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NGINX Experience - Workshop Guide

Module 2 - Configure Web server

Remove the existing default server

cd /etc/nginx/conf.d

sudo mv default.conf default.conf.bak

sudo nginx -s reload

Create web server configuration

cd /opt/services/

cd App1/


cat index.html

cd /etc/nginx/conf.d/

sudo vim web.conf

server {  
  listen 9001;
  index index.html;

  location / {
    root /opt/services/App1;

server {
  listen 9002;
  index index.html;

  location / {
    root /opt/services/App2;

server {
  listen 9003;
  index index.html;

  location / {
    root /opt/services/App3;

Access the web servers

curl localhost:9001

curl localhost:9002

curl localhost:9003

Open Firefox browser and visit the following URLs

  • nginx.local:9001
  • nginx.local:9002
  • nginx.local:9003

You should see the following results

Module 3 - Configuring Load Balancing and NGINX+ Dashboard

Configure Load Balancer

cd /etc/nginx/conf.d

sudo vim lb.conf

upstream backend_servers {
  zone backend_server_zone 64k;

server {
  listen 9000;
  autoindex on;

  location / {
    proxy_pass http://backend_servers/;

    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Connection "";

sudo nginx -s reload

curl localhost:9000

Repeat multiple times. What can you observe?

Configuring NGINX Plus Dashboard

sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/dashboard.conf

server {
  listen 8080;
  location /api {
    api write=on;

  location / {
    root /usr/share/nginx/html;
    index dashboard.html;

Access The NGINX+ dashboard

Open browser and visit http://nginx.local:8080. You should see the NGINX+ Dashboard

Add a Dynamic Server

  • Go to N+ Dashboard. Click on HTTP Upstreams.
  • Click on ‘edit’ icon next to backend_servers.
  • Click Add server.
  • Add
  • Set state as “up”
  • Click “Add”

NOTE: App3 Server will disappear on NGINX restart as we have not created a “state” file for NGINX to store this dynamically added information

SELF Exercise:

Edit the /etc/nginx/conf.d/lb.conf file and add the server

Module 4 - API Gateway

Enabling the API

cd ~/NJS-ErgastF1API

Start the API Docker containers

sudo docker compose up -d

Check the API containers are running

orasilabs@ip-172-31-30-69:/opt/NJS-ErgastF1API$ sudo docker container ls
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                          COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                             
1d7295f0ce53   phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin:5.0.4    "/docker-entrypoint.…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>80/tcp, :::5000->80/
tcp                  phpmyadmin
0f391a309463   njs-ergastf1api-api-server     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>8732/tcp, :::8080->8
732/tcp              api-server
431ea6a152b0   njs-ergastf1api-mysql-server   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>3306/tcp, :::3306->3
306/tcp, 33060/tcp   mysql-server

Test an API request

curl localhost:8080/drivers | jq

Configuring NGINX as an API Gateway

sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/api_gateway.conf

upstream f1-api {
  # replace the IP address with your own.
  # Find the IP address of your api-backend VM

server {
  listen 9443;

  location /api/f1/drivers {
      proxy_pass http://f1-api/drivers;

  location /api/f1/seasons {
      proxy_pass http://f1-api/seasons;

  location /api/f1/circuits {
      proxy_pass http://f1-api/circuits;

sudo nginx -s reload

curl localhost:9443/api/f1/drivers | jq

curl localhost:9443/api/f1/seasons | jq

curl localhost:9443/api/f1/circuits | jq

Sending API Requests from Postman

Open Postman and use it to send the following API requests. Observe the response bodies

Adding SSL Termination

sudo mkdir -p /etc/nginx/ssl

cd /etc/nginx/ssl

sudo cp ~/* .

sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/api_gateway.conf

Add the following lines into the server {} block

ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.3 TLSv1.2;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

Change the listen directive to the following:

listen 9443 ssl;

Save the config and reload nginx

sudo nginx -s reload

Open Postman and use it to send the following API requests. Observe the response bodies

Disable the SSL verification when prompted since we are using an untrusted certificate

Enabling API Authentication with JWTs

Step 1

Use base64 to create a JSON Web Key (symmetric key used for signing or a secret) using the secret “mysecretpassword”. The tr command makes the required character substitutions for Base64URL encoding.

echo -n mysecretpassword | base64 | tr '+/' '-_' | tr -d '='

The output should be the following string


Step 2

Create the file api_secret.jwk with the JSON Web Key to be used for signing.

