All Notable changes to jobs-careerbuilder
will be documented in this file
- Updated
package to fix issue with single responses.
- Handling when Careerbuilder returns empty array instead of strings for city/state.
- Changed API url to
as there are no functional differences andv1
is likely to be unsupported soon.
- New package name in composer file.
- Support for v.2 of jobs-common package
- Automatically format results as
to prevent parsing failures
- Old set_() methods in provider, moved to CareerbuilderQuery
- Support for all setter methods outlined in the Careerbuilder API
- Readme documentation for all supported methods
- Tests to support all new methods
- Public methods for parsing range/fixed salaries made protected
- Sorting methods alphabetically
- Travis-ci support for PHP 7.0 and HHVM
- Public "getSkillSet" replaced with protected "parseSkillSet" method
- Nothing
- Salary range to attribute conversion methods
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Using jobs-common 1.0.3
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Job listing name and title both set
- Using setCompany method to set company name
- Using setMinimumSalary method to set salary
- Nothing
- Single skill returned from API bug
- Standardizing location format
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Minor code quality improvements
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Support for version 1.0 release of jobs-common project
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Fixed tests for upgrade to guzzle 6
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Initial release
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing