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The Helsinki Discrete Element Model (HiDEM)

Developers: Jan Åström & Joe Todd

This is HiDEM, the Helsinki Discrete Element Model, a particle model for simulating elastic behaviour, fracture and calving at marine terminating glaciers. Due to its computational demands, this code is designed to be run on parallel HPC facilities.

Rink Glacier with Melange

See the model in action here and here.

The model physics is described in detail in Åström et al. 2013.


Configuration, compilation and installation is handled by CMake. Example installation scripts for Cray and Ubuntu systems are located in scripts/compilation. These scripts invoke cmake with toolchain files located in scripts/toolchains, which set default compilers etc.

By default, compilation produces a single binary 'HiDEM' in the top level of the 'build' directory.

If you generate your own toolchain/compilation scripts for different systems, please get in touch or make a pull request!

Input Files

On starting, HiDEM reads the name of an input file from HIDEM_STARTINFO (e.g. 'inp.dat').

inp.dat - defines various parameters for the simulation

The user must also supply the initial geometry in gridded format: X,Y,SURF,BASE,BED,FRICTION

This initial geometry file is specified in the input file as 'Geometry File':

Geometry File = "mass3.dat"

Head of a sample mass3.dat file:

0.000000000000000000e+00	0.000000000000000000e+00	9.248271630519999462e+02	9.248271630519999462e+02	9.248271630519999462e+02	1.833796257881020755e+07  
5.000000000000000000e+01	0.000000000000000000e+00	9.248386672000000317e+02	9.248386672000000317e+02	9.248386672000000317e+02	2.784068307483682781e+07  
1.000000000000000000e+02	0.000000000000000000e+00	9.248503686919999609e+02	9.248503686919999609e+02	9.248503686919999609e+02	4.768270480512356758e+07

See more information in section 'Geometry File'

Note: To avoid spurious single particles appearing at the edge of the domain, interpolation of particle locations is not permitted where not all 4 supporting points have valid surface and bed values. To permit this, set Strict Domain Interpolation = False in inp.dat.

Important Points

Typical simulation domains:

  • 100m x 100m * 100m - typical particle size 2-10m
  • 100km x 100km * 1km - typical particle size 30-100m

Boundary conditions:

  • Domain in x-y plane
  • Main flow in y-direction
  • Forces acting on edge should be defined

Particle size:

  • Should have at least 10 particles in thickness direction (preferably 20-30).
  • Maximum ~10 million particles
  • Max timestep size scales with particle size:
    • Too long timestep => instability
    • Too short timestep => long execution times

Getting data ready

Replace no data with zero

Adjust the waterline (lowest point in domain must be non-negative)

Choose the number of cores

Do something to the restitution coefficient

Point to the input file (e.g. testinp.dat) using HIDEM_STARTINFO

Test Case

A test case is provided in the test directory. This is a simple rectangular domain with a sloping upper surface. This simulation will produce fracturing behaviour within a 6 hour simulation on 130 CPUs. The user should edit example.job to provide a valid PBS budget account, and the correct number of nodes and cores (currently 6, 130) depending on system architecture (cores per node).

The behaviour of the test case can be changed by modifying Max Load and Friction Scale in inp.dat.

Running the model

The model runs in parallel using MPI, so the simulation should be started using mpirun or aprun:

mpirun -n 70 HiDEM

An example PBS job script is provided in example.job

The user may specify a run name which is preprended on all output files:

Run Name = Example_Simulation


It is possible to restart one run from another:

Restart = 1

If the run name has changed, specify the run from which to restart:

Run Name = Example_Simulation_Part2
Restart from Run Name = Example_Simulation


It is possible to use HiDEM to investigate glacier/melange interaction. Melange is generated by running an initial 'melange simulation' until the domain calves to produce icebergs & brash. Then a subsequent simulation can read in this broken ice from the 'melange simulation'. This is controlled by the keyword:

Melange Run Name = "Your_previous_simulation_run_name"

The 'melange simulation' setup could be identical to the standard calving simulation, or one could choose to increase the porosity or lower the maximum load to encourage breakup. It is not necessary for the melange simulation and the subsequent simulation to run on the same number of cores, but it is expected that the particle size (SCL) would be the same.

Note: unlike a regular simulation restart, the melange is assumed to be 'at rest' when read into the new sim.


