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Assignment 05: Oral History

In the final segment of our class, we discuss the use of non-textual media in history, especially oral histories. This final, short project asks you to take an existing piece of oral history and build a small web page around it. We will use a very similar set of templates to those we used last assignment; but instead of dealing with Leaflet Maps, we’ll use the Popcorn events framework for creating a simple multi-media history essay out of HTML. As with our last assignment, this is a little bit like using hand-carved wooden Emoji: obviously there are much more sophisticated ways to interact with video on the web; our aim is to use this simple tool as a way to think about several issues:

  • How do aural and visual media change the nature of historical narrative?
  • What are the challenges of building an historical narrative around an oral history, especially one that you did not conduct yourself?
  • How does technical infrastructure (like Popcorn and Google Sheets) change the nature of historical narrative?

How This Project Works

This is a very small(single-page!) website organized around an audio element. Though it might be used as a part of a larger project, it can also stand on its own. It looks pretty good, but most of the heavy lifting is done by outside libraries:

  • jQuery is an important piece of web infrastructure, widely used in many projects.
  • Markdown-it is a “markdown parser” – it allows us to write the body of the essay in markdown and render it directly as HTML. A really big win.
  • Chota.css is a minimal CSS framework that gives decent defaults for most CSS features.
  • Popcorn.js was a Mozilla project in the early days of HTML5. It has some neat features that I haven’t been able to find in any more recent project so we’re still using it here. Included directly in the repo as maintenance of this project is somewhat haphazard and I’ve had to make a number of changes to the upstream version.
  • Tabletop.js makes it very easy to use Google Docs spreadsheets as a data source.

Using these libraries gets us one step closer to “real-world” web development, where HTML and CSS is just a small part of your development time.

Your project has just a few files:

  • index.html, which loads the frameworks described above, adds a little extra Javascript which you can change if you want (but don’t need to), and sets up a basic HTML framework to give structure to the page (which you’re welcome to change and probably will want to).
  • and, where you will actually write your assignment! You’ll do it in Markdown, introducing fragments of HTML as you go where you need them. The current content of that file has examples of most of the syntax you’ll want to use (though obviously you’ll have to write the content yourself). Markdown file will be loaded by markdown-it and inserted into otherwise empty sections in index.html.
  • oh-styles.css and site-styles.css, which add some modest additional style information, and which, again, you are likely to want to change
  • popcorn-data.js or popcorn-data-from-google.js, at your discretion (I strongly recommend using the Google sheets method)
  • your audio file. I’m not storing mine this repository because it’s not such good practice to have a big file like that in the repository if no one’s going to use it. You will have to either (a) add the file to the repository, or (b) find an existing audio file from the web (recommended). In either case, make sure the <audio> <source> points to it.
  • I also include local copies of the popcorn and tabletop libraries. The local popcorn, in particular, contains some significant updates to keep the plugins working.

Checking Your Work

As we move closer to a real-world task, we start to encounter more real-world problems. Markdown-it needs to acquire the contents of so that that file can be processed and fed to index.html. But for many good reasons, the browser does not allow JavaScript to access local files. So our project will only work inside a web server. This makes debugging your work much harder!

Fortunately, there are many solutions. One is to use the Preview HTML functionality in VSCode. You can even open a DevTools window (right click in the preview pane) to look at your error messages. However, sometimes it’s easier to just work in the full browser environment. That’s why I’ve added a server to the npm dependencies of this repository.

npm run server


npm run watch

Then point your browser at localhost:8080 and all the assignments in this repository will be available for you to browse.

Tips and Tricks

  • use the javascript seek function I defined to queue the audio file to a specific timecode in the file. You can call it with <a href="javascript:seek(135)"></a> – just replace 135 with whatever time you want to seek to, in seconds. Unfortunaely you’ll have to write this in plain old HTML as markdown-it has trouble parsing javascript links.
  • change the theme colors as you wish by changing the CSS variables in site-styles.css. In any case, this can be useful when you want to refer to/quote form the audio in your essay.
  • read the documentation in ../spatial-history/ for a few more details


  • Choose a short, online oral history audio clip (approximately 3 minutes in length). I recommend StoryCorps as a source, though there are many oral history archives online that are equally suitable. You will need to locate the actual media element in the oral history – this may be somewhat hidden, but searching for mp3 or <audio> in the source code or via the browser developer tools should help.
  • Listen to it carefully. What historical themes are suggested by it? What kinds of annotations might heighten the impact at crucial moments, or fill in background information at other times?
  • Create a short “video” to accompany the audio clip; use a variety of Popcorn plugins to accomplish this. In general, for 180 seconds you will likely need at least 15 events for the annotations to feel approximately “full”.
  • Write a short essay, approximately 900 words in length, addressing any of the historical issues raised by the audio clip. Refer specifically to quotations from the clip. You may want to provide links to specific timecodes from the audio, though integrating that with Popcorn playback is unfortunately a little tricky. As in your last assignment, use simple links for citations, though you should provide page numbers wherever possible).


Your essay should meet the ordinary criteria for an historical essay: it should be clearly written, providing adequate evidence, have minimal spelling and grammatical errors, etc. The relationship between topic and clip should not be artificial – the essay should clarify or enlarge the historical circumstances that are brought to life by the clip.

Your popcorn events should be keyed to the rhythms of the clip itself, appearing and disappearing along with the themes that they refer to or address. They should enhance the impact of the clip rather than distract from it, and provide additional historical background that might not be found in the essay or the clip.

If you change the styling, you should not create a terrible mess! Certainly I think the page could be prettier and I welcome your improvements.

Technical Help

As usual, I am pretty much available to answer your questions. I also urge you to read this post, which has a fair amount of technical detail and also gives links to further documentation. I will be updating this post with answers to your questions as you pose them!

Documentation of the popcorn event plugins is once again online, though much of it is a little out of date. See my open pull requests on the docs repo for a couple of significant updates; source code links in the assignment are also a good resource.


As usual, I will mark your assignment on the basis of the state of the master branch at the submission deadline. If you finish your work in on time, there’s no need to make any special branches.

For late work or resubmission of non-passing assignments, please create a new branch for me to look over. Because this repository contains several assignments, please name your resubmission branch ~resubmit-oh-1~. Subsequent branches should be called ~resubmit-oh-2~, ~resubmit-oh-3~, etc. Since we haven’t used resubmit branches much this smester, don’t try to learn them this late in the game. However, bear in mind that we will have limited time to do regrades this time around. We’ll check in for updated repos at regular intervals and will only be able to give limited feedback.