sudo vim /etc/nginx/api_secret.jwk


Step 3

sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/api_gateway.conf

Add the following directives to the server block in the api_gateway.conf file

auth_jwt "F1 API";
auth_jwt_key_file /etc/nginx/api_secret.jwk;

Your api_gateway.conf file should look like this:

upstream f1-api {

server {
  listen 9443 ssl;

  ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/;
  ssl_protocols TLSv1.3 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1;
  ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

  auth_jwt "F1 API";
  auth_jwt_key_file /etc/nginx/api_secret.jwk;

  location /api/f1/drivers {
    proxy_pass http://f1-api/drivers;

  location /api/f1/seasons {
    proxy_pass http://f1-api/seasons;

  location /api/f1/circuits {
    proxy_pass http://f1-api/circuits;

Step 4

sudo nginx -s reload

Step 5

Open your web browser and go to

On the Decoded right side of the screen, enter the following data as shown on the image.

On the Verify Signature section, notice that we use the JSON web key we generated in Step 1

Also, make sure to tick the secret base64 encoded checkbox.

Step 5

Open Postman and send the following API requests


You will notice a 401 Authorization Required response because we did not specify our API key in the request.

Step 6

Edit the Postman request by clicking on the Authorization tab. Select Bearer Token from the dropdown list and input the JWT token that was generated from

Step 7

Send the request. You should see the actual results this time.

Configuring fine grained API Authorization using JWTs

Let's pretend our API has free users and paid users. We want to block free users from accessing the F1 Seasons API to encourage people to sign and pay. We can use JWT claims to identify if a user is on the free tier. Our JWT token body consists of the following

  "sub": "1234567890",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "freeuser": true

Each key / value pair is considered a JWT claim by NGINX and can be accessed by using the variable $jwt_claim_<key>.

For example the variable $jwt_claim_freeuser would return the value of the freeuser key in the token body.

Step 1

sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/api_gateway.conf

Modify your api_gateway.conf file and add the if block as shown below:

location /api/f1/seasons {

  if ($jwt_claim_freeuser = "true") {
    return 403;

  proxy_pass http://f1-api/seasons;

Step 2

sudo nginx -s reload

Step 3

Use Postman to send a request to https://nginx.local:9443/api/f1/seasons

Remember to configure the Bearer Token and specify your JWT Token.

What is the result you get?

Why did we get this result?

Module 5 - Rate Limiting, Caching and Active Health Checks

Enable Rate Limiting

Step 1

sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/api_gateway.conf

Step 2

For simplicity, we will disable the JWT Authentication from the configuration. Comment out all the JWT related directives and delete the if block

Step 3

Add the following directive on the first line of the configuration

limit_req_zone $remote_addr zone=perip:1m rate=2r/s;

Step 4

Add the following directives into the server block

limit_req zone=perip nodelay;
limit_req_status 429;                 

Step 5

sudo nginx -s reload

Step 6

curl -k https://localhost:9443/api/f1/drivers

Step 7

Run !!;!!;!!;!!;!!;

What do you notice in the output?

Enabling Caching

Step 1

Edit the lb.conf file

sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/lb.conf

Step 2

Add the following line at the top

proxy_cache_path /data/nginx/cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=upstream_cache:20m inactive=5m max_size=2G;

Step 3

Add the follow directives in the location block

proxy_cache upstream_cache;
proxy_cache_key $scheme$host$request_uri;
proxy_cache_valid 5m;
add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;

Step 4

sudo nginx -s reload

Step 5

Run curl -i localhost:9000 twice.

What do you notice in the response?

Step 6

Open the browser and go to the NGINX+ Dashboard page at http://nginx.local:8080.

You should see a Cache tab with your cache details

Active Health Checks

sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/lb.conf

Add the health_check directive into the location / block

server {
    listen 9000 default_server;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://backend_servers/;

sudo nginx -s reload

Open the NGINX+ Dashboard and check your HTTP Upstreams tab. You should see the health checks count against the upstream servers of the backend_servers upstream

Using the Key Value Store to setup a Deny list

Step 1

sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/lb.conf

Step 2

Add the following directives above the server () block

keyval_zone zone=allowlist_zone:1m type=ip state=allowlist_zone.keyval;
keyval $remote_addr $target zone=allowlist_zone;

Step 3

Add the following if block into the server block

if ($target) {
    return 403;

Step 4

sudo nginx -s reload

Step 5

Find the IP address of your ubuntu lab VM

Step 6

Using the IP address from Step 5, run

curl -X POST -d '{"":"1"}' -s 'http://localhost:8080/api/7/http/keyvals/allowlist_zone'

Step 7

Check the key value Store. You should see the IP address you just added, with a target value of 1

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/7/http/keyvals/allowlist_zone

Step 8

curl localhost:9000

Notice how this is allowed.

