Automating boring/tedious parts of research
This is an ever growing repository of useful scripts for researchers across academia/industry to help aggregate papers, manage and execute experiments on code, search individual or multiple journals for a given term and time-frame, execute scripts on a super-computer without the need for direct SSH, etc. As more scripts are added by myself or contributors, they will be added into appropriate sub-directories for easy searching.
pdf_downloaders contain scripts where you can select your journal/set of journals, provide a search term and a time-frame, and the script will grab all the pdfs that fall within those parameters.
coding_experiments are scripts designed to ease git workflow for people who just want the scripts to help keep track of experimental changes within their codebase.
remote_execution are used to help users write local code, and redirect it for execution on a cluster.
The rss helper is really just 1 script (currently) that allows you to instantly handle links and redirect them to the pdf automatically, without the need of browser navigation.
(with more to come!)
For nearly all Linux users, these scripts should be plug and play. As a reminder, make sure to run
chmod +x name_of_the_script
and either put them in your path, or add this repo and its sub-folders to your path so you can execute them easily.
For OSX users, this will be a bit of a process, but you'll need to install brew, along with some core-utils (gsed, etc.), and change the scripts just a bit (e.g. replace sed with gsed). This could likely be mitigated with POSIX compliance, but I'm still learning on that front. For now, the instructions for the installation steps are included above, and instructions for tweaking the scripts will be added a bit later.
For windows, you'll either need to install the Linux Subsystem for windows which is now available, or install Cygwin. I'd recommend the former, as everything should "just work", as in the Linux case, but Cygwin could possibly cause some issues.