- New modal for quick deposit/withdraw of OPEN.X assets on account overview page
- A set of default assets are available for deposits on the account overview page
- New summary of open orders on account overview page
- Set precision for bitCNY and bitUSD to 5 in orderbook display
- Flip CNY:OPEN.BTC market in dashboard
- Add bitSilver asset icon
- Add Chinese intro text by bitcrab
- Add grid lines and y axis labels to the depth chart
- Fix Popover links so they work within the router context
- Update react-router to v3.0.2
- Refactor blockTrades withdrawal address caching
- Scroll orderbook to top when changing markets
- Don't set feed price in MarketStore for markets without call orders
- Fix setting of highestBid in MarketStore
- Update bitsharesjs, fixes vesting balances not loading properly
- Fix persistence of indicator settings
- Fix PriceChart resize on switching to/from left orderbook
- Update Dashboard markets, add loading indication until accounts are ready
- Fix Operation display of asset_global_settle operation
New features
- New intro text has been added to the Dashboard for new users
- Several settings and wallet related parameters have been made dependent on the chain id, and will thus switch accordingly if you connect to the testnet for example.
- Windows light client installer will now remove personal data properly if checked
- Fix Russian language selection
- Fix proxy selection
- Fix committee/witness pages
- A bug when importing old BTS 1 balances has been fixed
- App init flow has been improved
- Fix asset creation precision slider
- Fix HelpContent links
- Only trigger MarketCard img onerror update once
- [Blocktrades] Fix issue with 'calculating crashes' in Blocktrades Bridge
- [Blocktrades] Disable 'withdraw now' and 'convert now' buttons if no funds
- [Blocktrades] Move amount from output withdraw section to withdraw dialog in Blocktrades Bridge
- [Blocktrades] Fix displaying MKR coin
- [Blocktrades] Add ability to move balance to 'Amount selector' in withdraw dialog on mouse click
New features
Charting revamp: new charts using react-stockchart
Russian language translation thanks to @rusteemitblog and @testzcrypto
Add brainkey restoration to create-account, improve brainkey restoration
All open orders, collateral and debt are now included when estimating total account value on the account screen
A 'Borrow' action added to the account assets table
A 'Reset settings' button added to the Settings page
Dates have been added to the Chat (requires implementation by other clients like Openledger also)
Hide 'OPEN.' prefix from Openledger assets
The dashboard market cards have been modified to be more clear
Hempsweet UIA symbol added ahead of their launch
- Many tweaks and fixes to colors, positioning and more
- Make sure transfer asset stays synced
- Fix bug in CER input during asset creation
- Move 'show hidden accounts' inside DashboardList, improve the layout
- Use relative paths for fetching assets, fixed wallet creation issues
- Fix some links in the light wallets
- Fix market flipping for UIAs
- Fix several bugs related to hash-history react router config
- Change Graphene to BitShares
- Replace graphenejs-lib with bitsharesjs
- Fix npm errors
- Fix line breaks for memos with very long words
- Make sure asset actions render properly in AccountOverview
- Ensure proxy accounts get resolved properly in Voting
- Helpul tooltips have been added in multiple locations, such as login/unlock, margin mechanics ++
- Proposed transaction summaries added to transaction history lists
- Always display settings cog in header
- Fix display of asset page for bit assets with no valid feeds
- Remove maximum_short_squeeze_ratio requirement for minimum collateral
- Base Call Order forSale/toReceive calculation on debt instead of collateral
- Fix TimeAgo tooltip positioning
- Hide 'show hidden assets' button when no assets are hidden
- Update Chinese translations
- Set depth chart xaxis properly when no asks are present
- Fix price being set when clicking on orderbook order
- Add a tooltip explaning that buy amounts are minimum to receive
