- [TASK] move all dependencies into theme_t3kit ext. (93e75f6)
- [TASK] update docker conf for mac (c833fa9)
- [TASK] add extension pxa_form_enhancement (#130) (79f83d4)
- [TASK] Update pxa cookie bar (#129) (c112e51)
- [TASK] add mailhog/mailhog to docker and set TYPO3 to use it in Development/Docker context (#128) (1c84a21)
- [TASK] add custom pagets/setupts (926219e)
- [TASK] update TYPO3 -> 8.7.1, remove t3kit-extension-tools, add typo3-ter/dyncss-less (e958e14)
- [TASK] remove templates from fileadmin (5cb7128)
- [TASK] change remote url for dyncss/less ext. (t3kit -> kaystrobach) (956e78b)
- [TASK] update composer dependencies (c1949e9)
- [TASK] added realurl-404-multilingual to composer.json (#127) (e0e7d8e)
- [TASK] remove custom.js, relocate custom.css/less (a5b4856)
- [TASK] Replace usage of fork with real version of typo3-themes (#124) (2cab93f)
- [TASK] add docker sync config for mac users (46ee3bc)
- [TASK] update typo3 to v8.7 (9207528)
- [DOC] Reverse alias d to docker for public usage (#119) (7c28143)
- [TASK] add favicons (83f589c)
- [TASK] update dependencies: gridelements, dyncss-less(0.7.8), dyncss(0.8.0) (c896a87)
- [TASK] Add Solr to CircleCI (f83e836)
- [TASK] Make the build green for CicleCI (4f3bca8)
- [TASK] Add Solr container to t3kit (#111) (d382cde)
- [TASK] remove custom_content_elements (214701e)
- [TASK] Use git kaystrobach/TYPO3.dyncss instead of fork (#112) (4ec513c)
- [BUGFIX] Remove --no-dev from CircleCI (a7a2bbc)
- [TASK] Add updated config for CircleCI (51a2307)
- [BUGFIX] Fix broken CircleCI build (d4f0999)
- [TASK] Add ''docker ps'' to CircleCI (7a05696)
- [TASK] Update documentation and configuration for tests (08a150b)
- [TASK] integrate basic behat testing (#109) (8fccd9d)
- [BUGFIX] Fix broken tests (ad54ec9)
- [TASK] Another bash script test for CircleCI (7966d4d)
- [TASK] Add shell script support to CircleCI (493b0d9)
- [TASK] Another test with CircleCI (54358ec)
- [BUGFIX] Sett correct path to t3kit/db in CircleCI (9d5b479)
- [TASK] Add name to volume for CircleCI (43d14ea)
- [TASK] Add docker build to CircleCI (4a26042)
- [TASK] Add ''executor: docker'' to CircleCI (93919fc)
- [TASK] Add ''setup_docker_engine'' to CircleCI (09e12e2)
- [BUGFIX] Remove unnecessary docker-compose for CircleCI (87d47cc)
- [TASK] Add t3kit database installation to CircleCI (10e5797)
- [TASK] Add composer install to CircleCI build (7b16391)
- [BUGFIX] Add correct path to working directory to CircleCI (53f4e7a)
- [TASK] Add additional commands to CircleCI build (f34f991)
- [TASK] Add t3kit Docker image to CircleCI build (cfc23e8)
- [TASK] Add CircleCI v2 settings (#110) (a354663)
- [TASK] docker, move TYPO3 temp out of shared folders to improve speed (73a15a6)
- [DOC] add phpMyAdmin info to README file (f9ae8a5)
- [TASK] add t3kit_db as composer dependency (0dd35bd)
- [TASK] add more info into composer.json file (b8f5ef3)
- [TASK] add Development/Docker env. config (81584a2)
- [TASK] set correct owner to folders (www-data) (f768a6a)
- [TASK] remove symlinks (index.php, typo3, typo3_src) (5fd838b)
- [TASK] update .gitignore (6a2a2de)
- [TASK] remove git submodules (58556f6)
- [TASK] use t3kit/ubuntu16-php7-apache image (edb20dc)
- [TASK] add docker-compose configuration for t3kit (098f498)
- [TASK] add t3kit db (a00a2de)
- [TASK] add composer (eca09f0)
- [DOC] update README file for t3kit v8 (96d6c69)
- [TASK] Unify commit message documentation with TYPO3 coding standards (#84) (4bdafd2)
❗Breaking Changes:
- [!!!] [TASK] Replace cs_seo with seo_basics (ecc549e)
- [!!!] [TASK] Replace seo_basics with cs_seo (#121) (0069c1e)
- [TASK] remove typo3_console ext (3945602)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit 1.10.1 (13b354e)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit_bluemountain 1.1.0 (f5b93d6)
- [UPDATE] t3kit_extension_tools 1.2.0 (144383b)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit 1.10.0 (69dc81c)
- [TASK] Change origin for pxa_newsletter_subscription to be Github (#105) (508a6c0)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit_bluemountain, add HeroImage element (9a03ac8)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit, add HeroImage element (503eaea)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit -> update Social Icons el, add config for Guide ext, update news templ (fe2c4a0)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit_bluemountain, update required dependencies in composer (6cbfc28)
- [BUGFIX] Prevent warnings from DynCSS in production mode (#101) (189c69e)
- [UPDATE] t3kit_extension_tools, fixed post vars (70594a2)
- [UPDATE] TYPO3 to v7.6.15 (88b244e)
- [UPDATE] solr to v5.1.0 (48d896d)
- [UPDATE] news to v5.3.2 (fc000a5)
- [BUGFIX] fix realurl postVarSets for news date configuration (97d5b24)
- [UPDATE] realurl to v2.0.15 (9ed1128)
- [UPDATE] pxa_form_enhancement ot v1.0.1 (51cc71e)
- [UPDATE] go_maps_ext to v1.9.1 (0d2dcf2)
- [UPDATE] update static_info_tables to v6.3.10 (fe48bf6)
- [TASK] guide and url_forwarding ext active by default (265dbd1)
