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Reducing cost of queries on BigQuery

The pricing model of BigQuery is based on the total data processed in the columns selected by each query regardless of filtering criteria specified by WHERE or LIMIT conditions. For example, if you want to process only variants of chromosome 1 in a table containing entire genome variants, you would write a query like:

FROM imported_table
WHERE reference_name = 'chr1' AND ...

In this example BigQuery processes all variants even though the query is limited to the variants on chromosome 1. This query will cost the entire size of the columns being accessed in the SELECT clause, regardless of the WHERE clause. This extra cost can add up to a significant amount, specially if a few hot spots in the genome are being queried regularly.

We are offering three solutions for situations like this: one solution is using BigQuery clustering, another solution is using Variant Transforms' native partitioning, and a third hybrid solution.

Solution 1: BigQuery clustering

BigQuery clustering is a technique for automatically organizing a table based on the contents of one or more columns in the table’s schema. Clustered columns are used to colocate related data. More specifically, BigQuery sorts the data based on the values of the clustered columns and organizes the data into multiple blocks in BigQuery storage.

Clustering can improve the performance of certain types of queries such as queries that use filter clauses and queries that aggregate data of clustered columns. When you submit such a query, BigQuery uses the sorted blocks to eliminate scans of unnecessary data. Similarly, performance of aggregation queries is improved because the sorted blocks colocate rows with similar values. For more information about clustering please refer to this blog post.

As a concrete example, consider the following query which is finding all variants in BRCA1 gene in a table that contains all 1000 genomes variants:

SELECT * from `1000genomes`
WHERE reference_name = '17'
  AND start_position >= 41197694
  AND end_position <= 41276113

Running this query will process the entire table, which is 5.37 TB. Running the same query on a clustered table (based on 3 columns: reference_name, start_position, end_position) will process only 551.09 MB. In terms of actual price (as of today BigQuery costs $5 per TB), we are looking at reduction from $26.85 to $0.0026. You may try this out in the publicly hosted 1000 genomes table on GCP.

Create a clustered variants table

For quick reference, you can cluster your table using a query like this:

CREATE TABLE `clustered_table`
PARTITION BY partition_date_please_ignore
CLUSTER BY reference_name, start_position, end_position AS (
  SELECT *, DATE('1980-01-01') partition_date_please_ignore
  FROM `original_table`

Since clustering currently is only supported for partitioned tables, in this query first we add a dummy DATE column to our table. By Partitioning table using this DATE column, we are able to cluster it based on the values of reference_name, start_position, end_position columns.

Copying field descriptions from original table

Variant Transforms will set column descriptions in the BigQuery table created by vcf_to_bq. To copy those column descriptions to your new clustered table, save the following shell script, set the ORIGINAL_TABLE and CLUSTERED_TABLE values appropriately, and run the script:


set -o errexit
set -o nounset

readonly ORIGINAL_TABLE=<project>:<dataset>.<original_table>
readonly CLUSTERED_TABLE=<project>:<dataset>.<clustered_table>

readonly TMP_SCHEMA_FILE=/tmp/schema.txt

# Get the schema from the original table
bq show --schema --format=json "${ORIGINAL_TABLE}" > "${TMP_SCHEMA_FILE}"

# Add the dummy date field to the end of the schema file
sed -i \
 -e 's#] *$#,{"description":"","type":"DATE","name":"partition_date_please_ignore", "mode":"NULLABLE", "description": "This field is used for BigQuery clustering and contains no useful information"}]#' \

# Update the clustered table


Clustering can be very effective in reducing the cost of queries, however, it has a few limitations:

  • Clustering does not offer any guarantees on the cost (it's a best effort reduction).
  • It needs a one time clustering step which can take a few hours for large datasets.
  • If you append data to an existing clustered table it will become partially sorted. So you need to regularly re-cluster your table.

Solution 2: Partitioning output table

The second solution for reducing the cost of queries is to use Variant Transforms' native partitioning. Variant transforms is able to split the output table into several smaller tables, each containing variants of a specific region of a genome. For example, you can have one output table per chromosome, in that case the above query can be written as:

SELECT * from `1000genomes_chr17`
WHERE start_position >= 41197694
  AND end_position <= 41276113

Note that condition on the reference_name is removed since we know this table, as its name suggests, only contains the variants of 17th chromosome.

By splitting output tables based on the reference_name you are guaranteed that per-chromosome queries will only process variants of the chromosome under study. Also, appending new rows to existing tables does not impact this guarantee on the cost, unlike the BigQuery clustering solution.