If the simulation explodes (particles moving too far):

  • Set a higher Translational Damping or Rotational Damping in the input file - multiply by two? Very high values for damping might be e.g. 16E4 and 8E4

  • Set Fracture After Time = 50.0 or so, to allow the simulation to settle before permitting fracture

  • Change friction scale in input - this scales the bed friction

  • Change the timestep

  • Smooth gradients in basal friction or geometry (in geometry file)

  • Kill all motion every x timesteps

Files, Variables and Parameters

Structure of the repository

  • src - all the code required to compile the HiDEM binary.
  • Within the scripts directory:
    • analysis - various fortran and python scripts for post-processing
    • compilation - example compilation scripts
    • job_scripts - example PBS scripts
    • io - fortran programs for modifying input
    • paraview - macros for working with HiDEM data in Paraview

HiDEM Source Code

These are part of the compiled code:

File Description
wave2.f90 The main program
dist.f Efficiently finding neighbouring particles which may interact
circ.f Confirms which particles are in contact and computes forces
effload.f Computes elastic forces in particle beams
amat.f Called by effload, does integration
tmat.f, ttmat.f Rotation matrices
kmat.f Stiffness matrix computation
glas.f90 Computing the HCP lattice, dense packing
ranmar.f Random number generator
dt.f90 Called by glas.f90, finds and write connections to FSfiles

Other Files

ave*.f - these compute averages of various outputs

rc2.f90, rc3.f90 - compute the calved size distrib

inp.dat parameters

Parameter VarName Description Default (SI units)
Run Name RUNNAME The name of the simulation (prepended to output filenames)
Work Directory wrkdir The subdirectory in which to store working files (directory must exist!) .
Results Directory resdir The subdirectory in which to store result files (directory must exist!) .
Geometry File geomfile The name of the file which defines the geometry (see above) False
Melange Run Name MelRunName The name of the simulation from which to read melange.
Density RHO The density of the material (ice) 900
Water Density RHOW The density of the water in which the ice floats 1030
Gravity GRAV Magnitude of gravity (positive!) 9.81
Backwall Pressure PRESS optional backwall/water pressure (not yet properly implemented!) 0
Submarine Melt MELT optional basal melt rate passed to fibg3 for altering domain shape 0
UC UC optional frontal melt rate 0
Timestep DT timestep size 1.0e-4
Width S beam width (relative to unit particle) 0.7
Youngs Modulus EF0 particle bond young's mod, describes interaction between connected particles 1.0e+9
Size LS Something to do with the HCP lattice 'box size' 100
Domain Inclination SUB Angle of the domain vs gravity vector, not used 0
Water Line WL Sea level for buoyancy calc
Grounding Line GL 'grounding line' - not used -100
Shear Line SLIN A distance below the surface where all bonds are broken? 2000
No Timesteps STEPS0 The number of steps
Max Load MLOAD Maximum load on bond - bonds break beyond this 0.0002
Friction Scale FRIC Scale factor for friction input 1
Restart REST 1 = restart from prev, 0 = new run 0
Restart From Run Name restname Specifies the name of the run from which to restart (defaults to same as 'Run Name')
Scale SCL Scale factor for particle and beam size
Grid GRID Resolution of mass3.dat input grid
Porosity POR The proportion of initially broken bonds 0.1
Random Seed SEEDI Seed for random number generator 11695378
Translational Damping DAMP1 The damping coefficient for translation 1e4
Rotational Damping DAMP2 The damping coefficient for rotation 1e4
Air Drag Coefficient DRAG_AIR The drag coefficient in air 1e1
Water Drag Coefficient DRAG_WATER The drag coefficient in water 1e1
Drag Coefficient DRAG_WATER, DRAG_AIR The drag coefficient in both air & water (alternative to previous 2) 1e1
Viscous Distance ViscDist The SCLed particle proximity for viscous interaction 4e-2
Viscous Force ViscForce The strength of viscous particle interaction 1e4
Output Interval OUTINT The output interval (every OUTINT steps, write out CSV) 20000
Restart Output Interval RESOUTINT The restart output interval (every RESOUTINT, write out restart files) <- Joe's addition 20000
Maximum Displacement MAXUT The maximum displacement of particles - default 1.0e6 metres (particles further than this are frozen) 1e6
Fracture After Time FRACTIME Fracture is permitted after this time (in s). 40
Bed Stiffness Constant BedIntConst The stiffness constant of the bed 1e8
Bed Damping Factor BedDampFactor Alters the damping of bed interaction (1.0 = critically damped) 1.0
Bed Z Only BedZOnly Whether to consider only the z component of bed interaction (rather than normal) True
Strict Domain Interpolation StrictDomain Determines limit of interpolation w.r.t geometry input file. See note above True
CSV Output CSVOutput If true, produce output in .csv format rather than binary (uses more disk space) False
Double Precision Output DoublePrec If true, output data will be Float64 (as opposed to Float32, doubles output filesize) False
Geometry File Has Mask GeomMasked Specifies whether the geometry file includes a mask column (required for 'Fixed Lateral Margins' False
Fixed Lateral Margins FixLat If true, particles near the lateral margins are not permitted to move in XY plane False
Fixed Inflow Margin FixBack If true, particles near the inflow margin are not permitted to move in XY plane True

