The goal of this project was to recode fonction ls.
On this project i tried to optimise speed and do the most generic structure for adding lot of option easily. The principal difference of lot's of option are impact of order's display so i choose to used binary tree because when new element comming he was directly sorted like i want.
- creation of Binary tree fonction with pointer of function for the if who determinated if the new element are the left or right son.
- Use bit fields for saving flags than user ask me. Using this system is for me the worst because i can stock 8 boolean in int...
** My final graduate on this project is 107/100 **
Cause of extra points : Powerfull of binary tree fonction and speed of my project (most speedy than real ls because i have less option)
-R | Recursively list subdirectories encountered |
-a | Include directory entries whose names begin with a dot (.) |
-l | List in long format |
-r | Reverse the order of the sort to get reverse lexicographical order or the oldest entries first (or largest files last, if combined with sort by size) |
-S | Sort files by size |
-t | Sort by time modified (most recently modified first) before sorting the operands by lexicographical order |
-u | Use time of last access, instead of last modification of the file for sorting (-t) or long printing (-l) |
-U | Use time of file creation, instead of last modification for sorting (-t) or long output (-l) |