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JQuery Plugin Clear Css

franz-josef-kaiser edited this page Apr 1, 2011 · 7 revisions


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For some reason, I wanted to remove CSS from an element, and from all its children. So I wrote a JQuery add-on that can be used to remove CSS from an element, and from all its children.

You can remove: Only the classes, only the in-line styles. only a given list of properties, or any combination of the 3 actions above.

Note : To get the list of CSS properties from a given set of style sheets, see the Perl script property-extractor.

Original Thread:

The JQuery add-on

We assume that the JavaScript file is "cssClear.js".

    * This add-on removes CSS for a given element, and for **all its children**.
    * The following CSS can be removed:
    *   o Only a given list of properties (given as an array).
    *   o Only the classes.
    *   o Only the in-line style definition.
    *   o Or any combination of the 3 previous actions.
    * @autor Denis BEURIVE
    * @example
    *   <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script>
    *   <script type="text/javascript" src="cssClear.js"></script>
    *   <script language="javascript">
    *       $(function()
    *       {
    *           var cssProperties = new Array('font-style','border-right-width','background','padding-right','border','margin','border-right','height','margin-top','border-left-width','margin-right','color','width','position','display','padding-left','float','border-width','content','overflow-x','margin-left','border-bottom','border-color','border-style','background-color','font-family','padding','font','visibility','overflow','white-space','line-height','padding-top','margin-bottom','border-collapse','text-align','border-spacing','font-size','font-weight','clear','text-decoration','vertical-align');
    *           var otheCssProperties = new Array('font-style','border-right-width');
    *           $('[cssCleaning]').cssClear(cssProperties);
    *           $('[otherCssCleaning]').cssClear(otheCssProperties);
    *       });
    *   </script>
    *   ...
    *   <!-- Remove everything (properties, classes and in-line styles). -->
    *   <div cssCleaning="properties|classes|styles" class="span-20" style="background-color:#c0c0c0">...</div>
    *   <!-- Remove only properties and classes. -->
    *   <div cssCleaning="properties|classes" class="span-20" style="background-color:#c0c0c0">...</div>
    *   <!-- Remove only properties. -->
    *   <div otherCssCleaning="properties" class="span-20" style="background-color:#c0c0c0">...</div>
        * This function removes a given list of CSS properties from an element.
        * @param inElement The element.
        * @param inCssProperties Array that contains the list of CSS properties to remove.
       function removeAllProperties (inElement, inCssProperties)
           for (k=0; k<inCssProperties.length; k++)
               var p = inCssProperties[k];
               inElement.css(p, '').find('*').css(p, '');
        * This function removes CSS from a given element.
        * @param inCssProperties Array that contains the list of properties to remove.
        * @inOptions Options (this argument is not used right now).
       $.fn.cssClear = function(inCssProperties, inOptions)
           // Are there options?
           var options = (typeof inOptions == 'undefined') ? new Array() : inOptions;
           // Do we have a list of properties?
           inCssProperties = (typeof inCssProperties == 'undefined') ? new Array() : inCssProperties;
           // If there is no selected element, then abort.
           if (0 == $(this).length) { return; }
           // Which attribute represents selector?
           var cssClearAttr = this.selector;
           // Remove the first and the last character.
           cssClearAttr = cssClearAttr.substring(0, cssClearAttr.length - 1);
           cssClearAttr = cssClearAttr.substring(1, cssClearAttr.length);
           // Create all elements returned by the JQuery's selector.
           for (i=0; i<$(this).length; i++)
               var element = $(this).eq(i);
               var todo    = element.attr(cssClearAttr);
               var actions = todo.split('|');
               for (j=0; j<actions.length; j++)
                   switch (actions[j])
                       case 'properties': removeAllProperties(element, inCssProperties); break;
                       case 'classes':    element.removeClass().find('*').removeClass(); break;
                       case 'styles':     element.attr('style', '').find('*').element.attr('style', ''); break;
                       default: alert('cssClear: Invalid action' + actions[j] + '!');
   })( jQuery );

How to use it?

Include JQuery:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script>

Include the add-on:

<script type="text/javascript" src="cssClear.js"></script>

Call the add-on on a set of elements: Elements are designed by an attribute. Here, we use 2 distinct attributs: "cssCleaning" and "otherCssCleaning". All elements that present these attributs will be processed by the add-on.

<script language="javascript">
        var cssProperties = new Array('font-style','border-right-width',...);
        var otheCssProperties = new Array('font-style','border-right-width');

Note: This code calls the add-on once the DOM is fully loaded (see JQuery documentaiton). You can call this add-on later if you need.

In your HTML code, define the elements that will be "CSS cleared".

    <!-- Remove everything (properties, classes and in-line styles). -->
    <div cssCleaning="properties|classes|styles" class="span-20" style="background-color:#c0c0c0">...</div>

    <!-- Remove only properties and classes. -->
    <div cssCleaning="properties|classes" class="span-20" style="background-color:#c0c0c0">...</div>

    <!-- Remove only properties. -->
    <div otherCssCleaning="properties" class="span-20" style="background-color:#c0c0c0">...</div>
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