##Credits That Have ###Laney
- MATH 3B --> Math 19B
- Math 3E --> Math 21
###AP Scores
- (5) AP Calculus AB --> Math 19A (8 Credits)
- (3) AP US History --> CC (8 Credits)
- (3) AP World History --> CC (8 Credits)
- (3) AP Physics C : Mechanics --> SI (4 Credits)
##UCSC - New Student Major Advising ###Mathematics
- Math 19A : Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Math
###Computer Science
Math 3 : Precalculus OR Math 19A : Calculus for Sci, Eng, Math
CMPS 10 : Intro to Computer Science OR CMPS 5J : Intro Programming in Java (no exp req) or CMPS 12A/L : Intro to Programming - Accelerated (programming exp. highly recommended)
###Computer Engineering
Math 3 : Precalculus OR Math 19A : Calculus for Sci, Eng, Math
CMPE 12/L : Computer Systems and Assembly Language/Lab (programming exp. requred) OR CMPE 8 : Robot Automation (no progarmming exp. required)
##Courses Looking At ###Core : Rhetoric and Inquiry: Cultural Identities and Global Consciousness
- MWF | 11AM-12:10PM
- W | 7PM-9PM
- MWF | 12:30PM-1:40PM
- W | 7PM-9PM
- MWF | 2PM-3:10PM
- W | 7PM-9PM
- MWF | 9:30AM-10:40AM
- W | 7PM-9PM
- MWF | 11AM-12:10PM
- MWF | 12:30PM-1:40PM
- MWF | 2PM-3:10PM
- MWF | 9:30AM-10:40AM
- MWF | 12:30PM-1:40PM
###CMPS 12A : Introcuntion to Programming (Accelerated)
- TuTh | 8AM-945AM
- TuTh | 8AM-945AM
- TuTh | 8AM-945AM
###CMPE 16 : Applied Discrete Mathematics ####Avaliable
- MWF | 9:30AM-10:40AM
- MWF | 9:30AM-10:40AM
- MWF | 9:30AM-10:40AM