- Released January 10, 2013
- New ArcGISHeatMapLayer class supporting:
- Custom color themes
- Density radius
- Clustering options
- Calculator functions to dynamically calculate density and clustering
- Updated HeatMapGradientDict to support custom themes, including new function fillCustomPaletteMap to support calculating a heatmap theme based upon an array of hexidecimal colors.
- Renamed ColorMatrixUtil.blackAndWhiteFilter to ColorMatrixUtil.blackAndWhite.
- Updated HeatMapWidget
- Added user interface component to HeatMapThemeView to support custom color theme.
- Added user interface component to HeatMapWidget to support modifying heat map density radius.
- Added configuration options to support density radius and custom theme color.
- Updated standalone samples (HeatMapTest.mxml, HeatMapTimeTest.mxml) to showcase new ArcGISHeatMapLayer functionality.
- Source code now all on GitHub.
- New documentation on Github wiki for Application Builder users and Developers.
- Flex Library Project support including Ant build file to compile source code into a library swc and library documentation (asdoc).
- Application Builder HeatMap widget is still available on ArcGIS.com.
- Developers: Requires Adobe Flex SDK 4.6.0 and ArcGIS API 3.1 for Flex
- Released June 13, 2012
- Supports Application Builder integration.
- Updated to support Spark components (removed mx components).
- Updated standalone samples (HeatMapTest.mxml, HeatMapTimeTest.mxml)
- Widget updates: now supports proxy and time slider configuration.
- Source code: Now uses same source code as included the API samples found on the Resource Center (ArcGISHeatMapLayer and related classes).
- Updated documentation with more screenshots.
- Developers: Requires Adobe Flex SDK 4.6.0 and ArcGIS API 3.0 for Flex
February 8, 2012 (ArcGIS Viewer 2.5 for Flex compatibility)
November 1, 2011 (Fixed issue where widget was not reading useamf from config file correctly)
August 11, 2011 (ArcGIS Viewer 2.4 for Flex compatibility)
- Released July 28, 2011
- dynamic query support, time-aware support, UI enhancements.
- Released June 1, 2011