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sbi4abm: simulation-based inference for agent-based modelling

Calibrating agent-based model (ABM) parameters is a challenging task: ABMs are expensive, stochastic, dynamical models that can generate complex, non-equilibrium, and high-dimensional time-series data as output. Furthermore, ABMs typically do not have tractable likelihood functions. Procedures for simulation-based inference are thus indispensable in this setting, but many of these are not well-suited to ABMs, often requiring many hundreds of thousands of calls to the simulator and/or inappropriate assumptions on the form of the data generated by the ABM. This limits their applicability to arbitrary ABMs.

In this repository, we provide code that builds on the sbi package to allow agent-based modellers to perform black-box Bayesian estimation of an ABM's parameters using powerful simulation-based inference procedures based on neural networks. These procedures -- known as neural posterior estimation (NPE) and neural density ratio estimation (NRE) -- have been seen to generate remarkably accurate parameter posteriors, capturing the uncertainty in parameter estimates using orders of magnitude fewer simulation runs than more conventional inference methods. Recent research (see Papers section below) has shown that such approaches are highly-suited to the particular challenges faced when estimating ABM parameters, and can flexibly and automatically handle high-dimensional and non-linear data of various types that would arise in ABM settings without the need to impose inappropriate assumptions on the form of the ABM or on the data it generates.


The code in this repository has been used in the following two papers:

Black-box Bayesian inference for agent-based models
Dyer, J.; Cannon, P.; Farmer, J. D.; Schmon, S. M.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2024)
45-minute talk on this paper on INET Oxford YouTube


Calibrating agent-based models to microdata with graph neural networks
Dyer, J.; Cannon, P.; Farmer, J. D.; Schmon, S. M.
Soptlight Paper and Best Short Paper at the ICML 2022 Workshop on AI for Agent-based Modelling (2022)
5-minute video from the ICML 2022 AI4ABM Workshop

These papers can be cited using the following citation info:

title = {Black-box Bayesian inference for agent-based models},
journal = {Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control},
volume = {161},
pages = {104827},
year = {2024},
issn = {0165-1889},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Joel Dyer and Patrick Cannon and J. Doyne Farmer and Sebastian M. Schmon}


         title={{Calibrating Agent-based Models to Microdata with Graph Neural Networks}},
         author={Dyer, Joel and Cannon, Patrick and Farmer, J Doyne and Schmon, Sebastian M},
         journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.07570},

This package makes use of the sbi package, and citation info on the relevant papers can be found in the documentation for this package. I changed a few lines in the source code for sbi to allow $z$-scoring of data to be specified as a boolean argument for SNPE and SNRE, and I've included the modified package in this repository for that reason.

Example usage

If you want to get a parameter posterior out for the Hopfield model using a recurrent graph neural network and masked autoregressive flow with a budget of 1000 simulations from the ABM to train the density estimator, you can navigate to the sbi4abm/utils folder and run

python --task hop --method maf_rgcn --outloc <location_to_save_output> --nsims 1000

Applying these methods to a new model

Applying these methods to a new model not contained in this respository can be done like so:

  • Add the model to the models folder, wrapping the model up in the same format as in the examples contained in that folder
  • Add details on the prior density, model instantiation, and "true" data in the utils/ file
  • Ensure the density (ratio) estimator is equipped with an appropriate embedding network in the utils/ and inference/ files
  • Training the density (ratio) estimator using the same command as in the Example usage section above


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