- [UPDATE] dyncss ext to v0.7.9 (99f2d8b)
- [UPDATE] themes ext to v7.0.3 (489adf3)
- [BUGFIX] not possible to change fixed post var configuration of realurl (#98) (64e2f60)
- [TASK] add url_forwarding, Guide and typo3_console(activated by default) to PackageStates (ed48d24)
- [TASK] add guide extension as a submodule (06575d0)
- [BUGFIX] Add missing typo3_console base commmand script (#103) (0561ce4)
- [FEATURE] Add guide ext for first configuration tour in theme module (#102) (b89fb9c)
- [FEATURE] Add url_forwarding extension for editor redirect solution (Feature_62) (#99) (7fb895c)
- [FEATURE] Add typo3-console extension to T3kit (podio feature_55) (#100) (5bcdc26)
- [TASK] return TYPO3 logo as a backend login logo in t3kit (576ca10)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit_bluemountain 1.0.0 (14f8a6e)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit 1.9.0 (c525593)
- [UPDATE] t3kit_extension_tools 1.1.0 (cd9d8b8)
- [FIX] fix theme-t3kit-bluemountain composerName (3d35536)
- [FEATURE] add cookie_bar submodule, activate it (Podio feature_56) (#97) (1783149)
- [UPDATE] news v4.1.0 (c181de8)
- [BUGFIX] English should be default locale (Podio bug_58) (2e735fd)
- [BUGFIX] Fix check for dyncss settings (e06a6ee)
❗Breaking Changes:
- [!!!] [TASK] Remove realurl language mapping for ukrainian and romanian (Podio bug_65) (5da0ec6)
- [!!!] [FIX] fix bug connected with old realurl hook (#88) (83b694b)
- [!!!] [FEATURE] change backend login logo and background (Podio feature_67) (#90) (5123a44)
- [!!!] [UPDATE] Change remote on News (#87) (9e678ea)
- [FIX] realurl config for rootpage_id (a338db9)
- [UPDATE] t3kit_extension_tools 1.0.3 (9dfe87e)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit_bluemountain 0.5.0 (c2b1efd)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit 1.8.0 (f499af9)
- [TASK] Update realurl_404_multilingual remote repo and to version 1.0.7 (84a824b)
- [BUGFIX] removed trusted hosts pattern that got into localhost by accident (e5a0af4)
- [BUGFIX] Fix indentation (e8f5a99)
- [BUGFIX] Disable debug mode for DynCSS in Production context (00d0b0c)
❗Breaking Changes:
- [!!!] [TASK] TYPO3 upgraded to from 7.6.9 to 7.6.11 (#85) (19e6894)
- [!!!] [UPDATE] Update the submodule pointer for pxa_newsletter_subscription (01b696b)
- [!!!] [UPDATE] Update the submodule pointer for pxa_newsletter_subscription (7d01dd7)
- [!!!] [BUGFIX] Language menu wrong linking Realurl upgrade from 1.13 to 2.0. Need to drop table tx_realurl_pathcache and then update the database (41029f4)
- [!!!] [BUGFIX] Language menu wrong linking Realurl upgrade from 1.13 to 2.0. Need to drop table tx_realurl_pathcache and then update the database (985f097)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit_bluemountain 0.4.0 (b9280dc)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit 1.7.0 (9ceafb3)
- [UPDATE] t3kit_extension_tools 1.0.2 (265ca88)
- [UPDATE] dyncss_less 0.7.7 (f5928fa)
- [DOC] update README file (10f21f8)
- [DOC] add new contributing guide (3b5e90d)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit_bluemountain 0.3.0 (843b054)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit 1.6.0 (3d24ab4)
- [UPDATE] t3kit_extension_tools 1.0.1 (385f66e)
- [FEATURE] extend TYPO3 standart form with new validator and recaptcha field (#73) (2457e94)
- [DOC] add license file (Podio feature_24) (dde80d3)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit 1.5.0 (a8f6964)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit_bluemountain 0.2.0 (f9298c4)
- [UPDATE] t3kit_extension_tools 1.0.0 (04aacac)
- [STYLE] Fix PHPCGL issues and improve readability of the code (0dd1505)
- [FEATURE] added production context in AdditionalConfiguration (7993da3)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit 1.4.1 (48384e9)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit_bluemountain 0.1.1 (7e9626f)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit 1.4.0 (4d14063)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit 1.3.1 (ea241a4)
- [UPDATE] TYPO3 7.6.9 (3e8ccd1)
- [UPDATE] TYPO3 7.6.8 (7dad0ac)
- [FEATURE] add new TYPO3 Theme Blue Mountain 0.0.1 alpha (93d5a8c)
- [UPDATE] TYPO3 7.6.7 (6f8473d)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit 1.2.0 (7a3f78a)
- [UPDATE] t3kit_extension_tools 0.0.3 (3df17ba)
- [DOC] delete unneeded info from README file (dbc5673)
- [CHORE] add new environments for TYPO3 context (519785a)
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit, disable lang menu by default
- [REFACTOR] change GraphicsMagick to ImageMagick
- [UPDATE] add Swedish lang
- [FIX] change composerName for t3kit-extension-tools
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit, remove extra greater than sign
- [UPDATE] t3kit_extension_tools, add composer.json for needed dependencies
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit, add item states for pages that have subpages
- [UPDATE] theme_t3kit, rename constant labels
- t3kit 7.1.0 Stable