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Ultralight card - RFID Card

This class supports Ultralight cards. They are RFID cards responding to ISO 14443 type A. You need a specific card reader like PN532, PN5180 or MFRC522 to read, write those kind of cards.

Creating a card and reading it

You will find detailed examples for PN532 here, for MFRC522 here and for PN5180 here.

You'll need first to get the card from an RFID reader. The example below shows how to do it with a MFRC522 and read all the sectors, read the configuration data, and print all the sector data information, read NDEF, write NDEF.

// Note: mfrc522 should not be null
var ultralight = new UltralightCard(mfrc522, 0);
ultralight.SerialNumber = card.NfcId;
Debug.WriteLine($"Type: {ultralight.UltralightCardType}, Ndef capacity: {ultralight.NdefCapacity}");

var version = ultralight.GetVersion();
if ((version != null) && (version.Length > 0))
    Debug.WriteLine("Get Version details: ");
    for (int i = 0; i < version.Length; i++)
        Debug.Write($"{version[i]:X2} ");

    Debug.WriteLine("Can't read the version.");

var sign = ultralight.GetSignature();
if ((sign != null) && (sign.Length > 0))
    Debug.WriteLine("Signature: ");
    for (int i = 0; i < sign.Length; i++)
        Debug.Write($"{sign[i]:X2} ");

    Debug.WriteLine("Can't read the signature.");

// The ReadFast feature can be used as well, note that the MFRC522 has a very limited FIFO
// So maximum 9 pages can be read as once.
Debug.WriteLine("Fast read example:");
var buff = ultralight.ReadFast(0, 8);
if (buff != null)
    for (int i = 0; i < buff.Length / 4; i++)
        Debug.WriteLine($"  Block {i} - {buff[i * 4]:X2} {buff[i * 4 + 1]:X2} {buff[i * 4 + 2]:X2} {buff[i * 4 + 3]:X2}");

Debug.WriteLine("Dump of all the card:");
for (int block = 0; block < ultralight.NumberBlocks; block++)
    ultralight.BlockNumber = (byte)block; // Safe cast, can't be more than 255
    ultralight.Command = UltralightCommand.Read16Bytes;
    var res = ultralight.RunUltralightCommand();
    if (res > 0)
        Debug.Write($"  Block: {ultralight.BlockNumber:X2} - ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            Debug.Write($"{ultralight.Data![i]:X2} ");

        var isReadOnly = ultralight.IsPageReadOnly(ultralight.BlockNumber);
        Debug.Write($"- Read only: {isReadOnly} ");

        Debug.WriteLine("Can't read card");

Debug.WriteLine("Configuration of the card");
// Get the Configuration
res = ultralight.TryGetConfiguration(out Configuration configuration);
if (res)
    Debug.WriteLine("  Mirror:");
    Debug.WriteLine($"    {configuration.Mirror.MirrorType}, page: {configuration.Mirror.Page}, position: {configuration.Mirror.Position}");
    Debug.WriteLine("  Authentication:");
    Debug.WriteLine($"    Page req auth: {configuration.Authentication.AuthenticationPageRequirement}, Is auth req for read and write: {configuration.Authentication.IsReadWriteAuthenticationRequired}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"    Is write lock: {configuration.Authentication.IsWrittenLocked}, Max num tries: {configuration.Authentication.MaximumNumberOfPossibleTry}");
    Debug.WriteLine("  NFC Counter:");
    Debug.WriteLine($"    Enabled: {configuration.NfcCounter.IsEnabled}, Password protected: {configuration.NfcCounter.IsPasswordProtected}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"  Is strong modulation: {configuration.IsStrongModulation}");
    Debug.WriteLine("Error getting the configuration");

NdefMessage message;
res = ultralight.TryReadNdefMessage(out message);
if (res && message.Length != 0)
    foreach (var record in message.Records)
        Debug.WriteLine($"Record length: {record.Length}");
        if (TextRecord.IsTextRecord(record))
            var text = new TextRecord(record);
    Debug.WriteLine("No NDEF message in this ");

res = ultralight.IsFormattedNdef();
if (!res)
    Debug.WriteLine("Card is not NDEF formatted, we will try to format it");
    res = ultralight.FormatNdef();
    if (!res)
        Debug.WriteLine("Impossible to format in NDEF, we will still try to write NDEF content.");
        res = ultralight.IsFormattedNdef();
        if (res)
            Debug.WriteLine("Formatting successful");
            Debug.WriteLine("Card is not NDEF formatted.");

NdefMessage newMessage = new NdefMessage();
newMessage.Records.Add(new TextRecord("I ❤ .NET nanoFramework", "en", Encoding.UTF8));
res = ultralight.WriteNdefMessage(newMessage);
if (res)
    Debug.WriteLine("NDEF data successfully written on the card.");
    Debug.WriteLine("Error writing NDEF data on card");