- Filter call orders on feed update
- Major refactor of market handling: improved order matching and market data processing
- Upgrade to Webpack 2, add ES6 code splitting and dynamic route loading
- [Blocktrades] Add internal conversion
- Major package upgrades: react, react-router, alt, file-saver ++
- Use Roboto font everywhere by default
- Add Equivalent values to Worker table, improve layout
- Add a warning for disabled markets and disable buy/sell
- Only redirect to account creation on direct navigation to "/"
- Update default markets and add some asset symbols
- [Blocktrades] Fix 'Calculating Internal Server Error'
- [Blocktrades] Fix displaying 'Deposit limit' for 'Internal conversion'
- [Blocktrades] Fix copy/paste for memo
- Fix dropdown font colors
- Fix missing connection translation key
- Improve multi-sig signing handling, exclude owner keys if not needed
- Hide tooltips on navigation
- Fix Account active state in Header
- Change 'No price available' to 'Unknown', and add a tooltip
- Fix account creation and dictionary loading
- Fix orderbook show more button
- Fix some invalid JSON
- Add Blockpay to default markets and update markets list
- Add btsabs and Transwiser API servers
- Allow the Chat box to be hidden from a docked state
- Vesting balance amounts are now updated correctly, and a Try claim all button has been added
- Chinese translation updates
- MetaExchange has been removed from the deposit withdraw providers
- Add BitShares bloom filter for BTS 1 account imports
- Fix a GenesisFilter bug and update ImportKeys flow slightly
- Fix input of uppercase characters in AccountPermissions
- Fix Highcharts build issues
- Remove unused refcode inputs
- Hash checksums for all binaries
- Add copy address/memo buttons to deposit, improve mobile layout
- Improve transfer layout, add exchange scam account warnings
- Add option to move BuySell below Orderbook
- Add brainkey option to Settings Restore page
- Add API selection to SyncError page, improve the error message
- Fix price display in MarketCards
- Add proposed operation id to summary
- Add deposit/withdraw to mobile menu
- Fix hiding of disabled chat window
- Fix WalletCreate submit with invalid inputs, close #860
- Fix BackupBrainkey navigation
- Hide input spinner in Firefox
- Use newest version of node-libs-browser, fixes backups in Firefox close
- Fix HelpContent 'en' locale fallback
- Refactor account creation
- Disable chart indicators by default
- BlockTrades deposit/withdraw improvements
- Update Featured assets, add ICOO/PeerPlays
- Change depth chart tooltip to table layout
- Restore the Account link to the Header
- Disable Chat by default, make it easier to enable/disable
- Add current price to Dashboard MarketCards
- Rearrange Exchange components and improve responsive behaviour
- Adjust DepthChart min/max range
- Prevent infinite loop on bad system clock, add warning
- Filter out duplicate welcome messages from chat history
- Fix Orderbook click calculation
- Fix buy side order book click total calculation
- Fix for 1.0 balance claims
- Display 'New wallet' button for users with only one wallet
- Fix light wallet local file loading, use data-urls for some pngs
- Remove back call on wallet deletion
- Update electron version
- Center-align the advanced features button
- Fix backup restore submit button
- Fix api error redirection
- Fix Backup restore accept button close #858
- Fix initError loading issues and layout
- Api code moved to new graphenejs-ws library
- Crypto and blockchain state code moved to graphenejs-lib library
- Add OPEN.MKR deposit/withdrawal
- Limit chat messages to 140 characters
- Refactor MyMarkets selection to tabbed layout
- Remove MetaEx deposits, add warning and link
- Add OpenLedger deposit/withdrawal support for Omni & related coins (USDT, EURT)
- Updated header layout, new dropdown menu
- Add lightning bolt to indicate lifetime members
- Refactor Deposit/Withdraw tabs to a dropdown selection
- Modify OpenOrders layout, use x icon for Cancel order
- Big refactor of the Settings page to more friendly layout
