The following Grunt tasks are available after setting up the legacy Grunt development environment.
Please consider using the new UI5 Build and Development Tooling based setup. See the developing OpenUI5 guide for details.
Argument | Description | Default |
mode | src uses source files, target uses built files (see build task) |
src |
port | Network port to use | 8080 |
hostname | Network hostname to use (e.g. for local access only) |
* |
watch | boolean whether to enable watch / livereload (only possible with mode src ) |
false |
libs | Library name(s) to watch (comma-separated). Can reduce CPU usage! | All libraries |
Runs an HTTP server.
Maps folders of all libraries
- src -> /resources
- test -> /test-resources
grunt serve[:<mode>] [--port=<port>] [--hostname=<hostname>] [--watch] [--libs=<library-1>,<library-n>]
# examples
# grunt serve --port=3000 # mode=src, port=3000, hostname=*, watch=false
# grunt serve --port=3000 --hostname= # mode=src, port=3000, hostname=, watch=false
# grunt serve:src # mode=src, port=8080, hostname=*, watch=false
# grunt serve:src --watch # mode=src, port=8080, hostname=*, watch=true, watched libs=All
# grunt serve --watch=true --libs=sap.m # mode=src, port=8080, hostname=*, watch=true, watched libs=sap.m
# grunt serve:target --port=80 # mode=target, port=80, hostname=*, watch=false
Argument | Description | Default |
libs | Library name(s) to build (comma-separated) | All libraries |
path | Path(s) that should be linted (relative to root). If specified, the libs option will be ignored |
none |
Runs static code checks using ESLint.
You can find the complete list of rules and settings here.
grunt lint[:<path-1>:<path-n>] [--libs=<library-1>,<library-n>]
# examples
# grunt lint # lint all libraries
# grunt lint --libs=sap.ui.core,sap.m # lint sap.ui.core and sap.m only
# grunt lint:src/sap.ui.core/src/sap/ui/model # lint the given path only
Argument | Description | Default |
libs | Library name(s) to build (comma-separated) | All libraries |
production | boolean whether to do a production build (sets default values of minify-css and include-test-resources ) |
false |
minify-css | boolean whether to minify css files |
true in production mode, false in non-production mode |
include-test-resources | boolean whether to include test-resources |
false in production mode, true in non-production mode |
Minifies / compiles / optimizes source files and puts them into
Use serve:target
to start a server with the built files (see serve task).
grunt build [--libs=<library-1>,<library-n>] [--production] [--minify-css] [--include-test-resources]
# examples
# grunt build --production # build all libraries in production mode (minfied css, no test-resources)
# grunt build --minify-css # build all libraries with minified css (but with test-resources)
# grunt build --libs=sap.ui.core,sap.m # only build sap.ui.core and sap.m in non-production mode (non-minified css, with test-resources)
Argument | Description | Default |
libs | Library name(s) to build documentation for (comma-separated) | All libraries |
default-template | boolean whether to use the JSDoc default template instead of the UI5 template |
false |
Creates documentation from the source files that can be displayed in the SDK. If option default-template
is set,
HTML output will be generated instead of the api.json files.
grunt docs [--libs=<library-1>,<library-n>]
# examples
# grunt docs # build documentation preview for all libraries
# grunt docs --libs=sap.ui.core,sap.m # only build documentation preview for sap.ui.core and sap.m
# grunt docs --default-template # produce HTML output using the default JSDoc template
grunt serve
open http://localhost:8080/testsuite/documentation.html#/api