A PHP Wrapper for use with the TMDB API.
Inspired by php-github-api, php-gitlab-api and the Symfony2 Community.
If you have any questions or feature requests, please visit the google+ community.
Currently unit tests are run on travis, with the following versions:
- 5.3.3
- 5.3
- 5.4
- 5.5
- 5.6
- hhvm ( we do not officially support this, however tests indicate it should be functional. )
If you use this in a project whether personal or business, I'd like to know where it is being used, so please drop me an e-mail :-)!
If this project saved you a bunch of work, or you just simply appreciate my efforts, please consider donating a beer ( or two ;) )!
- An complete integration of TMDB ( accounts, movies, tv etc. if something is missing I haven't added the updates yet! ).
- Array implementation of the movie database
- Model implentation of the movie database trying to follow their model as closely as possible.
- An
class to help build image urls or htmlelements.
- BackoffRetry plugin enabled by default to handle any rate limit errors.
- Caching support based on
headers returned by TMDB, requiresdoctrine-cache
. - Logging support, requires
- Symfony2
Install Composer
$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Add the following to your require block in composer.json config
"wtfzdotnet/php-tmdb-api": ">=1.2.0"
Include Composer's autoloader:
require_once dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload.php';
Just create a file named composer.json
in your document root:
"require": {
"wtfzdotnet/php-tmdb-api": ">=1.2.0"
If your looking for a simple array entry point the API namespace is the place to be.
First we always have to construct the client:
$token = new \Tmdb\ApiToken('your_tmdb_api_key_here');
$client = new \Tmdb\Client($token);
Or if you prefer requests to happen securely:
$client = new \Tmdb\Client($token, null, true);
If you want to add some caching capabilities ( currently an implementation of the GuzzleCachePlugin
$client->setCaching(true, '/tmp/php-tmdb-api');
This relies on max-age headers being sent back from TMDB, see the documentation of the CachePlugin.
If you want to add some logging capabilities ( currently an implementation of the GuzzleLogPlugin
, requires monolog/monolog
$client->setLogging(true, '/tmp/php-tmdb-api.log');
Then we do some work on it:
$movie = $client->getMoviesApi()->getMovie(550);
If you want to provide any other query arguments.
$movie = $client->getMoviesApi()->getMovie(550, array('language' => 'en'));
However the library can also be used in an object oriented manner.
First we always have to construct the client:
$token = new \Tmdb\ApiToken('your_tmdb_api_key_here');
$client = new \Tmdb\Client($token);
Or if you prefer requests to happen securely:
$client = new \Tmdb\Client($token, null, true);
If you want to add some caching capabilities ( currently an implementation of the GuzzleCachePlugin
$client->setCaching(true, '/tmp/php-tmdb-api');
This relies on max-age headers being sent back from TMDB, see the documentation of the CachePlugin.
If you want to add some logging capabilities ( currently an implementation of the GuzzleLogPlugin
, requires monolog/monolog
$client->setLogging(true, '/tmp/php-tmdb-api.log');
Then you pass this client onto one of the many repositories and do some work on it.
$repository = new \Tmdb\Repository\MovieRepository($client);
$movie = $repository->load(87421);
echo $movie->getTitle();
The repositories also contain the other API methods that are available through the API namespace.
$repository = new \Tmdb\Repository\MovieRepository($client);
$topRated = $repository->getTopRated(array('page' => 3));
// or
$popular = $repository->getPopular();
An ImageHelper
class is provided to take care of the images, which does require the configuration to be loaded:
$configRepository = new \Tmdb\Repository\ConfigurationRepository($client);
$config = $configRepository->load();
$imageHelper = new \Tmdb\Helper\ImageHelper($config);
echo $imageHelper->getHtml($image, 'w154', 154, 80);
We also provide some easy methods to filter any collection, you should note however you can always implement your own filter easily by using Closures:
function($key, $value){
if ($value instanceof \Tmdb\Model\Image\PosterImage) { return true; }
) as $image) {
// do something with all poster images
These basic filters however are already covered in the Images
collection object:
$backdrop = $movie
And there are more Collections which provide filters, but you will find those out along the way.
There are 2 types of "main" collections, the GenericCollection
and the ResultCollection
The `GenericCollection holds any collection of objects ( e.g. an collection of movies ).
The ResultCollection
is an extension of the GenericCollection
, and inherits response parameters ( page, total_pages, total_results ) from an resultset,
this can be used to create paginators.