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Visual is a Javascript library for data visualization developed by the Statistical Institute of Catalonia (Idescat). It is based on popular open source solutions. Visual offers a simple interface that encapsulates the complexity of these solutions for the most common chart types.

Not a web developer? Don't worry: you can try Visual online by simply filling in fields in the Visual Maker.

Supported visualizations

Visual currently supports the following visualizations:

  • Distribution of a categorical variable (vertical bar chart): bar
  • Ranking (horizontal bar chart): rank
  • Stacked/non-stacked time series (vertical bar chart): tsbar
  • Time series (line chart): tsline
  • Population pyramid: pyram
  • Choropleth map: cmap


Download the full source and tests and then start your browser and try the examples in the test folder. Or play with the Visual Viewer included in the package. Or build your own charts and store them online with the Visual Maker.


Edit visual.setup.js and visual.css to meet your needs. You might need to provide your own maps and adapt the VisualJS.func.legend function inside visual.maps.js (see the maps folder).


Visual allows three running modes: webpage (recommended), simple and manual. See the examples in the test folder.

Not ready to install? You can try Visual online: visit the Visual Maker.

Webpage mode

In webpage mode, the visualization is the only content on an html5 page. Use the webpage template to build your page. To embed the visualization, use an iframe pointing to your page (example).

Simple mode

In simple mode, the visualization is embedded in a page using the VisualJS.iframe function. Use the simple template to build your page. To embed the visualization, include the visual.js and visual.setup.js files and use a script tag with a unique id and invoke VisualJS.iframe passing a Visual Object (with the same id as the script tag) and a CSS file (or CSS rules) (example).

Manual mode

In manual mode, the visualization is directly embedded in a page. Use the manual template as an example. If you are embedding a single visualization, include the same javascripts as in the webpage template (example).

If you are embedding more than one visualization in the page, LazyLoad will only include the javascripts needed for the first visualization in the visual function. Instead, include all the needed javascripts manually. Do not include LazyLoad. You will also need to specify an id and its size (in the fixed property: [width, height]) for each visualization.

The Visual Object

Visual is executed by passing a Visual Object, or an array of Visual Objects, to the visual function.

visual( {...} )

If you already have a defined visual function, you can run Visual like this:

VisualJS.load( {...} )

The Visual Object accepts the following properties:

General properties


String ("ca", "es", "en"). Language. Default (ca) is set in visual.setup.js.


String. Text of first level title.


String. Text of footer.


String. Geographical area.


String (optional) or array of strings (required). Time period or periods.

Visual will treat the following string time formats using the quarter and month properties in visual.setup.js: "20131" (first quarter of 2013) and "201301" (January 2013). Any other time pattern will be displayed untreated.


Boolean. This determines whether the heading is built by composition from title, geo and time. If false, only title will be used as a heading. Default (true) is set in visual.setup.js.


Boolean. This determines whether the chart legend should be shown. Default (true) is set in visual.setup.js.


Object with the following properties: border (number: grid border width), line (number: line width), shadow (number: line shadow width) and point (number: point radius). Default border (0), line (2), shadow (4) and point (1) are set in visual.setup.js.


Object with two properties: x (boolean) and y (boolean). These determine whether the axes should be shown. Default (true) is set in visual.setup.js.


Object with three properties: label (string), symbol (string) and symbol position (string. "start", "end"). All properties are optional. Default (no label, no symbol, position: end) is set in visual.setup.js.

Warning: label and symbol cannot contain HTML entities when type is "cmap".


Number. Number of decimals in the data. This is used in the tooltip and map legend. Although this is an optional property, it is highly recommended that the number of decimals is specified: otherwise, all unneeded trailing zeros will be removed and computed values could be shown with more decimals than the original values. Default value can be set in visual.setup.js.


String ("bar", "rank", "tsbar", "tsline", "pyram", "cmap"). Required. Chart type. This determines the data and time formats and the specific properties available.


Array. Required. This includes the data values but also series labels and identifiers. The format is determined by type.


String. In simple mode and manual mode, this is the id of the HTML element where the visualization has to be embedded.