- Hide advanced features by default
- Update several packages to newer versions
- Remove brainkey dictionary from app.js and load async instead
- Refactor language selection to fetch language files async on demand
- Improve build routine, reduce filesize
- Fix cancel button font color in WebSocketAddModal
- Fix buttons with invisible text
- Improve Exchange fee asset selection
- Disable chat in Safari
- Use 8 decimal prices for assets like BTC in markets list
- Make sure a valid price history bucket size is selected on load
- Improve visibility of Buy/Sell fee selector
- Improve initial load of AccountStore, should fix #827
- Update default markets
- Remove 'Ignore' button in AccountLeftPanel
- Lowercase account names in DashboardList, change filter style and text
- Improvements to account creation and wallet creation pages
- Improvements to wallet management
- Update several 3rd party libraries
- Add Lisk symbol and OPEN.LISK to dashboard, homogenize icon sizes
- Fix tooltip bug causing the screen to scroll to the top
- Add some padding to Dashboard sides
- Allow Transfer page recent history to take full height
- Change purple link/button color to blue
- Fix unrestrained icon height issues in the dashboard
- Scroll the Chat to the bottom if the footer visibility changes
- Chinese translation updates
- Fix Chatbox not scrolling to bottom on new messages
- Fix a bug that made the cli_wallet unable to decode GUI memos
- Fix the BlockTrades gateway, which was not validating withdrawal addresses correctly
- Simple p2p chat history
- More improvements to the deposit/withdraw screens
- Make trollbox dockable on right side
- Use separate support addresses for OpenLedger and BlockTrades deposits
- Add OPEN.ETH:OPEN.DAO market to featured markets
- Fix Settings page issue with chat disable
- Fix settings page causing the GUI to freeze (#842)
- Improvements to trollbox server to ensure uptime
- Fix chatbox select box height (thanks to nmywn)
- Turkish translation updates
- Add some filtering to BlockTrades coins to prevent errors
- Separate price and volume slightly in PriceChart, adjust colors
- Improve depth chart zoom level
- Improve Footer hide behaviour
- Fix trollbox mem leak and connection counter, improve error handling #844
- Update packages: react to 15.0.2, react-highcharts, fix breaking changes
- Fix an AccountSelector bug causing name resets while typing
- Trollbox has been added (with tipping!)
- Revamped deposit/withdraw for Blocktrades/Openledger
- Add and show more 'Featured Markets'
- Transaction filtering in recent transactions lists
- Chinese and Turkish translation updates
- Increase grid-container max-width to 70rem
- Change CCEDK in deposit/withdraw to Openledger
- Format MarketCard volumes, add some spacing
- Improve volume formatting
- Show more decimals for BTC equivalent balance values
- Show market name in AccountOverview asset popover market link
- Fix AccountPermissions width issue
- Enable OPEN.DGD deposits and withdrawals
- Add 'Featured Markets' to Home page, change page layout
- Add timestamp to backup names
- Enable the account selector on the Deposit/Withdraw page
- Restore Deposit/Withdraw to AccountLeftPanel, add 'Advanced' subheader
- Always show header account selector
- Account selector icon is now clickable and takes you to the account
- Always show 'Home' button in header
- Fix Safari load issues
- Chinese translation updates
- Fix InitError dropdown not displaying correct entry
- Chinese translation updates
- Fix TotalBalance tooltip when borrowing small amounts
- Replace n/a with 'No price available'
- Fix Asset popover title color, adjust some text
- Tweak some light-theme font colors
- Allow fees for order cancellation and shorting to be paid in assets other than BTS
- Enable OPEN.STEEM deposits and withdrawals
- Turkish translation updates
- Improve localStorage wrapper methods
- Blocktrades display fix
Two new developers had commits accepted into this release: destenson and rulatir, and nmywn also continues to make useful contributions. Their efforts are much appreciated!
