Sprint in (openSprints()) AND "Story Points" is EMPTY AND assignee = currentUser()
Sprint in (futureSprints()) AND "Story Points" is EMPTY AND assignee = currentUser()
status changed to done after -1d AND project in (projectsLeadByUser())
created >= -1d AND project in (projectsLeadByUser()) ORDER BY sprint ASC, created DESC
summary ~ currentUser() OR
description ~ currentUser() OR
comment ~ currentUser()
status not in (Done, Deployed, Resolved, Closed) AND
updatedDate >= -7d
ORDER BY lastViewed ASC
status not in (Done, Deployed, Resolved, Closed, "Ready for Production") OR
updatedDate >= -7d
assignee in (currentUser())
OR project = "Jason Scanzoni Tasks"
OR (
summary ~ currentUser()
OR description ~ currentUser()
OR comment ~ currentUser()
status not in (Done, Deployed, Resolved, Closed) AND
updatedDate >= -7d AND
Sprint in (openSprints())
sprint not in closedSprints() OR
sprint is EMPTY
issuetype != Epic AND
"Deployment Status" != "Ready for Production" OR
"Deployment Status" is EMPTY
ORDER BY duedate ASC, priority DESC, updated ASC, createdDate ASC