace in Terraform Cloud.

Start a new plan and apply it.

Terraform will set up the PKI secrets engine for TLS in the Consul cluster (not the service mesh).

Configure Platform Components for Applications

Go to the applications workspace in Terraform Cloud.

Start a new plan and apply it.

Terraform will set up auth methods and secrets engines related to applications deploying infrastructure with the Terraform Cloud operator.

Configure Consul

Go to the consul/setup workspace in Terraform Cloud.

Start a new plan and apply it. This deploys Consul clients and a terminating gateway via the Consul Helm chart to the EKS cluster to join the HCP Consul servers.

Configure Consul API Gateway

Run make configure-consul to deploy resources to set up the Consul API Gateway.

Deploy Example Application

To deploy the example application, run make configure-application.

You can check if everything by checking the pods in Kubernetes.

$ kubectl get pods -n payments-app

To add data, you need to log into the PostgreSQL database. However, it's on a private network. You need to use Boundary to proxy to the database.

  1. Set up all the variables you need in your environment variables.

  2. Run the following commands to log in and load data into the products database.

    make configure-db

If you try to log in as a user of the products team, you can print out the tables.

make postgres-operations

Argo CD will deploy an HTTPRoute that Consul API gateway uses to connect to the application.

$ make test-app

[{"id":"2310d6be-0e80-11ed-861d-0242ac120002","name":"Red Panda","billing_address":"8 Eastern Himalayas Drive","created_at":"2023-10-12T00:00:00.000+00:00"}]


Set the BOUNDARY_ADDR environment variable to the Boundary endpoint.


Log into Boundary as the operations persona.

make boundary-operations-auth

Use the example command in top-level Makefile to SSH to the EKS nodes as the operations team.

make ssh-k8s-nodes

Go to the Boundary UI and examine the "Sessions". You should get an active session in the Boundary list because you accessed the EKS node over SSH.

Clean Up

Remove applications.

make clean-application

Remove Terraform Cloud Operator.

make clean-tfc

Remove API Gateway configuration.

make clean-consul

Go into Terraform Cloud and destroy resources for the consul-setup workspace.

Go into Terraform Cloud and destroy resources for the applications workspace.

Go into Terraform Cloud and destroy resources for the vault-consul workspace.

Remove certificates for Consul from Vault.

make clean-certs

Go into Terraform Cloud and destroy resources for the argocd-config workspace.

Go into Terraform Cloud and destroy resources for the argocd-setup workspace.

Go into Terraform Cloud and destroy resources for the boundary-config workspace.

Go into Terraform Cloud and destroy resources for the boundary-setup workspace.

Go into Terraform Cloud and destroy resources for the vault-setup workspace.

Go into Terraform Cloud and destroy resources for the infrastructure workspace.


Additional References