Step 9

Open the browser and hit the URL nginx.local:9000

Notice the 403 Forbidden response. This is because the VM's IP address has been blocked in our key value store. We set the $target value to '1'

Step 10

Replace the IP address in the example with your ubuntu Lab IP

curl -X PATCH -d '{"":"0"}' -s 'http://localhost:8080/api/7/http/keyvals/allowlist_zone'

Step 11

Repeat Step 9. You should now be able to hit nginx.local:9000

Module 6 - NGINX App Protect

Step 1

sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Add the following directive at the top of the configuration file

load_module modules/;

Step 2

Restart nginx

sudo nginx -s stop

sudo nginx

Step 3

sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/lb.conf

Add the following directives into the server {} block

app_protect_enable on;
app_protect_policy_file "/etc/app_protect/conf/NginxDefaultPolicy.json";
app_protect_security_log_enable on;
app_protect_security_log "/opt/app_protect/share/defaults/log_illegal.json" /var/log/app_protect/security.log;

Step 4

sudo nginx -s reload

Step 5

curl localhost:9000

The request succeeds as normal

Step 6

curl 'localhost:9000/?<script>''

The request is blocked since the /?<script> URI matches with signatures in App protect which suggest that the request is an XSS attack.

orasilabs@ip-172-31-30-52:~$ curl 'localhost:9000/?<script>'
<html><head><title>Request Rejected</title></head><body>The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.<br><br>Your suppor
t ID is: 1805232973648242475<br><br><a href='javascript:history.back();'>[Go Back]</a></body></html>

Step 7

Examine the security log

cd /var/log/app_protect

tail -f security.log

Module 7 - Intro to Kubernetes

Start your Kubernetes cluster

For all our Kubernetes exercise we will use minikube. Minikube quickly sets up a local Kubernetes cluster and can run on Linux, MacOS and Windows. Minikube is ideal for developers who need to build and deploy apps in their local environment. It is not intended for production use. For more information on minikube see

Step 1

Open a terminal in your Ubuntu lab VM. Minikube has already been installed and all we need to do is start the cluster.

Run minikube start

orasilabs@ip-172-31-9-247:~/Desktop$ minikube start
  minikube v1.27.1 on Ubuntu 20.04
✨  Using the docker driver based on existing profile
  Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
  Pulling base image ...
  Restarting existing docker container for "minikube" ...
  Preparing Kubernetes v1.25.2 on Docker 20.10.18 ...
  Verifying Kubernetes components...
    ▪ Using image
    ▪ Using image
    ▪ Using image
  Enabled addons: storage-provisioner, default-storageclass, dashboard
  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default

Step 2

Check your cluster nodes

orasilabs@ip-172-31-9-247:~/Desktop$ kubectl get nodes
minikube   Ready    control-plane   20d   v1.25.2

Deploy Apps in Kubernetes

We will deploy a few sample applications in Kubernetes and expose them using a Service

Step 1

Deploy NodeApp1. This is simple NodeJS app that prints a hello world message.

cd ~/nginx-demo-apps/nodeapp1

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

orasilabs@ip-172-31-9-247:~/nginx-demo-apps/nodeapp1$ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
deployment.apps/application1 created

Step 2

We now expose NodeApp1 for external access by using a NodePort Service.

kubectl apply -f service.yaml

orasilabs@ip-172-31-9-247:~/nginx-demo-apps/nodeapp1$ kubectl apply -f service.yaml
service/application1-service created

Step 3

We repeat the process for NodeApp2, which is the same application but it simply prints a different message.

cd ~/nginx-demo-apps/nodeapp2

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

kubectl apply -f service.yaml

Step 4

Check your Pods, Deployments and Services.

orasilabs@ip-172-31-9-247:~/nginx-demo-apps/nodeapp2$ kubectl get pods
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
application1-86c6c44bdf-dscs5   1/1     Running   0          4m43s
application1-86c6c44bdf-jsd4j   1/1     Running   0          4m43s
application2-86584dd9cb-mjr9f   1/1     Running   0          10s
orasilabs@ip-172-31-9-247:~/nginx-demo-apps/nodeapp2$ kubectl get deployments
application1   2/2     2            2           4m58s
application2   1/1     1            1           25s
orasilabs@ip-172-31-9-247:~/nginx-demo-apps/nodeapp2$ kubectl get services
NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
application1-service   NodePort   <none>        3000:30163/TCP   3m4s
application2-service   NodePort     <none>        3000:30164/TCP   33s
kubernetes             ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP          20d

Step 5

Access the Kubernetes Dashboard. We can get the same information we saw from the CLI, on the built in Kubernetes dashboard.