This solution has some limitations comparing to clustering. For example, you will be charged for processing of a whole chromosome's table even if only a small region is being processed. As an example, the previous query, will cost 152 GB or $0.74. This is significantly less than the original cost without partitioning but it's more than clustering cost.

You could define your partitions to be more fine grained and have multiple tables per chromosome. However, you need to anticipate how your future queries are going to be in order to optimize your output partitions. Since in many use cases it not obvious to anticipate future queries, we offer the third solution as the most practical and cost effective solution.

Solution 3: Hybrid Solution

This solution combines two previous solutions to offer the benefits of both. Using the Variant Transforms' native partitioning, the output table will be split into several smaller tables (perhaps one table per chromosome) and then each table will be clustered based on the start_position, end_position columns to further optimize them for running queries.

Using this technique the BRCA1 query will cost 226 MB or $0.0011 which is more than half of the clustering cost. In our experiments, we found that the most effective way to reduce query cost, especially for point lookup queries, is this hybrid solution.

If you append new rows to your clustered table and your table gradually becomes partially sorted, you still have a strict guarantee that your query cost will be limited to the size of the partitioned table ($0.74 in this case). Also, partitioning output table into several smaller tables reduces the initial clustering time significantly.

In the following section we will explain how you could use Variant Transforms to easily partition your output table to minimize the cost of your queries.

Partition Config files

Solution #2 or #3 require a partition config file to specify the output tables. The config file is set using the --partition_config_path flag and is formatted as a YAML file with a straight forward structure. Here you can find a config file that splits output table into 25 tables, one per chromosome plus an extra residual partition. We recommend using this config file as default for human samples by adding: --partition_config_path gcp_variant_transforms/data/partition_configs/homo_sapiens_default.yaml flag to your variant transforms command. Here is a snippet of that file:

-  partition:
     partition_name: "chr1"
       - "chr1"
       - "1"

This defines a partition, named chr1, that will include all variants whose reference_name is equal to chr1 or 1. Note that the reference_name string is case-insensitive, so if your variants have Chr1 or CHR1 they will all be matched to this partition.

The final output table name for this partition will have _chr1 suffix. More precisely, if --output_table my-project:my_dataset.my_table is set, then the output table for chromosome 1 variants will be available at my-project:my_dataset.my_table_chr1. Note that you can use any string as suffix for your table names. Here, for simplicity, we used the same string (chr1) for both reference_name matching and table name suffix.

As we mentioned earlier, partitioning can be done at a more fine grained level and does not have to be limited to chromosomes. For example, the following config defines two partitions that contain variants of chromosome X:

-  partition:
     partition_name: "chrX_part1"
       - "chrX:0-100,000,000"
-  partition:
     partition_name: "chrX_part2"
       - "chrX:100,000,000-999,999,999"

If the start position of a variant on chromosome X is less than 100,000,000 it will be assigned to chrX_part1 table otherwise it will be assigned to chrX_part2 table.

Residual Partition

All partitions defined in a config file follow the same principal, variants will be assigned to them based on their defined regions. The only exception is the residual partition, this partition acts as default partition meaning that all variants that were not assigned to any partition will end up in this partition. For example consider the following config file:

-  partition:
     partition_name: "first_50M"
       - "chr1:0-50,000,000"
       - "chr2:0-50,000,000"
       - "chr3:0-50,000,000"
-  partition:
     partition_name: "second_50M"
       - "chr1:50,000,000-100,000,000"
       - "chr2:50,000,000-100,000,000"
       - "chr3:50,000,000-100,000,000"
-  partition:
     partition_name: "all_remaining"
       - "residual"

This config file splits all the variants into 3 tables:

  • first_50M: all variants of chr1, chr2, and chr3 whose start position is < 50M
  • second_50M: all variants of chr1, chr2, and chr3 whose start position is >= 50M and < 100M
  • all_remaining: all remaining variants. This includes:
    • All variants of chr1, chr2, and chr3 with start position >= 100M
    • All variants of other chromosomes.

Using the residual partition you can make sure your output tables will include all input variants. However, if in your analysis you don't need the residual variants, you can simply remove the last partition from your config file. In the case of previous example, you will have only 2 tables as output and variants that did not match to those two partitions will be dropped from the final output.

This feature can be used more broadly for filtering out unwanted variants from the output tables. Filtering reduces the cost of running Variant Transforms as well as the cost of running queries on the output tables.