Geometry file

The geometry file contains the input configuration, in format:

x, y, surface, base, bed, friction, geom_mask (optional)

x and y must be gridded and start at zero, must have a (0,0) corner.

Friction has units of Newton seconds per metre

output transformation matrix which takes from Elmer domain to HiDEM domain.

make sure the bed is buffered beyond the edge of the ice, and define these regions by setting surf and base equal to bed.

User may optionally specify a 'geom_mask' column in geometry input file, which tells the model which regions are ice (=1), fjord (=2), bedrock(=0). This is required for imposing lateral boundary conditions (Fixed Lateral Margins).

Internal variables

VarName Description
YN the number of partitions in the Y direction.
NTOT the total number of partitions in the model
GRID The grid size of the mass3.dat data, make sure it matches
SCL diameter of each particle
RESTART 1 = true
VDP drag coeff
UT current displacement
UTM previous displacement
UTP next displacement
FRZ (FRY,FRX) contact forces (particle-particle, particle-bed)
BOYZ, BOYY buoyant forces
R elastic forces
WSX,WSY wall contact forces?
MN mass of particles
MFIL mass of particles - per particle
JS moment of rotational inertia
NAN list of connections between particles e.g. NAN(1:2,1) lists the two particle numbers which make up connection 1
NRXF%M,%F initial position of the particles

Output - JYR and STR files

By default the model produces particle information in .vtu format (readable in Paraview (v5.5) - use macro) and bond strain information in binary format (readable by the python script For CSV output, use the 'CSV Output' option in the inp.dat (beware this produces much larger files which make visualisation time consuming).

JYR files list the position of all particles in x,y,z, every 2 seconds.
Read this in paraview quite easily.

STR file list the midpoint position and strain of each bond between two particles, for each node connection in initial geometry (including broken bonds)

dtop* files - these show the total energy in the system for different parts

dtopr - T,system energy, damping energy?

WENS - elastic energy of the spheres - imagine the particles overlap and are deformed against each other. Then they might bounce back apart.
ENMS+ENMS0 - elastic deformation energy - the energy held in a deformed/bent system
MGHS-MGH0 - potential energy
Kins - translational kinetic energy
Kins2 - rotational kinetic energy

DPES,DMPENS - guess energy lost to drag and damping?
PSUMS - something like pressure
GSUMS - energy of bed interaction


rc2.f90 computes the size distribution of calved blocks

size count

1 452000 2 4560 3 985 ... largest_block 1

'maxi' is the same as jyr but for the largest intact block (e.g. the remaining glacier)

rh2.f90 - computes velocity
rh.f - computes strain

INFI1 - first JYR
INFI2 - second JYR
N - wc -l JYR0001.csv
max - 10?


First simply load csv, with blank space delimiter, merge delimiters, has no header
Then apply table to points filter
Then ensure enable ospray and shadows, and pick point size that makes them touch

For the sea: add a box, set size and centrepoints

For the bed: get bed.csv, read it in same as other CSVs
then apply Delaunay2D filter.


  • BC strategy

  • Translate & Rotate input


Domain needs to be orientated in XY because:

Boundary conditions are applied in WSY (, WSX?) components (need to compute normal? Ask