- Rename Trade to Exchange
- Change order of header entries
- Move Deposit/Withdraw to header
- Add support for bitassets with backing asset other than CORE in the exchange
- Fix some deposit page bugs and update the layouts
- Some external lib updates
- Hide empty parentheses in RecentTransactions header
- Increase depth chart range
- Update the Blocktrades bridge code to use the correct wallet symbols for MKR on the BitShares blockchain
- Fix ProposedOperation text for asset_create operation
- Chinese, Turkish and English translation updates
- Market trade date format fix + light theme hovering fixes and cosmetics
- Added OPEN.STEEM deposit option to CCEDK tab
- Only use 'bit' prefix for SmartCoins issued by the committee-account
- Display required approvals as percent for multi-sig with threshold higher than 10
- Add asset description to AssetName tooltip
- Add 'bit' prefix to bit assets, remove *, use smaller prefix for OPEN, TRADE and METAEX assets
- Sorting public keys by their converted address (per witness_node logic). #795
- Bug in BuySell fee asset selection
- Show account names as links in account permissions list #790
- Fix account selector issue
- Add warning about precision on asset creation #756
- Fix tooltips not appearing over modals
- Allow account upgrade, voting, permission changes and withdrawals to be paid in assets other than BTS if necessary #786
- Proposed transactions
- Add a 'Reset settings' button to Settings and InitError page
- Split workers table into proposed and active workers
- Remove negative votes
- Add set of known proxies, add lists of active witnesses and cm's to voting pages
- Add name replace for asset symbols in fee selection dropdown
- Improve worker approve/reject logic and add status coloring
- Add explanation of vesting balances
- Add memo support to asset issue modal and display memos in Operation/Transaction
- Language settings not persisting in light client
- Fix some bugs and typos in AccountStore authority check
- In serializer for transactions, sort addresses and public keys in descending order
- Handle nested authorities for hierarchical multi-sig
- Set new accounts voting proxy to 'proxy-to-self' account #700
- Improve RecentTransactions sorting function #793
- Add Settings link to mobile menu #759
- Make sure negative votes are removed when updating votes #798
- Fix vesting balance styling #722
- Fix init loader white background
- Fix orderbook onClick not syncing after order has filled #768
- Translate csv and tooltip and move closer to title #780
- Updated with serializer types from stealth branch (adds better sorting in transactions)
- Improve DepthChart construction and plotting
- Increase websocket timeout to 5s
- Refactor and fix error in onAmountChange function that prevents withdraw modal to pop up
- Enforce https for faucet address when on https domain
- Fix buy/sell collapse behaviour #779
- Show disabled buy/sell and my orders for users with no account #774
- Redirect to proper websocket url if user entered invalid URL #770
- Switch to using unique ethereum addresses for OpenLedger inputs
- Hide Footer in Exchange view
- Add preferred market pairing field to asset description
- Сoloring of price column headers in Orderbook
- Add + - buttons to the pricechart to change the height of the exchange charts
- Filter out 0 and Inf price values from pricechart data
- Put volume and price in the same chart
- Add zoom buttons for PriceChart, filter out bucket sizes below 5 minute
- Prices with precision larger than asset precision causes incorrect final price #757
- Fix exchange box header background colors
- TransitionWrapper not reenabling after reset
- Fix Transfer fee asset selection for users with only one non-core asset
- Various exchange layout improvements
- Add rgba fill colors for depth charts
- Use full precision for Orderbook and MarketHistory asset amounts
- Check for price equal to infinity when parsing fill history
- Fix membership button text being invisible #752
- Fix asset creation CER precision issues #753
- Fix disappearing faucet address in Settings #751
- Fix AccountMembership spelling errors, also remove reference to annual membership #749
- Fix AccountMembership margin issues and add referral link for lifetime members
- Add theming support and theme switch in Settings #576
- Add scrolling to RecentTransactions