Array. In simple mode and manual mode, this is the [width, height] in pixels of the visualization container.


Function. This function will be called after the chart has been drawn. The this keyword will point to an object with the following properties: id (the chart's identifier: string), chart (a boolean indicating whether the chart is drawable or not: if false, VisualJS.chart would not be defined), heading (the HTML of the heading) and legend (an object with legend information).

The legend object is null unless the chart type is "cmap", data includes a val property and grouped is not specified. In this case, colors are automatically assigned to map regions.

When legend is not null, it has three properties (three arrays of size two): color, text and symbol. The first element in each array exposes information about the lighter color and the second element about the darker one. The elements of the color array are objects with three properties (numbers): r, g and b (RGB color). The elements of the text array are strings (value plus unit information the lighter/darker color has been assigned to). The elements of the symbol array are three possible strings: "<=", "==" or ">=" (the comparison operators associated with the text elements). See example adv-05.html.

The callback property will be ignored if it is included in a Visual Object passed to VisualJS.iframe.

Examples: adv-01.html, adv-02.html, adv-03.html, adv-05.html.


Boolean. This determines whether the chart should be shown. When false, all the necessary files will be included but the chart will not be inserted: you will need to use a callback function that executes VisualJS.chart at some point. Default is true.

	show: false,
	callback: function(){
		if(this.chart && window.confirm("Are you sure you want to see this chart?")){


Boolean. When true, Visual will register a listener for events of type "message". Default is false.

Currently, Visual will only respond to messages that include a string that represents a JSON object with two properties: action and id. The only action currently supported is "send". The id must specify the id of an existing Visual Object. If id is not specified, the last existing id will be used.

{ "action": "send", "id": "visual" }

The listener will post a message back to the source with a string representation of the requested Visual Object after validation.

On error, the Visual Object will only contain the type property (value: "error") and the data property (array of size 1 because simultaneous error messages are not currently supported). The first element in data will be an object with only two properties: id (error type) and label (text in English). Error type "400" is used when action has not been specified or has an incorrect value. Error type "404" is used when id does not identify an existing Visual Object.

bar properties

Distribution of a categorical variable (vertical bar chart).

   title: "BAR example",
   geo: "Alt Camp",
   time: "2012",
   footer: "The source goes here.",
   unit: {label: "persones"},
   dec: 0,
   type: "bar",
   data : [
      ["0-14 anys", 7329],
      ["15-64 anys", 30231],
      ["65-84 anys", 6485],
      ["85 anys o més", 1254]
   /* Same as:
      by: [ "0-14 anys", "15-64 anys", "65-84 anys", "85 anys o més" ],
      data: [ 7329, 30231, 6485, 1254 ]

Examples: bar.html


String. Time period.


Array of numbers or array of arrays. Required. If by has not been specified, the array contains as many elements as categories and each element is an array with two elements: a string (label) and a number (value). Otherwise, it is an array of numbers (values) while their label is specified in the by property.


Array of strings. See the data property.


Array of numbers (minimun, maximum). The first element must be lower than the second. This array sets the range of the y-axis.

rank properties

Ranking (horizontal bar chart).