Open a new terminal and run minikube dashboard

Minikube will automatically open your browser and load the dashboard page.

Step 6

View our Services. Click on the Services link on the left navigation. You should be able to see the application1-service and application2-service

Step 7

Now let's access our applications. Because we used a NodePort service, we can access our application by using the IP address of any Node in our Kubernetes cluster and the port the service is assigned to. With minikube, there is only one Node in the cluster and we can get the node IP by running minikube ip

orasilabs@ip-172-31-9-247:~/nginx-demo-apps/nodeapp2$ minikube ip

From the Dashboard we can see that application1-service is exposed on port 30163.

Open a new browser tab and go to You should see the following:

Step 8

Access Nodeapp2 on your browser? Can you work out the steps on your own?

Module 8 - NGINX Kubernetes Ingress Controller

Install the NGINX Ingress Controller

We will install the NGINX Ingress Controller using the manifest method.

Step 1 Look at the install script. All of the necessary commands are here.

cd ~/


Step 2

Run the install script.


Step 3

Find you NGINX Ingress Controller pod.

kubectl get pods -n nginx-ingress

The -n parameter specifies the Kubernetes namespace we want to look at. By default, the NGINX IC Pod is deployed in the nginx-ingress namespace.

orasilabs@ip-172-31-9-247:~$ kubectl get pods -n nginx-ingress
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-ingress-5f447dbdb5-rdpw6   1/1     Running   0          19m

Step 4

Expose the IC Pod to external access.

We have deployed the IC Pod using a Deployment resource. Now we need to expose it using a Service, similar to how we exposed our NodeApp1 and NodeApp2 previously.

cd ~/kubernetes-ingress/deployments/service/

Notice the nodeport.yaml file in the folder.

Run kubectl apply -f nodeport.yaml

orasilabs@ip-172-31-9-247:~/kubernetes-ingress/deployments/service$ kubectl apply -f nodeport.yaml
service/nginx-ingress created

Step 6

Get the NGINX Ingress Service details

kubectl get service -n nginx-ingress

orasilabs@ip-172-31-9-247:~/kubernetes-ingress/deployments/service$ kubectl get service -n nginx-ingress
NAME            TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
nginx-ingress   NodePort   <none>        80:30067/TCP,443:30936/TCP   52s

Take note of the port numbers assigned to the Service. In this example, port 30067 maps to port 80 in the Pod. Port 30936 maps to port 443. Your assigned ports may be different.

Take note of these port numbers and remember them. You will need them in future exercises

Note: Using a NodePort service to expose the NGINX IC Pod is not recommended for production due to the port number being in the range of 30000 and 32767. A LoadBalancer service is usually the recommended option for production deployments.

Step 7

Open a new browser tab and hit your NGINX instance by using the URL http://<minikube ip>:<nodeport>

Remember how to find your minikube IP?

You will receive a 404 Not Found response. This is because, currently NGINX does not have any servers configured for it to route requests to.

Module 10 - Configuring VirtualServer Resources

Exercise 1 - Configuring a VirtualServer

Previously, we deployed two simple NodeJS apps and exposed them through a NodePort service. We have since deployed NGINX as an Ingress Controller in our cluster. Now we want to configure a VirtualServer resource so we can expose our Apps via NGINX.

Step 1

cd ~/nginx-demo-apps

cat application-virtualserver.yaml

orasilabs@ip-172-31-8-165:~/nginx-demo-apps$ cat application-virtualserver.yaml
kind: VirtualServer
  name: apps
  - name: application1
    service: application1-service
    port: 3000
  - name: application2
    service: application2-service
    port: 3000
  - path: /app1
      pass: application1
  - path: /app2
      pass: application2

Step 2

Configure the VirtualServer

kubectl apply -f application-virtualserver.yaml

Step 3

View the VirtualServers configured for the cluster

orasilabs@ip-172-31-8-165:~/nginx-demo-apps$ kubectl get virtualserver
NAME   STATE   HOST          IP    PORTS   AGE
apps   Valid                 45m

Step 4

Our application needs to be accessed via the hostname In a production deployment, you would configure DNS entries to point the hostname to external IP of the service that exposes the NGINX IC Pod. However for our minikube setup, we will simply add an entry in the /etc/hosts file.

sudo vim /etc/hosts

Add the following entry

The IP address is the address of our cluster node.