- Add base groups to MyMarkets: BTS, BTC, USD or CNY + others
- Fix BlockTrades select background color
- Ensure vertical orderbook layout is correct on mount
- Fix Fee schedule decimals issue
- Allow user to delete last number in Transfer amount entry
- Fix some styling issues after move to themes
- Fix matching of orders when clicking on order in orderbook #586
- Sum for_sale values when adding orders at same price
- Big trade page make over
- Exchange buy fee selection
- Remove link to BTS:BTS market in asset popover, fix asset description #709
- Disable annual membership upgrade #730
- Fix My Orders not updating when flipping the market
- Fix Orderbook totals calculation
- Fix current price indicator not repositioning after window resize
- Fix fee subtraction when clicking on current balance
- Fix margin call mechanics, add dynamic update support for settle orders and feed price changes, improve market data fetching logic
- Fix number parsing for call orders and homogenize presentation with asks/bids/calls
- Fix vertical orderbook positioning and scrolling
- Link to /overview from Dashboard, change Orders to Open orders, #707 and #736
- Fix transfer fee mismatch #738
- Fix a bug in BlockTradesGatewayDepositRequest and change BridgeDepositRequest input types to 'number' #733
- Fix Blocktrades input and select colors #733
- Fee asset selection when trading on the exchange
- Allow funding of fee pool by accounts other than the issuer
- Enable fee claim operation
- OpenLedger gateway support for OPEN.ETH
- Add a react key to gateway assets to prevent rendering the wrong data when swtiching tabs in the deposit/withdraw screen
- Include all orders when show all is active fix #727
- Hide Issue Asset button for MPAs
- Support address authorities in account permissions #660
- Ability to permanently ignore/unignore own accounts #697
- Support SmartCoins/UIAs/Prediction Market in Assets Explorer
- Support SmartCoins and Prediction Market Assets on Assets Creation page
- Added show all button to orderbook
- Better prediction markets support: one-click shorting, enforce market direction, set depth
- Fix OpenLedger/ccedk's gateway mistakely labeled as a bridge #696
- Fix pubkey lookup method #660
- Fix Exchange scrolling issues
- Fix Orderbook scroll bars appearing when not necessary
- Fix some fee schedule bugs
- Bridge support for OPEN.BKS
- Better price precision on markets with low precision assets #692
- Improved operations display, added more op translation
- Simplify Exchange price handling, limit values to Satoshi amounts
- Ability to hide/show assets in the Overview balance list #687
- Some performance optimizations
- Disappearing fee field in Transfer #678
- TimeAgo not updating, and update react-intl version
- Fix edge case in PriceChart update logic #669
- Per market price display direction #415
- Update all memos when the wallet is unlocked #661
- USD, EUR, CNY fiat deposit/withdrawals via OpenLedger
- Added OPEN.EMC and OPEN.EGD to OpenLedger bridge
- Blocktrades support for TRADE.DASH/PPC/DOGE
- Table View for Workers #632
- Hide Workers with negative approval #632
- UTF-8 memo support #624
- Support for 'asset_reserve' operation
- Show lifetime membership fees
- Improved Fee Explorer: Cleanup, nicer tables, better translations
- Allow users to browse the Exchange even without having an account
- My History / History alignment #568
- 'Missing Active Authority' permissions issue #676
- Show correct selected connection in Settings
- Allow shorting of prediction market assets, fix #667
- Refactor AccountVoting worker view to table layout, fix #632
- Fix 'span' as child of 'tr' error
- Subtract fees for filled orders, show fees paid, fix #658
- Add tooltips explaining why Buy/Sell buttons are disabled fix #628
- Add vesting balances page showing all vesting balance objects fix #640
- Enforce secure websocket connections when using https host fix #638
- Add tooltip showing full memo #636
- Add text and unlock button for transfers with memos when wallet is locked #636
- Wallet auto lock #265
- Incorrect asset listed in "net worth" tooltip #633
- Persistence of language selection #634
- Settings screen "Preferred unit of account", wrong asset is selected #626
- Inconsistent toggle placement between Table View and Card View #613
- MetaExchange withdraw/deposit page, persist tab state
