Configuration for my unix and linux home directories; dot files, bin files, etc.
Allows for both checking out these files into home dir and managing them in repo from the same place and time without unnecessary linking or copying. Also allows for using different repo branches for different system's files to be checked out.
_NOTE: This file documents the new process for working with dot files similarly to Atlassian dotfiles tutorial, however, this repo is still dependent on git submodules which bare repos cannot work with, so for now, see README.
NOTE: The repo's name changed so clones of this repo must change their remotes to this repo's URL at [email protected]:johnpancoast/home-cfg.
This repo mostly follows an Atlassian dotfiles tutorial with the addition of using git's sparse checkout to exclude checking out certain files.
Clone the repo into bare repo.
git clone --bare <git-repo-url> $HOME/.cfg
Create a permanent alias to work with clone. This allows one command to have different path for clone dir and working tree dir (which will be home dir).
alias home-cfg=/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME
Checkout repo / copy repo files to home dir.
home-cfg checkout
NOTE: The above may error if the files already exist in your home dir. You must first move the files out. Run the following if necessary to move the files first.
backup_dir="~/.cfg-backup"; home-cfg checkout 2>&1 | egrep "\s+" | awk {'print $1'} | xargs -I {} sh -c '[ -f ${HOME}/${1} ] && backup_dir='$backup_dir' && dir=$(dirname $HOME/$1) && d=${dir/$HOME/"."} && mkdir -p ${backup_dir}/${d} && mv $HOME/$1 ${backup_dir}/$1' -- {};
I think the git submodules are mis-configured. Look into that.
Some of the files in this repo should be moved to their own repo and brought in via git submodules.