Step 5

Open a new browser tab and hit the URL<nodeport>/app1

Your can be found by running kubectl get services -n nginx-ingress

Now try the URL<nodeport>/app2

Deploy the Arcadia App

Part 1 - VirtualServer

Now that we have an understanding on how to deploy apps in Kubernetes and how to configure a VirtualServer resource to expose those apps, let's deploy a more production ready example application.

For this workshop we are going to use the “Arcadia Crypto” application. The application is built with 6 different microservices that are deployed in the Kubernetes environment.

By the end of the workshop the “Arcadia Crypto” will be fully deployed and protected

We will deploy our application in the Kubernetes environment. As stated before, these are the 6 microservices which we will deploy.

  • Frontend - serves the non-dynamic content for like html, js, css and images
  • Login - in in charge of dealing with anything related to the login user functionality
  • Users - all user data interaction is done through this microservice only
  • Stocks - connects to external resources to get the latest crypto data and serves it to the application clients
  • Stocks Transaction - Deal with all related to buying or selling crypto currencies. It interacts with other microservices like Users and Stocks
  • Database - Database where all information is stored

Step 1

cd ~/ingress-apps

kubectl apply -f arcadia_deploy.yaml

orasilabs@ip-172-31-8-165:~/ingress-apps$ kubectl apply -f arcadia_deploy.yaml
deployment.apps/arcadia-db created
service/arcadia-db created
deployment.apps/arcadia-frontend created
service/arcadia-frontend created
deployment.apps/arcadia-login created
service/arcadia-login created
deployment.apps/arcadia-stock-transaction created
service/arcadia-stock-transaction created
deployment.apps/arcadia-stocks created
service/arcadia-stocks created
deployment.apps/arcadia-users created
service/arcadia-users created

Step 2

Check the deployed Pods

kubectl get pods

There should be six Arcadia pods running

orasilabs@ip-172-31-8-165:~/ingress-apps$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
application1-86c6c44bdf-dscs5                1/1     Running   2 (124m ago)   22h
application1-86c6c44bdf-jsd4j                1/1     Running   2 (124m ago)   22h
application2-86584dd9cb-mjr9f                1/1     Running   2 (124m ago)   22h
arcadia-db-59c9b67bb-ks8vl                   1/1     Running   0              3m1s
arcadia-frontend-757fb77bc5-5wvkm            1/1     Running   0              3m1s
arcadia-login-755fd687d4-x5bjx               1/1     Running   0              3m1s
arcadia-stock-transaction-56485ff8fb-2wvrv   1/1     Running   0              3m1s
arcadia-stocks-7d449cc4f8-59nlr              1/1     Running   0              3m1s
arcadia-users-79b45d865c-ksz7s               1/1     Running   0              3m1s

As of now the services are not accessible, we need to configure a VirtualServer so that our NGINX Ingress Controller knows how to route requests to the services

Step 3

Configure a VirtualServer resource for our Arcadia App to Expose the application services and route the traffic based on the HTTP path.

Create a yaml file to define our Arcadia VirtualServer.

sudo vim ~/ingress-apps/arcadia_virtualserver.yaml

Add the following lines into the file:

kind: VirtualServer
  name: arcadia
    - name: arcadia-users
      service: arcadia-users
      port: 80
    - name: arcadia-login
      service: arcadia-login
      port: 80
    - name: arcadia-stocks
      service: arcadia-stocks
      port: 80
    - name: arcadia-stock-transaction
      service: arcadia-stock-transaction
      port: 80
    - name: arcadia-frontend
      service: arcadia-frontend
      port: 80
    - path: /v1/user
        pass: arcadia-users
    - path: /v1/login
        pass: arcadia-login
    - path: /v1/stock
        pass: arcadia-stocks
    - path: /v1/stockt
        pass: arcadia-stock-transaction
    - path: /
        pass: arcadia-frontend

Step 4

kubectl apply -f arcadia_virtualserver.yaml

Note how the various HTTP paths (/v1/user, /v1/login, /v1/stockt) are routed by Ingress to the relevant K8s services. At this stage the basic install is finished and all that’s left is to check the connectivity to the Arcadia web application

Step 5

In our VirtualServer yaml file, we expose the Arcadia application using the hostname

We need to add this hostname to our /etc/hosts file

sudo vim /etc/hosts

Add the following line:

Step 6

Open your browser and go to<nodeport>. You should be redirected to the Arcadia app login page.

