Using docker as driver for ALX Courswork
using Arch linux distro
"$" represents bash prompt
Building these images and containers requires internet access as builds are relatively large. approx. > 1.0GB
Install newuidmap and newgidmap
$ sudo pacman -S shadow
should contain at least 65,536 subordinate UIDs/GIDs for the user. Ex:$ id -u 1001 $ whoami testuser $ grep ^$(whoami): /etc/subuid testuser:231072:65536 $ grep ^$(whoami): /etc/subgid$ testuser:231072:65536
Edit /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid if necessary
If the system-wide Docker daemon is already running, consider disabling it:
$ sudo systemctl disable --now docker.service docker.socket
Install rootless docker
$ curl -fsSL | sh
Set export variables to bashrc
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc` $ echo 'export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/docker.sock' >> ~/.bashrc
Install docker-compose
$ sudo pacman -S docker-compose
NOTE: Do not use sudo
$ systemctl --user start docker
Optional: Enable docker service; run at startup
$ systemctl --user enable docker` $ sudo loginctl enable-linger $(whoami)
$ bash ./
Enter Username to use in docker container:
- It will prompt for username which will be used to create a sudoer user in arch linux sandbox docker container. If username is empty it will exit
Enter base directory to persist container data:
- It will prompt for base directory. This will be the directory in the host machine where container directories and files will be persisted. Your projects and configuration will be stored there. If base directory is empty it will exit
Note: I've had problems with volume permissions and not being able to modify mouted volumes in container.
Workaround (hacky) is to change the .ALX/arch/ALX permissions to allow rwx permissions to all
$ sudo chmod a+rwx "your_base_directory"/.ALX/arch/ALX
** This will be the first part. Read on after we lauch our containers at the end
Enter user password (archlinux sandbox):
It will prompt for user password. This will used as sudoer password for arch linux user. If user password is empty it will exit. Prompt doesn't show input.
Docker files will be generated, ALX-Archlinux.Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml ,etc.
Optional: Open and review to make sure they are generated correctly
Build docker images and containers,
$ docker-compose up --build
should be run in same directory as generated docker-compose.yml
Wait for it to finish building images and containers, requires internet connection
On successful build you should see something like
alx_mysql_test_auto | 2023-02-18 1:24:08 0 [Note] mariadbd: ready for connections. alx_mysql_test_auto | Version: '10.10.3-MariaDB-1:10.10.3+maria~ubu2204' socket: '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 binary distribution ...
To run in background after initial build
$ docker-compose up -d
- Archlinux
$ docker exec -it alx_archlinux_test_auto /bin/bash
- You'll have prompt in container (archlinux sandbox)
[username@host ~]$ ls -a
. .. .bash_history .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .cache .config .local .ssh ALX
- To access mysql from archlinux container
[username@host ~]$ mysql -hdb -uroot -p
[*] password is "password"
- Execute sql script to hbtnbd database
[username@host ~]$ cat example.sql | mysql -hdb -uroot -p hbtndb
- Change to ALX directory we changed permissions
- make sure you are in the container and not host system
$ cd ALX/
- create file
$ touch dummy
- Get owner name/owner group of user who created file
$ ls -al dummy
-rw-r--r-- 1 232071 232071 0 Feb 19 09:05 dummy
- In this case it owner is 232071 and group is 232071
- note OWNER_NAME and OWNER_GROUP as we'll use it to change folder owners on host
- stop docker running containers
- make sure you are in same directory as docker-compose.yml (IN THE HOST SYSTEM)
$ docker-compose stop
- make sure containers are not running)
$ docker container ps ; should not show arch linux container running
- change owner/group of files in host system
$ sudo chown "$OWNER_NAME:$OWNER_GROUP" -R "path_to_base_directory/.ALX"
- OWNER_NAME and OWNER_GROUP are values got above (in this case 232071 and 232071)
- Relaunch containers (in background)
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker exec -it alx_mysql_test_auto mysql -uroot -hdb -p
[*] password is "password"
- MySQL using mycli (A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting)
- It will connect via socket
$ docker exec -it alx_mysql_test_auto mycli
[*] password is "password"
$ docker exec -it alx_mysql_test_auto /bin/bash
- Log in as root user to mysql container. (BE CAREFUL)
- To access mysql from archlinux container
[username@host ~]$ mysql -hdb -uroot -p
[*] password is "password"
- Execute sql script to hbtnbd database
[username@host ~]$ cat example.sql | mysql -hdb -uroot -p hbtndb