   title: "RANK example (40 data)",
   geo: "Catalonia",
   time: "2009",
   footer: "The source goes here.",
   unit: {label: "milers", symbol: "€"},
   dec: 0,
   type: "rank",
   data : [
      ["Val d'Aran", 20300], 
      ["Pallars Jussà", 19300], 
      ["Ripollès", 19100], 
      ["Urgell", 18900], 
      ["Conca de Barberà", 18800], 
      ["Gironès", 18700], 
      ["Pallars Sobirà", 18700], 
      ["Alta Ribagorça", 18600], 
      ["Cerdanya", 18600], 
      ["Garrotxa", 18600], 
      ["Pla de l'Estany", 18600], 
      ["Barcelonès", 18300], 
      ["Priorat", 18300], 
      ["Ribera d'Ebre", 18200], 
      ["Segrià ", 18100], 
      ["Garrigues", 18000], 
      ["Baix Empordà", 17700], 
      ["Maresme", 17700], 
      ["Alt Camp", 17600], 
      ["Noguera", 17600], 
      ["Tarragonès", 17600], 
      ["Terra Alta", 17600], 
      ["Segarra", 17400], 
      ["Alt Empordà", 17300], 
      ["Baix Penedès", 17300], 
      ["Solsonès", 17300], 
      ["Vallès Occidental", 17300], 
      ["Berguedà", 17200], 
      ["Baix Camp", 17100], 
      ["Pla d'Urgell", 17100], 
      ["Montsià", 17000], 
      ["Alt Penedès", 16900], 
      ["Bages", 16900], 
      ["Baix Ebre", 16900], 
      ["Garraf", 16900], 
      ["Alt Urgell", 16600], 
      ["Selva", 16300], 
      ["Osona", 16200], 
      ["Vallès Oriental", 16200], 
      ["Baix Llobregat", 16000], 
      ["Anoia", 15800]

Examples: rank.html, rank10.html


String. Time period.


Array of arrays. Required. The first array contains as many elements as categories. Each element is an array of two elements: a string (label) and a number (value).


Number (multiplier) or array of numbers (minimun, maximum). By default, the multiplier is 1.02 (increase the x-axis by 2%). An array (where the first element must be lower than the second) can also be used to set the range of the x-axis.

tsbar properties

Stacked/non-stacked time series (vertical bar chart).

   title: "TSBAR example",
   geo: "Catalonia",
   time : [
      "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", 
      "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", 
      "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012"
   footer: "The source goes here.",
   unit: {label: "M", symbol: "€"},
   dec: 1,
   type: "tsbar",
   data : [ 
         label: "Exportacions", 
         val: [ 
            27147.8, 27890.6, 33796.5, 36694.5, 37275.9, 
            37648.5, 39485.1, 42703.4, 47218.8, 49679.8, 
            50515.7, 41461.7, 48871.6, 54999.9, 58321.7 
         label: "Importacions", 
         val: [ 
            36203.7, 40316.5, 48761.7, 50497.9, 51891.8, 
            54344.7, 60731, 67813.3, 74787.8, 80363.4, 
            77233.9, 57663.8, 67621.1, 72280.2, 69343.1 

Examples: tsbar.html, tsbar2.html, tsbarns.html


Array of strings. Required. Time periods.


Array of objects. Required. The array contains as many elements as series. Each element is an object with two properties: label (string) and val (array of values).


Boolean. Default: false. When bars are not stacked, only three series are allowed.


Array of numbers (minimun, maximum). The first element must be lower than the second. This array sets the range of the y-axis.

tsline properties

Time series (line chart).

   title: "TSLINE example",
   geo: "Catalonia",
   time : [
      "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002", 
      "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", 
      "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012"
   footer: "The source goes here.",
   unit: {label: "M", symbol: "€"},
   dec: 1,
   type: "tsline",
   data : [ 
         label: "Exportacions", 
         val: [ 
            27147.8, 27890.6, 33796.5, 36694.5, 37275.9, 
            37648.5, 39485.1, 42703.4, 47218.8, 49679.8, 
            50515.7, 41461.7, 48871.6, 54999.9, 58321.7 
         label: "Importacions", 
         val: [ 
            36203.7, 40316.5, 48761.7, 50497.9, 51891.8, 
            54344.7, 60731, 67813.3, 74787.8, 80363.4, 
            77233.9, 57663.8, 67621.1, 72280.2, 69343.1 

Examples: tsline2.html


Array of strings. Required. Time periods.


Array of objects. Required. The array contains as many elements as series. Each element is an object with two properties: label (string) and val (array of values).