Step 7

Login using the following details

username: [email protected]
password: bitcoin

At the moment we still have two key features missing:

  • We are serving only http, not https. We want our site to be fully secured therefore all communications need to be encrypted
  • We are not actively monitoring the health of the pods through the data path

Part 2 - Enabling the NGINX+ dashboard

Open a new terminal window or tab

Step 1 Get the name of your NGINX IC Pod

kubectl get pods -n nginx-ingress

orasilabs@ip-172-31-8-165:~$ kubectl get pods -n nginx-ingress
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
nginx-ingress-5f447dbdb5-rdpw6   1/1     Running   4 (4h37m ago)   24h

Step 2

Let's take a look at how the NGINX Configuration is setup by default in our Ingress Controller pod.

kubectl exec -it nginx-ingress-5f447dbdb5-rdpw6 bash -n nginx-ingress

Remember to replace the Pod name in this example with the name you got from Step 1. This command opens a bash terminal in the Pod for us to execute bash commands.

orasilabs@ip-172-31-8-165:~$ kubectl exec -it nginx-ingress-5f447dbdb5-rdpw6 bash -n nginx-ingress
kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead.

Step 3

From inside your IC Pod, run:
cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Scroll down until you find this section of the config file:

server {
    listen 8080;
    listen [::]:8080;

    root /usr/share/nginx/html;

    access_log off;

    location  = /dashboard.html {

    allow ::1;

    deny all;
    location /api {
        api write=off;

This server exposes the dashboard page over port 8080. What we need to do now is to allow requests for the dashboard page to be routed to port 8080 on the IC Pod

Step 4

The easiest way to enable access to the dashboard is by port forwarding connections to port 8080 on your local machine to port 8080 on the Ingress Controller pod

Exit out of the IC Pod terminal


nginx@nginx-ingress-5f447dbdb5-rdpw6:/$ exit

kubectl port-forward nginx-ingress-5f447dbdb5-rdpw6 8080:8080 -n nginx-ingress

orasilabs@ip-172-31-8-165:~$ kubectl port-forward nginx-ingress-5f447dbdb5-rdpw6 8080:8080 -n nginx-ingress
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080

Step 5 Open your browser and go to

You should be able to see the NGINX+ Dashboard.

Step 6

Go to the HTTP Upstreams Tab. You should be able to see the Arcadia backend services.

Part 3 - Scale our Application

At the end of the previous exercise, we saw our Arcadia upstream services on the NGINX+ Dashboard page. Notice how, each service only has 1 upstream server. This is because we have configured our Kubernetes deployment to only run 1 Pod.

Step 1

Open the arcadia_deploy.yaml file

sudo vim ~/ingress-apps/arcadia_deploy.yaml

Step 2

Look for each Deployment resource definition and look for the replicas field specifically.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: arcadia-users
  replicas: 1
      app: arcadia-users

Notice the value of 1 for replicas. This tells Kubernetes that we want to run 1 Pod for the Deployment of the App specified. In the example above it is the arcadia-users app.

Step 3

Change the value of replicas from 1 to 2 for all Deployments in the arcadia_deploy.yaml file.

Step 4

cd ~/ingress-apps

kubectl apply -f arcadia_deploy.yaml

Step 5

Check the NGINX Dashboard. You should now see two upstreams servers on each of the Arcadia app services.

Part 4 - Apply HTTPS and Health Checks

Step 1

Create a Secret. Look at the contents of the arcadia-secret.yaml file in the ingress-apps folder

sudo cat ~/ingress-apps/arcadia-secret.yaml

Step 2

cd ~/ingress-apps

kubectl apply -f arcadia-secret.yaml

Step 3

We now apply the TLS secret to our Arcadia VirtualServer specification. We will also add a health check.