- Excel issue with transactions history csv format
- Membership page: show vested cashback balance and add Claim button next to it #500
- Ability to download account history as CSV file #611
- UX improvements to asset update and create
- Many URLs in the GUI are not clickable #546
- Update Voting help text #589
- Add asset formatting to fee pool balance and issuer income #618
- Limit core exchange rate asset amounts by asset precision #617
- Fix 'cannot dispatch in the middle of dispatch' error #614
- Restrict min width of markets section #615
- Add vesting balance information and claim button #500
- Add CER (core exchange rate) to asset creation #543
- Dashboard makeover #590
- Total Value in header #584
- Show Date in All History #580
- Switch the default chart interval to 1 day #601
- Show one more decimal for prices in Exchange
- Show popup with additional info when user clicks on currency symbol
- Failed to broadcast the transaction (now <= trx.expiration) #583
- Consolidated Open Orders screen bug #585
- Get rid of the horizontal scroll-bar in Recent Activity #470
- Unnecessary scroll-bars on the Create Asset confirmation screen #547
- Decimal Bug in Matching in 8-digit Assets #586
- In Lite wallet all website links result in broken pages #581
- Option to pay fees in BTS if possible #356
- Block explorer page that shows the current fee schedule #357
- Improved my history panel on Exchange page #527
- Exchange layout improvements: add borders, refactor statusbar, no-data text, panel headers #538
- Support for Fee Pool funding and Asset fee claims #495
- Exchange layout: add borders, refactor statusbar, no-data text, panel
- Ability to send all, subtract fees if paid in same asset #454
- Cease IE support and warn IE users that they need to switch to Edge, Chrome or Firefox #474
- Active account name is missing on the top toolbar of the market page #545
- Don't show "This wallet has already been imported" if there are duplicate keys #565
- Populate empty pricedata with latest price if outside of bucket window #550
- Turkish ui buttons don't respond #539
- Changing indicators on market without history makes whole web wallet unresponsive #569
- Added "Back" and "Forward" buttons #453
- Show stake percentages at all times in wallet #522
- Display total assets of all account in chosen currency #512
- Request settlement of bit asset #493
- Show BTS balance in Accounts search results table #482
- Exchange > highlight active market state on bottom right #499
- Deposit/Withdraw page split into tabs (addresses #521)
- Fix market issue: clicking on account balance vs Lowest Ask #469
- Transfer Dialog does not fall back to BTS fee when there is no core exchange rate or funded fee pool #329
- "Borrow Asset" window resets on new block on some accounts #505
- Clicking on lowest or highest buy/sell price does not result in an eligible market order #515
- Add the collateral ratio number of each asset to the overview page #397
- App crashes on the market page - argument is not an object id #520
- OS X Light Wallet Bug #525
- Market %change and volume do not match #528
- The [FAV MARKETS] / [ALL MARKETS] tabs don't work when accessed for the very first time. #519
- Cannot find some markets #526
- Account drop-down options are inconsistent with selected third-party account #523
- Market page shows loading indicator if user doesn't have any account - it should suggest to create account instead #507
- Warn users placing below the price market orders (e.g. 20% off market price) #445
- Feedback while adjusting collateral slider #451
- Account orders history on Exchange
- Markets overview page redisign, improved market search functionality
- Add 24h change and volume to markets list
- Improved favorite/unvoriete markets functionality
- Added support for deposits/withdrawals on blocktrades.us in bridge mode
- Added filtering and current supply to Assets overview
- Added TRADE.MUSE, METAFEES and OBITS to default favorite markets
- Fixed several spelling and typos issues
- Issue building with the latest node.js on Windows #481
- "Promise not defined" build issue #488
- Orderbook and market history colors are missing for some numbers #490
- "Borrow Asset" window resets on new block on some accounts #505
- Animation on create account page - helps to safe space
- Fix asset creation fee estimation