This is the list of OSS Security "plank holders": people who have committed themselves early on to supporting a secure and trustworthy open source software ecosystem.
You can add your name to the list below with your GitHub handle and the correct, unique hash for your GitHub account. To do so, fork this repository, add your username and hash, and open a Pull Request to the upstream repository. Not sure how to generate the hash? Perhaps check with ONCD personnel at DEF CON 32!
PRs will be evaluated automatically by our CI pipeline. In order to be added to the list, your PR must pass the CI status check.
- @usncd e08a992f3c07dc80af45f33014d3931a6910a147b0281febe176b33d3039a042f34aa53bec0a2be0e1fe49cb7feca3f275583cf0ac29fde82fb7bc1a7f1baf8d