Let's create a new version of the arcadia_virtualserver.yaml file.

vim arcadia_virtualserver_v2.yaml

Add the following lines:

kind: VirtualServer
  name: arcadia
    secret: arcadia-wildcard
      enable: true
    - name: arcadia-users
      service: arcadia-users
      port: 80
        enable: true
        path: /healthz
    - name: arcadia-login
      service: arcadia-login
      port: 80
    - name: arcadia-stocks
      service: arcadia-stocks
      port: 80
    - name: arcadia-stock-transaction
      service: arcadia-stock-transaction
      port: 80
    - name: arcadia-frontend
      service: arcadia-frontend
      port: 80
    - path: /v1/user
        pass: arcadia-users
    - path: /v1/login
        pass: arcadia-login
    - path: /v1/stock
        pass: arcadia-stocks
    - path: /v1/stockt
        pass: arcadia-stock-transaction
    - path: /
        pass: arcadia-frontend

With this specification, we have added a simple health check to the Arcadia Users upstream.

Step 4

kubectl apply -f arcadia_virtualserver_v2.yaml

Step 5

Look at your nginx-ingress service details and find the port number which maps to port 443 in the pod.

orasilabs@ip-172-31-8-165:~/ingress-apps$ kubectl get services -n nginx-ingress
NAME            TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
nginx-ingress   NodePort   <none>        80:30067/TCP,443:30936/TCP   27h

In this example, you can that port 443 in the IC pod is exposed to external traffic via port 30936. Save the port number you see in your nginx-ingress service

Step 6

Open your browser and navigate to<nodeport>. You should see a browser warning because our certificate is not trusted.

Click the Advanced... button and then click Accept the Risk and Continue

You should now see the Apps login page.

Step 7

Check the NGINX Dashboard page and go to the HTTP Upstreams tab.

Look for the arcadia-users upstream. You should be able to see the health check results in the Health Monitors section of the metrics.

Module 11 - Deploy NGINX App Protect in Kubernetes

The Nginx App Protect will improve the application security posture, especially against OWASP Top 10 attacks.

The Nginx App Protect is deployed in the ingress resource therefor we can see the incoming traffic towards our application from the outside world.

We’ll be able to bring security closer to the application and the development cycle and integrate it into CI/CD pipelines.

This will allow to minimize false positives, since the web application firewall policy becomes a part of the application and is always tested as such.

Part 1 - Deploy Syslog

Before we setup App Protect, we will deploy a syslog server in our cluster so we can capture the App Protect log messages here.

Step 1

cd ~/ingress-apps

Have a look at the contents of the syslog.yaml file.

cat syslog.yaml

Note that the Service we define, runs on port 514. This will be important later on.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: syslog-svc
    - port: 514
      targetPort: 514
      protocol: TCP
    app: syslog

Step 2

kubectl apply -f syslog.yaml

Part 2 - Deploy App Protect

Step 1

Prepare the NGINX App Protect config

sudo vim ~/ingress-apps/app_protect.yaml

# APPolicy is the policy configuration. Here we are enabling signature check of known attacks
kind: APPolicy
  name: attacksigs
    name: attacksigs
    applicationLanguage: utf-8
    enforcementMode: blocking
    - name: All Signatures
      block: true
      alarm: true


kind: APLogConf
  name: logconf
    format: default
    max_message_size: 64k
    max_request_size: any
    request_type: all

kind: Policy
  name: waf-policy
    enable: true
    apPolicy: "default/attacksigs"
      enable: true
      apLogConf: "default/logconf"
      logDest: "syslog:server=syslog-svc.default:514"

Step 2

kubectl apply -f app_protect.yaml

Step 3

Enable NGINX App Protect on the Arcadia VirtualServer

vim ~/ingress-apps/arcadia_virtualserver_v2.yaml

Add the waf-policy as shown below

kind: VirtualServer
  name: arcadia
    secret: arcadia-wildcard
      enable: true
    - name: waf-policy
    - name: arcadia-users
      service: arcadia-users
      port: 80
        enable: true
        path: /healthz

Step 4

kubectl apply -f arcadia_virtualserver_v2.yaml

Step 5

Browse again to the Arcadia web app and verify that it is still working.

Step 6

Let’s simulate a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack, and make sure it’s blocked:

On your browser hit the following URL:<nodeport>/?a=%3Cscript%3Ealert(%27xss%27)%3C/script%3E

You should notice that the request is blocked.