Array of numbers (minimun, maximum). The first element must be lower than the second. This array sets the range of the y-axis.

pyram properties

Population pyramid.

   title: "PYRAM example",
   geo: "A country",
   time: "2012",
   footer: "The source goes here.",
   unit: {label: "persones"},
   dec: 0,
   type: "pyram",
   by: [
      "0-4", "5-9", "10-14", "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", 
      "30-34", "35-39", "40-44", "45-49", "50-54", "55-59",
      "60-64", "65-69", "70-74", "75-79", "80-84", "85-89", 
      "90-94", "95-99", "100+"
   data: [
         label: "Homes", 
         val: [
            130229, 132460, 109072, 115983, 133972, 166757, 
            207016, 211782, 195472, 176832, 152151, 122107, 
            117375, 99405, 80274, 73283, 47597, 24195, 6997, 1532, 260
         label: "Dones", 
         val: [
            124757, 112944, 103163, 104773, 122879, 152743, 
            196767, 193411, 194849, 174780, 155177, 133712, 
            126386, 117169, 98444, 99468, 76448, 47515,17929, 4284, 548

Examples: pyram.html


String. Time period.


Array of objects. Required. The array contains two elements: one for each sex. Each element is an object with two properties: label (string) and val (array of values).


Array of strings. Required. Each element is an age label.


Number (multiplier) or array of numbers (minimun, maximum). By default, the multiplier is 1.02 (increase the x-axis by 2%). An array (where the first element must be lower than the second and it will be ignored if it is different than zero) can also be used to set the range of the x-axis.

cmap properties

Choropleth map.

   title: "CMAP example with missing data", 
   geo: "Catalonia", 
   time: "2001",
   footer: "The source goes here.", 
   unit: {symbol: "%"},
   type: "cmap", 
   dec: 2,
   by: "com",
   data: [
      {id: "01", val: 85.50}, 
      {id: "02", val: 79.40}, 
      {id: "03", val: 80.91}, 
      {id: "04", val: 86.50}, 
      {id: "05", val: 83.01}, 
      {id: "06", val: 79.04}, 
      {id: "07", val: 82.74}, 
      {id: "08", val: 77.31}, 
      {id: "09", val: 86.48}, 
      {id: "10", val: 79.94}, 
      {id: "11", val: 65.79}, 
      {id: "12", val: 73.04}, 
      {id: "13", val: 70.35}, 
      {id: "14", val: 89.96}, 
      {id: "15", val: 84.79}, 
      {id: "16", val: 91.06}, 
      {id: "17", val: 75.31}, 
      {id: "18", val: 92.95}, 
      {id: "19", val: 89.95}, 
      {id: "20", val: 82.50}, 
      {id: "21", val: 77.03}, 
      {id: "22", val: 86.48}, 
      {id: "23", val: 90.73}, 
      {id: "24", val: 86.06}, 
      {id: "25", val: 88.94}, 
      {id: "26", val: 91.67}, 
      {id: "27", val: 88.38}, 
      {id: "28", val: 88.68}, 
      {id: "29", val: 92.49}, 
      {id: "30", val: 90.66}, 
      {id: "31", val: 88.24}, 
      {id: "32", val: 86.17}, 
      {id: "33", val: 83.71}, 
      {id: "34", val: 77.71}, 
      {id: "35", val: 90.53}, 
      {id: "36", val: 74.20}, 
      {id: "34", val: 91.87}, 
      {id: "38", val: 88.66}, 
      {id: "39", val: 77.98}, 
      {id: "40", val: 71.31}, 
      {id: "41", val: 75.56}

Examples: cmap.html, cmap-com.html, cmap-f0.html, cmap-f020.html, cmap-groups1.html, cmap-groups2.html


String. Time period.


Array of objects. Required. The array contains as many elements as map regions. Each element is an object with at least one property: the region id (string). In this case, a map will be created with the included regions highlighted. If val (number) is included, it will be used to automatically assign colors to regions, unless grouped has been specified. In that case, the group property (counter starting with 1) is required and will be used to assign colors, but val can still be specified if needed. If label (string) is included, it will be used to name the map regions; otherwise, the label in the map will be used.


Object with at least one property: label (array of strings). Each element in this array is a group label string (the first label will be attached to regions with a group property of 1 in data, and so on). A second property (color, array of strings) can be provided to assign a custom color to each group. Colors must be specified as three two-digit hexadecimal numbers, starting with a # sign (for example, "#000000" means black).


