All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
6.0.0 - 2023-12-15
This version is not compatible with SonarQube < 9.5
- Compatibility with Sonar 10.x (#375)
- Support for Scala (#352)
- Feature to import SPDX license list (fa68e04422bdd12d05e78c72ee0a49224f6b8741)
- Resolve node_modules relative to package.json (#380)
- Make report path configurable in Gradle scanner (#397)
Other Changes:
- Use Prettier for code formatting #399
5.1.1 - 2022-11-04
- Fix Kotlin seems to not be supported on 5.1.0 (#350, #351)
- Improving NPM scan resilience (#347)
- Fix some critical and major code smells (#353)
- New and shiny README (#343)
5.1.0 - 2022-08-25
- Rule repository for TypeScript was not registered (#315)
- Show correct measures for branches and pull requests (#325)
- Add defined order to settings (#342)
5.0.1 - 2022-02-24
- Fix: rule repository for Kotlin was not registered (#311, #310)
- Fix: project licenses page call (#291, #296)
5.0.0 - 2021-12-20
- This version uses a different format for storing the settings. The old settings will be migrated (and deleted) on the first start of SonarQube with the new version. You cannot go back to a previous version! With this change you can edit the settings via the default SonarQube UI or via the custom License Check settings. This change was necessary to remove the dependency on the internal SonarQube API. [#240, #244]
- Create issues on relevant dependency files (#285)
- License and dependency mapping now available for all dependency mechanisms (Groovy, Maven, NPM). Dependency mapping has now an attribute to toggle forced mapping. [#257]
- Support for JavaScript and Groovy projects (without any Java files) (#247, #241, #182)
- Status in license report should be "Allowed" and "Disallowed" not true/false (#262)
- Dependency updates and increase test coverage
4.0.2 - 2021-05-04
- Create license with status disallowed (#230), fixes #209
- Update SonarQube API to 8.8 (#229)
4.0.1 - 2021-05-04
- Icons in UI are missing #217