Thanks for your interest in my softball management web app! This project doesn't have a real name yet, so for the purposes of copyright and what-not, I'll just call it Team Manager.
Author: Mark Ross
Contact: [email protected]
License: GNU AGPLv3 (see COPYING)
Project hosted at:
- PHP >= 5.5 (or PHP >= 5.3.7 if you install the password compatibility library
- just drop the lib/password.php file from that project in the lib/ directory
- MariaDB/MySQL (MySQL is currently used in development)
- a web server and whatever necessary PHP module
- enable mysqli in php.ini
- Create a database and a user with all privileges on that database.
- Copy config/local-config.php.example to config/local-config.php and change the DB credentials to the ones you just configured.
- Run db/create.sql (from DB shell or PHPMyAdmin) to install necessary tables.
- Run db/populate-sample.sql if only testing sample data.
- You should be live now.