String. Required. Selects a certain map. Possible values ("mun", "com", "prov", etc.) are set in visual.setup.js.


Number or array. This determines the color assignment. When it is a number, it must be between 0 and 0.49. Default: 0.05, which means color assignment excludes values below the 5th percentile and above the 95th percentile. When it is an array, it defines a range: it has two and only two elements. The first (number) is a minimum and the second (number) is a maximum. Colors will be assigned between those values.


The following sample maps are provided:

  • Catalonia by municipalities, counties and provinces (3 maps)
  • Counties of Catalonia by municipalities (41 maps)
  • United States of America by states (1 map)

These are stored in the maps folder. The map maker allows you to preview these maps and fine-tune them.

A map is a UTF-8 Javascript file that adds a new property (the name of the map) to the object. The value of this new property is a Visual map object.

Visual map object

GeoJSON properties: features

Geographic information must be provided in the GeoJSON format: it must be a feature collection object (a GeoJSON object with the type "FeatureCollection"). Simply copy the features property of the GeoJSON object into the Visual map object.

Projection properties: projection, scale, center

projection (string) must be a valid D3 geo projection function name. scale is the projection scale (a number) and center is the projection center (a coordinate array).

projection: "mercator",
scale: 9000,
center: [1.74, 41.7],

If a projection does not support centering (for example, Albers USA), center is optional and, if present, will be ignored.

Visual does not currently support rotation.

Identification properties: id, label

Use id and label to specify the properties in features that contain the regions' identifiers and the regions' labels.

id: "STATE",
label: "NAME",

Canvas properties: area, legend

Use area to provide the size in pixels (width, height) of the canvas where your projection will be drawn. Use legend to specify the location in pixels (width, height) of the map legend in the canvas.

area: [500, 500],
legend: [280, 345],

These values will not determine the final size of your map (maps will scale to the available space): they are only important for determining the scale and center values.

Map setup

Maps must be declared in visual.setup.js. To include a new map, edit visual.setup.js and create a new property with the name of the map inside This name must match the name in (in the Javascript map file) and will be used in the by property. The value of this property must be an object with two properties: the address of the map (js) and an existence function (exists).

Once your map has been added to visual.setup.js, use the map maker to fine-tune it.

Public functions


This is the main function. It loads the data and, if the property show is true (default), draws the chart using VisualJS.chart. It only accepts one argument: a Visual Object or an array of Visual Objects.

VisualJS.load( {...} ); //Same as: visual( {...} );

This function is used in webpage mode.


This function does the actual drawing of the chart. It does not accept any argument.

VisualJS.chart( );

It will usually be invoked inside a callback function.

Examples: adv-01.html, adv-03.html.


In simple mode, this function is used to embed visualizations. It accepts two arguments: a Visual Object and a string (a CSS file address or CSS rules). If the Visual Object contains a callback property, it will be ignored.

VisualJS.iframe( {...} , "http://mydomain/path/iframe.css" );

Example: simple.html.

This function creates a comparison visualization (two charts side by side). It accepts one argument: an object with the following properties:


String. Text of title.


String. Text of footer.


Array of two Visual Objects (required).


String or array of two strings. The strings can be CSS file addresses or CSS rules. When two strings are provided, the first style is used in the left chart and the second one is used in the right chart.

Example: adv-04.html.


Visual uses the following libraries internally:

These libraries are only loaded when needed.

For convenience, they are included in the lib folder but you can use any location (for example, a CDN) in visual.setup.js.

Known limitations

D3 requires a modern browser (versions of Internet Explorer prior to 9 are not supported). Visual uses D3 only for choropleth maps (chart type: "cmap").

The non-stacked time series chart supports a maximum of three series. This is not a technical limitation but a visual one.

How to contribute

You are welcome to contribute to this project! Areas where your participation can be very useful are, for example:

  • Support for new chart types
  • Maps of your territory

To contribute, fork this repository, push changes to your personal fork and send a pull request.