Step 7

Let's try and view the App Protect Security log by accessing our syslog service

First we need the name of our syslog pod

orasilabs@ip-172-31-15-199:~/ingress-apps$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS         AGE
application1-86c6c44bdf-dscs5                1/1     Running   10 (3h26m ago)   3d20h
application1-86c6c44bdf-jsd4j                1/1     Running   10 (3h26m ago)   3d20h
application2-86584dd9cb-mjr9f                1/1     Running   10 (3h26m ago)   3d20h
arcadia-db-59c9b67bb-9djlt                   1/1     Running   9 (16h ago)      2d18h
arcadia-db-59c9b67bb-ks8vl                   1/1     Running   9 (16h ago)      2d22h
arcadia-frontend-757fb77bc5-5wvkm            1/1     Running   8 (16h ago)      2d22h
arcadia-frontend-757fb77bc5-q2f67            1/1     Running   8 (16h ago)      2d18h
arcadia-login-755fd687d4-ffx4c               1/1     Running   8 (3h26m ago)    2d18h
arcadia-login-755fd687d4-x5bjx               1/1     Running   8 (3h26m ago)    2d22h
arcadia-stock-transaction-56485ff8fb-2wvrv   1/1     Running   19 (3h24m ago)   2d22h
arcadia-stock-transaction-56485ff8fb-6pzct   1/1     Running   20 (3h24m ago)   2d18h
arcadia-stocks-7d449cc4f8-59nlr              1/1     Running   8 (3h26m ago)    2d22h
arcadia-stocks-7d449cc4f8-gkp5c              1/1     Running   8 (3h26m ago)    2d18h
arcadia-users-79b45d865c-4l2dm               1/1     Running   20 (3h24m ago)   2d18h
arcadia-users-79b45d865c-ksz7s               1/1     Running   19 (3h24m ago)   2d22h
syslog-7d76777b85-48lwn                      1/1     Running   5 (16h ago)      2d3h

In this example the name is syslog-7d76777b85-48lwn.

Copy the name of the syslog pod in your cluster.

Step 8

Run the following command:

kubectl exec -it <syslog pod> -- tail -f /var/log/messages

You should see a security log message indicating a XSS attack, similar to the below message.

Nov 20 03:23:07 nginx-ingress-5f465d7f76-sfrzz ASM:attack_type="Abuse of Functionality,Cross Site Scripting (XSS),Other Application Activity",blocking_exception_reason="N/A",date_time="2022-11-20 03:23:06",dest_port="443",ip_client="",is_truncated="false",method="GET",policy_name="attacksigs",protocol="HTTPS",request_status="blocked",response_code="0",severity="Critical",sig_cves=",,,",sig_ids="200001475,200000098,200001088,200101609",sig_names="XSS script tag end

Part 3 - Bot Protection

The application APIs at the moment are published only for consumption by browsers. Therefore we don’t want to allow any kind of automated tool to access these endpoints. We are going to block not only malicious bots but also tools like curl.

Step 1

Try and access the stock microservice and get data with curl

curl -k<nodeport>/v1/stock/ticker/all

You will notice the request succeeds and we are able to get stock information.

orasilabs@ip-172-31-15-199:~/ingress-apps$ curl -k

Step 2

Let's modify our attacksigs APPolicy Resource to include bot-defense

We will create a new yaml file for this.

vim ~/ingress-apps/app_protect_bot.yaml

kind: APPolicy
  name: attacksigs
    name: attacksigs
    applicationLanguage: utf-8
    enforcementMode: blocking
    - name: All Signatures
      block: true
      alarm: true
    # The bellow config is in charge of defining what bot to block and whom to allow
        isEnabled: true
        - name: trusted-bot
          action: alarm
        - name: untrusted-bot
          action: block
        - name: malicious-bot
          action: block

Step 3

orasilabs@ip-172-31-15-199:~/ingress-apps$ kubectl apply -f app_protect_bot.yaml configured

Step 4

Run curl -k<nodeport>/v1/stock/ticker/all again.

This time the request should be blocked

orasilabs@ip-172-31-15-199:~/ingress-apps$ curl -k
<html><head><title>Request Rejected</title></head><body>The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.<br><br>Your support ID is: 196868960713134620<br><br><a href='javascript:history.back();'>[Go Back]</a></body></html>

Step 5

Browser the log messages from the syslog pod.

kubectl exec -it <syslog pod> -- tail -f /var/log/messages

You should see a message like the following:

Nov 20 04:06:28 nginx-ingress-5f465d7f76-sfrzz ASM:attack_type="Non-browser Client",blocking_exception_reason="N/A",date_time="2022-11-20 04:06:28",dest_port="443",ip_client="",is_truncated="false",method="GET",policy_name="attacksigs",protocol="HTTPS",request_status="blocked",response_code="0",severity="Critical",sig_cves="N/A",sig_ids="N/A",sig_names="N/A",sig_set_names="N/A",src_port="43643",sub_violations="N/A",support_id="196868960713134620"